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Posts posted by theslime

  1. It also largely depends on if the builders used the correct amount/size of rebar, and if it the cracks leak. One of the most widely used scams builders use here is to short change the buyer on quality and amount of materials that were quoted. Especially rebar, as it is expensive (relative) and can be used on their own projects.

    Most cheating in quality and quantity of building materials occur in small projects with lax supervision. Condo projects would have the size to engage proper CM and use ready-mixed concrete instead of site mixed.

    Even Premix can be duffed at the Plant.
  2. All I reckon is its the locals are sick and tired of the Army/ Police getting away with massacres, After watching TV and seeing people placed sideways , like Sardines in the Army Trucks to suffocate, would give rise to a lot of resentment in the Local Citizentry and the possible taking up of Arms etc. This has been happening, for quite awhile and Tit for Tat killings could be either side sometimes because of nobody going to Court for committing State sponsored Violence.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Ya right on kill each other but not the army because the army is putting them in the back of trucks like sardines. Why not just shoot them while they are in the back of the truck instead of the bombings on citizens who they have never met and don't know how they feel about the situation.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

    On one side the ARMY, on the other side Locals sick of state sponsored Murder and fighting with Home made Bombs/Guns. I hope that answers your Question.as I find it hard to work out what you have written The amount of Deaths from the State are far in excess of the total lost to Bombings since 2004 I,d be worried about the Future, because People will only put up with State killings for so long. and decide to pay back more effectively. It got the British to negotiate a few times in Ireland. If the State murdered a part of my Family I wouldn,t be alone in fighting any way I could to get even, or the State to Stop Murdering. As I said earlier this has been going on for Zonks and Army killings only make it worse.
  3. What they really should be investigating is the the mainstream media ignoring important stories and putting a big spin on others in order to make the current administration look better until after the election. Something should be done about it.

    What about investigating Murdoch Media lying in Bed with the Churchy Republicans. How many USA corporations sent jobs overseas then have the cheek to bag and bankroll a smear campaign over Mr.Obama,s attempts to get more jobs. Mind you maybe the Media should delve into why someone would complain about jobs while driving a Honda/ Nissan and not a home made product. Thats right Capitalism the Republicans Mantra makes more money in the Third world so <deleted> the Local jobs.

    In case you haven't noticed, Hondas and Nissans are also now built in the U.S. but as usual, no need to let the facts get in the way is there.

    OK, not being from that part of the world I fergot . At my Local GM plant most of the workers cars are Asian built. What about a media campaign on Corporate America and how many jobs have been lost overseas and then blaming the Democrates for not creating enough jobs.
  4. All I reckon is its the locals are sick and tired of the Army/ Police getting away with massacres, After watching TV and seeing people placed sideways , like Sardines in the Army Trucks to suffocate, would give rise to a lot of resentment in the Local Citizentry and the possible taking up of Arms etc. This has been happening, for quite awhile and Tit for Tat killings could be either side sometimes because of nobody going to Court for committing State sponsored Violence.

    • Like 1
  5. What they really should be investigating is the the mainstream media ignoring important stories and putting a big spin on others in order to make the current administration look better until after the election. Something should be done about it.

    What about investigating Murdoch Media lying in Bed with the Churchy Republicans. How many USA corporations sent jobs overseas then have the cheek to bag and bankroll a smear campaign over Mr.Obama,s attempts to get more jobs. Mind you maybe the Media should delve into why someone would complain about jobs while driving a Honda/ Nissan and not a home made product. Thats right Capitalism the Republicans Mantra makes more money in the Third world so <deleted> the Local jobs.
  6. Without any comment about who was wrong and who was wronger, there is an overriding consideration for any expat to note. The concept of "fair" is a totally foreign notion, ESPECIALLY when it comes to fighting. I have tried unsuccessfully for more than ten years to learn the Thai word for "fair" and have finally given up. It is not in the language, it is not in the culture, and it is NEVER present in a fight. Do not ever expect a fair fight from a Thai, nor ever expect to motivate a Thai to do something because it is fair. I'm not saying this is good or bad. I'm just saying that this is the way it is.

    The Thai word for fair is "yut thi tum." You really should change your screen name from "inquisitive" to "ignorant." More accurate that way.

    You could also use mai fair. Easy
  7. Your Question is How does a young guy find Friends in Thailand. With me My first 3 nights(and days) were spent in Nana Guest House /Complex and the Girls treated me like a long lost Friend . Met an English Guy asleep on the footpath and have been mates ever since so you never know when a friend will turn up. Keep looking and one day it may happen for you. I,d ditch the Muai Thai and start on a Beer Belly.

  8. Hey OP,

    Not much I can offer to help you and your lady out of your financial rut. But I will lend you a shovel if you want to dig yourself in deeper.

    Life is a do-it-to-yourself commodity and we are who and where we are out of choice. If you don't like it, change it! Sorry but apart the few sympathic comments you have received, there is bugger all that any other members can do for you.cheesy.gif

    Yeh big choice. One is born in poor rural Thailand and the other in rich Australia.
  9. So where will the money come from to pay your girlfriend a higher wage? Put prices up? The new minimum wage is already putting people out of work. Farmers are not employing workers but banding together and harvesting themselves. This system of a minimum wage will make people poorer. Basically yes some of the lowrest paid will be better off but the ones already on say 300 baht office workers and the like will not get a payrise as businesses will not be able to afford to say doulble their wages. So becsuse of higher prices people will be worse off with less jobs available..

    You Smurf, Take the fecken money from the Company profits and leave the prices alone.
  10. The roof leaks because they didn,t do it right the first time. I wish I had such a small problem as your OP suggests. My Roofers bah.gif didn,t line up both sides of House Tiles, ergo the ridge caps where hacked with Pliers to sort of make them fit, then bogged with normal Cement. Picture this. beautiful Lanna Style 2 storey with grey Cement Blobs with unaligned Ridges on a cream Tiled Roof. Mai Mee Pen Ha ringing in your ear,s and thinking why am I paying for an Interpreter. My head ache is coming back.

  11. The biggest Irony to strike me this week is that the Christian world only fell about laughing when the Pythons released the Life of Brian.

    It's definitely incongruity but I'm not sure if it's irony as well?

    I believe it was filmed in Tunisia using extras that were m-m-m....

    I read somewhere that St George,the patron saint of England was probably Tunisian. Is that an irony or is it more likely that he really was English but just on holiday.

    After reading these posts I suppose coming from a VERY Tolerant society, and having problems with our imported Intolerant society that only got to the tolerant society because of our Tolerance. Sounds Ironic I think.
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  12. let's be understanding abut the mater. Religion is a case of people talking to an imaginary friend who in their mindset is the pancea of all afflictions.

    We have the Christians on one side who ritually murdered a presumed 30 year old male virgin so as the sins of the believers can be voided for evermore.

    Then we have on the other side a leader who motives concerning young girls could be described as questionable.

    Then we get the Catholics who consider all non Catholics as the spawn of the devil whatever or whoever the devil may be.

    The Anglicans are as bad as the Catholics. The Jews hate the Goyims who according to the Jewish faith said Goyims are expendable low life beings, and so the hate politically and religioust goes on as it has for centuries past.

    In a nutshell all religious beliefs over the ages and even now are bigoted.,God loves us all or so the urban legend goes, however if you don't love my brand of god i will kill you.

    My religion ?

    I'm a born again beer drinker and bugger religion, it has been the the biggest war monger in this world of ours since time began..

    The inheritance of the founding fathers who were all religious malcontents and social misfits in Europe has indeed given us all a rather unpleasant future.

    Nations have seized upon religion in the statement God is on our side, pity that this God character wasn't a conscientious objector, the world would be a better place if that was the situation.

    The Christians didn,t murder A 30 year old virgin. Think it was the Locals and he was 33. Also where do you get the fact that Catholics hate all none Catholics, Have you not heard of Caritas,Freedom from Hunger etc, Suck your beer and dream on.
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  13. My main point was that Freedom of Speech had nothing to do Ambassador's Stevens assassination, which is what this thread is about. By the latest news reports, however, his Libyan security men may have actually abandoned him to the attackers due their 'feelings' about that movie, but who knows for sure? He certainly needed a contingent of Marines willing to give their all to protect him.

    Freedom of Speech is a complex issue, but the examples you give seem to me to be insipid. There are laws against slander and hate-speech, but I'm not an expert in this area.

    The real issue to me is do you let some people who believe in a supernatural being and an associated mortal and who can get very violent dictate to us their beliefs even when an author has not violated any laws in the originating country. Once they are successful at that, what other dictates do they have in mind? Where do we draw the line? Isn't the UK bowing to Muslim desires by the use of Sharia 'councils' (I think they avoided the use of 'court')?: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16522447

    Added: Let's reverse the situation. Suppose I detest the worship of a supernatural being and declare that any mention of the name of that being or belief in its very existence would result in violent attacks from me - because espousal of espousal of belief in supernatural beings hurt my 'feelings'?

    My view over the Ambassadors death is that it was caused by zealots who got upset about a crappy, intentionally provocative movie. The Ambassador did need a contingent of Marines. They were in the Embassy, he was in a distant consulate. Why he chose to travel, as the boss without his cadre of US security is mystifying, but that is with hindsight, I guess he had his reasons.

    I agree with you 100% on the rest of your post. You are preaching to the converted (perhaps not a choice phrase considering the subject matter). There is absolutely no way that the British Government should be allowing Sharia courts/law to exist in the UK. Why they do it I do not know. Denying the Muslims that right is not provocative it is simply applying the law of a land that they chose to live in. Does the same message apply to deliberate provocation? That's your choice. There is nothing legally wrong with publishing the movie, the point is that knowing the consequences we have to make a risk management decision as to whether it is wise or not. The resulting furore over the cartoons and the like suggests it is an unwise move. If your choice is then to publish and be damned then you bear a responsibility for your actions and in this case people have been murdered. I hope the Ambassadors death does not spark off a wave of massive violence and although I am an atheist, I pray - to the spirit of humanity that we get through Friday without anybody being hurt today as a result of religious extremism.

    I thought the Ambassador died because he represents the USA not because of a Film. RIP
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  14. My wife pranged into a high curb in the Driving School as she was parking after failing Test, only to be given her License because her Family are friends with the School. As about 3 or 4 people were sitting on the curb when she hit it I thank the stars that the curb was about 450mm high and the car stalled. When we went back to the West I placed her in a proper Driving School to get Driving Licence as she shouldn,t have been passed in Chiang Mai.

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