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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 1 minute ago, Hutch68 said:

    A fair one I think, some of the cheaper ones don't cut as good, the 200 baht ones cut well.

    I'm also in hospital with little to do so why not?

    So, you tried both and decided the 200 Baht is better.  You've answered your own question. 



  2. 22 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    When you have had enough, enough is enough, I bailed at 55 and will never return to the working rat race, although you give some good advise, but everyone has a breaking point.


    Of course, we don't know that much about the guy but it's not unheard of for people to go a little bonkers if they come into a financial windfall.  This guy's savings and the inheritance total 16m Baht.  Perhaps this is the most money he's ever had, or dreamed of having, all at one time, and that can be intoxicating and lead to poor decisions.  All I, others and even the OP, are suggesting is he sit tight, let the, "OMG I'm rich!!!" moment pass, then approach this rationally.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Razzler1973 said:


    I visit Koh Chang during low season many many times


    Sometimes weather is awesome but other times, as you say, very choppy and rough waves so I just don't go in. They do put these red flags on the beach advising people to not go into the sea IIRC


    How far out do you need to be to get affected by riptides and stuff?

    Common rips are water flowing from the beach outward.  They are of variable strength and width. 


    Lots of vids and aerial photos on Google, illustrating how rips form and move.  Here's an good one, doesn't look too bad but the purple dye in the water demonstrates the water's flow away from the beach.   


  4. I would advise him to calm down, get some perspective and ideally, invest it wisely and keep working while he thinks this through a bit more.  


    Does he have a house or other high value asset he would sell up or rent out?   With interest/dividends from the principle amount and potential rental income or, in the case of outright sale, that cash added to the principle amount to generate more passive income, that would provide a bit more breathing room and piece of mind.  Next boost down the road would be qualifying for a state pension to buffer reliance on the income producing assets.   I rather like the idea of keeping the house initially (if he's got one) and renting it out.  He could get here and later decide Thailand's not a good fit for him long term. 


    Probably not what he wants to hear, but that's often the case when advice runs counter to emotions. 

  5. 1 hour ago, djayz said:

    I've been living just outside Korat for the past 3-4 years and am happier here than I've ever been anywhere else. I've lived in a few different countries, mainly Western Europe, but was never truly "content". I've gladly adapted to Thailand/Isan and don't miss too much about my life in Europe. As others have pointed out, as soon as you learn to adapt to your new environment, then it becomes much easier to live here. 

    I love the climate and most of the food, the sense of freedom and the general "live and let live" attitude.

    That having been said, it's not every man's cup of tee. Some people simply cannot change or feel happy living away from the familiar surroundings. 

    I honestly don't know if I could ever be this content back in Europe. 

    Me too, but I've been enjoying my trips back to the world more and more, but at the same time, the trips help me appreciate the little things I do enjoy about living here. 


    We are sat on 1.5 rai, no other houses right up next to us,  trees and blue sky in view no matter which window or door I look out.  If I could drag the ocean up here, I (might) not ever leave!   Not a bad little town I suppose, Tesco Express, plenty of shops, markets, ATMs, good enough for day to day life.  We head into the city a couple times a week for shopping and goofing around with a small, relatively cohesive portion of the farang social network.   I would like to live closer but over time, I've gotten a bit spoiled with the extra elbow room this place affords, and having seen a few instances of farang back biting in town, usually over some petty nonsense.....we're good right here.  For now.

  6. We live a few hours drive NE of BKK the past 3 1/2 years we've been in Thailand full time.   The shine has definitely worn off, exacerbated by living so far from the ocean, which has always been a significant part of my life until now.  So I'm not "happy" here, Thailand doesn't interest me anymore, but it's ok for now.  Wife has lived outside Thailand with me for several years, she definitely isn't happy up here and would probably run me over getting to the airport leaving this country altogether.  But, life is on hold as we (me) are financially fit to stay and take care of her aged Mom, 86, while all the siblings are still slogging it out down in BKK.  We get back to the US once a year, for 1 or 2 months at a time, and that helps keep us happy and sane. 


    When the wife's Mom eventually moves on, so will we. Very possible we will wind up in San Diego area.   We went to explore Florida this year for a month.  It's ok but San Diego is my home ocean.  Maybe one day when I'm too old to be humping up and down Pacific swells out in the boat, move back to Thailand to die, and get burned up in the big pizza oven out back.  :lol:

  7. 2 hours ago, Pinot said:


    Minute, nanoscale, infinitesimally diminutive hands.


    He also screws people who work for him. Sues everybody and anybody at the drop of a hat. He's a throughly terrible person who has left a wake of bodies in his path. 


    All that would be irrelevent except that it indicates what an a$$%*!@ he is.  He does not have one single positive idea for his supporters to get around. He has built his entire candidacy on a foundation of destruction, not building a positive movement around policy.


    Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet...


    Get out now, women and children first. (Oh yeah, there aren't any, just the old bitter white guys) 

    Talk about bitter white guys..... you take the cake.

  8. 15 minutes ago, djjamie said:

    Hang on. Read my post again.


    I think she is telling the truth. She has no reason not to. I suggested...."This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!"


    I don't think I could have said it any simpler!


    I however respect your view point so will not make condescending comments about "parallel universes" to belittle you.


    Have a great evening my friend.

    In other words, you are as tone deaf as the Chamber of Commerce guy (in a related thread), the bobble head Minster of Tourism and the Thai police who claim everything is back to normal after 2 days of well coordinated bomb attacks for which the suspects are still at large.   Yeah, let's argue about money and tourism data.  

  9. 2 hours ago, djjamie said:


    Ummm, the article is referring to the director of the Economic and Business Forecasting Centre of the University of Thai Chamber of Commerce.


    The subject is appropriate to the role this person plays and I certainly hope he is concerned about the economy and business. i.e. money.


    It is like interviewing a kindergarten teacher with the comments stating "All they are concerned about is the kids!!!


    Have a great afternoon my friend.

    I believe the comment was more about appropriate timing, not if he's the appropriate person to comment.


    Tears of grief are still falling, the bodies probably haven't even been burned yet..... but here comes the guy to tell us sales of noodles and monkey balls are unaffected, or the ding dong from Tourism and Sports Ministry, with her proclamations and predictions.

  10. 1 minute ago, Neurath said:

    They are astonishing small. There's an imprint of them on the wall of museum of some sort in New York. Smaller than the hands of a 90 pound women. I reckon there's some sort of developmental abnormality. I don't like to politically correct about these things so I feel fine saying that he seems to be deformed. I wonder if his mother took thaldomide. And please, let's not have the PC police rain down upon me. They're small, abnormally small. Nothing wrong with saying it. Just telling it like it is. Donald would thank me.

    Wasn't it Little Marco Rubio who made this observation first?

  11. 51 minutes ago, djjamie said:

    "She said out 14 bookings for this weekend, 5 had cancelled, while 3 others had simply not checked in and 2 other bookings had arrived on Saturday morning, a day later than planned"


    Goodness me. This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!


    I would not be so quick to say don't be scared. I understand they have a job to do in creating calm, but I would certainly still be on edge at the moment.

    You are the first post in the thread.  Nobody said a thing about tourist numbers.  


    Are you suggesting the female hotelier quoted in the article, is lying about the current state of her bookings?  


    Best you return to your parallel universe and argue with your imaginary friends.

  12. 5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Do Trump's staffers know Trump's record on not paying workers?  ....particularly their final payments on jobs done?


    Do they think Trump will pay them their final paychecks in November, when the poll numbers show The Divider has soundly lost?   If they believe that, then they'll believe Bernie Madoff gives great investment advice.

    Golly gee, for a moment there, I thought you were going to mention his tiny hands.  Yawn.

  13. I was wondering WHY he was getting flagged and read elsewhere there's a guy with the same name who had been flagged and that's why this Shah is getting netted at ports of entry. 


    Apparently this other guy has been found and removed from "the list" but with inter-agency  bureaucracy and computer cock ups, not surprised this happened again or by the DoS' apology.   If there's a flag, low level front line border officers don't question it.  You get sent to secondary and the officer calls the next traveler up in order to keep the line moving. 


  14. 4 minutes ago, phycokiller said:

    amazing that the drug enforcement agency also gets to make the drug laws. no surprise that it doesnt want to put itself out of business

    I was thinking the very same thing, then did some reading on the somewhat convoluted process of drug scheduling and turns out they are the group to petition for a change, Health and Human Services (HHS), etc.....  They can't change the law of course, but internally set policy within the legal framework. 

  15. 1 minute ago, thunder18 said:

    Yeah, that will be more "definitive".


    Well... "I am prospecting with my beloved metal detector in a publically opened place. Wud u pls step back from my path - detectors require some free space to be winged at, thx..." :)


    Nothing cynical here. There are lots of Somchais among BIBs, as most of'em are poor/coming from Isaan/etc - just like the most of taxi drivers or waitress - where Somchai is a very common and widely used name. I am simply calling a cat as "a cat" - not to offend anyone or smthn.


    I heard many things here and there.

    Most interesting part will start if/once u got lucky and indeed found something more valuable than a rusty beer bottle's cap, but unluckily be seen/followed/monitored by locals at this your great minute. :)

    Yep, those poor Somchais from Issan have got you frozen with fear. 

  16. But go where?  If you listen to the media, the UK is in a second, post empire melt down.  The United States is overrun with illegal immigrants, rogue, trigger happy police officers, gun toting red necks all over the place and racist blacks looking for some pay back. And OMG, the MUSLIMS!  :crazy:


    Thailand is still way behind the rest of the "civilised world" mentioned above, so in reality, you're better off here.  Was that the reason behind coming here in the first place?


     There's always up and coming Cambodia, which is said to be 20 years behind Thailand.  Might as well go grab a piece of dirt road heaven before it's too late. 

  17. 1 minute ago, thunder18 said:

    Metal detectors (themselves) are allowed in Thailand.

    Prospecting with metal detectors in public areas (by the general law, not by any of the local "agreements" with Somchais in brown) - I am not sure, so here my thread goes.

    Just seems the overwhelming evidence is that is legal or, better yet, not "illegal".  


    Only my opinion of course, but my sense is it wouldn't be "normal' in national parks and historical sites, so you would likely be viewed as an oddity,  and that could result in staff or someone in a uniform of some sort, approaching and asking what the hell you are doing.  I personally think it would be a bit disrespectful at historical sites and other places like temples, etc. 


    Suppose you could wait around for an answer to your unusual, very specific question.  Or just go do it and report back the results for the benefit of others.  You sound rather cynical about Thais and Thailand, BiB "Somchais", et al, but really, what's the worst that could happen? 

  18. 2 minutes ago, thunder18 said:

    Ebay, Amazon, Newegg.....pick your favorite one. Fedex/UPS/TNT are able to deliver that to you in 3 days.

    I don't know about the law, or lack of one here about it.  Curious, I just typed, "metal detectors legal in Thailand?" into my Google search box.  A quick sampling of the truncated results seemed to indicate no problems.  >Google Results Page<


    Surprised to find there's even a metal detector enthusiast forum. 


  19. No problems in Korat.  It helps if you have a basic idea of what's going on and what you need to do. I have observed a few of the I/Os there get a little testy with lost newbies but, generally, they seem to take a deep breath, exhale, and get the person sorted out. 


    I got a dose of stupid the last time we arrived at LAX, wife and I got separated and man,  those Customs/Border officers were large type a**holes.  Finally brought the wife down after 1 hour, she was in tears. 

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