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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Mine took a bit of effort to set up (BB) at myl branch, initially they said I wasn't eligible for ibanking because I was a tourist. So, we went through Non-O Visa gymnastics same as when I went to open my account.

    I waited 1 month for the password to come in the post, never did, so went back to the bank and did the process all over again. Successful the second time around, good to go.

    There was a little bit of flip flopping about adding a new joint account onto my existing Ibanking login, but it worked out as well.

    Also have internet banking with KrungSi. I prefer BB layout and interface but both get the job done. No issues.

  2. There was one guy in the threads a couple weeks ago, leaving his job after 1 year here. Among several darts thrown at the dart board, one was seeking a "kind hearted" preferably non-drinking TVF member as an investor in his latest business idea. A few days later, he came back asking about how marriage extensions worked/requirements, etc. At the end of all the advice he got, "Thanks guys!", said he had decided to marry his 50 year old Thai girlfriend.

    Looked him up on LinkedIn, he's a 20 something y/o Indian national. Don't know what he ended up doing but it seemed rather obvious that getting married was just a means to an end.

    Somehow I suspect that this is aimed rather more at the 20 odd year old Indian nationals marrying a 50 year old Thai "girlfriend" than it is aimed at those of us married for some time with children. There now, if that is racist ( I don't think it is) so be it.

    Agreed. If Immi wants to hump 100 kliks out to my basha and back, they are more than welcome to. They haven't yet. Up to them.

  3. The BiB/Army has to be lucky all the time. Dirt bags only need to be lucky once. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

    Glad you are able to distinguish between the various classes of 'dirt bag'.

    What part of that you have a problem with?

    Some might use coarser language for those who detonate IEDs or shoot into a crowd of Songkran revelers. Dirt bag is fairly conservative.

  4. There was one guy in the threads a couple weeks ago, leaving his job after 1 year here. Among several darts thrown at the dart board, one was seeking a "kind hearted" preferably non-drinking TVF member as an investor in his latest business idea. A few days later, he came back asking about how marriage extensions worked/requirements, etc. At the end of all the advice he got, "Thanks guys!", said he had decided to marry his 50 year old Thai girlfriend.

    Looked him up on LinkedIn, he's a 20 something y/o Indian national. Don't know what he ended up doing but it seemed rather obvious that getting married was just a means to an end.

  5. When I read the one guy's post in General yesterday about his wallet/pick pocketing experience at Silom area Songkran, I thought, man, sounds like a place to avoid for that, and other reasons. I was thinking something like this, or the motorbike IED detonated down South as well.

    A lot of white noise about terrorists and terrorism going on right now, had it not been for "leaks", we would of never known about the recent memos outlining intel and terrorist movements, and potential threats.

    Can't be paranoid of course, but must take it into consideration. The BiB/Army has to be lucky all the time. Dirt bags only need to be lucky once. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

  6. I`m am guessing the water supplies will keep running during Songkrang because there is money involved in what is now a commercial festival just like Christmas. After Songkrang I think the s**t will hit the fan, certain areas are going to be left without water supplies. Months ago I predicted something like this would happen and have got myself prepared.


    Bought plastic storage bins kept inside the house and had a big concrete tank built in the garden. If the water goes we are good for another 2 months.

    I have noticed that over the last 3 years each time there is a storm these are preceded by localised mini hurricanes. 80 mph winds that continue for about 20 minutes and can last for up to an hour. Each time we have lost several tiles from the roof and deeply concerned about how severe these winds can get because each year the winds seem to increase in strength. Now, every time I hear thunder in the distance and a storm approaching I start wondering if the house is going to get blown down by the winds. I am not doom and glooming, but be prepared because things could start getting wild around here.

    Remember that thread. Can't stop the heat, but I did buy another rain water storage tank. Besides the 6 big ongs, I have 2,1850 liters of tank rain water in reserve. I haven't tapped them yet as I'm able to get well water delivered but that's become more difficult in the past month. I think the wells will be stretched thin by this time next month. I took precautions but clear I should have done more at the end of last rain season to prepare for the severe dry season.

  7. My Internal thermostat must have real adjusted. Was walking down Pattaya South at about 3:00 PM. Felt hot as hell, think it was 36. Stopped in to get a cold beer at 7 chugged it and felt right as rain.

    Still haven't used AC. The fan has been just fine. I live out on the point in Naklua. The breeze is like being on the bow of a ship. If yesterday didn't phase me much, I think I've acclimated.

    Long way from San Diego weather.

    Used to have a grand old 1978 Jeep CJ5, bikini top, no doors. Leave the house in North Park on a "hot" August day, soon as I crossed over I-5 on I-8 westbound, looking over the tidal inlet toward OB, the temp would drop 5 to 7 degrees. Sure do miss that. And my old Jeep. saai.gif

  8. In 6-8 months, you will have another problem : your laptop will get hot!

    A lot of dust and micro-particle flying in the air will close the ventilation circuit

    Don't do the mistake to spray air in the ventilation holes! It will push the dust inside and you will have the same problems I used to have a fe wyears ago.

    Better use a vacuum cleaner and suck 2 or 3 minutes long the ventilation slots when your laptop running. Do it once/month and you won't have heat problem.


    +3. Laptop running very hot after years of operation. I've worked on my desktops before, never fiddled with a lap top, so took it to a guy at the IT Mall. On man, was it crusty in there! I expected it would be, but I was surprised how bad it actually was.

    He also cleaned and dabbed on some new thermal paste stuff.

    About 45 minutes and 200 Baht. Laptop runs better, and much cooler.

  9. I don't really understand your problems. An old friend was in town, so we agreed to meet in a bar/restaurant downtown. I knew the place would be packed with Songkran revelers, so I placed my wallet in a plastic bag--my phone is waterproof. I cranked up the old Harley and the lights didn't work, I knew I could find no place to park with the Toyota, so I called a tuk-tuk buddy to come get me. He dropped me off at the edge of the road blocks downtown and the bar was right there on the corner.

    I drank with five buddies, two Thai and three farang. We shared rounds of drinks and snacks and watched the revelry. When our ice buckets melted, we stepped out to the street and shared the cold wet fun. Hours and numerous drinks past, a few sprinkles got to us, but primarily the crowd respected the premises and did not squirt water inside. My best Thai buddy picked up my tab and his--we always alternate bills, and it was his turn. Just after midnight my tuk-tuk guy stopped in, had a drink, then took me home. I was the least bit damp from the ice bucket excursions, but otherwise okay. I am now home checking the internet satiated by the good time I had.

    You just have to be smarter than the problem.


  10. Sadly of my 27 ongs I am now down to 2 full ones and 4 at about 1/3 full. We haven't had any water delivered for about 6 weeks and tonight is the start of Songkran.

    The bad news is that my family are not here at the moment and won't be back until Thursday and the good news is exactly the same except that there is only me using water until then.

    The really good news is that I have plenty of (Thai) whiskey, soda and ice and plenty of Austrian Stroh 80% proof rum and a lot of coco cola.

    My Songkran will be lonely for a while but very happy.

    Sawadee Pee Mai.

    I've got the opposite. Relatives showing up from the water happy place called BKK, so as they arrive, Mrs. is giving them the field conditions lecture.

    I'll have to listen in on the next one, see how she handles the Yellow Mellow/Brown Down translation. laugh.png

    Sawasdee Pee Mai to you too.

  11. gdaya folks,

    I was given Information by a friend who visited pattaya in April 2016 but I did not believe it.

    does anybody know the bank's name if it exists :

    deposit into the account every 3 months baht 36.000 for a term of 4 years,paying interest 5 % ?????

    cheers roobaa01

    Not a banking product, instead it's an insurance product requiring premiums, js just the sort of thing the BOT link might show, not!

    You know CM, posting that BoT link wasn't not a slight on your thread. After pages of the other chatter, it was somewhat back on track. You are directing your angst at the wrong person.

  12. Deposit rates can be found at BoT.


    Now and then folks still fixed deposit rates as they run across them.

    The link you provided does not show specials offered by the banks, the link is effectively useless in that respect.


    Here's an idea, why don't you start a thread and call it something like, Bank Interest Rates in Thailand, you could even call it BIRT for short, kinda catchy I reckon. That way all you have to do is post the same unchanged and boring BOT link every month albeit things may get just a little exciting if the MMC ever changes the base rate but apart from that, little effort will be required. It will be, really really useful and oh so informative!

    Feel better now? I hope so. Jeezzz.

  13. I have only ever been through the Nong Khai border point which since the Junta took over has been very strict in implimenting greater controls.

    Glad to see they have made an exception for the migrant workers in this case to allow them to celebrate with family and friends back in their home country without affecting their visa conditions or requiring a new visa to be issued upon re-entry.

    Well done and safe holidays to all migrant workers.

    The act of a benevolent junta?

    Are these workers normally prohibited or otherwise controlled from going home? I don't know.

    In the Middle East, the Arabs lord over the low classes of imported labor. Although it's illegal, passports are held in a safe by company management. If coordinated and approved in advance, the passport is returned, most often just before the employee heads to the airport.

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