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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Despite this terrible drought I welcome the 2 day's water splashing to cool down a little bit from this massive melting heat. hit-the-fan.gif

    Can't you just take a quick shower to cool off?

    If, come July, millions of people turn on the shower and nothing comes out, that may cause some self-reflection. Maybe not. Self analysis seems to be lacking here at times, along with logic and foresight

    I am sorry you struggle with logic and foresight. There are only 16 provinces with a drought. The others don't have a problem. There isn't just one water supply in Thailand.

    This "drought" is being overplayed by the Songkran haters. If we had flooding there would still be people calling for it to be banned on thaivisa as every year. Some even claim it is bad for tourism which is a joke.

    Most Thais work hard in the heat all year. It is their water, they can do what they bloody like with it.

    If you are really concerned about the drought, then go back to your own country until it is over and stop using the Thai farmers water. I reckon you will use more water showering, washing clothes over the next few months than a Thai person will splashing a bit of water around for a day on his holiday.

    Have your showers back in your own country.

    How would you like it if Thais visited your country and told you to forget about Xmas, so as to save the trees (wrapping paper). ? Would you laugh at them?

    Thai bashers hate Songkran, because there is nothing worse seeing someone you hate having a good time.

    I've acknowledged that previously, or somewhere else recently.

    The fact WMA is having to make predictions about how long BKK water resource will last, is a clear indication there is a problem. They've said repeatedly there is a problem. They called on all people to conserve water.

    This isn't about Songkran being a waste of water, which it is, even when there is plenty of water.

    It is about a lack of leadership. The inability to make correct decisions, even if they are unpopular.

    If the taps start to run dry in July, people will say slag off the government for not doing more to protect the people from their own childish stupidity. Thainess may prevent the government from admitting their own foolishness, but a few of them might realize they were cowards back in April.

    Korat still has water in many areas, and could likely support a Songkran, but the guy in charge stood up, told the people the truth, and said sorry folks, we can't afford to do it this year.

    That takes guts and leadership.

  2. Incredible.

    "Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter"

    So you are saying a Trump supporter does not necessarily agree with what Trump is saying.

    Why would they be a Trump supporter then?

    If you read the article, you would see this young guys says why he's a trump supporter.

    I like some of the things Trump talks about. Not all. And his delivery is krap.

    You narrow attitude is part of the problem.

  3. The young guy quoted in this article didn't make any "racist" comment. Yet one poster here tarred him with the big brush.

    Like saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

    It is simple.

    Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

    Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple really.

    As well as don't align yourself with people that say "Mexicans are rapists". Which was my point 55Jay regarding the guy in the article.

    If you stand with Trump, you stand for what he stands for, and in Trump's own words that's misogyny, racism, bigotry.

    Do you need the re-quotes or are you good there?

    The MSM intentionally misquotes and mischaracterizes things for political agenda, and ratings.

    Your regurgitating them here means you are easily misled, or willing to overlook inaccuracies if it suits you point of view. It doesn't make what you've said right. It just makes you look more obvious.

  4. Some people have anointed themselves arbitrator of what is and is not acceptable for everyone else. They attempt to lead the narrative and marginalize others. Disagreeing starts the ad hominem and generalizing - under-educated white male racist, misogynistic redneck.

    They engage in the very behavior they are criticizing.

    Right Wing Victimhood! Shoes and other feet come to mind. Reaping and Sowing. All sorts of cliches.

    Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racist comments. Simple really.

    The young guy quoted in this article didn't make any "racist" comment. Yet one poster here tarred him with the big brush.

    Like saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

    It is simple.

    Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

    Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple reallyYou seem to be missing the point.

    You don't seem to be missing the point. You are. Or intentionally obtuse.

    Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter, is the same kind of shit as calling all blacks dumb and lazy because they are black. It is just that simple.

    This has nothing to do with Trump, blacks or your Mommie. It's about recognizing hypocrisy by the unproductive hate mongers spewing vitriol from the extreme ends of the spectrum.

  5. ike saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

    It is simple.

    It is not only unfair, it is stupid as well as racist.

    A person who comes out with rubbish like that deserves the abuse, it is simple.

    That's the point. The guy in the article said no such thing. So, does he deserve the abuse anyway?


  6. Despite this terrible drought I welcome the 2 day's water splashing to cool down a little bit from this massive melting heat. hit-the-fan.gif

    Can't you just take a quick shower to cool off?

    If, come July, millions of people turn on the shower and nothing comes out, that may cause some self-reflection. Maybe not. Self analysis seems to be lacking here at times, along with logic and foresight.

  7. Some people have anointed themselves arbitrator of what is and is not acceptable for everyone else. They attempt to lead the narrative and marginalize others. Disagreeing starts the ad hominem and generalizing - under-educated white male racist, misogynistic redneck.

    They engage in the very behavior they are criticizing.

    Right Wing Victimhood! Shoes and other feet come to mind. Reaping and Sowing. All sorts of cliches.

    Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racist comments. Simple really.

    The young guy quoted in this article didn't make any "racist" comment. Yet one poster here tarred him with the big brush.

    Like saying all black people are lazy and dumb, because they are black. If they think that's unfair, well, they are just playing the victim card.

    It is simple.

  8. Some people have anointed themselves arbitrator of what is and is not acceptable for everyone else. They attempt to lead the narrative and marginalize others. Disagreeing starts the ad hominem and generalizing - under-educated white male racist, misogynistic redneck.

    They engage in the very behavior they are criticizing.

  9. Moaning about Songkran is just a bit of harmless fun as well. Get a grip.

    My story was conflated from a much lesser event, but at its core, does get at how an otherwise lovely, traditional celebration is perverted. The commercialized holiday bonanza in the US does my head the same way.

    2 years ago, I waited until the 3 days of water play was over, everyone had packed it in, getting read to hit the road for home. Rode my push bike up to the Tesco, all clear, back to normal - fantastic! On the way back, some 3 foot tall crumb crusher is on the road with a garden hose, water just pouring out. He spots me, and starts flipping the hose/water at me, babbling like a moron. His Dad was sat there, I just shook my head and carried on. That little guy had no idea what SK is and little doubt, without an intervention, he'll grow up to be one of those baby powder encrusted drunk buffaloes with a bucket of water standing in front of cars on the highway. Hee hee, ha ha, look at me! SPLAT! Natural selection strikes again.

  10. I have a basic phone so I don't have to deal with shit.......biggrin.png

    I have a perfectly functional old Nokia. The problem is that I don't carry reading glasses and I can't read the tiny screen. I need a big screen.

    My phone goes...brrrr...brrrrr...brrrrr......I press a button and a guy says...HELLO..laugh.png

    Mine doesn't even do that. I keep it switched off at home. laugh.png

  11. I'm stuck offshore.. Done 3 weeks, got 3 more to do. Currently transiting from Australia to Singapore. Plenty of water (salty) but no booze. birds or revelry or any kind. Only hard work in the hot sun. I'd love to be home enjoying a beer and relaxing.. It's so funny every year about all the w4nkers whinging about Songkran.. Just think yourselves lucky to be home with your friends and family to enjoy it... Or worse you could be freezing in Europe..whistling.gif

    Or "w4nkers" moaning about hard work, hot sun, no booze or birds. Many of us been there done that and bought the t-shirt.

    Consider yourself fortunate to still be working, not sitting around here in the always greener grass, moaning about no work and new money coming in. On yer bike to the Tesco for more of that relaxing beer, minding your own farkin' business when some baby powder encrusted dildo comes out of a drive way to soaks you, your phone and money with a bucket of water. coffee1.gif

    Try driving your truck with the windows up... Best to leave the bike at home during Songkran.. No need to consider myself fortunate.. Been through 4 downturns in the 25+ years I've been offshore. Never been out of work yet and if it does ever happen I'll be happy to retire... laugh.png

    Retirement is great. Everyone should try it at least once in their life. Have a good one. Safe travels.

  12. I'm stuck offshore.. Done 3 weeks, got 3 more to do. Currently transiting from Australia to Singapore. Plenty of water (salty) but no booze. birds or revelry or any kind. Only hard work in the hot sun. I'd love to be home enjoying a beer and relaxing.. It's so funny every year about all the w4nkers whinging about Songkran.. Just think yourselves lucky to be home with your friends and family to enjoy it... Or worse you could be freezing in Europe..whistling.gif

    Or "w4nkers" moaning about hard work, hot sun, no booze or birds. Many of us been there done that and bought the t-shirt.

    Consider yourself fortunate to still be working, not sitting around here in the always greener grass, moaning about no work and new money coming in. On yer bike to the Tesco for more of that relaxing beer, minding your own farkin' business when some baby powder encrusted dildo comes out of a drive way to soaks you, your phone and money with a bucket of water. coffee1.gif

  13. Yeah, I could search myself, but looking at St. Pete I've become aware that FLOOD ZONES are a real issue, not only the actual potential floods but also the INSURANCE.

    Does someone know some great sources for detailed block by block FLOOD ZONE real estate info?


    Google around a bit, you should find a municipal / county site with GIS flood/storm surge data.

    I did that for the panhandle area we visited in February. The results did alter my thought process about what the snow birds call "living the beach dream".

    Edit: Googled St. Pete flood zone data. Couple results. Here's one:


    • Like 1
  14. Sorry you had a bad travel experience and learned the hard way.

    I use consolidator sites and Google Air to get a feel for price trends, but always buy direct from the airline site to be a direct customer.

    I've avoided the temptation to pay less and use the mainland Chinese airlines. I keep saying I'll give them a try one of these days but..... meh... just haven't gotten around to it.

    Used Agoda several times for hotels and, touch wood, haven't had any issues yet.

  15. On the hand me down note, yep, my wife's first "smart phone", a little Galaxy Wunder circa 2010 or 11, fell to me when she upgraded to an S4 a couple years ago.

    I needed to use or lose a load of Qatar Air FF miles so I picked up a new Samsung A3 (2016) in Doha Duty Free last month. Met the wife back up in the lounge after and man, her eyes got all squinty as she admired the shiny new gadget. I could hear the squeaky wheels turning in her head. I charged it up but it's still sitting in the box it came in. Won't be long now I reckon.... laugh.png

    I don't like her S4. Too big. A3 is a bit slimmer but I'm still using the little Wunder. Fits in my hand nicely and even makes telephone calls! Magic!

  16. Oh, you are one of those guys who keep their big money in off-shore/overseas accounts. I'll be looking for your name in the Panama Papers leak. wink.png

    When I first retarded from the military, went to work for an outfit based in London. I thought I would be clever and opened an HSBC "Jersey" acct to receive my un-taxed salary payments. Whoo Hoo, this is great! Within months, became aware of Uncle Sam's big overseas push on this type of thing. I emailed HSBC nervously, they assured me they never share confidential offshore banking details. I ended up transferring administratively to the US subsidiary within a year, so DDS went into my US credit union.

    Shut the Jersey account down, above board tax return, and thus endeth my brief excursion in the offshore tax haven resorts. It wasn't long after I did that, the dominoes started to fall and although I was a minnow swimming among the big fish, certainly felt like I dodged a bullet. I'm such a wuss! tongue.png

  17. <snip>

    I know that the toilet waste goes into the septic tank but where the surplus water from that goes I have no idea.

    Bild - our place is typical u/c build wrt gray water. One house is just a small blue pipe that dribbles off into a corner of the property. Our place, the gray water runs into a small concrete box set into the back concrete slab and from there, runs through a pipe all the way out to the street into common drain along the soi - covered by those concrete squares with the two holes in them. Runs along into a pond/klong area at either end of the soi. sad.png

  18. Our toilets aren't the water saver types, so sure, I put a few stones in the tank to help reduce refill quantity, and we practice the yellow/brown protocol, Navy showers, dish washing/sink excess retained and poured on the plants on the kitchen patio.... etc...

    Tinkering with one toilet a few months ago to fix a running/leak problem, also discovered accidentally, that turning the screw where the float ball links to the vertical stand, limits the upward travel motion of the ball. Now the ball reaches fill height and shuts off refill water about 1/2 tank full. Magic! I suppose most everyone knew that already, just that living outside the city has forced me to fiddle around with things on me own now. Used to just call the Indian watchman cum maintenance man, who would appear moments later with a small hammer, 2 Filipino pilots, a screw driver, and a roll of electrical tape. laugh.png

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