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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Sounds rather reasonable, actually.   State and Federal governments perform fingerprinting and criminal BG checks on those adopting, in particular from international sources.  Too many Pedos and other sick weirdos out there.


    I would expect the groups involved with human trafficking, especially the child smuggling aspect of it from Mexico, and beyond, would be totally on-side with measures taken to verify the identity of people claiming to be parents/relatives of an illegal alien child, and methods to follow up should it be necessary later. 


    The world we live in isn't all lollipops and rainbows, and the tragic reality is there are quite a few "bad hombres" swirling around in the illegal immigration arena. 

    • Like 2
  2. Echo ---  I wouldn't. 


    Would have loved to bring my Toyo Landcruiser over from the sand box but once I got a look at the import tax and red tape..... meh, no thanks.  


    Let go of sentimental feelings, sell it on there.  It can be tough, I know.  After following me around the world for several years, finally bit my lower lip and let go of my beloved, full size Ford Bronco when I left Guam.  Hard to watch the new owner drive it away from my house that day.   ? 

  3. Just now, oldlakey said:

    It worked rather well for a while dont you think

    I mentioned 3.  Which one?


    Suppose I was about to point out Blaze's selective outrage was totally irrelevant in a thread attempting to ascertain how breakfast is the former Empire's national identity; in danger of being usurped by Indian Curry.  ?

  4. Quote

    At Girl Scouts, we are in our second century of preparing girls for a lifetime of leadership. We are proud of our role in our country’s history and are embracing and amplifying our role in its future. We are the organization building the G.I.R.L.s — the go-getters, innovators, risk-takers and leaders — of tomorrow.

    This is what we’re offering America — tapping this great untapped resource of girls who take action to make the world a better place.

    No organization does this better than we do.



    Wow!  #MAGA!

  5. 3 hours ago, nahkit said:

    "As Boy Scouts of America widens its scope, the Girl Scouts of the USA is reaffirming its commitment to girls.


    "Girl Scouts has always proudly owned the 'Girl' in Girl Scouts, and our programming is, and always will, reflect the fact that we are girl-led and girl-centric," the organisation said in a statement."


    Sounds like the American Scouting movement still has a way to go.

    That quote is all over Google search, being repeated by female Den leaders in states and cities across the country, with a fascist zeal resembling a white power rally.  


    That really does reveal the true underbelly on this.  It's not about the girls in girl scouts.  This is all about the female adults in the girl scouts.  The girl scouts themselves are being exploited and used as pawns by the adults.  The media is all too willing to go along with the program, terrified of the embarrassing truth. 


    Personally I don't care and don't have a problem with co-ed.  But there's more to this than that.  No use pretending there isn't.  


    One poster asked earlier, what prevents the Girl Scout leadership from taking the girls out for a romp in the woods with a map to find a waterfall in Girl Scout uniforms?  Nothing. 


    Here, they are practicing, so they can show the boys they've overcome their insecurities about land navigation.  Insecurities they didn't know they were supposed to have until their adult female den leaders convinced them of it, in order to then "empower" them to overcome it. 


    Meanwhile, the boys are thinking, "Yeah, well, we never said you couldn't".  You miserable cows fabricated this fictional drama all on your own.  So piss off and leave us out of it!  ?


    • Like 1
  6. When she defaults to "I want a divorce", that's the nuclear option.  She does that to "win", controlling you, knowing you'll back down.


    Man up and call her bluff.  Then walk away without shouting.  


    You rebuff the control freak nonsense and put her shit back on her.  It also reduces the chance she will try to exploit this angle again.  She'll roll back to lovey dovey as usual.


    Or, she really doesn't love you, mate, and her calls for divorce is really real.   You need pull your head out and get to grips with that possibility.  And quit this old fashioned preciousness about your marriage.   You could waste 20 good years being polite and living your life to the expectations of your parents and grandparents.    If there's some religious sub-text to this dogmatic view of marriage, then good luck with that. 

    • Like 2
  7. Quote

    North Korea’s Kim Yong Chol, vice chairman of the ruling Workers’ Party’s Central Committee, was scheduled to fly to the United States on Wednesday after speaking to Chinese officials in Beijing, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said, citing an unnamed source.


    When Kim Chang Son was asked by a reporter at the Beijing airport if he was flying to Singapore for talks with the United States, he said he was “going there to play,” according to footage from Nippon Television Network.

    This sudden turn about by NK still feels rather dodgy.

  8. 11 minutes ago, blazes said:


    Well, I dunno.  I never cease to think it worthwhile to attack the likes of Tony Blair and Dubya Bush for their criminal invasion of another country on the lie that that country had Weapons of Mass Destruction, conveniently forgetting that the UK and the US had in their possession enough WMD to wipe out the planet in one afternoon.  (Had?  Have, I mean.)

    Yeah!  The list is long and distinguished.  And how about those Germans!  Pol Pot!  Even the haughty English.... seems like just yesterday, geologically speaking, they were hell bent on controlling natural resources and territory, covered with a lie that all the brown skinned people needed civilising.  Speak English, you bloody savages, if you know what's good for you!  ?

  9. On 5/22/2018 at 3:54 PM, Riojasue said:

    We live in Khon Kaen in Isaan and whilst we do love it here coz we’re near family this last few weeks it’s been unbearable. As we’re in a hot city it’s very difficult to exercise in our usual way which is walking every day. So we’re spending far too much time just sitting in the AC coz the house is just a concrete storage heater and without the AC it would be unbearable.

    Can I ask if anyone has had experience of both Issan and a beach region and what their experiences are with heat management? We intend to spend most of each year in Thailand but it’s just not much fun sitting in the AC during the hot season so we’re wondering about a move to the coast.

    Thanks everyone.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Maybe too late for you, but you have to build you house smart from the beginning.  Now days, that's QCON blocks with an air gap between outter and inner walls.  Vented attic void.  Insulation on top of the ceiling.


    Otherwise your a/c units are working over time to compensate for the attic void heat pushing down into your house, and the concrete walls heat up from the outside sun and from the attic void, turning your house into an oven.  And your air conditioner work very hard trying to achieve the temperature you demand on the remote control setting. 

    • Like 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Roger, Read up on currency investment. I have watched too many get burned in stocks and I like the control I have with Xchange investment. The biggest impediment to investing in Brazil is residency to get a bank account that pays some of the highest interest rates in the world.


    For me I just set up automatic funding from my BOFA acct to my BB acct in NYC. I invested in a guesthouse/café my GF manages to keep her busy. Only makes about 50K/month but that covers our rent and gives her something to do and a safe place for me to eat and drink, haha.

    Sounds good.  Monthly pension I got early on covers "life" here month to month, also push it through BB NYC.  Main capital spits out passive income, it's ok, could be better if I wasn't so lazy about it.  I dabble in individual stocks but not much.  Thought about FOREX trading once or twice, but can't be arsed.   


    Otherwise, the pot of un-invested cash in the US, and the remaining one here in Baht, I keep as contingency funds.  I feel better with a lump of cash I can reach out and touch.  So I suck up the loss of opportunity in exchange for flexibility and having options.  That's how I rationalize it anyway.  LOL. 

  11. Didn't see the post with the list first, but I got interested the other night when you posted this, and cabled my computer to the 3bb router to login for a looksee. 


    My password didn't work, so after many tries, ended up doing the factory reset.  Then the default login on the router's Quick Start manual didn't work.  After a lot of aggravation, finally called 3bb, and they gave me a very long, obscure default login to use and I finally got everything set up again.   And then my Win10 desktop 'puter wouldn't connect to Wifi with the new credentials, but finally got that sorted out.  All in, about 2 1/2 hours.


    And THEN I saw the post with the list of routers once I got back here.


    My router's not on it. ?  ?


    Fun exercise though.  Not! 

    • Haha 1
  12. Just now, JAZZDOG said:

    If that works for you it is a good way to go. Personally I leave a bare minimum in an account in Thailand and simply transfer funds as necessary. I realize hindsight being 20/20 but had you invested that same 800K four years ago in BradescoBR in a CDB you would have acquired over 700K in interest and currency appreciation. Is there a higher risk, absolutely, but it is mitigated when you invest in a currency at historic lows. Yielding 12% interest over 1.8% also softens the hit from currency downside. If the Baht depreciates as expected the 1.8 yield wont cover the loss. Then again I live most of the year in Brazil so currency swings don't effect me as much.

    Roger that, of course you're fundamentally right.   Like others, I transferred an initial amount in to get "set up" here, and the 800k is what's left over at this point after cars and a place to live.   Rest of my coins remain invested offshore, and cash.  Nothing fancy.



  13. That seems a bit long.  I just received a small box on Thursday, sent via regular US Postal Service from California to my door here, in 8 days.


    Did your mail forwarding service send by regular USPS or a FedEx/DHL type service?  I've got no direct experience with the latter, but the general rule I've heard on TVF over the years is FedEx/DHL seems to attract more attention from Thai Customs.


  14. 34 minutes ago, Kohsamida said:

    Sorry for cluttering up the forum with my flurry of posts.  Things got so bad that, from my end, it looked like none of my posts were getting published.  The next thing I know, they ALL posted at once!  My apologies.

    No worries.  I typo'ed your User name in my post above.  Went back to Edit/Correct it after 1 minute and said I couldn't because it had been too long or had been deleted.  I think that the same thing you got earlier.  But the correction saved anyway, even though it said it could not.  LOL.  Anyway, it'll all get straightened out eventually.   Take care. 

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