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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. ^ ^ Good one!  We came out of the sandbox/GCC where we used Dinar, and Dollars on American military bases; and of course different currencies when traveling around GCC, and other spots in the region.  Doing a quick mental conversion to gut check a price and value, was muscle memory.


    For about a year or so after moving here, I still converted Baht to Dinars, automatic cross ref to Dollars.   The only hanging chad now is air tickets, in particular to the US.  I still search and evaluate prices in Dollars, although the final, on-line purchase transaction is in Baht.  Flying domestically, I think in Baht.  LOL.

  2. If nobody else answers, I typed "Dunhill cigarettes in Bangkok" in Google and got several hits.  Looked a bit dated but may be some useful leads to check.


    As you probably know already, unique/more expensive items may not sell often here so if possible, try to check production date before you buy to avoid disappointment.

  3. Are there any more peer reviewed medical journal articles on this?  Maybe my Google search isn't focused enough.  I find one WebMD article from 2008 where the quoted Dr. is interested but more study needed.  That was 10 years ago, so wondering if that was done. 


    Past AHA president Robert H. Eckel, MD, says that more study is needed to determine whether herbal tea's blood-pressure-lowering effect can actually be sustained over the long haul.



    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Happy Time Thai said:

    OMG. no no no no no, it goes like this goobers:

    (knock , knock)

    "who is it"?

    *"hey man it's Dave open up I got the stuff"


    *"DAVE, man come on open up I think the cops saw me come in here man open up"!!!!!


    (pounding on door)*"Come on man open up"!!!

    "who is it"?

    *"Dave man"!


    *"Yeah man, DaVe"!!

    (short pause)



    On a few of their albums, the one I own is

    "still smokin'"


    Carry on.....



    Pedro Depacas


    Name That Tune:


    "Now in the laid back California town, of sunny San Rafael, lived a GIIIRRLLL named Pearly Sweetcake.  You probably knew her well....."

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, William C F Pierce said:

    It shows this is not one type of job a Thai can do. It would be better to employ Olympic grade foreigners that understand the ways of the seas and oceans. Thais do not have the knowledge and skills foreigners have acquired over many decades and neither are they as athletic as foreigners.

    Olympic grade.  That sounds prohibitively expensive. 


    The Thais can do it, they just need the training, conditioning, and a funding commitment from higher level of the Thai Government.


    Aussies are quite good and nearby.  Believe they've done some training here before.  Indonesia as well.

    • Like 1
  6. @madisongy  I was just looking at another guy's post/question about Schwab card and Thai ATM Fees, and did a quick check on Schwab's policy for any fees that were missed, perhaps co-mingled with the w/d amount    Basically the same as what Capital 1 said.  Contact them, they'll sort it out.


    Quote from Schwab's website:


    1. Unlimited ATM fee rebates apply to cash withdrawals using your Visa debit card wherever it is accepted. ATM fee rebates do not apply to any fees other than those assessed for using an ATM to withdraw cash from your Schwab Bank account. Schwab Bank makes its best effort to identify those ATM fees eligible for rebate, based on information it receives from Visa and ATM operators. In the event that you have not received a rebate for a fee that you believe is eligible, please call a Schwab Bank Client Service Specialist for assistance at 888-403-9000. Schwab Bank reserves the right to modify or discontinue the ATM fee rebate at any time.


  7. 38 minutes ago, madisongy said:

    Curious about how that works 55Jay.   Are they converting the USD to Baht at BB in NY, and if so, how close to the xe.com rate?   


    Also, saw some comments that some banks roll the 220 baht ATM fee together with the withdrawal amount.   For example, you pull out 10,000 baht, and the receipt shows you pulled out 10,220 instead of showing the 220 baht separately as a fee......which Schwab would reimburse.  Have you had any experience with that, or know which banks detail that fee out separately so there is no issue with the reimbursement?

    I "think" so, using Bangkok Bank "T T" rate USD to Baht.  Without looking, on basic principle, I know TT will be less favorable than XE.  Then there's NY's handling/pass through fee, and (max) 250 Baht fee for their brothers back in LoS.  


    It may not be the most penny wise method.  I just got weary about traipsing back and forth to the bank for multiple counter withdrawals and/or ATM pulls.  I just do 1 ACH transfer and I'm all set for the month.  Works for me.


    Haven't had any direct experience with Schwab on second Q, but did when I first started using my Capital 1 account and debit/ATM card here several years ago.  They said if an ATM co-mingled fee with the withdrawal amount, and it wasn't reimbursed at the end of the month, send them an message with a copy of the receipt attached, and they would process (within monthly reimburse limit of course).

  8. Probably an old one, I just ran across it a couple of weeks ago though. ///


    Sadly, President Obama passes away and goes straight to Hell, met at the rusty old gate by St. Lucifer himself. 


    Satan told him Hell was fully booked but since Obama had to stay, he would be given 3 rooms of sinners to choose from, essentially taking someone's place.  Obama, realizing a pardon wasn't on the cards, agreed.


    Devil opened the first room where Obama saw Ted Kennedy in a pool of hot water, diving under repeatedly but coming up empty handed.  Obama admitted he couldn't swim too well, and declined.   


    Devil opened door 2 and Obama saw Al Gore breaking large rocks with a sledge hammer.  Obama grimaced, "No thanks, I have a shoulder injury and that looks like hard work". 


    Devil opened door 3, revealing a very naked and rather "erect" Bill Clinton tied to a 4-post bed, a blushing Monica Lewinsky knelt next to him.   Obama laughed, "Bill!  You're here too?  I knew it!".  Obama grinned at the Devil, "I can handle this one, I'll take it."


    Devil nodded in agreement and said, "It's your lucky day, Bill.  OK Monica, you can go now."

  9. 9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Well, from where I sit it's sabai sabai. A teerak who will do anything for me. A cost of living about one third of what I would have in Australia, where I'd probably be living on packaged noodles and paying extortionate rent.

    What on earth is the OP on about? Mai Kowchai.

    He's on about creating content.  This topic is always good for a lot of traffic. :thumbsup:

    • Thanks 1
  10. 35 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

    The west will always be represented here.....


    Looking at the tourist numbers the interest seems to come from other places.....

    Others + China represent about 60%.....Whoever "others" are it's not like a western landslide....


    The biggest numbers are already on the board, the rest are individually insignificant....


    We've/we're not/never have been as important as we imagine ourselves to be.....


    Interesting, thanks.  This one 1995-2011, shows that forming trend.  % increase column at the end also interesting.   I attributed the uptick in Aussies to the bombings and trouble in Indonesia in the 2000s.




  11. On 5/11/2018 at 8:47 AM, HooHaa said:

    The most amusing, and simultaneously tragic, aspect of this story is that neither those quoted in the op nor those commenting on the thread have even the slightest clue what they are talking about.


    To talk about finding a strain suitable to the environment is laughable in a medical marijuana context, as the grower creates and controls the environment specific to each strain.


    The knowlege and technology is there, it just needs to be implemented. I poersonally know of a number of university students who are doing quite well producing quality product,, but rather than seek out these indiciduals, rhe government will likely engage some untalented neophyte to reinvent the wheel.


    As for the munchies and pizza jokes, sigh.


    Finally, allusions to Thai stick and local strains may have been relavent in the 70s and early 80s, but certainly dont hold a candle to the quality product available today.


    I grew up amongst growers through my university years and now many of those criminals are very successful legitimate businessmen yet oddly havent changed their trade.

    Tease!  Hook us up with the Thai Uni chronic, man!  :ph34r:







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