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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Dogooders as opposed to Baddoer,s, Hmm let me think. Dogooders who try and aleviate the terrible Poverty and Ignorence/ Try and provide Cleaner Water/Sanitation, better schooling and or Christian Religious Instruction are a waste of space in Issan, as the Farmers are seemingly Contented with their Lot and seem to be Doing quite well. The Broken/ Abbused/ Drug Addicted/Landless Peasant /Gypo,s are all Uncomplaining, so Dogooders need not Apply versus the BadDoer,s. eg Loansharks/Family members who steal the Crop and leave their Parents in Poverty . I suppose a lot of Happy Issan People are Rich from lying on their Backs, but as they are taught not to Complain, then I guess we will never know if the Old Drunk that lives in a Hovel is well cared, for as he won,t complain. I have seen a 15 girl co-erced by her Parents to go with any Farang that liked kids but who needs Dogooders? Right.

    • Like 1
  2. I had a real hard time to get Wife OZ Visa, maybe should have done the short stay visa instead of Maximum 4 Wife. My past might of been catching up with me. Went back to OZ ,got Legal Aid who did the Translation,s required and then no problem with Visa App.

    Legal aid = free translations correct?

    So basically it was easy to get visa for your wife.

    Sorry been away up River, I got free Translation,s from Legal Aid, they couldn,t be more helpful. Maybe they where surprised to see an Aussie, as the place was full of African,s

    Thats a really good tip.

    Legal aid free translations!

    Obviously you didnt have to pay for service but were you unemployed to use them?

    Yes I was Unemployed as I had just arrived back and straight onto them. But it was very friendly and I cant think of any forms I might have filled out as it was like, what is problem then Ok we fix . Good Luck.
  3. There have been some good replies to this topic, very interesting. It is my birthday and the wife has bought me a bottle of whiskey and I am drunk. Tomorrow I will tell the story of the NGO who built a fish pond out this way. Jim

    Hey Buddy Why don,t you go over and see how the Charcoal Makers live in your Issan Idyll.cheesy.gif

    Don't follow, we make charcoal at the back of the house, as do many of the neighbors. Something bad about charcoal making. Jim

    Not much Money making Charcoal Jim, Perhaps as an Exercise, you could pop along to the Charcoal Makers, and see their Wirlie with its cross flow ventilation. (who needs Aircon) and Wonder how many People are all sharing one clapped out Bike, (Helping the Enviroment). The Water Resevoir, down east of the Korat Railway Station not so far from town should open your Heart ,
  4. I had a real hard time to get Wife OZ Visa, maybe should have done the short stay visa instead of Maximum 4 Wife. My past might of been catching up with me. Went back to OZ ,got Legal Aid who did the Translation,s required and then no problem with Visa App.

    Legal aid = free translations correct?

    So basically it was easy to get visa for your wife.

    Sorry been away up River, I got free Translation,s from Legal Aid, they couldn,t be more helpful. Maybe they where surprised to see an Aussie, as the place was full of African,s
    • Like 1
  5. There have been some good replies to this topic, very interesting. It is my birthday and the wife has bought me a bottle of whiskey and I am drunk. Tomorrow I will tell the story of the NGO who built a fish pond out this way. Jim

    Hey Buddy Why don,t you go over and see how the Charcoal Makers live in your Issan Idyll.cheesy.gif
    • Like 1
  6. I have yet to come across a cold, lonely or hungry Thai. There are plenty back in the UK though.

    The elderly are also well cared for here not stuffed in nursing homes and forgotten by their family.

    The kids also have so much more fun and freedom here than back home where they are not even allowed out alone because everyone is paranoid and living in fear.

    Man you should get out more.
    • Like 1
  7. Thanks James for opening such an interesting & uplifting topic. It's so nice to see so many content farangs living here in Thailand for a change. I've told so many friends who visit Thailand regularly (that is Pattaya & Puket....Not real Thailand) that they really have no idea what REAL Thailand is all about. I live in Essan & personaly think it's a little piece of heaven with some of the nicest people I have ever met in my worldly travels. Every day I see the kids in the village playing together with a big mix of ages. They have very little in western kids conceptions of what you need to be happy materialisticly but I see happy happy kids, great imaginations & very high respect for their peirs & elders.

    Thank you all who have made the effort to reflect on our beautiful quality life here in the true land of smiles.


    Joe, I have 2 kids, both born in Australia.

    Kids in Thailand have a real childhood, not farmed off to strangers in day care centers, so mum and dad can go to work. They play in the street with other kids, watched over by Aunts,1st, 2nd, 3rd cousins and the village as a whole. They are not forced to stay in house in front of a TV because the streets are to dangerous to venture out. That's why we came here and when the kids get big enough they can choose, a simple life here or the bright lights of Sydney or London. That is their life, my part is to give them the happy child hood, so they can grow to be happy adults.

    Material wealth does not bring contentment, if you have a secure life style, food to eat and a place to sleep, what more do you need. Jim

    Man do you ever leave the Village? Try the Mountain lifestyle, no Medicine, no Work, no School, not enough to eat. Evidently you have never seen Poverty. Next time in BKK try walking around Klong Toey. I can,t believe no one has challenged your Myopic View. In Buddism we are taught to put up with our lot, so just because you don,t hear them complain doesn,t mean its all Beer and Skittles. If a Family,s Old Man drinks all the money or Mum Gambles it, couldn,t that reduce people to Poverty which you said in the OP that you don,t see, only Happy children and Contented Serfs .
    • Like 2
  8. some Hospitals are great and some not so. Of late my Friend in Chiang Mai had a Tumour in his Arm Pit diagnosed, then wrapped with a Compression dressing which Squashed his Arm Nerves, leaving him with a Useless Arm and at least 2years of ReHab. Myself I walked into the Police Hospital on Rama 1, paid 40baht (scammed of 10baht), got seen to straight away, while there were Patients with Blood running out of them around me. From my prospective the Service was First Class, can,t answer for the Poor sods I pegged.

  9. What are you talking about Eco car has same battery as any other.

    What are you talking about, Eco battries are Larger than normal which means more Mining/Contamination. Also will have a big impact on Energy grid, more Pollution. Lithium is one of 6 types of Eco Batteries and as Tibet is one of the Worlds main sources having your Lithium is helping China exploit Tibet, on a side note Lithium is used as a sedative so see if you can get hold of some and have a lie down.

    Batteries in the eco cars are the same as any other cars. Don't confuse them with batteries used in hybrid cars such as the camry and prius.

    Google Eco Car and lo and behold Prius pops up.
  10. What are you talking about Eco car has same battery as any other.

    What are you talking about, Eco battries are Larger than normal which means more Mining/Contamination. Also will have a big impact on Energy grid, more Pollution. Lithium is one of 6 types of Eco Batteries and as Tibet is one of the Worlds main sources having your Lithium is helping China exploit Tibet, on a side note Lithium is used as a sedative so see if you can get hold of some and have a lie down.

    Batteries in the eco cars are the same as any other cars. Don't confuse them with batteries used in hybrid cars such as the camry and prius.

    Google Eco Battery and dont be Surprised that Lithium is at the top, Maybe I,m wrong please let me Know but regardless why a Prius doesn,t fit your Catagory of Eco which Google also has a an Eco car
  11. this is my first time to make a post and that is to ratcatcher I don't where you get your info but columbian is in south america and British Columbia is in North America not even close

    It was a joke.and he is probably correct. Colombia the Country with an O not U as in Columbia Canada. Also if this is the first time to make a post how come it says 3 posts already.

    Well; I beg to differ, hey ?! I had the good fortune of living in BC (British Columbia) for some 8 years. Never ever did I hear anyone refer to a person from BC as a 'Columbian' and obviously much less as a 'Colombian'.

    BTW @Theslime: British Columbia is most certainly NOT ever referred to as "Columbia", within Canada or the USA, but simply "BC".

    Well I beg to differ, maybe it was a in house joke which I,m sure BTW knows about, sounds obvious to me.
  12. What are you talking about Eco car has same battery as any other.

    What are you talking about, Eco battries are Larger than normal which means more Mining/Contamination. Also will have a big impact on Energy grid, more Pollution. Lithium is one of 6 types of Eco Batteries and as Tibet is one of the Worlds main sources having your Lithium is helping China exploit Tibet, on a side note Lithium is used as a sedative so see if you can get hold of some and have a lie down.
  13. this is my first time to make a post and that is to ratcatcher I don't where you get your info but columbian is in south america and British Columbia is in North America not even close

    It was a joke.and he is probably correct. Colombia the Country with an O not U as in Columbia Canada. Also if this is the first time to make a post how come it says 3 posts already.
    • Like 1
  14. A Mate from Samui was Drinking himself to Death as when his Money ran low his Fiancee of nearly 3 years shot through with a new man, He moved to BKK and was just getting Rat Faced all day, well he tried Internet Dating and met a Thai Lady from Texas who then paid for him to Visit her in Texas where he marrid her and eventually got a Green card. He was far from handsome but one Lucky bastard

  15. Swift is the manual 1.25 version. 467k. The 1.5 only came in auto here.

    Thanks, will definitely take the Swift in consideration, like the looks and easily to customize for individual style.

    Order an auto swift now and you may get it in September next year! The manual should come fairly swiftly though, but it lacks abs and has just a driver airbag, One of the other eco cars my come a bit faster as they have larger production capacities - the swift looks the best of the bunch, in my opinion, and on a par in the looks stakes with mazda 2. It certainly best to start out learning in a manual, then any car is possible to drive. I've been in a car with someone who hadn't obviously driven a manual before (or not very often)...scary!!

    Exactly my reasoning. Driving a manual educates you about how a car works. That it actually has several gears, not only one: D....hehe

    My only concern about getting an Eco car is the longevity of them, I mean after 3-4 years maybe you wish to have a bit more space, power, etc....that's why tend towards the Jazz. Even I enjoy driving a Jazz, it moves rather well. You don't feel wanting....having a bit of oomph is also an advantage when overtaking.

    Someone mentioned the Proton Neo: like the design, but not everything else, quality is surely sub standard and resale would be pretty poor. Spending a bit more for a car which he can keep for more than 5 years makes sense to me.

    Gidday, Check out how supposed Eco Car Batteries are disposed of. Personally I think a Car for your Son that has Max Air Bags and removable Panels which can be swapped if damaged too much.. Also Thai made. Good Luck Sleeping.when he,s out there its Insane.
  16. The Dems and their media lackeys are doing their utmost to paint a misleading picture of the polls. In addition rightly fearing the deaths of U.S diplomats in Libya will stick to Obama I note that Hillary has taken a bullet for the Emperor.


    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she takes responsibility for the failure in security at the US consulate in Benghazi, where the US ambassador to Libya was killed last month.

    The Dems and their Media Lackeys , What about the Reps and Rupert Murdochstein
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