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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. A sadly forgotten aspect of tanksins 'war on drugs' was the wholesale arrest, mock trial and life sentences of many people who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    For every person that talksin shot, there are 10 behind jail for life (or very long) sentences. many of these were in fact drug mules and the others were just in the wrong truck or house at the wrong time.

    many of these were hill tribe people who are easy scapegoats and unable to defend themselves.

    one of the goals of whatever administration ends up with the ball should be to review these quick handed extra long sentences and review whether keeping these folks in jail is really doing them or the public any good.

  2. My wife and I arrived in CM a month ago and will be designing a house shortly. I would like to use ICF wall construction if possible as it provides excellent insulation and allows the walls to be constructed in about one day (OK, one week in thai time).

    Does anyone know of a supplier in LOS? If you are not familiar with this form of construction a link is provided below for a time lapse video of a house wall being constructed in 10 hours.


    Did the OP ever get an answer?

    I would also like to find ICF somewhere.......

    come one, if two falangs want it, then a 3rd falang needs to open a business to provide it......

  3. I like to eat at a 24 hour Dim Sum place - it is 16 baht per plate and they steam it fresh when you order it - the Dim Sum is actually better than many of the fancy Chinese hotel restaurants as well

    To get there hop onto Ratchada and when you get to the street for Huai Kawang - instead of going left towards the market Huai Kwang turn right (i think the name is Pracha Utit or something like that)

    The Dim Sum place is a few meters after the corner on the right -

    It is right across from where you get off the MRT Huai Kwang Station as well (you just have to get out on the correct side)_

  4. Well, it appears that the report is about one particular community and one particular business - elephant park.

    People feel threatened and their reaction is unreasonable. What is so surprising? They've invested years and years of hard work and feel that new sons in law may take over their business.

    How would small western business owners react in the same situation - a group of immigrants settles in the area and they look like they want to open new, competing businesses there, or marry their way into existing ones.

    You're usually more perceptive than this Plus. This issue is about Thais keeping their lessers down. In this case the Karen. "Westerners" are just the hammer they're being bliudgeoned with. Thais define themselves by who they're bigger than. Well, if you're not bigger than a lowly Karen, well then, who are you?

    I live with and am married to a hill tribe woman and really the thais treat the hill tribe people much like the amercains treated the blacks in the 1920's


    the thais really like to be 'Bigger' than the hill tribes and it is a constant source of distress to the big thai majorirty when a Falang marries a Hill tribe because alone we are just trash, but together the thais hold no power over us.

    Without knowing the details it is fairly obvious what has happened based on the contrived reporting

    --In a certain area there a a few different elephant camps - some owned by Good Thais and some owned by Karens - over the years the Good Thai run Elephant camp ran a tight ship and got most of the business, letting their hill tribe brothers scrape up the crumbs

    along comes FALANG who takes the Karen Camp and teaches them good business practices (I am sure it is not for profit and all they did was only invest their own money with little hope for return, but the Falang(s) wants to see the Karen camp do well.

    So now the 'Hill Tribe Trash' is making more money than the Good Thai so the Good Thai gets Jealous and gets the authorities involved to blame it all on the Falang (How dare you help my lesser succeed)

    Let me translate this article title for you as I am fairly fluent in Thai

    "We No Like Smart Falang help Stupid Hill Tribe people, Make them Bigger than Thai"

  5. Hi,

    Just wondering if somebody ever had to face that kind of situation.

    I sent a parcel to Europe which has not been delevered, so it has been sent back to Thailand, but customs ask me to pay 30% duty for IMPORTATION !

    Don't you think they are crazy to consider it as imported goods when the receipt shows that goods have been made in Thailand?!

    What can I do?

    Thanks for help.

    once you understand that this is theater and not reality as we understand it in the west, then there should be no problem. Can you match the steps of their dance? just standing there and let them embarrass themselves while you stubbornly keep your cool will usually do the trick.

    btw... Fed Ex has a horrible reputation for duties incoming into Thailand - I assume it is an internal or allied scam because you dont see with the DHL or UPS shipments inwards

  6. A troubled marriage is all perception

    what you view as this is simply the lack of an energetic influx of shakti energy

    go find a girl that turns you on - make out with her, play with her boobs and make her come three times - and then never see her again

    then go back to your wife with a straight face like nothing ever happened and be kind and hold your power

    I will bet you nung-pan-baht that suddenly your marriage starts to revive

    if there are problems again - repeat

    remember the two rules

    1. keep you mouth shut and dont get caught- that only persists in losing peoples face (if you cant do this then you are DOOMED and need to return to a catholic country where things like guilt still exsist)

    2. dont persist another relationship (ie....do slam bam 1000 baht tip thanks see ya mam)

    and most importantly when you are worshiping the shaki goddess- do so in the name of your wife - its wierd to understand - but understand that girl you are enjoying is nothing more than an energetic extension of your wife that is there to fill you with life energy goodness - she is not shame or guilt or escape from your wife.

    she is a tool of your wife and should be honored, paid for and returned to where you found her before you return home to your wife

    10 baht.

  7. When I arrived yesterday at Don Muang -= there must have been a 30-40 minute que or more at the Taxi stand (filled with falang) - I didnt have the time to wait and asked a security guard in Thai what I was supposed to do... he pointed out to the street.

    I walked out for a few minutes and there all the Thai people walked out to a bus stop on the frontage road/expressway and were hailing taxis driving by who seemed to be keen to the game.

    great way to save 50 baht and more importantly - great way to save alot of time if there is a que

  8. I have in fact noticed that the BIB are much more inclined to harass pickup truck drrivers (SUVS too) than car drivers

    as pickups are within their realm of overachieving rice farmers - whereas cars are a little bit too clean and forgein and humble for them to be able to stage their show

  9. depends who you are asking

    if you are asking a rich-bitch thai chinese from bkk

    Steady on there pal.

    Do you know any of these? Are you talking from personal experience? If not I'd appreciate comments like that kept to one's self. :o


    I know lots of different people form lots of different classes -stereotypes are applicable to some but not all - i understand that i could have got the same point across with different language and apologize. perhaps removing the 'b' word and replacing it with 'upper-middle class-career orientated and feudalistic'

  10. I think the real question he is trying to ask is what kind of guy does a girl want?

    I will answer his question simply so that you can find a good partner (and not a piece of washed up bar trash)

    check;list for you; since you like lists

    1) shave everyday - have clean and short haircut - wear collared shirts - stand up straight, dont smell bad and dont stand out

    2) Have purpose in Thailand - whether it is work, teaching or even spending money - got to have a purpose that gives you foundation here beyond whatever girl you are with

    3) learn to speak thai -- by the time most of them learn to speak english - they are usually pretty jaded (always exceptions-but not many)

    4) Pick your woman - dont let her pick you-- that means she will be shy and you will have to aggressively pursue--this is good because it lets you hold the power and not be a 'pet falang' to some hooker - Thais always are always baffled when they see - handsome and wealthy falang with 'that which not even a drunk rice farmer from buriram would touch' -

    5) understand that asians dont have the same concept of truth and lies as do falang - there is no such thing as a 'truth or lie' to a thai -there is only what is acceptable for the situation - meaning that you cant believe anything that comes out of their mouth, but at the same time, dont take any of it personally - how can you fault a monkey for stealing a banana?

    7) be generous always - but make sure that 'you are giving' and not that 'she is taking' the price of gift is gratitude. meaning that if you are supporting her family - then you are the elder and must demand the correct respect - which brings us to our most important point which if you can fully understand then you will do ok.

    8)dont wai people younger or a lesser standing than you - especially women and children

  11. Now we can see he knows not of what he speaks. Not been around as much as he would like to think.

    Thailand is not the favoured haunt of old Asian men or guys from Singapore ;-))

    We had better discount his rants then :D

    i actually have been nowhere and know nothing - everything i say i read on thaivisa or overheard on a barstoll - guys from Singapore do not exist as do not old asian men looking for mia nois. :o

    now to get back on topic - a woman wants a man with some cash any way you slice it (unless she is young and horny and already has a sponsor and then she will just f@@k you for sport)

  12. depends who you are asking

    if you are asking a rich-bitch thai chinese from bkk

    then they will want a professional guy in his 30's who works at an office in bangkok and they can show off to their friends

    if you are asking a 26 year old bar girl from Surin with 2 kids by thai boyfriend then they are going to want 50+ red faced, barrell chested - easily controlled by beer and a steady pension/income/savings

    if you ask a 19 hottie from the north who you find in some questionable place then they are going to want some young falang stud with blond hair to f@@k their brains out before they goto work in the bar/massage parlor and work old Asian men/guys from Singapore

  13. there are a bunch of falang guys in BKK who sit in their apartments with a telephone and make $100k+'s every month, just ask for anybody in the oil and gas futures industry (boiler room). Although those guys do seems to get kidnapped and held for ransom more often than not. Other than that, if you try to start a little business (bar resturant etc) you will just lose money (its ok to lose money, you are paying for you GF to be entertainined)

    I know quite a few falang that make 'honest' cash (and a good amount if it to boot) in LOS and they can do it, but it is all about their connections/posting with overseas companies and selling overseas products into LOS....or even being based in LOS and running the Asia region through there. (if you send me a PM about your specific qualifications, I could perhaps make some recommendations)

    I am sure there are things to export from LOS as well, but what? clothes...teakwood....crafts....girls???? :o

    the Japaneses and some multinationals manufacture and export - but they have an established market that they are selling into and stand with a whip over the production line to enforce the famous thai work ethic. and now the baht is artificially strong which is not good for exports (Vietnam, Philippines better)

    btw...dont ever get involved in a partnership with your 'thai friend'

    I am sure he has a nice smile - but think of it like this.....'what reason is there for him NOT to rip you off'

    all in all - dont expect to make money from the 'inside out'

  14. You know you've gone too native when ...

    1- You're not invited into the lao kao 'circle' because you hog the bottle

    2- You carry fresh chillis around with you as a condiment

    3- You wai soi dogs


    that soi dog may have been your older brother in the last life


  15. \ Of course everything flushed away with a bottle of lao kao because that's what the thais drink. Given the choice any thai would rather drink a bottle of real whisky but a lot can't afford it so there you go.

    i will strongly disagree on this point - I have lived in a northern village for years and always do my best to duck around the lao cow circles (if you sit, then you have to drink - the only way to refuse the bannana is not to sit with the monkeys)

    but anyways - I have brought some average scotch (jameson, black label) for the villagers to drink and they dont like the stuff and prefer their lao cow or maybe even sangsom - remember we are talking about working villagers here - not those intelligent bangkok thai people or police officers

  16. I have also heard that half-bloods are exempt from military draft as well?

    can anybody verify

    not true. All thai males are required to report for the draft.

    Exemptions exist for those undertaking teritary education.

    Those who report and are over 30 are effectively released from duties.

    Those who do not meet the fitness requirements are effectively released from duties.

    which effectively means that any family with a little bit of money or influence is exempt

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