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Posts posted by theslime

  1. ?My only question is...retort for what?"

    I agree that it's the tone. If it's a group of Thais who say it and are laughing, I say "Mai chai. khun a leh." Sorry for the transliteration. It's supposed to mean "No, you are." It's the first thing I learned here. It usually draws a blank stare and the laughing stops immediately. Even so, it can get on your nerves to hear it all the time.

    I was hoping to counter answer the Derision, from Some Taxi /Bike /Tuk Tuk / Patpong Doormen Drunk Ladies /Tranies that one encounters in day to day living . Ergo Retort for hearing Farang spoken as if I was somehow just Caucasian. Look up Retort its in the Dictionary
  2. I've seen some sh!t threads, but I have to say, this one takes the cake.

    CMK very courageously took the party to defend and promote the country where he chose to live. Some of his arguments may be questionable but I applaud the initiative.

    There is 'promoting and defending'. Then there is shooting yourself in the foot by being loose with your facts.

    The title was nonsensical. There is no war in the auto's between Thailand and the UK. I dare say they don't even compete in the same markets. Partipate in the same supply chain, maybe. But that is about it.

    Now we have a tit for tat over engineering standards. <deleted>?

    Loose with what facts? Or are not able to quote? I liked the title. It got a lot of readership; you read it didn't you? It was a good title. Titles are supposed to encourage people to read not put them to sleep.

    The auto market is global. Put a car on a boat, it is not going to spoil nor does it cost much to ship on a container ship. I sell a product in Thailand kind of like a car (steel and plastic and electrical stuff) all over the world from Italy to South America. Honest it is no problem. Shipping connections are good.

    And there are all the secondary markets that service the auto industry millions of dollars, billions of baht. Everybody wants in on the action. Tires for example are French maybe or British. Your scope is too narrow. Machine tools. Computer controlled equipment and the service and repair of that equipment. Steel fabrication is big here. It would not be without the auto industry. It is not that the auto industry uses giant steel structures but they both use the same infrastructure.

    There is a global trade war every day. You may call it what you like. You can call it competition or whatever but it is a no holds barred war. Ask the Chinese.smile.png

    Its all War alright and the Capitalist West is in the Box Seat.
  3. They have words for 'tourist/foreigner' everywhere!

    In Spain it's guiri or giri.Even in Somerset,England they called people 'grokkles',my Auntie is from there!

    It's just a way to distinguish locals from non-locals.It's not just Thailand,in Cambodia it's 'barang' & Bali and Indonesia it's 'bule',which means 'white man'!

    Hardly an insult,just a description!

    Exactly. But try to explain this to the truly ignorant who populate this forum. This topic has been covered ad nauseam, yet, some still don't get it. There's absolutely nothing offensive about the word "farang."

    Sorry been out. I Feel it must be the Tone, cause some of the Thai men I know say Farang derisively when said Farang has done something to try and recoupe his scammed Money back. Funny that.
  4. I don't understand this obsession that some folks have with being called a "white person" in the Thai language. It is not something that bothers me in the least.

    I dont understand the obsession some folks have with being called a "Foreigner". in the Thai Language. Good on ya. I suppose being called a Fat <deleted> ,Old Bastard ,Big Nose, Dum Dum, Slanty Eyed gook is also something that doesn,t bother you in the least, especially if it isn,t directed at you. Wouldn,t matter eh mate.
  5. I am an Australian who have played golf for 40 years.

    I have NEVER heard of this person.

    So why say he is a FAMOUS AUSTRALIAN golfer.

    Also he is a ITALIAN national, maybe with an Australian passport.

    Pisses me off when they give us a bad name.


    It says he is a well known expat golfer

    Meaning that he is a well known expat who is also a golfer

    Regardless, The head Line got my Attention as Well known Aussie Golfer.conjures up Greg Baby or Whats his face.
  6. For years I was sick of hearing Farang this Farang that, finally I had a Brain Wave, asked Thais how to say Oriental and all I got was Asian as a meaning, Looked up Oriental and in Thai speak it,s Chao tawan Og. Now when I hear Farang I just say Chao Tawan Og, the looks I get are great. They start saying Asian and I Chao Tawan Og. Smiles all round.

    • Like 1
  7. Dear OP

    Why not Call her Half Thai as it fits your Discription of her. I too have a Young Daughter and with Irish/ English/Shan/Mon/Australian Heritage and will try and bring her up as a Internationalist, not as a Luk Krueng. Come to think of it what about 2 First names, one for each Half.

    in reply to your 1st question.Well she is half Thai, that fits her heritage description. Are you suggesting her name should be actually Half Thai?

    Your daughter has no choice as she has Thai/Aussie parents, she is luk kreung.

    How do you describe bringing your daughter up as an internationalist? Please fill me in Im curious?

    I dont see being luk kreung as a type of upbringing, its who she will be. Just as I have white skin, it has nothing to do with how I was brought up.

    Sorry I find it slightly difficult to understand most of your post except the last bit about 2 names.

    That isnt a bad idea and something the mother and I are also working on and probably will give her 2 names Thai/Eng or vice versa.

    I appeciate your ideas!

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, I will try and bring my daughter up with a dislike for Nationalists of any Country and to be Happy to be an Humanist, not to be labled half and half by many Adults. Being Luk Krueng is a concept by Thai,s. If you called someone half caste in the West the matter would end up in Court. Good Luck. PS. My Daughter has a Biblical then Thai first names.
  8. My point was though that if it's difficult for Russia to get its weapons to Syria through other means - both air and sea transport have been intercepted - then their new Iraqi friends make the ideal go-between.

    You're not wrong about the effectiveness of Russia weapons systems, their technology has caught up significantly in the last decade or so, and they have the money now to acquire the best resources.

    Added: Oh and indeed It was Ayad Allawi that the US wanted to take over from Talabani. Apparently they felt he'd provide more of a counterpoint to Maliki's ambitions. Perhaps Scott can shed some light on this if he was there at the time.

    It is possible to overland from Russia via Iran then on to Shia in Iraq to their Shia Buddies in Syria. The Russians and Iranians have worked together before, many times. Baksheesh is the way.
  9. Why would you send your passport for 90 day address reporting? photo copies of the front page, visa page, entry stamp page, arrival departure card both sides and TM 47 form are sufficient, or all pages if you feel you should. From what I have read here the bar code and notification are fairly new and a number of posters have received their receipt with this.

    The Guy is 66 years old. Why would you start blog with a question that question,s his error? Unless you feel that as you have never made an Error the rest of us are mere plebs
  10. If homosexuals think it's so important to get what non homosexuals are rejecting in their millions ( most people I know back home are divorced ) , they should work to elect politicians that support their cause. If they can't do that, it's because most people have more important things to worry about, like how to pay the mortgage, buy food etc.

    While homosexuals may think it's important, to the vast majority, it's a non issue.

    We're doing that. It takes time. Did you notice President Obama? The hope is he can get some key supreme court picks for his second term as it is generally understood this issue is eventually going to settled at the supreme court level, just as previous bans on INTERRACIAL marriages were settled there. Do you think discrimination against an entire class of fellow citizens makes it easier for people to pay the mortgage? Governments can do MULTIPLE (and unrelated) things quite easily.

    If Obama or any other president chooses their Supreme Court nominees based on how they would vote on the same sex marriage issue, they should be immediately impeached at the minimum. Seriously, it is a minor issue, not worthy of 10% of the attention it has gotten.

    Sorry about that, I'm catching up on a few pages of reading on this thread and reply as I come across. No more comments on the gay thing from me.

    Anyway, Supreme Court picks by a President are one of the most important things they can do to change the course of the country. A president should pick judges based on their ability to uphold the Constitution, and not how they would vote on a number of pet issues. Especially issues that don't even affect 95% of the population.

    Judges should be impartial, no wonder the US is up the Creek without a Paddle. Can you all Impeach past Presidents?, Ifin so Bushy 2 then Bushy 1 for either downright lying or for being Dilly Bags
  11. China has no right to yell or complain about anything. They've been keeping their currency undervalued for years and stealing manufacturing from the rest of the world. The world should be the ones upset about China.

    What a Joke, The World should be upset you say ,as I a Westerner with 5 houses, 4 cars ,Gas home heating/ Air Con, Holidays O/S Pension . I don,t get it, I am Happily doing my Thing and using up plenty of the Worlds resources and think the poor of China should be the ones complaining.
  12. Your memory is short. China has never ever done anything as evil and destructive as what Japan had done in the years leading up to and during WW2.

    Does what they have done to their own people count? 30 million dead counts for something.

    China has big, big, problems on the horizon with its economy and with controlling the populace.

    Having a famine and slaughtering captured people, doesn,t quite sound the same. The whole world has big big problems coming which is nothing new , China bashing is nothing new either. There are only a few Countries which have tried to make a workers State and for sure Monumental mistakes have occured(Famine) but these are new systems, Not much Famine now.
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  13. The Japanese can get rooted, My Uncle worked in the Coal mines in Japan after Singapore fell, but what the Japanese did to China before and during WW2 negates any claim they have to any pissy land speck. I dont hate the Japanese that imprisoned my Uncle and screwed up his Head but be real, after Nanking they showed what they thought of the Chinese and don,t deserve anyones favours .

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