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Posts posted by doji

  1. I don't know but right now I'm seeing around 1380-1430 for this bottom, unless something comes up in a major way.

    My bias outlook is still bearish. However there is a possibility of the mini reversal toward the end of the month or beginning of next month…..nothing for sure until the next 2 weeks.

    Just my thought

    haha I did warn you guys AGAIN and AGAIN (look at the date posted)

    ...well for those who choose to heed anyway, you should do quite ok smile.png

    already met my target and sooner than I thought.

    So I just got in again,,,and hope for a mini bounce (to around 1400-1425) in the next few days, then sell it quickly......'cause we're still in a bear trend (this is the trend that you normally want to sell on any rally, not buy on the dip). So will see <fingers crossed>

  2. I don't know but right now I'm seeing around 1380-1430 for this bottom, unless something comes up in a major way.

    My bias outlook is still bearish. However there is a possibility of the mini reversal toward the end of the month or beginning of next month…..nothing for sure until the next 2 weeks.

    Just my thought

    haha I did warn you guys AGAIN and AGAIN (look at the date posted)

    ...well for those who choose to heed anyway, you should do quite ok smile.png

  3. Wow so many useless farangs here who have nothing to do and always think up of anything to be toward sex or in sexual context. YUCK

    Who would want to give the nickname to yourself that really means...a sleep partner, or a F******buddy, use your commonsense a bit. people!

    To the OP....sawadee ka, I'm here to help

    For the nickname context...."Kik" is the short version of "kook-kik" กุ๊กกิ๊ก..... which means "CUTE", among general thais (just a slang)

    and not to be confused with "kook kook kik kik" กุ๊ก ๆ กิ๊ก ๆ......which means u r flattering somone (like trying to flatter your mom to get something), or little things

    Hope this helpssmile.png

    • Like 1
  4. I don’t have any kids yet, but hopefully in 3-5 more years.
    If I’m at the age of your wife, I would be leaning toward a set of twins, that’s it. (if I can really choose)

    By the time the twins 2-3 yrs old, your wife will be approaching 40 and the probability of having a down syndrome baby will be higher. And I have no preference of boy or girl, they are my kids and born with unique personality and talent of their own,…I will love them no matter what.

    I want to do and accomplish many things in life, and having baby right after baby is not one of my many goals. While I want to have children and think they are fun, adorable, and to see them grow up to be a unique and productive people will bring many tears to my eyes. However at the same time I also want to have enough time to do many things just for my own personal growth and achievement too. I really want to be one of the role models for my children and be able to teach them that they too can dream up and achieve things if they set their mind on it.
    Yes I want to have time in doing things and be able to set an example for them, therefore a set of twins is just right for me.

    I think having a child is not just to make a family only, but you have to be ready, not only financially, but physically and mentally as well. I also have seen many miserable parents who can’t take care of their children, whether be economically, physically or/and mentally....quite sad actually for the kids, without the proper planning.

    Just a little thought…..from me (a thai woman)
    And best wishes to you

    • Like 1
  5. She can't change her last name in her "thai passport", unless you had done the formal international adoption through Dept. of social welfare of thailand PERIOD.

    At this point of being 15, it's too late for you to do it anyway, because the process is quite complex and lengthy (normally 18-24 months).

    The only way to change her thai last name from this point on.... is when she gets married, then she can choose to take her husband last name quite easily.

  6. I think the invasion of privacy issue is more toward the western concept, however here in Thailand, the employers are the ultimate decision maker most cases.
    For the case of CCTV, I think it’s a great idea if it can be used “properly”. I’m all for it if it will help improve the quality of teaching and safety for those students at the same time, after all you said this is a school for adults. Many inappropriate activities can happen between teachers and students, and the camera will help kept everyone safe.

    If you go below the surface of the privacy and security issue, the way I see it… I think it will be more beneficial to the teacher(like yourself) and school administrators as well. For example…you might be able to use it to critique yourself and your teaching style from the expression and fluency of your students. That is…if you’re in teaching seriously. Many small but important things can be missed during the hours of teaching, so if you have access to the technology that can monitor and playback, it will certainly help improving the performance in both teachers and students.

    It’s a win-win to me.

    Just my little thought here

  7. I'm a thai and speaking from my own experiences.

    no black, dark gray or any depressing colors

    no white, or cream.........(don't want to compete with the bride)

    what you should wear....

    A dress (one piece, or 2 pieces), w/ shoulders and upper arms covered, not too deep neckline (keep your cleavage well hidden)

    For traditional ceremony (you "may" have to sit on the floor at some point), so make sure your skirt / dress is not too short.

    Any cheerful, happy, and faminine colors will be best....(after all this is a joyful event)

    So basically....anything that looks like you're going to a garden party or Sunday church... not pub and bars or to attract the opposite sex in a sleazy way.

    For the reception at night: any nice (toward semi conservative) cocktail dress will do

    • Like 2
  8. I have no problem with people who want to be whiter, or darker, or even want to stay the same. It’s their personal choice, just like wearing any makeup, or what hairstyle should one must have ects. It’s the person on the inside that counts most and impresses me more than the exterior appearance.
    Same same with... some prefer dark chocolate chip, some prefer white chip, while the rest are not very picky of whatever is on the table at the time or easiest to reach.

    If many of you think that the whitening lotion is harmful, Of course one could argue the same goes with drinking and smoking also. So why would many farangs do it?...couldn’t be that good, right?...harmful substance with no nutritional value in it whatsoever. Many people also die from drinking and smoking also. So drinking and smoking are also "nonsense",....yes?

  9. You need .....

    Get out more. I know expats who stay home all day. Maybe go to the store or coffee shop and that's about it.

    What’s wrong with staying at home, we like staying at home and very much enjoy it.

    We get along so well together (too well infact), that sometimes we think something must be wrong with us LOL... as we don’t seem to need any friends 90% of the time.

    You’re right one thing tho, we do need to get out for a cup of mojo more, instead of our every day the instant RedCup..haha

    Oh btw…we are in the same bubble as the OPsmile.png…….<group hugs>

  10. I don’t think Facebook is that bad and useless, Just like saying…a gun, knife, stove, heck even a BBQ stick is BAD. If you have any problem with it, it’s because you”yourself” are irresponsible, careless, and immature to handle it.

    Using Facebook is the quickest way to keep in touch instantly with friends and family. If you value your privacy, then keep your private life “private”. I have the account for just family members (with pen name), and another (some silly name) just for playing with my close friends…however I will not accept any “friends of a friend” who I don’t know personally face-to-face. There are many weirdoes out there nowadays, bad things can happen if you accept people randomly.

    If you’re not a public figure, then having more than a dozen of friends, or everyday using… indicates you’re having problems with real life social skills or self insecurity of some sort. Then the problem is YOU, not the Facebook. But of course some people also are using it for random dating or to get free laid with strangers, in which I have no idea of what’s going on in that world.

    Just my thought

    • Like 1
  11. I got them from the thai magazine and tried to translate as best I could. You can also have a thai friend re-translate again if you likesmile.png

    Here is the list.....for "organic" vegetables market

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรปลอดพิษอาหารปลอดภัย ที่สถานีวิจัยเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ Agricultural Research Center @ChiangMai University

    เวลาที่ให้บริการ ทุกๆ วันพุธ เวลา 7.00-18.00 น. กับ ทุกๆ วันเสาร์ เวลา 7.00-13.00 น. every Wed 7.00-18.00, every Sat 7.00-13.00

    : เจเจ มาร์เก็ต (หลังโลตัสคำเที่ยง) ถ.อัษฎาธร ต.ป่าตัน อ.เมือง JJ Market (behind Lotus)

    วันพุธ,เสาร์ 05.00-10.00 น. Wed, Sat 5.00-10.00

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ใน YMCA เสาหิน YMCA saohin
    : ถ.เกาะกลาง ต.หนองหอย อ.เมือง วันเสาร์ 06.00-13.00 น. NongHoi, Sat 6.00-13.00

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ใน รร.ดาราวิทยาลัย Dara Wittayalai School
    : ถ.แก้วนวรัฐ ต.วัดเกตุ อ.เมือง วันพุธ 6.00-13.00 น. wat ket area, Wed 6.00-13.00

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ใน รร.ปรินส์รอยแยลส์วิทยาลัย Prince Royal Wittayalai
    : ถ.แก้วนวรัฐ ต.วัดเกตุ อ.เมือง วันศุกร์ 15.00-17.00 น.wat ket area, Fri 6.00-13.00

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์บ้านป้าลาวัลย์ BaanPalawan (behind university)
    : ถ.หมื่นด้ามพร้าคต (หลัง ม.ราชภัฏเชียงใหม่) ต.ป่าตัน อ.เมือง วันจันทร์ 06.00-10.00 น.Paatan, Mon 6.00-10.00

    มุมเกษตรอินทรีย์ในตลาดสดหนองหอย NongHoi Market
    : ถ.เชียงใหม่-ลำพูน อ.เมือง ทุกวัน (ตลอดทั้งวัน) everyday all day

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ใน รร.มงฟอร์ต (มัธยม) Mongford highschool
    : ต.หนองหอย อ.เมือง วันศุกร์ 14.00-17.00 น. NongHoi area, Fri 14.00-17.00

    : ถนนเลียบคลองชลประทาน ห่างจากตลาดต้นพะยอม 2 กม. ทางไปพืชสวนโลก วันจันทร์-วันเสาร์ 12.00-17.00 น.

    on the way to the RoyalFlora, along the canal road, 2 km from TonPayom market...Mon-Sat 12.00-17.00

    แม่ริม ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ใน รพ.นครพิงค์ NakornPing Hospital Mae Rim
    : ถ.เชียงใหม่-แม่ริม อ.แม่ริม วันจันทร์,พุธ,ศุกร์ 10.00-15.00 น. Mon, Wed, Fri 10.00-15.00

    สันทราย ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ในมหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้ MaeJo University (same side of goddess statue)
    : ม.แม่โจ้ (ฝั่งประตูศาลเจ้าแม่) ถ.เชียงใหม่-พร้าว อ.สันทราย วันจันทร์,พุธ,ศุกร์ 10.00-15.00 น.Mon, Wed, Fri 10.00-15.00

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ในหมู่บ้านแลนด์แอนด์เฮ้าส์ (แม่โจ้) Moobaan MaeJo Land and House (in front?), Sansai
    : ถ.เชียงใหม่-พร้าว ต.หนองจ๊อม อ.สันทราย วันเสาร์ 14.00-17.00 น.Sat 14.00-17.00

    ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ใน รพ.สันทราย SanSai Hospital (in front)
    : รพ.สันทราย (สวนหย่อมหน้า รพ.) ต.หนองหาร อ.สันทราย วันพุธ,ศุกร์ 06.00-10.00 น. Wed, Fri 6.00-10.00

    ฝาง ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ข่วงสุขภาพฝาง (don't know how to translate this, but it's in Fang)
    : ชุมชนแจ่งหัวริน ถ.รอบเีวียง เขตเทศบาลตำบลเวียงฝาง วันศุกร์ 06.00-10.00 น.Fri 6.00-10.00

    พร้าว ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์โหล่งขอด (don't know how to translate this, but it's in Prao)
    : ข้างที่ทำการไปรษณีย์ อ.พร้าว วันจันทร์ 06.00-12.00 น. Mon 6.00-12.00

    สันกำแพง ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ใน รพ.สันกำแพง SanKampang Hospital
    : รพ.สันกำแพง อ.สันกำแพง วันอังคาร,ศุกร์ 13.00-17.00 น.Tue, Fri 13.00-17.00

    ดอยสะเก็ด ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรียใน อบต.ดอยสะเก็ด Or-tor-bor DoiSaket
    : อบต.ดอยสะเก็ด อ.ดอยสะเก็ด วันจันทร์ 13.00-17.00 น.Mon 13.00-17.00

    แม่แตง ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์ตำบลสบเปิง MaeTang Market
    : ถ.เชียงใหม่-ปาย ต.สบเปิง อ.แม่แตง ทุกวัน(ตลอดทั้งวัน) everyday all day

    สารภี ตลาดนัดเกษตรอินทรีย์หน้าที่ว่าการอำเภอสารภี Sarapee - front of district office
    : หน้าที่ว่าการอำเภอสารภี ถ.สายต้นยาง อ.สารภี ทุกวัน (ตลอดทั้งวัน) everyday all day


    • Like 2
  12. Sorry to say..... women is not my number one choice as why I choose CM.

    in short, I like CM due to…..
    cooler climate …I like gardening all year round without getting too sweaty
    culture and architecture….in my mind, this is the only tourist place in thailand that I can sense and see the thai culture and architecture in full swing everywhere I go. Other places just don’t have a sense of belonging and pride in their tradition and cuture, like the Lanna people. People here are very friendly and certainly know how to cook.

    In addition to having a good mixed of expats from different nationalities not just mainly westerners, but other asians as well.

    And I pray to god that the sex tourists majority would rather go somewhere else.

  13. To the OP: Why looking at the exchange rate only?

    The way I see it, the exchange rate is just one part of the equation. You should be looking at “your overall quality of life you’re getting right now” at the place you’re currently at. Remember many thais of soso-middle class can live by with around 30-40k Bths /month and they are fine with it.
    The definition of “a quality of life” varies by each person. Even tho the exchange rate is bad, still many have choosen to remain, because there are more into it, than just the exchange rate.

    Even many thais are flocking to the west (Aus, US, English), because “in their mind” the quality of life there for them is overall better, even tho the living expense may be a bit more expensive (however nowadays is not that much anyway). For a quality of living, there are more things in life than what the money can buy. It’s all about personal choice and each own definition.

    • Like 1
  14. got this from the web......Scoville Units Chile Pepper Heat Range

    Sweet Bell 0
    Pimento 0
    Cherry 00 ~ 500
    Pepperoncini 100 ~ 500
    El-Paso 500 ~ 700
    Santa Fe Grande 500 ~ 750
    Coronado 700 ~ 1,000
    Espanola 1,000 ~ 2,000
    Poblano 1,000 ~ 2,000
    Ancho 1,000 ~ 2,000
    Mulato 1,000 ~ 2,000
    Pasilla 1,000 ~ 2,000
    Anaheim 500 ~ 2,500
    Sandia 500 ~ 2,500
    NuMex Big Jim 500 ~ 2,500
    Rocotillo 1,500 ~ 2,500
    Pulla 700 ~ 3,000
    Mirasol 2,500 ~ 5,000
    Guajillo 2,500 ~ 5,000
    Jalapeno 2,500 ~ 8,000
    Chipolte 5,000 ~ 8,000
    Hot Wax 5,000 ~ 10,000
    Puya 5,000 ~ 10,000
    Hidalgo 6,000 ~ 17,000
    Serrano 8,000 ~ 22,000
    Manzano 12,000 ~ 30,000
    Shipkas 12,000 ~ 30,000
    De Arbol 15,000 ~ 30,000
    Jaloro 30,000 ~ 50,000
    Aji 30,000 ~ 50,000
    Tabasco 30,000 ~ 50,000
    Cayenne 30,000 ~ 50,000
    Santaka 40,000 ~ 50,000
    Super Chile 40,000 ~ 50,000
    Piquin 40,000 ~ 58,000
    Yatsafusa 50,000 ~ 75,000
    Haimen 70,000 ~ 80,000
    Chiltecpin 60,000 ~ 85,000
    Thai 50,000 ~ 100,000
    Tabiche 85,000 ~ 115,000
    Bahamian 95,000 ~ 110,000
    Carolina Cayenne 100,000 ~ 125,000
    Kumataka 125,000 ~ 150,000
    Jamaican Hot 100,000 ~ 200,000
    Birds Eye 100,000 ~ 225,000
    Habanero 100,000 ~ 325,000
    Scotch Bonnet 150,000 ~ 325,000
    Red Savina Habanero 350,000 ~ 577,000
    Pure Capsaicin 15-16,000,000............bah.gif

  15. ...."ai dteem yen laew" the ice cream is getting cold.

    ...."Last week, when driving near Chumpae, going to Nam Nao(Phetchabun) she said "dtrong pai loei" when it was quite clearly signposted that Loei was the road to the right!"

    Old thai jokes….been done to death among thais

    I very much doubt those had happened to you personally.

    And I would love to know what were something their farang bf/hubby have said that their thai GF/ wife think it's daft oops funny, that is

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