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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. They would say that, dude, but you're running from the FACT that trump didn't rule it out.

    Has any nominee of any major party ever done that before? He's bizarre. He's a CLOWN. Don't be surprised that many credible people question his motives of running in the first place.

    We know Clinton's motives.They are NORMAL if not saintly. trump is basically from outer space. He's got the NIHILIST vote sewn up.

    Why would he? It's a stupid question. I would probably smile coyly as well because the person asking is just trolling. Not surprised it's a NYT article, glommed onto by excitable drama queens. coffee1.gif

  2. Just when you thought the trump for president CLOWN SHOW couldn't possibly get any more BIZARRE.

    Then, it does:

    Would Donald Trump Quit if He Wins the Election? He Doesn’t Rule It Out


    Told of Mr. Trump’s noncommittal comment, Stuart Stevens, a senior adviser to Mitt Romney in 2012 who has become one of Mr. Trump’s most vocal critics, said that Mr. Trump was “a con man who is shocked his con hasn’t been called” and that he was looking for an emergency exit.

    “He has no sense of how to govern,” Mr. Stevens said. “He can’t even put together a campaign.”


    An even better cherry picked quote:

    "Mr. Trump’s campaign and his supporters dismiss the talk as the fantasizing of frightened liberals or frustrated establishment figures."

  3. The FBI Director is operating above his scope of authority. It's not his job to interpret the law and decide whether a case is referred to prosecution of not, or pontificate and debate at National press conferences about same.

    His job is to forward the facts and findings his investigators compiled, to the AG for disposition.

    And if you think the 30 minute meeting between Bill Clinton and AG Lynch with SS and FBI security agents running around like the Gestapo preventing photo from being taken isn't suspect, then you probably believe in the tooth fairy, and that the moon is made of cheese.

    No, this thing isn't going to die and it shouldn't. This is just one more example of Hillary's flawed character, bad judgement and cavalier attitude being swept under the rug. Clinton supporters are willing to ignore all this, yet ridicule Trump supporters for doing the same.

  4. No ATM charge if you get cash over the counter inside the bank. That includes mall banks.

    Very rare that banks do this these days, what debit card do you have? when was the last time you did this? tried a few times with my UK debit cards, always a NO

    Maybe I am wrong, we need more imput from anyone thats been successful, but doubtful

    When AEON started charging an ATM fee, I gave Over The Counter withdraw a try using my (USA) Schwab Bank Visa debit card inside my home branch of Bangkok Bank. They agreed, and I did 2 OTCs each month until very recently, when I shifted over to internet ACH transfers via BB's New York branch.

  5. Hillary should of known and this goes to why some, including Bernie, say she lacks good judgment, backed by a sense of cavalier aloofness. That the normal, sometimes irritating and obstructive rules, don't apply. And if they ever did, a high position should insulate you from a terminal outcome.

    I've seen, on one occasion, a Confidential message attached to an email on the Unclass IT system - this was DoD, not DoS. It was an officer that did it. He didn't get fired, but he had his clearance revoked, which in his line of work, is pretty much the same thing. It wasn't long after that incident that all Unclass computers on the base had their USB and CD-ROMs disabled to further prevent data mobility and cross contamination.

    Those who are "read in' with security clearances, have an understanding of protocols. I only had a Secret clearance but on a few occasions, I've been engaged in discussion via Unclass email and/or on a land line or cell phone when both I, and the other end, agreed we were drifting into sensitive info, and we arranged to continue via SIPRnet or a secure/encrypted telephone. It's a pain......but you have to pay attention and, moreover, give a s**t about it in the first place. If nothing else, knowing you're putting your job, and reputation, at risk by thumbing your nose at the most basic of principles of being a trusted agent of the United States of America.

    As someone who also had a very high security clearance and has signed 'that document' we both know that she knew. When you 'play' at that level, it is made very very clear to you what is not acceptable and that any breach (deliberate or not) will be punished - the standards phraes that we are all drummed about are:

    "people dont need to know what they dont need to know and are not cleared to know" and "if in doubt ....... DONT - always check".

    Crooked Hillary deliberately used her own email service instead of the official, and more secure, State Department service. This was not an occasional, incidental use but a very deliberate scheme to make sure that her emails weren’t available later under the open records FOIA laws of America. Crooked Hillary suspended the position of the Inspector General while she was Secretary (this is the person who investigates security breaches within the Department).

    Crooked Hillary IS CORRUPT.

    Crooked Hillary knows how to get away with being CORRUPT when caught.

    Yeah. Right. You played at that level. Even if your unsubstantiated boast were true, then you and a select little group of 5.1 million other Americans were also in your sandbox. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2014/03/24/5-1-million-americans-have-security-clearances-thats-more-than-the-entire-population-of-norway/

    The national security industry. Couldn't exist without anal retentive types producing security protocols to ensure they and other dysfunctional non-thinkers remain employed.

    No prosecution against HRC. Her actions were deemed to be not criminal. Deal with it. Before your head explodes.

    I agree with the premise about over-classification, which of course drives the need for all those security clearances.

    Having said that, what those 5.1m people with clearances think, is irrelevant.

    If people with clearances just said to hell with this rule or that protocol, because they feel it's unnecessary, over-reaching, or (mostly) inconvenient, then we would have even bigger problems.

    This is precisely what Hillary Clinton did. No matter what you think of her, this represents another X in the box confirming her defective character.

  6. Hillary should of known and this goes to why some, including Bernie, say she lacks good judgment, backed by a sense of cavalier aloofness. That the normal, sometimes irritating and obstructive rules, don't apply. And if they ever did, a high position should insulate you from a terminal outcome.

    I've seen, on one occasion, a Confidential message attached to an email on the Unclass IT system - this was DoD, not DoS. It was an officer that did it. He didn't get fired, but he had his clearance revoked, which in his line of work, is pretty much the same thing. It wasn't long after that incident that all Unclass computers on the base had their USB and CD-ROMs disabled to further prevent data mobility and cross contamination.

    Those who are "read in' with security clearances, have an understanding of protocols. I only had a Secret clearance but on a few occasions, I've been engaged in discussion via Unclass email and/or on a land line or cell phone when both I, and the other end, agreed we were drifting into sensitive info, and we arranged to continue via SIPRnet or a secure/encrypted telephone. It's a pain......but you have to pay attention and, moreover, give a s**t about it in the first place. If nothing else, knowing you're putting your job, and reputation, at risk by thumbing your nose at the most basic of principles of being a trusted agent of the United States of America.

  7. In bkk bank you can "link" you credit card to your current/savings account and then you can withdraw 50,000 per day without fees because it isn't credit, it's money from your own account...

    This means if you don't want to carry multiple cards you can just carry the credit card and use it like a debit card without penalty


    "Carry fewer cards access your savings/current account

    Withdraw up to 50,000Bt per day in cash from your savings or current account. You can also use your Visa Platinum credit card to check your account balance free of charge at Bualuang ATMs. To activate this ATM feature, simply bring to any Bangkok Bank branch your credit card, the passbook of the account you wish to link to your card, and your ID card and complete a service application form."

    Thanks for the link, can't recall ever seeing a credit card enabled to w/d cash from a bank account. That's pretty neat!

  8. Visited my BKB branch yesterday with my Mrs in tow who I had witness the last failed ATM transaction so she could better explain what was going on, in Thai. The 3 bank employees who got involved would not believe what I/we were saying. One kid wanted to walk me to a nearby KTB ATM to try the Union Pay card. No idea what he was on about. Problem was with 5 of the 7 Bangkok Bank ATMs I routinely use, didn't work with the Union Pay card, on multiple occasions and all in the same way. After 10 minutes of this gaggle babbling in circles, I could see even wife was getting annoyed, so I finally held up my hand to the group. STOP!

    1. The card doesn't work properly.

    2. I no longer care why, or if you believe it or not.

    3. I want a new, different card.

    4. End of discussion////

    He showed me a marketing pamphlet with the 3 kinds of cards on offer, including the blue color chipped Be1st Visa logo debit card, which is what I had before the Union Pay card. "Ok, I'll have THAT one again." "Mai mee. No hab."

    So I got one of the "Rabbit" cards, Visa logo so happy with that. They had me program a 6 digit pin but 3 attempts failed to take, so my wife tried the same, didn't work. The lady then suggested we try a 4 digit pin, which worked first time, and we finally walked out of there 1 hour 15 minutes later.

  9. gdaya folks,


    im on extension of stay based on marriage, had my lh bank savings account set up last year, providing passport and residence certificate issued by the pattaya immigration, no tax is being withheld, interest twice annually paid 30.6, 31.12......

    fixed deposit 3 years 2 % min thb 10.000 however taxable.



    Thanks, Roobaa, probably head to the Mall and pay them a visit today. Maybe divide the deposit amount over 3 accounts so none would reach 20,000 interest in a calendar year.

  10. I've been holding on to my Krungsi Mee Tea Dai accounts, which are now at 1.35% from the end of June. I'm a bit reluctant to change banks because I appreciate the way Krungsi allows me to close one MTD account just before it reaches the 20,000 tax withholding threshold within a calendar year, then open a new one straight away, which resets the 20,000 tax threshold to zero. My goal is avoiding tax only to avoid having to file a tax return on the withheld amounts.

    This non-fixed Land and House Special Savings at 1.6%, set to pay interest monthly, is interesting. Does anyone know if they are amenable to the close/open process I've described above, or have done it with them?

  11. Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

    Yes, let's think - What if that bird some boozy sweaty old geezer was halfway up was YOUR daughter?

    One of the best summaries of this sad topic can be found here:

    'Paradoxically, the average sex-tourist isnt so far removed from his subject'


    More relevant question is how does her Thai father feel about it.

  12. Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

    Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

    If you consider the fairly consistent story line of how many of these girls end up in the bar, then you would realize the damage has been done already. The farang punter who takes her out on short or long time is NOT the source of her problems.

  13. Feminists and purveyors of man-made religious 'rules' flip the script and cast these women as doe-eyed, hapless victims. Not to say that's never the case. Sure it is, and in the most egregious examples, you would be hard pressed to find a white face.

    When I look at Pattaya & BKK farang zones, I see women exploiting men. Knowingly and skillfully attracting a male foregone conclusion, sussing out his desires and playing to his weaknesses in order to exploit and extract what she can, as efficiently as possible.

    She then returns to the Savannah watering hole to stalk another one.


  14. I think the Union Pay card only has a chip. It may not work on all ATM's yet and that includes Bangkok Bank ATM's. November is the target date to have all ATM's working with chip cards.

    I just looked, does have a mag strip on the back as well as the chip on the front, if that's what you meant. My previous card was a chipped Be1st Visa logo card and it worked at all the same ATMs I normally use, including the 2 that didn't work with UP card.

    I changed my Union Pay card for a Visa Debit after half a day as many shops did not accept it for payment

    Roger that, I'll be asking to do the very same thing tomorrow.

  15. ^ Thanks, Bit Coin, that was just extra identifier I suppose, only because my former Be1st Visa Debit/ATM was 4 digit. I don't think it's a PIN issue though.

    For clarity, I've used the new Union Pay card twice at BB ATMs without a problem, but the last 3 attempts at 2 different BB ATMs since Friday, have resulted in the transaction timing out. This new UP card adds a new screen to the process, wherein after card/chip verification and PIN entry, a black background screen comes up with options for a TBD or TPD (I don't remember exactly) transaction on the left side of the screen, and "Union Pay Debit" on the right. The latter takes you to the normal, familiar BB ATM interface.

    The 3 failed transactions never resulted in that unique Union Pay choice screen. It just hangs for about 1 minute, then goes to a black screen for about 10 seconds, then up comes the error screen. Wife says the Thai language says I didn't make a selection, although none was presented, and the transaction timed out.

    On all 3 occasions, I've then used my wife's chipped Be1st Visa debit/atm card (same account), and it worked, no problems.

    I'll be at the bank tomorrow to inquire, but was wondering if anyone else was having problems with the Union Pay card from Bangkok Bank.

  16. Monthly interest payments should be better if you can compound them into your lump sum fixed every month smile.png

    I only get 1.5% with bkk bank but i am too lazy to move to another accounts for 1.65%....

    Islamic bank I heard have a 2.5% account which maybe worth looking into but I don't know if they have deposit protection...

    Regarding IBANK see post 2162 for answer.

    Unfortunately there are no post numbers when reading the forum on a smartphone....


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