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Posts posted by doji

  1. I’m married into a much richer family, so the money has been flowing to our direction instead of another way around. smile.png

    Esp every NewYear time, we always receive around 10k bths each year. We had tried repeatedly telling them to stop. Eventho we’re fully grown and working adults, but somehow they still see us as 2 little kids LOL.

  2. Don’t get so worked up and upset about it, just because their relationship is not similar as yours.

    The arrangement seems to work for both of them, that’s all it matters. Seems he’s getting something and she’s too getting something out of this arrangement. I’m sure…if it’s not ok with her, she would probably leave him by now.

    And from my many observations, NOT too many farangs come to Thailand and want an equal partner.

    • Like 1
  3. You've misunderstood me - perhaps in your rush to stereotype me and make intellectually lazy assumptions about me - and, not that you should have, you've not read my previous posts on this thread or all of my last post in which I said, "Before someone jumps on me, I'm not saying at all that such women don't exist." It happens that I also specifically mentioned in posts that I'd had relationships (ranging from business to friendship to romance) with educated women; I haven't even spoken to a bar girl in about 10 years and haven't had any friends from that world for over twice that. More than 20 years ago, I did exactly what you suggest: I made a conscious and successful effort to see more of Thai society - and Thai females - than that which was either the nightlife or it's periphery (or the rural working class which I had also been familiar with).

    My skepticism is in regards to the OPs post: specifically that so many of his female friends are near fluent. I don't think it impossible - though I find it hard to believe they'd speak English so well but hate speaking it as he claimed - it might be true. After all, you and your friends are hardly the only ones in the country who have the English skills you say you have - I know Thai women and men who speak nearly fluent or even perfect English - but certainly neither they nor you are not at all typical. If you think you are, then, no disrespect intended, I venture to say I know more sides of Thailand than you and your relatively elite friends do.

    Oh, and it's true that you don't know anything about my world - but you apparently think that you do...

    “elite”?....what is your definition of being an elite? Do you think that just because we’re not that poor, and be able to be quite fluent in English (well to our standard anyway), those make us one of the elite? Are you sure, you’re not over simplified the term?

    We certainly don’t see ourselves that way, neither our families. We all do work for a living…a long hard day of work….no work, no pay. We don’t eat in some hi-so places, we mostly eat at home or foods from mostly foodstalls or local ma&pa venues. My two aunties sell homemade desserts at our paksoi (which I posted in another topic here earlier). We don’t have driver or housekeeper, we watch what we spend and very frugal with money. Neither we have super white skin, nor from the Chinese heritage. Our family is just a simple hard working Thais. I don’t get anything for free from my parents. My friend has to drive 2.5 hrs “each way”, just to get to work. We don’t have habit of looking down on people, especially poor people.

    We also did many good public charities in rural areas and had built a job training school for the poors, with our own money. Sometimes when we have extra, we do share, no big deal. So what have many of the farangs here done for the public goods, when many here seem to love bragging …..as I have THIS and have THAT etcs.???

    This got me thinking too, as I came across many posts that talking about “hi-so” girls. Many here seem to get the idea that just because the girls have white skin and not working in a farm or something etcs , she’s a hi-so. Simply it’s not true, generally that ‘s not the thais see it anyway. I think the word “hi-so” is being used too loosely and over simplified here, without even knowing what it means exactly in Thailand. Don’t people here do any research first or something?

    Additionally I also often came across many posts asking for this and that, when most of the answers can be had …just by quickly googling it, common people! I thought many of you here see yourself as more superior than the thais in educational wise. Or it’s just simply being “lazy”?, ...OH but not lazier than the thais, right?

    Just want to vent out a few things in one post haha. I’m being waaaay off topic here, and I normally like reading better than posting anyway.

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  4. If all of these girlfriends who are fluent in English are refusing to speak to you in English, they are dissing you. They are deliberately leaving you out of the group.

    I have to wonder why that's OK with your GF, as in, "where do you really fit in here?"

    Absolutely. Agree with all of that.

    But I have my doubts about the existence of all these nearly fluent Thai women. (Before someone jumps on me, I'm not saying at al that such women don't exist.)

    Because you’re not in that circle normally, or at least not making a genuine effort to be in the educated thais circle. I’m not saying it’s the better circle, but what I’m saying is that “if you don’t seek, then you won’t find”. I and many of friends are educated with fluency in the English language (some are also with French & Chinese), and we’re all not being married to any farang.

    We’re all have a full time job, (finance dept at Exim, supervisor at tour company, dept manager at Thai Airway, and I, a commodity trader,….. just to name a few.

    It’s so true, that we seem to be living in different worlds. Like 2 parallel worlds in the universe?

    We don’t know the daily life of your world, and vice versa. So far I have learn about bargirls and their businesses with farangs so much just by browsing through here, and not from our family or direct experiences ourselves in our normal daily life. Quite entertaining to read indeed, if I may say so. <no disrespect intended>


    Just want to add that....."we all got married with no sinsod from our hubbies. (never asked, our parents just wanted us to be happy with long lasting marriage life, that's all)

    • Like 1
  5. still doesn't work

    FYI: the last time, it had taken me a few weeks to be able to change my avatar from the 1st to 2nd one.

    So I will try again in a few more weeks. (I do miss having my "blue bird" avatar)sad.png

  6. ^^ PM me

    You shouldn’t judge people based on what you see on their bank balance, or their humble existence,… ‘cause you don’t know “how many bank account they actually have”, or what they actually do for a living” ects. And many rich thais do not use atm, they like to get their bucket full of cash from the teller directly.

    My 2 aunties sell homemade thai desserts at the paksoi food stalls and make enough to just cover normal household expenses monthly. You should have seen their bank balance, eventhough they may be “cash poor” but are quite “hard assets rich”, well let’s say…their current net worth can make many farangs here want to be their gik. Anyone interested?

    Yeah, PM me some photos mate, and also how much will they pay me each month and what type of condo will they put me up in?

    Btw….my lovely aunties are also….never been married, graduated from tradeschool (1 beauty , 1 accounting), very nice, don’t like drinker or smoker, must be handy around the house to fix things,

    and oh…quite BOSSY! (forgot to mention that, didn’t I )smile.png

    You two seems like “a very well used good”. And judging by many of your posts, it seems like are also “hard to control”, and beyond the age of easy training? Naah …wouldn’t suit them at all. SORRYwai.gif

  7. You shouldn’t judge people based on what you see on their bank balance, or their humble existence,… ‘cause you don’t know “how many bank account they actually have”, or what they actually do for a living” ects. And many rich thais do not use atm, they like to get their bucket full of cash from the teller directly.

    My 2 aunties sell homemade thai desserts at the paksoi food stalls and make enough to just cover normal household expenses monthly. You should have seen their bank balance, eventhough they may be “cash poor” but are quite “hard assets rich”, well let’s say…their current net worth can make many farangs here want to be their gik. Anyone interested?smile.png

  8. so you're telling us you got a rich high-so thai chinese wife, thanks for sharing

    i bet you met her in a chinese take-away,what was her no.

    No actually, In Bangkok met at PBS , i take it your one of the guys paying yours?

    Pussy's Bar Silom?

    Ahh another whoremonger who frequently likes to expand his trouser, but not the mind.wink.png

  9. OP, I will try to be very truthful here

    If you have been living most of your life with at least having a basic commonsense, that commonsense trait of yours shouldn’t be going away just because you have decided to change the location. With just a bit of applying some of those basic commonsense, I very much doubt that you will even come across many of the mishaps that you have been reading often here.

    And there is no danger of living in Thailand for many years. Because the length of time alone doesn’t determine how well or how knowledgeable of Thailand, its people and its culture, that you “may think” you have acquired,……because what matter most is the “strength” of those years, not the length.

    In addition to some people are more rigid than others to adapt, so "how willing of you to be flexible and adaptable in a new environment" can further help you to survive with less problem.

    So use the commonsense in picking your circle of friends and partner carefully, and everything else that you may choose to do,….then you shouldn’t have too much trouble living and enjoying life in Thailand or anywhere else that you choose to be at.

    Because at least 90% of problems that you will encounter....can be solved just by applying a bit of your basic commonsense (the right kind that is).

  10. To the OP

    The occupation of her father is the least of your concern, unless you’re worrying about your girl could be a gun slinger, into handcuffs and bribery.smile.png

    The main immediate concern is to ask yourself a question…”Why would a young 20s something, sweet, & stunner (of course)…want to be involved romantically with someone who’s old enough to be her uncle or a father’s friend?”

    maybe because she is attracted to him! did you ever think about that one? whatever nanny state country you come from doji, this thread is about LOS.

    Is it that normal in your circle for a 20s something yrs age diff couple?

    Doesn't matter in what country, that age difference is not the norm, and I only advice to OP to be cautious about it.

    And what make you think you know more about LOS than me?rolleyes.gif

  11. Suddenly my "birdie avatar" just disappeared in front of my eye as I was browsing around TV!...what happened?... Don't you like my "birdie"?

    I have tried without any success to reload it several times, but no such luck. Every times I tried, my old one (photo of me) kept showing up.

    What should I do, to get my cutie "birdie" back? ....and trying to clear all the caches didn't seem to work either...<strange>

    Thanks in advancewai2.gif

  12. ^ mr & mrs Ichybum?smile.png

    I don’t see any problem about it, as long as they both are honest to each other of their wants/needs/or expectations since the beginning.

    The problem usually arises when one or both are playing the game of “peacock chasing chicken or vice versa”, and won’t learn to accept that bad consequences can happen later on, due to this unusual set up.

    I for one, don't like game playing and wouldn't be in a relationship with someone whom I can't see as my best friend. "sweet, and stunner are not usually the top on my list", the person has to have more substance or other good qualities far above those 2 superficial traits"...just me

  13. To the OP

    The occupation of her father is the least of your concern, unless you’re worrying about your girl could be a gun slinger, into handcuffs and bribery.smile.png
    The main immediate concern is to ask yourself a question…”Why would a young 20s something, sweet, & stunner (of course)…want to be involved romantically with someone who’s old enough to be her uncle or a father’s friend?”

  14. To the OP...

    If you’re talking about Bangkok and its surrounds, Chinese are not exactly immigrants. In facts they were already here even before the current Chakri dynasty, and even before the burned down of Ayuttaya (capital of the Ayuttaya Kingdom). They were already intermingling, and establishing themselves through waterway trades with the locals even before the Thonburi period (Thonburi is the original capital before Bangkok).

    The then Chineses were busy living and doing businesses on both sides of the Chaopraya River, before the Chakri King had decided to build the GrandPalace. So many of the local families at the spot (mostly Chineses ) had to move out and build their home and business elsewhere. That’s why you only see a part of the original Chinese settlement (the Chinatown today), as for many they just moved to the Thonburi side.

    Thailand is a rare country that we don’t really view the original Chineses as immigrants. Not like in many countries in asia, where the natives is always the darker skin one. Just to point out that the people of Issan region are not the native of Thailand. I think the …Mon, Burmese, Tai tribe, Mongo were the original natives, followed by the central thai-chinese)

    The issan region got added much later (I think…later than the addition of the Lanna Kingdom (northern)). I don’t remember the exact year, may be someone can dig it up. Or even before the Lanna?... but anyhow, the issaan region wasn’t the original part of Siam until much later on.

    Just a small lesson in history here (even tho is not complete, but you should get the drift)

    In summary,

    The original thai chineses were here as trademen, businessmen (4-5 generations ago)....not as retirees. It's wise to assume that they would be raising their next generations with money and with same work ethics.

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