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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. I'd like to know too... No report in 4 days, does it mean everyone is using the departure level??? :o

    Still the same shit

    as of yesterday

    nobody has moved

    the situation on the departure level was taxis parked 2 deep trying to pick up fares while a security pickup truck drove around with flashing light and blasting on a megaphone in thai that they were not allowed to pick up passengers- not much respect in the enforcement here - all the drivers snarl and say that the security are working for the private car mafia

    a few weeks ago I watched a fellow try to get into a taxi on the departures level and the little security guys tried to put a boot on the taxi as the customer was getting in. There was a little bit of pushing, threats and mild kicking before the driver got inside and the taxi drove off - the customer just walked down to the next taxi and got in and zoomed off

  2. Today is Oct first, and where to find the taxis if not one level down from arrivals??? :D


    Indeed. We are waiting with great impatience some reports...

    Someone ?

    that move probably greatly pissed off the private limo mafia who i am sure paid large amounts of money for it to be in the original form

    probably the current powers at AOT is trying to set things straight by making a public announcement that this is how things will be - however they may not have the actual power to actually make the private limo mafia move aside

  3. my first night ever in Bangkok - I went home with a falang-first timer (no english) and during our intercourse she started moaning 'jepp...jepp' my first day in thailand, i didnt know any of the language and I assumed that 'jepp' meant something like good-or harder -

    So i kept at it and went a little hard to which she kept saying 'jepp...jepp'

    so naturally i was sure I was doing a good job and kept at it long and deep - after a while she quieted down, so I slowed down as well


    it was some time later that I found out what jepp really meant - - - - -



    another problem is I always get the words for 'Virgin' and 'Business' mixed up which makes for a pretty good laugh with my colleugues

  4. Just an update, I was successful in getting my thai girlfriend a tourist visa....I'm assuming she will be given the standard 10-year multiple entry visa since the consular did not say otherwise, and it only took him a few questions and glances at our passports to approve the visa (I had a huge stack of supporting documents he did not even look at).

    I'd say based on my situation, others in a similar situation would have a good chance of getting a tourist visa. The fact my Thai gf had been to India 4 times and that I had long term visas both in India and Thailand was enough to seal the deal without any glance at the the evidence it took me such a long time to prepare...

    Thanks to all those who gave advice. I would disagree with some other comments about the US embassy being filled with foreigners and their bar girls...when I went early on Monday morning, it mostly Thai's applying alone except for 2 foreigners along with their spouses near the immigrant visa windows.

    One thing I would note is that I'd never been to the Bangkok embassy before and upon entering I found it to be rather busy with many appointments. The appointments are done thru a glass window...they must process like 200+ interviews a day.


    If you got your shit together, your girl will usually get the visa

    my wife is 20, I am 30 - she never went to school, never had a job besides farming rice, cant speak english and zero assets aside from what I have given her - but the US embassy granted her a tourist visa because I am in fair financial standing and our relationship is legitimate.

  5. just read what i posted and now quoting myself!! im losing it for sure.. have to re evaluate this new relationship. met her on TLL and she has new phone ,new nissan , is a futures trader (validated 100%) but got skinny heels and no sex first night. so where does she fit in? hmmm

    no sex the first night and a job is always promising....but is that nissan paid off yet?.


  6. Jeez

    cant anybody give a straight answer

    its quite easy -

    for what you son needs I would recommend 2 different types of girls depending on his tastes

    1 - rich educated thai chinese girl - she will have nice creamy white skin and work in some office job for 20k a month and have car payments that you will be expected to take over just the same- she will speak good English. can be found in BKK

    2- hill tribe girl from the north - very culturally different than thais - they have a tendency to enjoy staying with a man and not devouring their mates - the good ones wont speak a word of english (if they speak english alrady then they are most likely in the game) and they will be grateful to be with a falang - and their family and neighboors wont be experienced at sucking falang dry. Can be found in Chaing mai, Chiang rai, mae hon song and surronding villages - rent a motorbike and keep driving until you are married

    all in all stay away from any girl....

    -speaks good english

    -######s you the first night

    -you meet while drinking

    -wearing skinny high heels

    -with a cell phone more expensive that 2-3k baht

  7. if a revolution is in fact successful then i am immediately opening up an office in Yangoon

    that place will be a goldmine and since it will most likely be US supported, it will be very friendly to do business

    I would imagine that China will do everything in it's power to ensure that it keeps a very big influence in Burma, and that would include preventing any direct US support.

    you definitely have a point, if i remember correctly that is kinda how the vietnam war got started

    right now the chinese (thai too) already have big influence, but they are one with the Junta - without the junta - then the chinese lose most of their pull

    so they have more than one reason to see the junta hold power.

    The US would obviously love to push the junta out and get the Cowboys in there for a healthy dose of capitalism. Burma if properly opened and secured, would very quickly become a fantastic international capital for culture, business and tourism.

    i have a feeling this is going to become an interesting international game of chess that goes beyond a few murderous black magic players and the red monks who oppose them

    The Junta is already a dead duck - what I estimate will happen is that the CIA will quietly back one of the ethic groups (I vote for the Karen) and the Chinese will back another one, and they will play civil war against each other (heard this story before?)

  8. I need a few people to call on to outsource some web design work as sometimes we get hit and need a little help

    things like php, cms, also someone who is particularly good at flash will be helpful (meaning you can do it with your eyes closed- no book out-i have had enough of those)

    we may have a project coming up that will require some Ajax/Web 2.0 back end and browser integration work as well

    we really need born and bred geeks, meaning we are NOT looking for a 40 something on a barstool in pattaya who taught himself frontpage a few years ago.

    we are near CM, but I come through BKK frequently and can work remotely

    pay will a fair cash wage on a job basis

    falang or thai can apply - you dont even have to be in Thailand - just good and reliable

    (i will eventually also need someone fluent in written Chinese who can do web design

    and another guy who reads and writes Arabic that can do web design)

    if you can do these, let me know and I will put you on the list

    respond by PM

  9. Reopening Don Muang for international traffic is a very good thing. It give new airport more capacity and makes it easier for Air Asia and other low cost operators to expand.

    Moving air Asia to DM would be a disaster

    Air Asia staying at Suwana has been th only good thing about the dual airports

    I frequency come it from CM and catch an international flight out

    Thai is inconvenient timed or fully booked - so that really only leaves Air Asia to get into BKK for my flight

    If Air Asia moves to DM, it will kill their domestic traffic which is slaying the competition due to the fact that they fly into the new airport and people can transfer.

    Air Asia is really a Sh==ty airline with the pushing to get onboard, but I fly them the most because their timing and location is good and there are always seats on an hours notice

  10. When I fall asleep on the sofa my nanny has a habit of touching my head and then walking off when I wake up. This is a very personal touch. It's a bit creepy so I was wondering whether anyone else out there has a similar experience.

    Apart from that she is very good at her job of taking care of my 1 year old.

    nannys need love too

    you may not realize it but she is your wife as well and probably loves you just as much

    its a natural reaction to living in close quarters and caring for your child

    treat her as such while avoiding offending your big wife

    (ie.. show her love when your wife is not in the room)

  11. LTTE Paid 20 Million Dollars Bribe To Thailand Police

    politicsparty.com bases this analysis from highly placed sources in the intelligence community in Thailand. The LTTE logistics mastermind of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination, Padmanathan, was arrested by the police in Thailand.

    Padmanathan was interrogated thoroughly and highly classified details of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination were obtained by the Thai authorities. Padmanathan also gave enormous information about the money routes, sources, freighting, procurement of arms, deployment of arms, and tons of other data.

    Padmanathan also revealed the names of several conspirators involved in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination. Padmanathan then struck a deal with Thailand authorities to allow him to flee. The deal was finalized after Padmanathan arranged for 20 million dollars.

    Thailand is now under Army rule. The Bush administration of the USA has tremendous influence on the the military dictatorship in Thailand. It is obvious that the entire details of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination revealed by Padmanathan to the Thai authorities is available with the US intelligence agencies.

    politicsparty.com requests the government of India to request the governments of Thailand and the US to give to India the entire information on the Rajiv Gandhi assassination available with their intelligence agencies.

    - politicsparty.com

    Personally I think they let him go in exchange for snuffing out tokesin

  12. I usally fly to 2 or 3 different countries a month out of BKK - all usally within a 1-3 days notice.

    The fares are almost always the same

    Thai Airways is usally full for late bookings, but a quick look around will alwasy find me something affordable.

    not sure about your travel agent, but there are lots of them.

    China airlines goes direct from BKK to different places in Europe and they always have seats as well

  13. I think it still may be 'Arab season' in KL which means that sometimes a hotel room will be very difficult to find in downtown as the whole city is swamped with Arabs on vacation.

    I stayed at the Radius before - it was ok - the only issue was that they sold internet time cards in 3 hour blocks only and you couldnt pre-buy a bunch so I would have to run downstairs -

    The Istana is very nice place around the corner - and really not that much more expensive if you book the internet rate.

    other hotels in the area are the Genesis which seems comparable to the Radius and the Carlton which has something very 'fishy' going on in the back room of their executive health spa.

    oh and if you are broke, there are lots of hostels within walking distance of the Radius.

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