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Posts posted by doji

  1. Just finished our 3 days of driving around and around..... NEVER NEVER attempt to do it without a GPS! …………..if U’re a first timer.

    We tried to do without it on the first day and almost spent the night with some far far away tribal people!

    It’s not like going to see the Disneyland, but still interesting nevertheless……………from Doi Suthep, all the way to BoSang, passing through SanKampang, looping back at Sameong, peeking through (literally)at the RoyalFlora… along the PingRiver (what we thought would be a romantic drive…hmm)..all the way back up the Kamthiang flower market and all over the city.

    Also took a peek at INDEX, we felt so privileged of having the whole place by ourselves…hehe. Mind as well used their bathroom, before we're off to the next destination.

    We did attempt to go see the RoyalFlora, however by the time we got there it’s almost late afternoon, and were very tired, and didn’t feel like walking anymore. So we parked at P4, took tuktuk 20 bths to the front and had our snacks up on that little highhill in front w/ very good FREE views of the inside from here...finished our snacks,and left. We felt bad for not supporting the local project, but just too sleepy to be anywhere but our bed.

    So we thought to take a slow romantic drive back along the PingRiver up to superhwy 11, well there was anything BUT ROMANTIC!.. it was quite SLOW alright..too slow infacts. ermm.gif

    So far our most 2 memorable highlights got to still be, Doi Intanon and our little Thanin market…… delicious foods all day/night, and very inexpensive too. Haven’t tried the Saturday Market, so will do it this week…since there are some good words on it…and try to chill out for the rest of next week.

    Also have noticed the housing around here is getting quite expensive. You can’t get anything nice with close proximity to the city for less than 4mil bts unless you go all the way to SanKampang.

    Land&House is doing one in Maehia for no less than 4.4 mils (for the smallest ones – 8 left), and is starting at Serene Lake “which is next door” for 10 mils up, while the project in SanKampang is around 3.3 mils. They also are planning to put up the condo project next to the Serene Lake.

    Who are all these buyers (or will be buyers), any idea? Are ChiangMai people quite rich, or the rich Bangkoknians following me up here too?wink.png

  2. FYI

    Google street views of Chaingmai & its surrounds should be up soon...I hope.

    Just saw the google truck w/ 360 degree camera mounted, parking at the top (peak) of Doi Intranon a few days ago

    ....when we're visiting ...Ang Ka nature trail, traditional fabric making Village/ its maket, a few waterfalls, and the big king project up there.

  3. Sunday Walking street (@Tapae Gate – Wat PraSing)…. Our reviews

    Just got back last night @ 10pm, and slept like a log..closedeyes.gif. after all the walking!

    Well the locals told us it opens 3pm-10pm, but the best time to get there is around 5pm. We knew there would be lots of foods there to grab, so didn’t bother with a meal before hand.

    We got there around 4:30pm and saw many sellers still setting up their shops. However right after dinner time(around 6:30), when it’s getting quite crowded. It seemed just about everybody who able to walk and crawl was descending upon the place…like they’re giving away a free stuff or something… luckily there was some breezes last night going through. Most things were very reasonable in price, and not in your face touting…. unlike other major tourist towns. The atmosphere is very easy, relax, moving along w/ slow walk. Also it’s nice to see many locals(thais from far & near, judging from their language & dialects) mixing in the crowd too.

    It seems the market is spilling over to many side streets, in addition to already 2 major cross streets from the main one. Also there was a very long walk one along Wat Umon (main walking street, right @Rajapakinai rd, left @Wat Umon), where we finally had our main meal Yenta4 somewhere along here.

    We like the market here very much, it’s quite unique full of original art and craft stuffs from local artisans, unlike many other markets in other major tourist towns that full of fake and mundane stuffs. Buying local products from locally made directly… is the way (the right way, in my view) to support, encourage, and retain many of these unique locals skills / industries.

    We spent around 4 hours walking & constant munching (to replenish our firepower for more walking) all over the places but still didn’t cover all areas, For those 4 hrs , we just got this cute- little-evil look-tribal doll, it’s a replica of one of the main tribals in northern area here, we think to grab more of them to complete the set of all the tribes here, so might get back there again next Sunday.

    Once you’re done, there were more songtheaws to grab at the Wat-PraSing end than at the beginning TapaeGate end. We took the red bus 20 bths each…to THERE and BACK. It’s a great way for a FREE tour around the city, since it goes around and around dropping off each passenger at various location all over the city (we love FREE stuffs!) Anyway…our red bus went around the wall, along Waruros market, cut right through LumYai Market, and got to see many HiSo-wannabe and those shops along the Nimman st. too..hehe

    Very recommended…..4.5 from 5 stars (for not having enough time to see it all, got back @10pm )

    Want to share some pics, but just too net shy to display rolleyes.gif

    PS:….hmm how often do you expats go back to this place, after you’re here permanently…still always the exciting place to go?

    Now we’re mapping for our countryside driving exploration for the next 3 days, starting tomorrowcowboy.gif..(more birds, bees, trees, and less people!)

  4. But tomorrow we will take a peek at the most talked about_ Sunday Walking Street. Does any friendly chianmai-nian here know of whereabout a clean/convienence bathroom we can used along that street?....as we plan to eat and drink a lot

    Yes, the Sunday walking street market is excellent. Bathrooms: Any hotel along that road. Also in temples , but it's easier to step into a hotel or restaurant. Also at teh 'Klang Wiang' complex (where Wawi Coffee is) there are good bathrooms at the other side of the little park-like inside area.

    Just use “MapJack” for our virtual walkthrough to locate where the heck this Wawee @KlangWiang complex is.

    Easy find…so now we know how far to run back and forth from either end of this walking street.

    "MapJack" is a great tool for a virtual tour inside the city first....before getting there in real. So you can skip the area where is nothing of that importance there, save a lot of wondering around time.

    Ok will take a little nap, clean up ourselves, then off on the red bus, and stand firm w/ them for 20 bts fare.

    Since it’s an openback songtheaw… will try just a bit of hairgel this time around, don’t want too much dust sticking all the waaay there.whistling.gif

    Thanks Winnie

  5. Just came back from KadSuanKeaw….umm what can I say. Well at least someone was quite thoughtful enough to put up the Lanna architecture for the exterior design. We didn’t drive there, but used tuktuk instead, only 50 bths for 5 mins ride from our place (next to Thanin market)

    Why is the night market outside in front, where we can’t even see a thing?

    They should just turn the entire KadsuanKeaw inside to be one for those OTOP collections place instead, where we can go in and be able to sample & buy some of the local specialty products from all districts in Chaingmai province (whether be…arts, crafts, or local delicacies), I think it will be better used of that empty place, based on its location. Just me thinking out loud here

    Anyway….there was quite a collection of many new condos and moobaans projects being advertised on the first floor next to the main entrance and inside the Bangkok bank office. Most new moobans are located along the third ring road. Isn’t it a bit too “rural”, far out there? We were on our way back to the city from Doi Intanon a few days ago, and thought …hmm even the Big-C & Lotus on HangDong rd seem so alone and out of place.

    FYI: We haven't smell any smoke so far...jing jing. If it's only bad for 2 months, why can't you just leave the city and go to other places during that time...like Hongkong, Bali ects or vacationing around Thailand instead? So far I think the benefits can still outweight the few negatives.

    Also I have heard that INDEX –Chaingmai branch is the biggest in Thailand, so we will try to check that out too next week.... may be we will see more things than the malls.

    But tomorrow we will take a peek at the most talked about_ Sunday Walking Street. Does any friendly chianmai-nian here know of whereabout a clean/convienence bathroom we can used along that street?....as we plan to eat and drink a lotlicklips.gif

    Thanks in advancejap.gif

  6. @ Barefoot

    Thanks for the suggestion.....we just came back from your Kao-mun-gai place. Like a free self-served scoop of ginger on a table, the sauce could have been a bit more intense...so will give it 4/5 star....not that excellent, but still quite good. You should try the fried-garlic-pork ribs in the take home market there, very yum yum...the stand is in the middle of market. I think the name is "raan - jom-long". Now we're off to Kad-suan keaw. The Airport plaza was quite disappointing, feesl dated & like a cheap subburb mall in bkk.


    Thank you....We are here for only a month to browse the city and its surrounds and to see if we could see ourselves here permanently.

    Bkk is just too sticky, noisy and polluted for us, the only time I feel a wind swiped my hairs is when some car zoomed by, thus making Chiangmai feels like one of those GreenPeace protected zone..hehe.

    No I don't like Sungkran...don't like people throwing things at me, and over the years I think it's becoming an overrated event, just my opinion here. So far the air hasn't bothered us at all...still quite lively and happy. Right now we're scouting the internet for various housing developments, so that next week we can go to a few places each day....starting along Hangdong and Maehae area first. I like to rely on seeing things and the area myself ....so that I can FEEL and have the first hand knowledge if we can live here permanently or not. We just don't want to invest that much money buying a house and have to regret later in a few month, because it's not that easy to sell it, pack it and go back........so will see

  7. @Ian,

    Ian!... I have heard you’re quite a famous thing (opps …iconic figure, that is) that a “must see”/ or recommended , if one is in Chiangmai. R U in the city right now, or busy exploring the “flowers of the north”, so to speak?


    I wasn’t referring to the availability or varieties of foods, but the comparison of the taste in the same typical thai dishes being sold throughout bkk in typical places for typical thai commoners. Here I don’t need to add any extra nampla, sugar, vinegar etcs. before eating,.. somehow it always comes in just right for me.

    For the second part,…..I hope NOT (or may be just a wishful thinking on my part). I think Chiangmai people are different generally speaking here of course. I would think girls here are concerned more about the stigma being attached to it (or they may prefer other asians more), but ofcourse there will be an exception. Most girls that are with older farangs I have seen tend to be imported from diff regions, just from my observation so far.

    Anyway WE love Chiangmai and its people, and are developing a circle of new friends here that we have more common in interests, which is quite plenty around.


    Thanks for the insider info...jao

    We're staying at ViengBua Mansion, only a few minutes walk from here. We BOTH will certainly check it out, since WE are joined by the hips!rolleyes.gif

  8. So now I’m still confused. How can he thinks it’s a NAGA, when he dreamt of a giant “leech”?

    And the impression on the bottom pool….was it a “snack”(per article) or “snake”?

    Unless it used to be a snake, until the workers ate it, and reported afterward as a “snack”.

    Or seems someone was having another go with the Google translator again…..hehe

  9. I don't have any major problem with most Thais, and I'm a thai myself. I live in soi Ari & regularly use BTS to do and buy things everywhere.

    I have seen people getting up for old ladies and children all the time. And also have seen people holding door or elevator for other strangers. Yes I acknowledge that not all will "verbally" say thank you, but some will just smiles, and some will simply nodding/bowing their heads at diff degree. There are many gestures or ways for the thais to say "thank you", and it may not always be verbal....if only you take the time to notice those little different ways.

    Most thais are quite polite people actually....this comes across all socioeconomic groups. We're one of very few countries that quite welcome and friendly to many foreigners....(well until they got very pissed off by those foreigners, that is smile.png )

    Just saying.....that in Thailand, there are many forms of communication, and some thais prefer or feel comfortable with non-verbal gestures/ acknowledgement. Don't be so quick to judge and blanket all thais from just a few of your bad experiences...whatever they may be. There are many happy and less complained(constantly) foreigners all over thailand, but they are mostly happily doing all sorts of things outside and less time chatting their time away on the internet. You just have to find them and ask for their insight ...of how they adapt/adjust of living here, when most things are diff than back home. Don't expect people to come to your aid or help solving all your problems instantly, 'cause you're not that special.....just a "one dot" in thailand.

    If you want to understand things, you have to be first an open mind person, then find the right people for advices (both thais & foreigners), and don't be too quick to blanket that all thais are like that, then you will see things from different perspectives.

    Ok I'm off for more bags/shoes gathering again....and yes I usually don't have much problem with those salepeople stalking me (as much talked about here)happy.png

  10. Are you thinking about "HomeWorks"......for all your construction and decor needs?

    They have a few branches around Bangkok, just google it. I also have heard they will have upcoming the largest homefair at Bitec (around March 25-29, I think - just call Bitec for the schedule)


    but If you don't need the construction materials, just decors mostly.....then IKEA and Index Living Mall in Bangna will be quite big for you to browse already.

  11. Instead of being annoyed by something you don’t like and come here to whine about it all the time, why don’t some here try to open your mouth and tell those salepeople “ thank you, but I’m just browsing..etcs”?

    Geez…why is it so freaking difficult to speak up? No one can read your mind you know, they have a job to do too. I have heard the thais speak out all the time and so do I, after that they just leave you alone browsing happily. So I have no problem with them.

  12. 1) Retirees have way more time.

    2) Seasoned.

    3) Have the long time period perspective.

    1,2,3 recommended by a famous guru.

    Yes, young entrepreneurs equally valid but above 3 is why I said retired.

    Success = doing something you love and doing it excellently.

    From my viewpoint….

    There are many retirees here certainly, but how many are actually successful (or used to be) – that is another question. There are many braggers everywhere, both farangs and of course thais too.

    I haven't come across many real successful entrepreneurs with a winning attitude that want to retire, esp if they love what they're doing. These people with that type of mindset are usually keep themselves fairly busy with one preject/or adventure right after another, because their minds are too active and need constant challenges to stay idle for too long.

    "3) Have the long time period perspective." ….however I don't necessary agree with this100%.

    I think the length of time can helps in accumulating those knowledge and perspectives, but I firmly believe that the strength of knowledge is much more important. Some may claim they have the length, but often there is no or little strength in them.

    But of course anybody can brag, if they think you don't know them. But how can you tell the real from the fake, if you're not somewhat a successful person yourself already?

  13. I like this topic btw, very interesting (well to me atleast). Finally here on Thaivisa, I (as a Thai) can understand and relate to what you're all talking about.

    Just a question to the OP…..why do want to only meet a retired walk-the-talk entrepreneur only?

    I think those that have the winning success/mindset do come in all ages. Most importantly what is the definition of "SUCCESS" in your own viewpoint anyway?

  14. I'm kind of a self-taught person, and have learned most things I need to know from.....the Opera's show, Dr. Phil, Suzy Ozzman, Robert Kiyoski, and Charles Given..

    ...from Youtube....all FREE! thumbsup.gif

    Ok I have to admit that many farang shows are quite crappy, but those are my favorites and I actually got something useful out of them.

  15. Seems like OP created this thread just to brag about some supposed girl of Chinese ethnicity that he spent the night with in lower sukhumwit, in the process leaving his car parked there overnight, who had to take the BTS back home to Chinatown because he always gets lost there even though the BTS does not go to Chinatown. My guess is that OP paid a hooker for sex and created the whole "Chinese" angle in his head. Yes, to answer the OP's question, there are some very very weird farang in Thailand. :whistling:

    naaah.....me think he wanted to brag that "he has a car" rolleyes.gif

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