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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. Expats working in LOS may be paid by their overseas office - then they will receive a western salary

    however you can always find the professional who just doesn't want to live in Babalyon anymore and is over here already and then you can pay him a smaller sum

    how much? however much you can get away with.

  2. I was just curious about what you guys thought about this. When I meditate, especially intensively, I often experience kriyas. I don't mind this but have heard else where that these can be dangerous and could possibly lead to mental illness. I think it is worth the risk but what arer your thoughts on this? If any?

    the only difference between mental illness and enlightenment is who you tell. :o

  3. it took me 4 years of bad hair cuts in LOS (paying from 30 baht to 30$) to finally find a barber that could cut my hair

    it doesnt have to do with how much you pay - its finding a thai person who understands that a falangs hair is different and grows different and they will pay attention to get it right (good luck ir took me 4 years)

    so i finally found my barber last year - he is somewhat enlightened- he cuts my hair perfectly without a word, a shave and head massage for 50 baht. the catch is that i have to get there early in the day before he gets too drunk...

  4. living in chiang mai and having to come through BKK for most international flights, currently the 2 airport situation is barely acceptable - meaning I a thankful for Air Asia though i really dont like to fly them. On me alone, Nok Air has lost 10k's + of business from me due to their change as I will schedule my flight from CNX-BKK to match my international flight out - which means its usally Air Asia or THAI if I can catch them at the right time (not usually)

    there are many situations that end up being quote inconvenient and I have to take ealier flights and wait in airports for longer because the only inbound flight goes to DMK.

    In fact the only thing DMK is good for is that if I have some business in BKK and need to stay for a few days, then it is closer to my hotel on Ratchada - so I save 100 baht on a cab.

    I know for the CNS who has never left Thailand, except to go to Macau to gamble, that they don't see why you cant have a different domestic and international terminal, but for those of us that travel and work frequently out of LOS (ie..the ones who bring in the money) split terminals is a nightmare

  5. Even if you give a western name, it is most likely that your child will somehow acquire a thai nickname that they will respond to and go by.

    if you look at most thai peoples names they are like 10+ syllabales - but their nicknames are short and easy

    when my son was born i was pretty sure what i was going to name him, but when after he came out and I looked at him in the nursery his name just came into my head, like he told me.

    maybe your child will do the same!

  6. The loop from ChiangMai-Pai--Soopong-Maehonsong is a beautiful ride

    also a really nice ride is the from Chaing mai - Chaing dao - through Fang all the way up to Maesai - maybe with a stop off in Doi mae Salong-

    a 400cc (225 will be fine too) should be sufficient as anything bigger will have more power than the roads/conditions can handle

  7. Good tactic, Shah.

    As I've never had to pay the 50 baht extra fee for taking a taxi from the airport, how is this done? Do you pay that fee to the desk, or to the driver himself? And, if so, do you pay that fee up front to the driver, or when you get to your destination?

    well i think we are talking about 2 different things - the 50 baht fee is more or less standard if you take a taxi from the stand and you pay to the driver on top of the meter fare at the end of the ride.

    You can get around it by flagging a taxi on the departures level, but you have to be quick because the authorities will try to stop you

    what we are discussing is the metered taxi stand trying to issue an overcharged flat rate to get into the city instead of letting the driver using the meter.

    I suppose their logic is that the AOT Official Limo will change 800 baht flat rate, so why cant they charge a flat rate. they also probably rationalize that they are protecting the falang against dishonest taxi drivers by letting the falang know the rate up front

    it was probably originally thought up as a damage control against drivers who wont use the meter or drive around in circles - and the prices they quote are only usually %30-40 more or so than the metered fare including tolls, so it seems a fair compromise

    at least we should understand their mindset....

    but I have already lodged a call with the airport authorities - I am sure they will ignore me, but if they keep getting calls, they will do something the number is 021321888

    you need to make it clear that you are talking about the Meter Taxi stand on the 1st floor and that the people working at the desk were trying to overchange not the taxi driver..

  8. i have been travelling in and out of Suva at least 1nce a week since it opened and never had this s**t pulled on me until last week when I asked to goto my destination in Ratchada and they told me 400 baht. I laughed at them and told them in thai that 'why you make falang pay more?' and I will prefer to use the meter. they laughed and said they were just kidding and I got my meter ride. but imagine everybody else who didnt question had to pay the fixed rate.

    if a few of us complain, i am sure it will just be ignored, but if there is a constant stream of calls and visits to the airport authorities- it may be changed....

  9. this isnt america, lawyers arent going to do much but take your money

    if you want your son, just go and pick him up, if they refuse then sit down and watch tv with them for a while and eat somtam.

    then tell them that you are taking your son

    they are probably good people, but thais have no concept that a man can do anything but drop seed in terms of raising children, so they cant comprehend how you intend to take care of him

    tell them your mother/sister is waiting at your house in chiang mai and she will help you.

    they will understand

    when later confronted by your fib, just play it off as miscommunication.....

    all in all, just go to their house and dont leave until you have your son. worst case, you get to shack up with the family and be with your son

  10. Actually to just shoot Dr. Taskin would not get the point across, his opponents would much rather destroy the man.

    first they exile him (what it must be like to be kept out of LOS)

    then they kill his political party.....

    then they take his money....

    next will be a public embarrassment that will turn the ignorant masses against him

    after that maybe an accident that leaves him alive but broken

    by this point all of his power will be gone and he will go live his days broken in hong kong

    if he stris up more trouble, they can put him in a rice sack and beat him with sandlewood clubs like they did the last Takin (look in the history books... guy with almost the same name doing the same shit)

    believe in karma...

    and if he seizes power and upstages them before this can happen, then they will just shoot him.

    better for him to stay quiet. he should know, he used to be a cop..... :o

  11. That would be fantastic.

    In countries like America and western europe, the Law is created as greater than any one individual.

    Meaning that as public servant - it is a duty to serve the Law, rather than use the Law conviently to serve you.

    if mr. PM really plans to do this - then a few things need to happen

    1) he needs to stop making recruits pay 200k+ baht to join the police force and buy their own guns- all equipment needs to be given and owned by the state. this 'entry fee' sets the presedant for corruption in the officers career.

    2) salaries need to be doubled.

    3) Judges need to be there to uphold the law, rather than to follow an agenda.

    4) .......

    oh forget it...mai ben lai....its too hard....

  12. goto Pai and speak to some of the people at the elephant camps there.

    there are a few new elephants brought in the last few years (including a baby one)

    and they will know the hows of how to purchase.

    Good info sources, try Joys, Thoms and Twins

  13. The mother of my stepson's friend runs a restaurant in Tokyo.

    She wants my stepson to go over there, with her son, and work.

    He will get paid 30K baht a month.

    Does anyone have direct experience of Thais working in Japan?

    Visa laws, labour laws, taxation etc.

    I realise he will feel very isolated until he learns the basics of the language.........

    If possible I want him to have the experience, but I need to know the risks as well.

    Your comments will be much appreciated.


    Well if he was a woman, he could expect that he was being lied to about working in a restaurant. when she gets there, they inform her that she now is 800k+ baht in debt for the visa and transport and that she has to repay this debt over the course of the next year by prostituting to 400+ customers. After this debt is repaid, there is a good chance that she will be deported and return to thailand with nothing to show.

    that is the standard story for women (It seems Japanese are really into sex slaves)

    as for males, I am not sure - I am sure they do need boys to work in restaurants., so it might be ok. But then again.....is he particularly good looking?

  14. What percentage of the girls who work in PAttaya,Phuket, Patong etc... you think have AIDS?

    consider the fact that most of them come from a prosimcious backgroud or had a husband that liked to visit certain places.

    Also take into consideration that most of them had before worked in Thai brothels where condoms are not encouraged

    I am not so familiar with the falang sex trade, but i know in the thai-asian man sex trade that tons of these girls have HIV (20%) knowingly and they just keep on business as usasl. In addition if a "good girl" tests positive, then she will be encouraged to enter the sex trade because she is going to die anyways and it will no longer be dangerous and she can make money for her family. There is not even the mention of consideration for the customer. It never even occurs to them.

    Most girls refuse to even get tested because that would just put a cramp on their style (not knowing is better)

    I know of one fine establishment in Chiang Mai that gets its girls tested every 3 months. If they test positive, they are not allowed to work there anymore....so what do they do....they go work at the bar down the street...... :o

    really if the health powers we able to round up every working girl in Bangkok and get a test done and bar the ones with HIV from the industry, then we wouldn't have much of a sex industry anymore.

  15. My friend lives in BKK and works for an American Company as their Asia Sales Manager. He lives in Thailand and sells product to companies all over Asia in including Thailand.

    Though he gets paid in dollars as an Amercain worker to an Amercain Bank account. He works out of his home and has no official presence in Thailand.

    He went an presented all these facts to immigration and they kept scratching their head, not being sure if it was ok or not for him to be pseodu working here without any sort of permit. Eventually they said it was probably ok, as he wasn't working for any sort of Thai based branch. Really he could be doing the same work with a laptop and phone anywhere in Asia.

    He then was persistent and asked them for a letter to state that what he is doing is legal. They got very confused and defensive at this prospect and shuffled him out of the office and told him that "falang ask too many question." :o

  16. Ratchada soi 4 near to Hollywood disco is open all night and also busy. Open air bars with drink, food and music....just nowhere to dance.

    I 2nd that motion your honor

    its where all the part timers and Rachada girls go to unwind after a long nights in the baths.

  17. Well..

    after you tell him, he will confront his salesgirl, and she will step up the lies and pinch out of him where he heard it , and he will relent that he heard it from you. if she knows you then she will tell him how bad of a person you are and how much you lie, if she knows your wife, then she might try to stir up trouble with her.

    either way, the guy wont listen. (or he will)

    its his karma and some people are just doomed

  18. I would rent a car from Northern Wheels along the moat.

    I think they have a website- google it

    they give you a child seat in the car and you can pay 800-1k baht a day - about the same as a driver and you wont have to deal with going to his brothers/uncles/sisters jewerly shop/tailor etc...

    because believe me, thats how the drivers make their money and unless you have a rock solid itinerary - they will all waste your time with this S@@T

    chaing mai is easy to drive in - not like BKK at all. go see Doi Sutep, the zoo, goto hang dong - if you have a few days drive to Chaing rai or do the loop through Pai and then Mae hon Song

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