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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. They all get warm or even hot. You do not need the adapter....just wasting energy and generating heat. Plug your 2 prong laptop cord into the wall....it won't blow up.

    Really? Isn't there an AC to DC conversion going on in there?

    Do you mean one can remove the battery?

    1. I plug one end of my adapter into the laptop's power adapter port, the other end into a 3 prong adapter.

    2. The 3 prong is plugged into a (2 prong) 22ft electrical cord.

    3. The electrical cord is plugged into a 2 prong wall outlet.

    Why are you plugging into a 3 prong adapter ? Your laptop power brick came only with 3 prong and you are converting to 2 prong ?

    Sorry, misunderstood what you meant.

  2. I went on well water delivery a little more than 1 month ago when the city water went from every other day on, to every other 3 days, at pressure so low, it can barely get up the pipe and into the tank.

    Delivery man used to show up within the hour. That has grown to 2 to 4 hours. Today it's 6 to 7 hours. Demand is growing, and he's had to switch to another source and today's rate is 200 Baht vs. 150/1,000 liters. I see a trend forming.

    This gunna get ugly by May. Even if it starts raining by July, it'll take months to recover and get into anything resembling positive territory.

  3. Besides the coupons in the mail, there's the stamp collection game leading to proud ownership of a new umbrella, or a coffee cup designed for midgets, or some other shit that sits on the counter collecting dust for 6 months. tongue.png

    We do most of the heavy lift at Makro and buy in quantity, which usually reduces the unit price. Do go to Tesco and Big C on occasion, just to have a look around, they often have sales and promos going, and that's alright too.

  4. Just caught up with this thread.

    Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

    Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

    Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

    Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

    I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

    It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

    Please choose a grown up to be president

    Nothing forcing you to go to the US. So you don't need to deal with all the riff raff you so disdain. BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

    Multiple non sequiturs I'm afraid. What makes you think I want to go to to the states again? The issue was whether it was reasonable for non American citizens to comment. In fact, and at the risk of boring other contributors I have been fortunate enough to live there on three separate occasions ( Austin, Texas; Cambridge, Mass and Los Gatos, Ca since you ask). Great times - I still stream KLBJ FM 94! But no place to bring up kids sorry to say. No you miss the point. I think it's reasonable for the rest of the world to take a view and yes, feel worried about what's going on. You are the super power and I wish you would take the responsibility seriously. I, for one look forward to seeing Bill back in the White House.

    What do your American mates at the pub think about Trump?

  5. Impoliteness, gutter level remarks and crude insults, the politically correct thing to do.

    Trump fans love it!

    GO TRUMP. Pull down your pants and shoot us a moon!

    I believe the US is inching toward civil unrest. The signs are evident, but my sense is Americans haven't reached real desperation and despair,

    Civil unrest? No way. Don't believe the 'sky is falling' nonsense you see on the fake conservative news shows. It's dirty politics disguised as news.

    The conservative "news' and the right wing echo chamber tactic is to scare everyone into voting for their side. Dirty politics thinly disguised as news.

    Manufactured Doom and Gloom or as you say, D&D desperation & despair.

    Things are going quite well actually. Obama staved off the Bush Depression and improved the economy.

    The US is doing better than just about every other country at the moment.

    The strong dollar is creating some headwind and the world economy has not recovered from 2008 economic fiasco.

    This is what Republicans refer to as a horrible economy that they claim to want to “fix”:

    -The US Business are doing record exports. $1.4 trillion in 2015.

    -The stock market (and 250 million retirement accounts) have grown a record nearly 200% since Obama took office.

    -Unemployment, 5%. Was 10% under the Republicans last term and getting worse. Bush lost 2 million jobs in his last 3 months!

    -Jobs, 71 straight months of growth. 15 million new jobs under Obama. 9 million jobs lost last Republican term.

    -Strong dollar. 2008 predicted to collapse during the last republican term.

    -Housing Recovery. Check. inventory at historic lows.
    -Auto industry setting records now (instead of collapsing like they did in 2008.)
    -Budget deficit. 2.5% GDP. Obama oversaw a reduction in the federal budget deficit by two-thirds since taking office. Under the previous Republican term the deficit was 9.8% of GDP.
    The drop from 9.8 percent in 2009 to 2.5 percent in 2015 is the largest five-year reduction in federal red ink since the end of World War 2, that is, in almost 70 years.
    -Obama has killed more terrorists than any other President.
    -Mexican illegal Immigration is at an all time low. More Mexicans are leaving the USA than arriving the last 10 years.

    Why do you have to do these hyper-sensitive knee jerk ass-umptions? I'm not influenced by the type of media you mention. I do look at it just to be aware of the narrative, which is fairly predictable most of the time, so I don't have to watch for long to get the gist, then move on to other perspectives.

    Civil unrest, nope, probably not. At least not yet. Will there be some spats? Probably. That's what I said.

    Thanks for the data points.

  6. The only thing that bothers me about Trump is his stance on spying. While it is o.k. to spy on non-citizens, foreign countries, even allies, it was not o.k. to spy on citizens. Snowden blew the whistle, and had to run. He would have stayed, did his job if everybody (3 letter agencies) followed the rules.

    Now everybody (except for the clueless) knows whats up, and is using encryption. The NSA has now lost their gold mine. Instead of NSA saying we screwed up, broke the law, they doubled down and in my opinion have gone rogue. Trump should instead say: "Edward was right, this must stop, rule of law applies now clear out your desks".

    As far as I know though Trump views Ed as a traitor. That is the only thing about Trump that bothers me. He should change his tack on this.

    Snowden is an interesting topic, there does not seem to be much information about him except the Glen Greenwald interviews. I

    was looking around for some additional info and stumbled upon this article, which makes for a very interesting read.

    What if Snowden is not what/whom we have been led to believe? FOIA requests denied.

    What if Snowden was a CIA/NSA OP to give us a false sense that the latest tech is unhackable? Think about

    the whole recent FBI can't hack into the San Bernardino IPhone story, which they now have done for example!

    Open your mind, read the following:


    Minimally interesting at first, spiraling to a fact free, naive rant. When he did the cream soda analogy, I quit reading.

  7. Try to use an ATM machine that swipes and that does not roll in your card or use an ATM attached to the inside of a brick and mortar bank. I never had one eaten in Thailand, but have had two eaten in the USA for no valid reason. In both cases I went back to the ATM/bank in the morning and the manager gave me my card back. He can view the transaction record and see if there is a reason flagged or just a physical malfunction. Today, I suspect they are less accomodating.

    I don't recall seeing a quick swipe ATM here. Have you seen/used one here? I don't get down to the big city much.

    So used to the standard suck it in machine that when I went back to the US after 5 years out one time, took me a couple seconds to switch gears on them new fangled swipers. Like Crocodile Dundee yelling out the hotel window when he finally figured out what bidet was for. laugh.png

  8. In the 3 years I lived in Florida never had occasion to see any of them - alligators are another matter.

    Yeah I read up on it. They have snakes including that rattlesnake but the vast majority of the kinds aren't venomous and it's not a major problem for the population. Apparently the gators are definitely all around and sometimes wander into people's yards. There's a special number to call!


    Sorry, I wasn't suggesting they were crawling out of the cupboards. My original comment about trade offs was in jest.

    Anyway, back to the thread..... Cheers.

  9. A friend pointed out a farang to me the other day and told me he's....wait for it .......28 yrs overstay yes 28...he only speaks fluent Thai and is black from working in the fields all day and the only thing that gives him away is his nose.i thought to myself if he's on the run it must be more serious than 28 yrs hard labour and living on rice.

    I'd like to chime in on this and say that you probably haven't been paying close enough attention. If you live in Thailand, you should have noticed by now that Black people (of African decent) and most Thais have the same type of noses...meaning flat and wide. And, sometimes really round nostrils. I doubt that a nose would give a person's ancestry away.

    On the other hand, many people here are living in denial that their hosts, friends, girlfriends and wives have traits more common with Africans than Caucasians.

    Now if you had said the only thing that gives him away is his curly (kinky) hair, then I would have been with you 100 percent!

    And I won't elaborate on that "he's on the run" jab you took...but at least you let us know how you think.

    I'm so assimilated, I saw a Jingly riding a bike on my soi near the village market. Stopped me dead in my tracks. I stared at him and for a brief moment, had the urge to point and say, "Farang! Farang!". tongue.png

  10. Impoliteness, gutter level remarks and crude insults, the politically correct thing to do.

    Trump fans love it!

    GO TRUMP. Pull down your pants and shoot us a moon!

    If Trump was half as brilliant as he says he is, he would of had the system sussed and ran the race to win it in the battle space as it is, not as he wishes it ought to be. It's a slot machine. The house lets you win for a while but in the end.... He ought to know that better than most people. Of course, that's his point, but his timing sucks, as does his delivery.

    I believe the US is inching toward civil unrest. The signs are evident, but my sense is Americans haven't reached real desperation and despair, and thus, don't have the stomach for it (yet). It's going to take a helluva catalyst to get them united in singular resolve. The Arab Spring was touched off by one guy self-immolating in protest of a relatively minor thing, but it was representative of broad, common grievance over long period of time.

    Having said that, once the cork goes POP, it can get really messy. I would wager that Obama has gathered some advisors and war-gamed the "what ifs" of a contested election. I think there could be some isolated trouble. They need to be very cautious but firm in how they handle it, and control how it's covered by the MSM.

  11. There's no drought until there's no more water. See? <turns on tap>. Genius.

    Reminds me of the half-wits on Fox Noise who point to snow and say, "Global Warming! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA". Not that I'm a global warming guy, but that's just stupid on display.

    I guess I am just a glass half full person and you are not.

    The water never did run out. But the government threw away 4 billion dollars to build a desal plant that didn't produce a single liter of water, and must payout for maintain the white elephant. All to keep,the worriers from worrying.


    Get it? Or not?

    Are you owing to thank me next year if we have devastating floods again? Many people died directly and many more indirectly not being able to reach hospitals etc. When was the last time anyone died of hunger or of thirst because of a drought in Thailand?

    We are in the tropics. Everything will be ok. Trust me. No need to cancel having fun. The Thais have it all sorted.

    There is no drought, until the water runs out. Happy Songkran.

    No global warming??????? Guess you are not a person who listens to facts. Also Fox News is a commercial product owned by a billionaire Aussie who spins stories into what the Americans want to lap up. I suggest if ou want real news you look for a different source.

    Correct. Songkran will NOT cause a drought. Because Thailand is already IN drought.

    I'm not saying Songkran will break the bank where it is being allowed. I'm not suggesting those who can do SK shouldn't, just to demonstrate solidarity in suffering with those in dry areas.

    What I am saying is, that for many of the head shaking reasons you mention about government, highlighted even further by the ineptitude that got us here in the first place, and the current level of mealy mouthed flip flop coming from this government...... that placing too much faith in their ability to have this "sorted", borders on wishful thinking at best, and willful ignorance at worst.

    If life bowls us a googly on the way to July and/or things don't work out the way Met Office says they will (LOL), the decision to roll over and give the children the sweet taste of candy on their lips today will, in hindsight, prove to be just another cock up. One which, with a minimal amount of responsibility, disciplined resolve and leadership, would of been avoidable or minimized.

    But, I'm sure you are right, and I hope you are. My guess is Thailand will party like it's 1999, and scrape through this by the skin of their teeth. Ignore the lesson, and do the same shit next time.

    Edit to add: And yes, that kind of cavalier attitude is what makes this place so awesome and tragic at the same time. No Nanny watching over your shoulder saying "No" and squashing the fun. I acknowledge that too. thumbsup.gif Cheers.

  12. Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

    The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

    What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

    I don't think that there will be any thread coming up on World News about playing cards any time soon, so I am perfectly happy to highlight the hypocrisy of White Right Victimhood and their penchant for false moral equivalence.

    If you are going to make a soapbox out of stereotyping, then choosing to defend a Trump fan boy is probably not going to get you very far. Trump and his 'movement' is entirely a stereotype. He plays on base fears, insecurities and prejudices. You may feel that he is deserving of recognition as a serious candidate but most Americans (more then two thirds) and I would imagine higher numbers of non Americans don't agree with you. His candidacy brings discredit to the US political system.

    But that is neither here nor there. You are offended by my tone and believe that my polemic proves your point. Well, let's just see what the hayseed said:

    "No more political correctness," said Kottke, 22, a cattle trucker and construction worker from Athens, Wisconsin"

    No more political correctness. This is a policy platform for the leader of the country with the strongest military might in the world in the 21st Century? You really want us to take this seriously. You place this at the same level as income inequality? You place this at the same level as the overweening influence of the national security state? You place this at the same level of diplomacy in a nuclear armed world?

    I don't.

    Political correctness is a code word. It means a person who has been taught to hate people who don't look like or sound like or act like them wants the freedom to express that hate. And you resent the fact that people recognise this hayseed for what he is and call him out.

    ​It is very easy to stereotype people when they use words that fit the stereotype. Is everyone in the Trump camp the same as Mr. Kottke? Maybe not but it cannot be denied that the Trump camp provides comfort and a natural home for bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes. When then be surprised at people identifying this particularly when the code words are used.

    ​Seems a pretty acute assessment basic truth to me.

    "No more political correctness" does not make the guy a white, racist homophobic misogynist as Oldgrumpy ranted about earlier, which is what I was responding to until you jumped in.

    Even Bernie Sanders rails against political correctness. It's all the rage. Everyone's saying it, ad nauseam. You just hijacked the term and assigned some dastardly idea about codes and hidden meanings to fit your narrative. LOL.

    Stereotyping and labeling individuals often proves inaccurate, which is why learned folks try to avoid doing it. It also runs counter to liberal/progressive thinking, at least in theory. The hypocrisy on display here is that it's OK, especially if you can link it to defending a protected group, in order to feel justified in marginalizing another.

    I got a chuckle at your ass-umption I'm a Trump supporter or that I'm offended. I'm not offended at all. I'm not a Trump supporter either. Keep swinging, you might get lucky, but I doubt it.

    I was not aware that this thread was a private conversation between you and Oldgrumpy. Please tell me how you get such privileges from TVF?

    Very well, you are not a Trump supporter but your attempted defence of a Trump fanboy under the guise of exposing what you call the hypocrisy of the un-learned folks is a stalking horse. The Trump fanboy used the correct code words. He signalled the precise faction to which he was aligned. And that faction is the home of the bigot. Even un-learned folks like me can work out what one plus one equals.

    I am interested in what actual evidence you have that the basis of liberal/progressive theory rejects the notion of recognising the obvious? You are promoting the false equivalency of liberalism allowing tolerance of hate speech? Maybe time to hit the books or google or whatever.

    There would be far more credible poster boys for your attempt to demonise liberals than Mr. Kottke.

    What a laugh. Anyway, that's strike 3 for you. Take it easy. Cheers.

  13. This has got nothing to do with criminals in Thailand and everything to do with being able to stay in Thailand legally long term. I am 43 years old and have lived here for 3 years using a combination of visa exemptions and double entry tourist visas. I have been with my girlfriend for just as long and we are now going to get married earlier than planned in order for me to continue living here due to them eliminating the 2 entry tourist visas and scrutiny on visa exempts. I am not a criminal. In my 43 years i have only been arrested once when I was 14 for having 1/2 a gram of hashish. I don't work in Thailand as I don't need to, but also don't like wasting money on things like Thai Elite. I worked hard and invested and saved so I could retire and enjoy myself when I turned 40 which is exactly what I plan on continuing to due whether it be in Thailand or elsewhere.

    you are mistaken about elite visa being a waste of money. everyone i know said it is a great option and works out at only approx 3000usd per year. thats what i would be on if i did not have half thai kids which get me a non im O as i am 42 years old and retired.

    Me too. Was 44 when we moved over. If I wasn't married, or we split up, I would be on a TE until I reached 50.

  14. Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

    The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

    What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

    I don't think that there will be any thread coming up on World News about playing cards any time soon, so I am perfectly happy to highlight the hypocrisy of White Right Victimhood and their penchant for false moral equivalence.

    If you are going to make a soapbox out of stereotyping, then choosing to defend a Trump fan boy is probably not going to get you very far. Trump and his 'movement' is entirely a stereotype. He plays on base fears, insecurities and prejudices. You may feel that he is deserving of recognition as a serious candidate but most Americans (more then two thirds) and I would imagine higher numbers of non Americans don't agree with you. His candidacy brings discredit to the US political system.

    But that is neither here nor there. You are offended by my tone and believe that my polemic proves your point. Well, let's just see what the hayseed said:

    "No more political correctness," said Kottke, 22, a cattle trucker and construction worker from Athens, Wisconsin"

    No more political correctness. This is a policy platform for the leader of the country with the strongest military might in the world in the 21st Century? You really want us to take this seriously. You place this at the same level as income inequality? You place this at the same level as the overweening influence of the national security state? You place this at the same level of diplomacy in a nuclear armed world?

    I don't.

    Political correctness is a code word. It means a person who has been taught to hate people who don't look like or sound like or act like them wants the freedom to express that hate. And you resent the fact that people recognise this hayseed for what he is and call him out.

    ​It is very easy to stereotype people when they use words that fit the stereotype. Is everyone in the Trump camp the same as Mr. Kottke? Maybe not but it cannot be denied that the Trump camp provides comfort and a natural home for bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes. When then be surprised at people identifying this particularly when the code words are used.

    ​Seems a pretty acute assessment basic truth to me.

    "No more political correctness" does not make the guy a white, racist homophobic misogynist as Oldgrumpy ranted about earlier, which is what I was responding to until you jumped in.

    Even Bernie Sanders rails against political correctness. It's all the rage. Everyone's saying it, ad nauseam. You just hijacked the term and assigned some dastardly idea about codes and hidden meanings to fit your narrative. LOL.

    Stereotyping and labeling individuals often proves inaccurate, which is why learned folks try to avoid doing it. It also runs counter to liberal/progressive thinking, at least in theory. The hypocrisy on display here is that it's OK, especially if you can link it to defending a protected group, in order to feel justified in marginalizing another.

    I got a chuckle at your ass-umption I'm a Trump supporter or that I'm offended. I'm not offended at all. I'm not a Trump supporter either. Keep swinging, you might get lucky, but I doubt it.

  15. As well as don't align yourself with people that say "Mexicans are rapists". Which was my point 55Jay regarding the guy in the article.

    Playing cards? More Right Wing Victimhood. "Look Mommy, someone called me a racist because I said black people are lazy" So unfair, playing these cards. I guess some people think that such comments about cards reflects intelligent debate. Just disguised victimhood.

    Don't want to be called a racist, then don't make racists comments. Simple really.

    If you stand with Trump, you stand for what he stands for, and in Trump's own words that's misogyny, racism, bigotry.

    Do you need the re-quotes or are you good there?

    The MSM intentionally misquotes and mischaracterizes things for political agenda, and ratings.

    Your regurgitating them here means you are easily misled, or willing to overlook inaccuracies if it suits you point of view. It doesn't make what you've said right. It just makes you look more obvious.

    Not easily misled when these are Trump's own words.

    Direct quotes from Donald Trump.

    Regarding POW Senator John McCain:

    "He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you."

    ."@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision".

    “The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yamakas every day.” - Cutting edge racism there, two stereotypes in one sentence!

    55Jay you brought up Blacks and laziness, straight from Trump's mouth “Laziness is a trait in the blacks. ... Black guys counting my money! I hate it.”

    One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.” BINGO Donald !!!!

    Yup, he's a toad. No argument there. I'm not talking about Trump though.

    I'm making a point about YOU. Your assumptions and vitriolic, regurgitated rhetoric.

    You can flail your arms and cut and paste all day long. Doesn't change the fact you are wrong.

  16. The good thing about desert hot and low humidity is that what we call swamp (evaporation) coolers, are very effective and they also raise the humidity to a healthy level. No such luck in St. Pete or Atlanta. Rattlesnakes and scorpions like dry heat.

    Tradeoffs. I think St. Pete would be a lot less culture shock for me for better or worse. Have a good idea of what Florida is like from vacations there. Have lived in various places with hot humid summers. Having clean beaches close is a big plus. Also Tampa St. Pete is more of a major metro area. International airports and major sports teams etc.

    You won't have to make any trade offs. Florida has air conditioners that remove humidity. They also have rattle snakes and scorpions. tongue.png

    Keep an eye on the beach water quality, which is something I hadn't considered until I was in Florida recently, and read up on it. Pinellas County was "red" when I was in-state, still is, sometimes severe levels causing fish kills and respiratory irritation. Not a deal breaker, just (another) thing to be aware of.


  17. You don't seem to be missing the point. You are. Or intentionally obtuse.

    Suggesting a Trump supporter is X Y Z, just because he's a Trump supporter, is the same kind of shit as calling all blacks dumb and lazy because they are black. It is just that simple.

    This has nothing to do with Trump, blacks or your Mommie. It's about recognizing hypocrisy by the unproductive hate mongers spewing vitriol from the extreme ends of the spectrum.

    I don't believe I am being obtuse at all. If anything I am being acute. Since you seem to have a thing for angles.

    While you are trying to point out what you call hypocrisy for someone commenting on some hayseed's infatuation with Trump and Trumpism, I am merely highlighting the insincerity and hypocrisy of playing the victim, you know, moaning about various cards being played. I offer a very simple solution. You don't want the racist card played, then don't say racist things. You don't want the misogynist card played, then don't talk rubbish about women and their issues. You don't want the homophobe card played, then don't stereotype LGBT people and their issues.

    Simple really. Once can be quite perpendicular about that particular angle.

    Of course I understand all that. Perhaps you should start a new thread about cards.

    The fact you can't help labeling the guy "hayseed" in a derogatory tone, and over-the-top characterizations that he's "infatuated", makes my point all the more obvious.

    What I'm saying is generalizing and slating people on an assumption, is the same kind of narrow attitude as saying muslims are terrorists. There probably are racists misogynistic homophones at Trump rallies, but not all of them are. You seem to be struggling with this very basic truth.

  18. Despite this terrible drought I welcome the 2 day's water splashing to cool down a little bit from this massive melting heat. hit-the-fan.gif

    Can't you just take a quick shower to cool off?

    If, come July, millions of people turn on the shower and nothing comes out, that may cause some self-reflection. Maybe not. Self analysis seems to be lacking here at times, along with logic and foresight.

    And come July when your alarmist attitude is proved to be just that and most peoples taps work perfectly normally will that cause you to make some self-reflection? Maybe not, self analysis seems to be lacking here at Thaivisa all of the time.

    It's not alarmist. It's recognizing there is a problem and acting accordingly.

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