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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Just now, JAFO said:

    <snip>  We went on our shopping spree for about 60 days before final pack up. Gave us ample time to pack and repack to make it look used. Prior to that we had been packing up items each day or so 3 months in advance. Its a big project.  


    Loading the container is another project all by itself.....


    In any event, Good Luck OP. 



    Yup - and right, it was more than 2 days, may have been thinking of  the 2 'big' trips in particular; one we drove home with 4 large area rugs front to back in the Landcruiser.  Wife said they would be more expensive here.  They rolled up and fit nicely along the wall in the container.


    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, jackdd said:

    But the exchange rate of Transferwise is better, so in the end with Transferwise you get a few more THB.

    I was on the verge of opening a Transferwise account but decided to put aside the altruistic marketing slogan, ignore fee comparisons, and all the posts on TVF, and see for myself how much Baht landed in my account here doing it my normal ACH method vs. Transferwise's quote. 


    My normal monthly transfer ($2,000) via my ACH method, resulted in about 500 Baht more in my account here than the Transferwise quote.  Their fee was nearly $19 to send $2,000, which probably ate up the benefit of their better exchange rate. 


    It is what it is for my situation, YMMV.  The "extra" 500 Baht will go toward my new retirement home on the beach in Tahiti.  Not! ?

  3. 16 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    A modern version copied from the ancient indian hawala money transfering set-ups between India and abroad that were or still are quite underground, but fool proof and efficient !!?...

    That's what I was thinking as well.  A Thai lady in the ME ran a small, Asian supermarket, and also did quiet money transfers.  To the best of my knowledge, she offered a decent exchange rate + a healthy fee, but simply called a family member/business partner in Thailand and said transfer X amount of Baht into X Thai bank account number.  There was no actual transfer of funds internationally through a banking/money sending system.   The lady eventually settled up the fees for the Thai end, probably when she or someone she knew and trusted, flew to Thailand.

    • Like 1
  4. I used to visit the Thai Met Office site frequently, but over the years here, I've come to expect the opposite of whatever they say.   Big storm for the NE of Thailand!!!  Not a cloud in the sky.  When they say nothing, or say "no chance", that's when we get nailed.


    Same with Junta.  If they deny something, it's probably true.  ?

  5. Indeed, your bed and the pillows you prefer - for me, it's the goose/duck feathered ones.   I also toss 2 of them in the car for road trips as the common, spongy ones here, mid-range Thai resorts/hotels, etc., put my neck in knots. 


    Roger that on the bed linens.  Every time we fly back to US for a visit, wife brings back another set of high thread count sheets & pillow cases whether we need it or not. 


    Good pillows and lines probably available here somewhere, dunno, never had to look.  If you're going to do a shipment anyway, yeah, chuck it all in there.  We went on a 2-day shopping spree before the big pack out day.

  6. On 5/26/2018 at 2:12 PM, wwest5829 said:

    US and Brit citizens can transfer to a Bangkok Bank account directly (NYC or London branch respectively). Are these other transfers as cost effective? I found any wire transfer from US was more expensive.

    I think Pib or one of the other guys who post in the banking thread worked out a $2,000 threshold.  Over that, a bank ACH transfer, depending on your bank of course, would be more advantageous.  Lower, Transferwise may be more attractive.


    Just did a transfer Monday night.  Charles Schwab Bank to Bangkok Bank, via NYC, $2,000 even.  It processed out on Tuesday, reflected in my BB account this morning.   After fees and the TT exchange rate, I received 63,380.65 Baht.  


    I put 2,000 into Transferwise's website today, I would receive 63,311.97 after fees and FOREX.  There may be some exchange rate variation if Bangkok Bank NYC processed the transfer yesterday.





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  7. On 5/29/2018 at 12:05 PM, Gandtee said:

    Another lesson learnt. Don't write to your HSBC bank to report non receipt of your bank cards. The new cards  were cancelled after two weeks then another set of cards arrived a week later. Most probably was all due to my letter to my bank. I never have received a reply. As the claimed advice given to British Colonial ladies is good but sore advice. ' When being raped lay back and think of England!'

    Don't feel too bad.  I avoid talking to my bank at all.  If they suss out I'm "living" in Thailand, they would move to close my accounts. 



  8. All good reminders and tips, good lookin' out, mate.


    Another tip is to cover the 3 digit CVC code at the back of debit/credit cards, with a piece of colored tape, in the event an attendant takes the card for payment processing, PTT petrol stations, for example.  Sometimes I'll get out and go to the booth myself to sign the slip, just to keep things non-standard. 

  9. Just now, KhunBENQ said:

    And then rise the limit and 150 will be common?

    Heaven helps.

    I often have to remember myself that I am (early) retired.

    No schedule to keep, no boss or VIP customer waiting.

    That seems to be the case even in my country with the periodic increase to speed limit over the decades.  Traffic typically moves 7-10 mph over. 


    Wife and I did San Diego to Tuscon in February, then up to Vegas, then back over and down to San Dog.  What a pleasure.  Cruise control set at 80, eating up the miles, everybody including big trucks, all on the same page.  None of this dodging in and out stuff, avoiding slow pokes, etc.   My wife loves driving in the States.  Hasn't a kind word about Thai drivers in general, the roads, or the police here.

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  10. Just now, EVENKEEL said:

    When you get caught up doing 120+ it's time to slow down, move left and cruise...... Stop off at the next 7-11, snack and start again. God bless 7-11's.

    Depending on location of course, often a lot going on way over there on the left,  including space cadets pulling out from PTT/7-11s. ?    Slooowww trucks and the big potholes they create.


    On a 3-4 lane main highway, slower folks ought to stay left, and leave the right lane open for people with a pulse.

    • Like 1
  11. Somebody told me the highway speed limit (Highway 2 BKK into the Northeast) was actually 90 kph.  Although 110-120 seems to be quite common.  So those pluckers poking along at 90 are actually "right", although I'm with you at how annoying they are.  I would say a good % are looking down at their phones, so slowing down is viewed as being more "safe" while doing so. 


    Wasn't there an article recently saying Thailand decided to increase the maximum speed limit?  90 kph was set back in the 70s.  Don't remember the details, something along those lines. 


    • Sad 1
  12. Oz has sharpened its tune "a bit",  but still not willing to commit Naval assets to the freedom of navigation efforts, preferring the rule of International law to keep China in check.  Seems to be working well so far.  ?


    Chinese gave the Aussies some "straight talk" at the trade meeting recently.  Something about Oz and their coloured glasses, I presume they meant rose-tinted ones.   Sounded like a superior addressing a subordinate. 



    SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will on Tuesday hail the role of international law in settling regional conflicts, comments apparently aimed at bolstering Australian efforts to build a coalition against Chinese assertiveness.


  13. The concept of charging Mexicans (not US citizens) a direct service fee to cross legally, Mex to US, is a good idea, in theory.  They would be outraged.  Maybe the legal crossers would rise up and protest en masse, demanding their government cooperate and do more. 


    I don't think Jose Six Pack has the huevos or inclination to do that, though.  Also, their government isn't a push over like the US.  I'm quite sure the Mex government's response would be tit for tat, charging (Americans) to cross US to Mex.  Where THAT money would actually wind up is likely a no brainer.


    End of the day, Trump's pay for the wall rhetoric is counter productive against the machismo.   It simply allows them to feign outrage publicly as a means to avoid acknowledging their end of the problem and take responsibility for it publicly.  That would be a dangerous new precedent best avoided.   God forbid Mexico finally has to get its shit together.  No, much easier to remain a proverbial shit hole, which guarantees the world's continued low expectations.


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  14. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    Forgive me, I had no idea how fragile you are feeling today. 


    Here's a thing. 


    The girls are have a great time in the Scouts and I'm sure the boys are too.


    The Scouts get more members and with more members more funding.


    I think that's good news. 




    I was waiving the BS flag on your obvious BS.   Before you pounce on the hypocrisy attack line about that...... I feel the same way about the alt right and their nonsense too. 


    Once you abandoned all that and got back on topic, I don't disagree with you at all.   I wasn't contesting girls and boys together.  In fact, I even said that.  I bet we would agree on plenty of other stuff once you drop the shock jock nonsense.


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