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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. I seldom agree with anything you write but you are correct that I know nothing of the UK, having never visited. I don’t claim any insights into modern relationships in the US, either, but I do know about life in Thailand both single and married life.

    In my youth I noticed that not being from a broken home was a bit unusual but it made me realize one doesn't need to be representative of the norm or follow the herd.

    Threads like these are repetitive and predictable.

    I'm prone to withdrawing, selfishness in a similar pattern, so it's hard slog to read through all this shit......... because it touches a nerve. I see myself in some of the comments and sometimes do not like what I see.

    The upshot, at least for me, is realizing I'm not too far down the miserable old cow lane because I'm still capable of reflection, critical self-analysis, realizing again how we affect each other. Exacerbated in part, by the additional dynamics in a cross-cultural marriage.

    But realizing you've been a turd is only half of it. What you do with that stark realization is the harder bit.

    Wife came up and plopped down on the sofa a little while ago and it just happened, because I let go and let it happen, slowly letting out some of the consternation and resentment brewing in me about our somewhat stagnating period of life here - of which is through my own design now turning to apathy. It was hard, but after a while, it flowed naturally into refreshed, hopeful ideas about the future, like we used to do. The feeling of relief between us afterward was palpable, and refreshing as a summer thundershower. We kissed and hugged each other, jesus, we were thinking the same things all along and once again, it was mostly me in the way.

    It's easy to become stuck, cynical, hardened refusal of the things that make us human in a cruel world. They key is not letting it build up, and that takes a consistent effort, and that's where I often screw up along the way. Of course this is true in any relationship, but for my part, I need to be more mindful.

    The flowers were still there, just had to pull a few weeds out to allow them to bloom again.

    So thanks, Dr. Phil. LOL. Cheers. wai.gif

  2. Thunder storms building around Nakhon Ratchasima/Northeast region late afternoons. Had about 20 minutes of solid rain 1 day late last week, could almost hear the plants and trees breathing a sigh of relief in the garden. Not enough to do any good for my town's empty reservoir/water supply, but we got a lot of (dirty) water off the roof gutter catchment points for non-consumption use. Mozzies absent in the dry heat of late, but made their appearance that evening.


  3. You should never pump direct from mains what happens if your neighbours or someone on street just happen to have an outside fish pool which is usually connected straight to mains with no, no return valve fixed you pump from mains when no water you get the fish pond and all its inhabitants. It happens should never pump from mains

    Besides that, taking a suction on the main ain't very neighborly. Everyone out for themselves.

  4. I always let my wife pick up the bill in restaurants and I always agree with her judgement on how much to tip. If she is unsure I will be consulted but invariably say it is up to her.smile.png

    My wife's gotten better about it over the years. At first she would whisper, "Hon, that's too much, just leave 20". She's escalated into the 30 range now, 40 if everything was good and moreover, if there happens to be (2) 20 notes as part of the change given.

    She wasn't wrong before. I was. Over-tipping in particular, is contrary to culture, and in time, can create a new, false expectation in the minds of Thais when dealing with farangs. Evident in tourist areas after decades of Thais being exposed to benevolent and/or naive tourists, 2 week millionaires, etc.

    The inflated expectation irritates the local, resident expats. Especially those from non-tipping cultures, relegated to the dreaded Cheap Charlie category in the revised pecking order. sad.png

  5. Duplicate post deleted by Publicus.

    You don't sound very credible, your fluff links don't support what you've said, and now you are making assumptions and snarky comments. I'm interested, not looking for a bun fight. What is the relevant "stuff" you've read re: Guam, Singapore and Brunei as "home ports" for nuke carriers? Come on, help this dumb squid out.

    You're doing fine commander.

    The kid here donates to charity but he himself isn't one.

    So as a one time only offer -- special today for you only -- why don't we start with the official US war doctrine since 2010 of AirSea Battle which is designed to defeat the enemy in either a conventional war or in an ultimate one. Meaning of course the CCP China, Iran, Russia. Any one or all of 'em....

    Air-Sea Battle is typically depicted as a doctrine for long-range exchange of missiles with China in the troubled Western Pacific or with Iran in and around the Persian Gulf: US air and sea forces try to push their way in while battling enemy “anti-access/area denial” (A2/AD) forces trying to keep us out. But that’s just part of it.

    Air-Sea Battle in essence, is an effort to develop compatible technologies and tactics across all four services for a new kind of conflict: not the Army and Marine-led land war against low-tech guerrillas we have seen since 9/11, but an Air Force and Navy-led campaign against “anti-access/area denial” forces that could fry our networks, jam GPS, and hit our planes, ships, bases, and even satellites with long-range missiles. China is the worst case scenario here, but not the only one.

    Unlike nukes, cyber operations – both offensive and defensive – have been at the heart of Air-Sea Battle from the beginning, since it envisions future warfare as a clash not just between missiles, ships, and aircraft but between the computer networks linking them. Why shoot down planes or satellites one at a time when frying the enemy’s network can neutralize all his hardware at once?


    Hey chief, if you might think you're being fluffed again by not liking the linked source, just google AirSea Battle for a number of sources. What you might want to do in the end is to take it from an old former army grunt that the (WWII) dayze of Land-Air Battle are kaput.

    The SCS is the platform for both Beijing and the Pentagon to put these new war fighting doctrines to their initial real life and real time test. No war so don't misunderstand. Some small series of incidents of one quick clash here, another quick bout there and so on in the SCS or related to it. Each side wants to prove his mettle by showing his stuff.

    It's not a matter any more of who's got the biggest dick but, rather, who can shoot the farthest, fastest, most effectively, to include the mostest. CCP are counting on the mostest while the Pentagon means to go in hard and fast.

    The above makes for interesting reading, but still has nothing to do with what I asked.

    Using correct terminology incorrectly, causes confusion. Doubling down on it, and now avoiding it with irrelevant distraction, albeit interesting, is unfortunate, and detracts from your otherwise in-depth perspective.

    My take away is there may be "done deal" agreements with Brunei, Singapore, and S. Korea, to act as forward logistics hubs and personnel movement APODs ISO of carriers, and other forces, on deployment in WestPac. Singapore (Sembawang) has been a small but vital hub since the early 90s (COMLOGWESTPAC). I am not aware of the others you mention being developed in a similar vein. However, I'll take your word on that because it makes sense in the broader re-balance/pivot/efficiency context Ash Carter is on about.

    Guam is a bit different but still, I find nothing, and you've provided nothing, to support your assertion that home porting a carrier there is imminent. That would be a significant milestone in the long running issue. All of us on Guam had a good laugh when Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Ga,) famously opined that Guam could tilt, capsize and sink if the Navy stationed too many forces there (re: Marines~Okinawa~Guam). laugh.png

    At any rate, I enjoy reading some of your missives, especially your take on The Boyz, China, et al. Indeed, the political and military drum beat goes on out there in the big blue. This could get interesting.

  6. Duplicate post deleted by Publicus.

    You don't sound very credible, your fluff links don't support what you've said, and now you are making assumptions and snarky comments. I'm interested, not looking for a bun fight. What is the relevant "stuff" you've read re: Guam, Singapore and Brunei as "home ports" for nuke carriers? Come on, help this dumb squid out.

  7. Was this always a problem, or a recent development? If recent, about how long?

    Honestly, the fact you get better pressure in the evening, sounds to me like you are on water rationing hours/reduced pressure. I was on that at my house during at the front end of the on-going drought. Pressure in the morning as people/kids get ready for the day. Off or very very low pressure during the day. On again for a few hours in the evening.

    Walk around the property, look for a water tank and a pump. I've seen them underground, so also look for a trap door or an obvious covering of some type.

    If you can't find, then that's one more tick in the box for direct water source from city.

    If you find a tank/pump set up, first check the tank has water. Check the pump is plugged in.

    Then update your findings.

    Or better yet, if you are renting, then contact the landlord. Or find a local handy man to come over and have a look.

  8. Wife's standard is 20 Baht. I would get the eye look if I did any more than that. I just ignore her now and do what I feel like doing if I'm paying the bill instead of her - usually between 20 and 50 Baht, depending on the service, type of place, etc. I'll be more generous in a nicer place if there's an commensurate effort made with table service. I recognize them, tell them it was good, that I noticed the effort, and hand the gratuity directly to them.

  9. "PTP" and "promise" in the same sentence always brings a rye smile to my face.

    Well you must be enjoying these arrests ( as I am )

    But for different reasons.

    The US said on Wednesday it was a breach of human rights , and predictably the Government spokesman said the US didn't understand.

    And I think he is right as are you.

    Arrests and detention is reasonable and predictable behaviour for a military government.

    Totally within keeping to its principles of what it stands for.

    Why I am in favour of AA and you differ.

    I am sick of the US repeating itself .

    Doing nothing.

    While sending invites and handing out awards.

    So I like seeing Thais arrested and having their freedoms violated.

    It pressures the US into considering weakly Sanctions.

    Maybe a few brave Thai men ( if there are any) need to step forward so this protest gathers more arrests.

    I mean just being against their doctrine is enough these days.

    This stale mate situation is too meek and mild .

    No real progress.

    Maybe until mass arrests will this situation which is really a hostage siege , will continue.

    But even people like pro Junta people here have their role in stirring the pot.

    Because Of them i take the time to fire off these news clips to social media.

    Increasing TV s popularity and also highlighting where people spend holiday dollars might be unconscionable ?

    But letting the world see the dark murky world of soldiers taking away people for opinions is enlightening .

    If all of us can stop people going there

    It adds up.

    If it hits the media better still.

    So thanks to guys like D Jamie for the inspiration .

    Molly Meldrum would be proud of you

    The Boss cancelled his concert show in North Carolina for a lot less than this.

    I see Olivia Newton John has a BKK concert on 10 May. I wonder if?

  10. SecDef Ashton Carter has expanded the US Pivot to the Pacific to include six aircraft carrier strike groups being forward deployed to the region. Previously the US had one with the 7th Fleet on a rotational basis in Japan.

    Carriers will also be based in Guam, South Korea, Singapore and will come under the combined operations of the 7th Fleet and the 3rd Fleet. The two fleets have more ships and firepower than the entire PLA Navy.

    Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter arrives on board the USS John C. Stennis CVN 74 nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the South China Sea April 16th to address 2000 Naval and Marine forces in the main hangar deck. Carter, who is on a trip to India and the Philippines cancelled his scheduled visit to Beijing due to increasing disputes and tensions in the Sea and in the region.

    Do you have the link to comments re: 6 carrier strike groups being forward deployed? I've gone through several articles on his visit to Stennis, but do not see ref to that. Thanks.

    The six carriers each with its strike force to the Pacific were accomplished at the end of 2013, so it's not a new announcement, which is why it isn't news on this eastern trip by SecDef Ashton Carter to India, Phils, South Korea, Japan. Carter two weeks ago cancelled his scheduled stop in Beijing.

    Three Carrier Strike Forces (CSF) are currently forward deployed:

    USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76 in Japan, from the 3rd Fleet (East of the International Date Line Pacific) to the 7th Fleet (West of the IDL Pacific);

    USS George Washington CVN 73 also in Japan (currently being overhauled in Norfolk VA)

    USS John C. Stennis CVN 74 from the 5th Fleet (Bahrain) to the 7th Fleet and Guam when new facilities are completed next year. The Stennis CSF is currently operating in the SCS and was visited yesterday by SecDef Carter and Phils Defense Minister Voltaire Gazmin.

    Three carriers currently based on the US west coast will be relocated to a forward deployment at

    Guam: USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN 71, from 5th Fleet (Bahrain) to 3rd Fleet in Bremerton WA to 7th Fleet.

    South Korea: USS Harry S. Truman CVN 75 from 2nd Fleet (Atlantic) to 7th Fleet.

    USS Carl Vinson CVN 70 from 3rd Fleet San Diego to 7th Fleet and it will divide basing time between Singapore and Brunei (neither wants to be a permanent USN base but if we all say "temporarily" it's ok).

    When sea and shock trials of the new USS GHW Bush CVN 77 are completed around the end of the year, it will relieve the Roosevelt which will go to Norfolk VA for overhaul. USS John F. Kennedy CVN 79 is planned for commissioning in 2020 and will almost certainly be deployed to the Pacific.

    Basing in Perth Australia was ruled out because it is too far out of major shipping lanes and too much work would be involved to accommodate a CSF as its base. Washington and Canberra have agreed to B-2 Stealth bombers and 1500 US Marines at existing bases in the northwest near Darwin.


    USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN 69 Carrier Strike Group Ten consists of Air Wing

    Three which has eight squadrons of fighter aircraft, the Aegis guided missile

    Destroyer Squadron 26, guided missile cruiser USS Normandy CG 60, and an

    always undisclosed number of attack submarines (2 or 3).

    USN is in a huge ship building program that can't come online operationally fast enough or soon enough. So efficiency also demands forward deployments.

    A given CSF of the US 3rd Fleet in San Diego uses up to 25% of its deployment time in transit to and from its deployment to for instance the SCS. Conversely, the Reagan which is based in Japan uses 100% of its deployment time in the Western Pacific-East Asia in deployment. The point is thus obvious to forward deploy.

    Sixty percent of USN nuclear and attack submarines are already operating with the 7th Fleet in the Western Pacific. Eight of the unofficial count of 14 US Ohio-class Boomer submarines nuclear armed with 24 multiple warhead missiles each are presently operating in the Western Pacific. Sixty percent of US military reconnaissance forward operations are now occurring in the Western Pacific due to China in the SCS and the East Sea (Japan), North Korea and its nuclear brains, Russia.

    Guam is perfectly located halfway between Tokyo and Manila to be the US central base. US Pacific Air Forces are loading the island with warplanes, missiles defensive and offensive, and carrier facilities are being rush constructed by the US together with Japan.

    Game on.





    Forward deployed means home ported OCONUS. I was on the Yokosuka carrier. We were "forward deployed".

    Ships home ported in CONUS go on deployments, but are not "forward deployed".

    Interesting comments about "relocated to forward deployment at" Guam, Singapore, Brunei.

    Edit: I've just seen your other reply on sources. I have doubts about the last sentence^, but it may be the same terminology issue. Singapore/Brunei, no. Guam was a political football even when I was there. My last reading was facilities could be upgraded for longer duration of a carrier port visit, but not a "home port". There are proponents. Interesting if it has progressed without much notice.

  11. Thai Airway used to be my airline by choice. I have more than a few concerns about Thai. I have sent them messages with a few simple questions, of course, no one bother answering them.

    So I only fly Thai when I have to, and last time Singapore Airline was full and I had to fly with Thai. It was not a pleasant flight and I sent below e-mail to them. Of course, 2 weeks on and no one have bothered to answer


    Dear Thai Airways, again!

    One more question!

    Why should I pay for the business class ticket?

    I buy it for the comfort, my last flight with you (Singapore Airways was full) and I was in my chair. Business department, maybe 25% full so I was enjoying myself. After take-off and the brought the tax free trolley and they parked it next to my seat.

    The Stewardess pitched camp in the chair on the other side of the aisle from me. She sat up office and she started to take inventory of the tax free trolley. Up and down from her seat, open the darn doors. People going to the bathroom had to squeeze between my seat and the trolley.

    For sure not a relaxing experience. When the tax free sale started the other Stewardesses started to come up front to pick up tax free items. It was one of my worst flight and I gave the crew my DUCK OFF glance and they realise that there were passengers. They brought the trolley to where it have been on ALL my previous flights, in the galley between business and the tourist class

    No consideration for the passengers and a never mind mentality and my business class ticket was a waste of money. Please explain why anyone should choose to fly business class with Thai Airways, or use any of your services.

    Former Thai Airways business class passenger and Thai gold member

    The only reason your "duck off" glance was heeded at all was because you were a business class customer, so it wasn't a total loss. tongue.png

    I agree though, sounds like the flight attendant was in her own world if she did such a thing. Strange.

  12. The latter part part you just posted is copy and paste. I'm not sure about 6 carrier part mentioned. I think perhaps mistyped. This is what I find: http://www.navy.mil/navydata/nav_legacy.asp?id=146

    I went through the 290 page CSIS report on the asia re-balance. WRT carriers, recommends 1 additional forward deployed to the region by 2019, in addition to the one in Yokosuka. That sounds realistic and doable.

  13. SecDef Ashton Carter has expanded the US Pivot to the Pacific to include six aircraft carrier strike groups being forward deployed to the region. Previously the US had one with the 7th Fleet on a rotational basis in Japan.

    Carriers will also be based in Guam, South Korea, Singapore and will come under the combined operations of the 7th Fleet and the 3rd Fleet. The two fleets have more ships and firepower than the entire PLA Navy.

    Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter arrives on board the USS John C. Stennis CVN 74 nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the South China Sea April 16th to address 2000 Naval and Marine forces in the main hangar deck. Carter, who is on a trip to India and the Philippines cancelled his scheduled visit to Beijing due to increasing disputes and tensions in the Sea and in the region.

    Do you have the link to comments re: 6 carrier strike groups being forward deployed? I've gone through several articles on his visit to Stennis, but do not see ref to that. Thanks.

    Were the comments in your post yours, or copy/paste? What was the source?

  14. Here it has been 48C as you can see by this image, and also was recorded in the car and also on internet weather.

    Korat City....

    Did you ever get out of town the other day? If so where, and how was it?

    No mate.... I decided to hold out and instead wait a week and go to the UK to escape this relentless heat.... But yesterday there was no music, which I put down the the extreme heat.

    Roger that. I thought of you later because my town was a graveyard that evening compared to the previous. Last night too.

    I wondered if, in part, the visiting teams from Bangkok weren't too keen on having no water in the blue pipe, and packed it in early. laugh.png

  15. Its sickening to watch adults teaching their children how to waste this precious resource. I watched one guy just stand by the street with his garden hose turned on full tilt and spray passing cars. All the time I watched him he never once turned it off.
    That must have been shocking for you, I don't know how you could even bear to watch.

    Were you actually physically ill, or just hyperbolically sickened in a metaphoric kind of way?

    Congratulations winner of the smart ass of the year award. Nice try on the big words you failed in the spelling though. Yes it was shocking for me. I imagine in a couple months you will be at the head of the whiners list for non existent water.

    He has my congratulations too (although mine are not sarcastic) and he wasn't being a smart arse, the smart arse was you with your pompous indignance at someone doing what they are allowed to do.

    In a couple of months when there will be (still) enough water I imagine you will be at the top of the list of those withdrawing their "non-existant water" comments.

    If BKK goes into forced water rationing, which list will you be at the top of? My guess will be the list of silence. Crickets.

    If everything turns up daisies, I will be the first to say I'm happy for that result. Because being without water SUCKS!

    Some people are so selfish and weak, they can't or refuse to act until they are personally affected. Until then, can't tell them anything.

    Yet another parallel to the thought process of children and teenagers. And some Thai Government Officials.


  16. TAT is demonstrating bald-faced, arrogant defiance of water conservation principals called for by the very government they report to. And now gloat about now much money was made? sick.gif


    The government gave the go ahead for Songkran activities on a number of occasions. That Thaivisa members choose to ignore the authorisation to enjoy the usual activities is their (your) problem. Get over it.

    I'm aware of that. That's the irony. And half their (your) problem. The fact you can't or won't get over that, is just another stripe from the same dysfunctional zebra.

  17. You managed to go a whole month in the US without being shot, shot at, or beaten and raped by illegal aliens, gang members, the police, or wild eyed red necks and/or angry christians? LOL.

    Indeed, transitioning back to toilet paper is a real bummer. My Mrs. picks up those packets of moist baby wipes. It's better than nothing. Returning to the bum gun here lent to the feeling of finally being "home". Ahhhhh! laugh.png

    Welcome back, glad you had a good trip.

  18. SecDef Ashton Carter has expanded the US Pivot to the Pacific to include six aircraft carrier strike groups being forward deployed to the region. Previously the US had one with the 7th Fleet on a rotational basis in Japan.

    Carriers will also be based in Guam, South Korea, Singapore and will come under the combined operations of the 7th Fleet and the 3rd Fleet. The two fleets have more ships and firepower than the entire PLA Navy.

    Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter arrives on board the USS John C. Stennis CVN 74 nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the South China Sea April 16th to address 2000 Naval and Marine forces in the main hangar deck. Carter, who is on a trip to India and the Philippines cancelled his scheduled visit to Beijing due to increasing disputes and tensions in the Sea and in the region.

    Do you have the link to comments re: 6 carrier strike groups being forward deployed? I've gone through several articles on his visit to Stennis, but do not see ref to that. Thanks.

  19. TAT is demonstrating bald-faced, arrogant defiance of water conservation principals called for by the very government they report to. And now gloat about now much money was made? sick.gif

    The priorities are mind boggling. Flip the bird to the government on some things, nothing happens, which just reinforces the behavior, and reputation as a 3rd rate, lawless, sweaty SE Asian banana republic.

    Call the PM a name on Facebook, you're in for some "training" at an Army base somewhere. Which also reinforces the reputation as a 3rd rate................

  20. There's a painted crossing zone on the main road at the Bangkok Bank in the amphur town near me. I can recall two cars that made an obvious, conscious effort to stop short and wave me across; which I nod and wave ack and thanks, then quick-time across.

    One I could see was a farang driver with a Thai lady passenger in a Vigo. The other was more by coincidence as the line of passing traffic itself had come to a halt. He was about to close the gap but, like a light bulb switched on, he suddenly stopped short and held up his hand for me. I thought that was a good, promising gesture.

    Having said that, I like to set a good example BUT you gotta watch your 6 when doing the "right" thing. Being rear ended by someone suffering divided attention syndrome - Facebook, having an SMS chat, day dreaming about eating aloy aloy noodles, etc., is ever present reality. That's true anywhere though, not just in Thailand.

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