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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Much as I do sometimes like DEET myself, I'll try to restrict it to clothing rather than skin.

    Doubtful? try spraying a bit on anything plastic, or varnished, and see how it melts that stuff. Then think about putting it on your own skin.

    They sell DEET in plastic bottles, I don't see it eating it's way out of themthumbsup.gif

    Who started these rumours about DEET?, please Google 'DEET safety' to see what the experts say (or at least read my previous post). It's these 'Natural' products that are the suspicious ones.

    There are of course diferent typse of plastic rolleyes.gif

    Well noted but the poster doesn't specify any particular type. I've been using DEET based products for over 7 years and never been burned, had a skin rash, epileptic fit, vomiting, convulsions, heart failure, brain tumour, seizure, heart palpitations etc, etc, etc, But it's your choice and if you want to ignore the experts then go forth and feed the multitudes. By the way plain old water can be used to dissolve a multitude of things so your argument doesn't errr 'hold water'. What do you think is issued to armies, aid workers, scientists etc working in the tropics - it aint lemon juice and by the way if you distill juice from citrus fruit to 100% concentration you have a pretty mean acid. We are talking about common sense and moderation in this thread not some smarty pants hearsay.

    Obviously you have you not seen what it does to some plastics. My Flashlight in my Rucksack started to dissolve, when the Mossie repellent leaked on it. So if you want that on ya, go for it. By the way they used to say DDT was okay. same Smokes,Asbestos,Thalidomide,
  2. Head over Bridge away from Kao Sarn and all along the right hand side are loads of places to drink and enjoy. Towards first main intersection a lot of Thai bars and good people. Wish I was there now.

  3. Get in Taxi, Told get out Taxi. Get in another Taxi .Told get out Taxi. Get in another Taxi and off we go. Not too hard after all. I worry more about their speed not about getting first Taxi. If you were finishing shift and a fare asked to go across BKK, would you do an extra 2 or 3 hours to return to pick up point. and get fined for not having Taxi ready for new Driver at end of timed shift. get real.

  4. Could happen anywhere, good and bad. The op should look on the bright side crappy 6oobt helmet gone,Go and get a decent one and your man sounds like he doesn,t know much about helmets that are safe. 6000bt for a half decent onethumbsup.gif

  5. Hey now, the magical underwear Romney wears is part of his faith. The underwear keeps away the evil spirits and such.

    It is sad that the democrats, their followers and the media that support them are trying to use Romney's religion as a wedge issue. The party of "hope and change" strikes again. Maybe even in his old age, Clint Eastwood got it right after all:

    What I’m saying, we do not have to be masochists and vote for somebody that we don’t really even want in office just because they seem to be nice guys or maybe not so nice guys, if you look at some of the recent ads going out there.

    I don't think the democrats are actually doing that. I think you are imagining that actually. His religion is off limits to the Obama campaign and it should be. The right wing party, on the other hand (you know which I mean) has been demonizing gay people for many decades now, and using hatred of gay people and opposition to their basic civil rights, which SHOULD be a birthright of ALL American citizens, as a wedge issue for them. They continue with that. BTW, your Eastwood quote had NOTHING to do with your untrue accusation of Mormonism being used by a wedge issue by the Obama campaign.

    I don't know why I'm replying to an off-topic post that won't be around long. This thread is about Eastwood's speech, not Romney's religion/magic underwear or some perceived slight against gays over history by Republicans.


    An 82 year old Multi millionaire with his finger on the pulse of whats right in the morgage/ innercity belt, yeh sure. If your disillusioned masses got up and voted the Reps would never ever get elected.
  6. so I guess the tales that some posted on the other page about mozzie repellents being put into drinks weren't to far off then. The worldly and wise branded them as loonies running around in tin foil hats with conspiricy theories. I guess there is something to be learnt here, next time before some attack others with insults, stop for a moment and consider the possibility they may actually be more intelligent than yourselves and not escapees from the loony farm. I am refering to minority, those that think they have thier doctorates in everything known to mankind.

    In Bali some of the inmates drank it with coffee,regularly. Quite ingeneous how they boiled water in a plastic bottle till it was bubbling .Didnt notice too much from their behaviour later and have seen a lot worse reaction from Boozing. This was the whole bottle in one Coffee size mug between only a few.Jing Jing.
  7. The US has jailed a person under very bad, not to say inhuman, circumstances for the past 2 years under the SUSPICION that he has leaked classified documents.

    If you mean Manning, that is because he is in the military and violated his oath. He is well and truly screwed, but any soldier that commits a crime has to go through exactly the same thing. Only a complete fool would have done what he did and expected anything other than what he got.

    Maybe he went Crazy what with all the Sneaky underhanded going ,s on. Or he thought this is all Crazy and I better try and Do The Right Thing. Be prepared for Julian to walk out of the Embassy soon.
  8. I expect they will compensate the French guy at the going market rate, being as how its not his fault.

    I think he should just consider him self lucky, not being made the scapegoat "loooook wat baad farang do to our beuatifuyl Thai nature"

    And jailed for 5 years or something - but i do agree, that the scumbag Farang "real-estate-agent" that properly sold him the property, an knew about it and made his decent little 8-10% of the sales price....should be hanged from the nearest electric pole.

    Too Right Mate.
  9. thank most of you all for making me laugh. Is it Ironic in Thailand that my friend from op Who once had a sucessful Pheasant Farm got a visit from samui thugs and told to pack up and go, Meaning it happened because he was sucessful .

  10. Just so we are clear - even Thais cant live on b6k a month.

    Rent minimum will be 1200.w elec

    Food b2500

    Transport b500

    Phone 100

    Toiletries 150

    Household 75

    That is 5k.

    No, it's 4525 Baht, which leaves 1475 Baht. So why can't a Thai live on 6000Baht?

    suppose they could walk around naked, have no children. Education is NOT FREE, and not entirely the right type of Education which leads me to another thought, If I was in the same boat, I,d seriously think about Liberating a few Dollars from Farang, Keep I,m down and they will get up one day. Thank you.
  11. ...and the Thai connection?????

    Just that a mate wanted a TV to watch Olympics, gave wife money but she loaned it to neigbours. Neighbours then said they couldn,t repay as family stitched them up. Now my friend,who missed most of coverage is helping crippled neighbour get around by carrying her on his back as like I said family stitched up oldies. My friend speaks Thai and has lived here since 1990 so no good baging him.
  12. Now for some questions about asylum for anyone in the know...

    OK, so Assange has been given asylum by Ecuador. Done deal. Now, IF he manages to get on a plane and goes to Ecuador...what then?

    Does that mean he has to pretty much stay there forever? Having been granted asylum - does that automatically come with a work permit? A life-time residence permit? Does asylum have an expiration date?

    Will the gov't there give him a nice villa to live in? Or hand him the newspaper with real estate ads and tell him to get busy?

    What does he do for work? Live comfortably off donations (like I believe he plans to do)?

    What if he goes to another country that would extradite him? If he truly fears the US is after him I guess he will apply for Ecuadoran citizenship and stay there?

    Some answers to these questions would be nice. Also, will he be able to retain his Australian citizenship if he takes out Ecuadorian citizenship?

    Unless they move the goal posts Aussies can have multiple Passports, I myself have three. Cheers, Time to hit the fart sack ,
  13. Should'nt Julian Assange be accountable for his actions just like he insists governments should be accountable for their actions?

    To be sure to be sure. Julian would know he,d be accountable when he first decided to print, aah I,m planning on releasing secret cables from the worlds Premier Super power I wonder if I,ll be held accountable.Or aah I,m planning on releasing secrets from the worlds Numero uno and It should be nae bother.No brainer
  14. In Australia 73% of the people support Julian and want the Australian Government to do more to keep him out of the hands of the U.S.

    I don't know where you got this figure, but I strongly suspect that you just made it up. Australians are unsure about what to do about this embarassing figure. rolleyes.gif

    Essential Media also asked a further question regarding what respondents thought the Australian Government should do, if the US did decide to commence legal proceedings against Assange. 34 percent of those polled said the Australian Government should call for the US to observe due process and offer consular support, which the Australian Government has already publicly done in Assange’s case. The next highest percentage, 24 percent, said that the Australian Government should offer Assange protection from extradition and prosecution.

    9 percent said the Australian Government should support US Government attempts to prosecute Assange, while 13 percent said it should do nothing, and a large percentage — 20 percent — said they didn’t know what the Australian Government should do. http://delimiter.com...e-govt-support/

    You may be correctbut, a UMR poll showed most Aussies would elect Julian to our Senate, so I would think he has a huge amount of support.
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