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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 3 hours ago, Crispyman said:

    I find it quite funny that all of the posters only have negative comments about Thailand but yet half of them live in Thailand most probably married to a Thai woman. If you don’t like it, I’m sure  there other countries you can move to. The fact is that every country has its positive and negative, not every country is perfect.

    The truth hurts and isn't easy for some to accept.


    For example, my "home" origin is San Diego, CA.  A beautiful city by all accounts, lauded for its modest skyline, idyllic sea backed by mountains and wonderful weather most of the time.


    But like most places on Earth, once you live there, you realize San Diego has all or many of the same problems as any other city full of humanoids.  Violent, gang ridden ghetto areas, traffic, high cost of living, government dysfunction and hypocrisy of compassionate, affluent liberals.  Widening gap between rich, struggling "middle class" and the loved and loathed illegal immigrants who do all the dirty work, and prepare Thai food out of sight, just 17 miles from the Mexico/Baja border.   A significant homeless problem being shifted around out of sight out of mind by police and affluent city officials, escalating waste management issues, Orca whales imprisoned by private industry for human entertainment and profit, and a few times a year, those beautiful beaches must be closed in haste due to sewage spills - one southern area in particular, located right next to Tijuana's <deleted> - but also very affluent, beautiful areas like La Jolla.


    This is really about the gullible nature of humans, Marketing 101 and the Tourism Industry. 


    Don't be so sensitive. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Will those tourists give the impression of contentment with a look of wonder and bliss or an idiot with a vacant grin?

    The two may be inextricably linked, and the vids certainly target that demographic, not "woke" farangs who already sah-tay Thailand long time. ?


    But that's alright, countries seeking a share of the big money tourist industry always try to put their best foot forward. 

  3. Just now, Justfine said:

    Hard for a bloke to dress up as a woman, take female hormones and be normal don't you think? 

    I do think there are psychological issues going on there. 


    My opinion about lady boys isn't rooted in hate.  I'm not repulsed by them, or gays for that matter.  Like that Famous Thai Smile, appearances can be deceiving, especially when viewed through the lens of hopeful, Western progressivism. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

    Ladyboys are totally accepted. Realise that there are ladyboys all over Thailand (and indeed SE Asia generally)...not exclusively in the tourist traps.

    They are accepted as part of the way of life in the rural areas. We, the wife and I , have a couple of friends who are ladyboys. Nice people too.

    Totally is a rather broad term.  Acceptance could just as easily be replaced with resignation. I just don't think it's that simple, or universal. 


    I knew a lady boy upcountry a year or so ago.  Nice bloke but strange, had some personality/behavior issues, possibly exacerbated by drug use.   30 something years old but looked like death warmed over most of the time.  He's dead now.   His Thai family was evasive.  Unspecified cancer of some kind but we all felt it was something else and, perhaps, they wanted to avoid village gossip and stigma.

  5. Just now, Misterwhisper said:

    Those lucky Chinese b*st**ds. Had they amassed on that beach only 10 years earlier, they'd found themselves completely surrounded by Germans - and there wouldn't have been nearly enough boats from Koh Larn to evacuate even a quarter of them. 

    Bull Sharks and Chang-fueled Vikings await them on the shores of Hua Hin.



    • Haha 2
  6. 2 hours ago, jakethepeg said:

    Breezes are not the same inland as they are by the sea. As an ex pilot who has more than a passing interest in the weather ..trust me or just google why sea breezes are predominant, its all pretty logical and should be taught at school probably

    OK, but remember, you're the one who asked for a non fantasy based explanation of how there could be a breeze in a village. 


    I'm relieved that you've conceded there are such things as breezes inland.


    Just that they're different than sea breezes.  And that sea breezes are predominate.  Especially near the sea.


    Have fun man, and watch out for that sea breeze suction on your balcony.  18 floors is a long way down, even for an ex-pilot.


  7. 39 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

    All interesting stuff as I’m in trying to plan a naturally cooled house appropriate for the tropics whilst trying to convince the missus that her idea of a modern house/bungalow dates back to the 70’s in the UK and is totally inappropriate for these climes.

    Good reading over in the housing/diy thread. 


    Be a lot of fun to start from scratch and do it right.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Just now, jakethepeg said:

    Not sure what that means but we are both ex customers. That's the whole point!
    Any way I'm still looking for a non fantasy explanation of how dudes living in a village get a breeze?

    Good for you.  I go to Pattaya less than before, had my fill of all that starting in the 80s and 90s.  Last trip, stayed in a nice little resort next to Lake Maprachan.  Good chow, swimming pool, bar, no elevators, couple of maidens about who figured out I wasn't a potential customer, and it was all good after that.  Guess I'm well and truly ruined from living upcountry.  :biggrin:


    Breezes over land and water are the same basic principle.  I was just out on my front patio, nice breeze blowing in from the South/Southwest.


  9. 17 minutes ago, jakethepeg said:


    And yapping dogs, roosters loud speakers at 6am, mosquitos, your hard earned $ in the name of a woman you have little in common with and watching rice grow as a hobby.

    Yep living the dream! But I'm sure your situation is "different" lol


    I get the lift down to the beach and choose my next GF right there emoji16.png


    And THEN I need the air on


    Issan sub-forum is an odd place for you to be hanging out. 

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  10. 6 minutes ago, jakethepeg said:

    ha ha a lot of guys living in their wifes house near a jungle trying to convince condo owners they have a lovely breeze lol.

    Im on the 28th floor seaside in danger of being sucked off the balcony (no pun) when there is the slightest breeze.

    Dont see how you ground floor jungle dwellers can beat that!

    Horses for courses.  Personally, I couldn't live like a bee in a hive.  After 9 months in a flat, vowed never again.


  11. I've often thought lady boys aren't really accepted here, at least not to the extent Western foreigners like to pretend they are, because that's easier, safer, and also conforms with the hocus pocus about gentle Thais, thanks to the omnipresent guiding light of Buddhism. 


    Otherwise, I feel Thai at large are rather narrow minded, and their apparent acceptance about lady boys may be a factor of culture insomuch as they prefer to avoid unnecessary conflict. 


    Lady boys seem to be tucked in a corner.  They, and perhaps Toms, are type cast and often the brunt of jokes.  I have a feeling Thais aren't laughing with them, rather at them, and the spectacle they represent.


    I wouldn't advise it but if ever in doubt about the true nature of a lady boy, punch her in the face.  She'll go from sexy lady to Man in T-minus .5 seconds, and probably strangle you with her bra and gouge your eyes out with her high heels.

    • Thanks 1
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  12. Yeah, not much you can do about the concrete jungle moo baan outside.   


    Did some initial projects to our little ground floor 3 bed 2 bath Gable roof convection oven, with an eye toward heat mitigation:

    • Install security screen doors for front patio and kitchen entries. 
    • 17" exhaust fan in 2nd bathroom window end of the hall.
    • 10 vented eave boards to open attic void from the bottom. 

    Next on the list:

    • Passive heat outflow from attic void.  Leaning toward vented tiles along roof line ridge, not Whirly birds.
    • After that, blown in attic insulation to slow attic heat migration through the gyp board ceiling. 
    • Extensions around roof line perimeter to keep more sun off exterior walls and windows.

    The front and side garden areas weren't paved over, thankfully, and there are a few mature Ficus trees helping to shade front of the house from direct sun. 


    That little 17" exhaust fan does remarkably well pulling air in/through the house, but nowhere near as good as Dr. Naam's "whole house fan".

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