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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Are you trying to encourage People to get Killed. You either have to be Crazy or Suicidal to film the local Mafia/Police scamming. A mate from Samui was found to be in the posession of a small amout of Heroin. After 10 Days in Surat goal he got bail. When, after nearly a year, his time in Court was approaching and to sort it all out he Donated 100,000bt to the Police. So film the Police Corruption but dont be surprised if it all goes Pear shaped.

  2. As Sky put it, the Republicans have done a tremendous job of making people forget what a royal f*** up Obama inherited - it's as if he's done all the damage himself.

    Obama did f*** it up. Go back a few pages and look at the GDP chart. Obama wasn't in office 2 quarters before the recession ended. Then there were 3 qtrs of +3.5% growth, as Obama's policies came into play and the "stimulus" was spent, etc the economy has slowly tanked and it's been decreasing each of the past 3 qtrs. Spin that one as Bush's fault. rolleyes.gif

    Would not Bush have Growth because of War.
  3. Perhaps they could used home ownership levels, as the bench mark, as many western Governments do. That would no doubt make rural Issan richer than Australia.

    Bulgaria has the highest proportion of home owners (97%) in the world, while Germany is very low on the scale (42%).


    some additional countries with higher home ownership rates than Australia (69%) i.e. Lithuania (96%), Mexico (83%), India (82%), Iran (81%) and Greece (80%). It also shows Switzerland, at 35%, has a lower proportion of owners than Germany (42%).

    If you live in a Hovel in Issan or a Split level overlooking the Sydney Suburbs I suppose its still a Home and there is no place like home.
  4. Billiton made a Record Profit last year. Aussie Banks are Booming, Asian Economies have excellent growth and Tesco seven/Eleven are opening Stores all over the show. Noob7 You made an assumption that I dont understand the Capitalist System, can you tell me if I,m wrong here. Capitalism exploits workers who have to fight Tooth and Nail to get a rise. Usually losing a lot of Pay that will never be made back. The Capitalist,s leave their Country of Origin to make more Profit, so they can make more Profit, so they can make more Profit et al. Venture Capital for sure should be rewarded but not the Bastards on Wall street who manipulate the market for the sake of Profit and screw the labour that helped. I only passed 8 years of School and thanks to my Union enjoy a better life than some, when we tried to start a Workers Super Fund, like the High End of Town had, they thought the End of the Word was coming, now our fund invest,s in more Building Construction than anyone in Australia. Fair go for 7/11 low paid Workers

  5. Your Twelth Post and I must say a very good question. As I only know a little bit of how our minds work, I have sent a Copy to my Learned Buddist Bro. Will get back with reply ASAP.

    The Dalai Lama said " There is no theory of a Soul or a Self, niether on the level of Ordinary Beings, nor on that of a Budda. Non self{Anatana) is simply a natural aspect of the way in which every person exists. There is no Independant Self, that exists substanially from it,s own side, however, the Self, or Person, does exist dependant on the Psycophysical Aggregates. This Self, which is always an Individual, can only Exist in relation to it,s Aggregates." Descrates said, " I think there for I am." Budda would say "I think therefore there are Thoughts. No need for I am. Just an Endless Stream of Thought, that we create Our World.

    I'm sorry. No offense intended but not only do I disagree, but I don't like the religion of others posted here.

    Would I be so welcome if I quoted Bible verses as the way to be?

    Up to you, this is a Forum. By the way, could you explain what is the' I dont like the Religion of others posted here bit ' Personally Im an Atheist, and hope thats okay on the Forum.
  6. Your Twelth Post and I must say a very good question. As I only know a little bit of how our minds work, I have sent a Copy to my Learned Buddist Bro. Will get back with reply ASAP.

    The Dalai Lama said " There is no theory of a Soul or a Self, niether on the level of Ordinary Beings, nor on that of a Budda. Non self{Anatana) is simply a natural aspect of the way in which every person exists. There is no Independant Self, that exists substanially from it,s own side, however, the Self, or Person, does exist dependant on the Psycophysical Aggregates. This Self, which is always an Individual, can only Exist in relation to it,s Aggregates." Descrates said, " I think there for I am." Budda would say "I think therefore there are Thoughts. No need for I am. Just an Endless Stream of Thought, that we create Our World.
    • Like 1
  7. Its all the same multi national machine, I would not be shocked to see every corporation financially linked to one another through the world bank, you guys should go watch the movie "The Campaign" highlarious movie.......

    And maybe yo should understand, where you are:

    You are in a 'cheap' country, developing. People don't get more income, as they need for a livin. That's in almost all countries in the world the same. And in case, she would get 300 Baht an hour, she would have to pay for Khau Pad 300 Baht, then.

    And all other product would be equivalent more expensive.

    But economy is maybe not your strongest talent, isn't it?

    Thats it "Eureka" Dont give them a wage rise, and that Fat filled Crispy Crisp and Chocky Milk will be Cheaper and the Developing Country will be happy when they realise that they are helping the First World keep the Benifits. .

    Na, my point wasn't, that it should be still cheap for the first world. My point was, as it is easy to spot on Phuket:

    Higher minimum pay, higher prices. As soon, the government is pushing the cash in the hand of the 'normal' people, as soon everything gets more expensive! Some people have to pay this 'more money', they need to earn it. Others only want to get it!

    But, btw: less production for the 1. world, because of not cheap enough, anymore, means less money in Thailand. The big Companies are moving to the cheapest production options. Bangladesh, China and India a still waiting in line! To get everything from developing (wages) countries!

    Higher minimum pay=higher prices. Why.? Maybe the Share Holders could take a Cut.
  8. Its all the same multi national machine, I would not be shocked to see every corporation financially linked to one another through the world bank, you guys should go watch the movie "The Campaign" highlarious movie.......

    And maybe yo should understand, where you are:

    You are in a 'cheap' country, developing. People don't get more income, as they need for a livin. That's in almost all countries in the world the same. And in case, she would get 300 Baht an hour, she would have to pay for Khau Pad 300 Baht, then.

    And all other product would be equivalent more expensive.

    But economy is maybe not your strongest talent, isn't it?

    Thats it "Eureka" Dont give them a wage rise, and that Fat filled Crispy Crisp and Chocky Milk will be Cheaper and the Developing Country will be happy when they realise that they are helping the First World keep the Benifits. .
  9. Where the Hell is that Shop, I,m Thinking of a Ute Run and perchance I could fill up with Rice, as my Local Shop sells it for considerably more. More like Tesco,s prices. At that price I guess the little Stones in the Rice are allowed for in the Weight, or else its a Diddle.

  10. Why oh why would you want to do this to yourself?? 27 and 31 <deleted>.

    Drugs are the scourge of our time.

    What a joke this statement is. Drug policy is the scourge of our time.

    Alcohol is a drug. Tobacco is a drug. Medication from the pharmacy are drugs. Drugs are clearly not 'the scourge of our time.' It is the way we view drugs, the way we isolate some and discriminate against them, and mostly it is the way we view drug users / addicts - not as sick people who desperately need our help but as criminals who deserve to be punished for their crimes.

    No one ever burgled my house in the UK for beer or fag money.

    The Crystal Ball still working, eh.
  11. Poor guys , sorry for them but also stupid of them for using drugs (if they were really using). RIP.

    If they really were using drugs, then I don't feel sorry for them. As a previous poster said, drugs are the scourge of our time.

    Thou must be the Fittest, Non Smoking, Non drinking, Non Medication, Non Herb User in the World. Whats the Air like?
    • Like 2
  12. lol man....

    You treat people how they treat you.

    If I got a mate anyone who is an asshol_e to me, I treat them like an asshol_e.

    Simple problem here.

    Why didnt they go to your wedding? Was it a legitimate excuse? Or was it like "sorry I have to go watch so and so on tv"

    I would have thought the Viewing Idiot Box a Legitimate Excuse, Fair Go.
  13. ,The Wahabbi Sect in Saudi for starters.

    Errr...you mean the entire ruling structure of that country, yes?

    I share your sentiment to a degree but I think referring to it as a sect in this context somewhat diminishes the scale of what you propose.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    When one has to deal with a Government, that has, at it,s Core, a Bunch of Anti Just About Everything dictating, how the West should behave, when we (The West) are more tolerant than ever in History. In the long run Tolerance will win out, but a little pushing would speed up the end result.
  14. It's commonsense and etiquette worldwide to let the passengers off the train first so the passengers have space to get on.

    OP I'm a grouchy young man if that makes you feel any better, good place to let of steam is here(pardon the pun).

    The worst is when you get some little old lady rushing like lightening to push in front of you in a queue then taking an eternity to pay for her items.

    Boy do I hate it when standing in line, the Person taking an Eternity to get their Items checked, then suddenly comes to the conclusion that they have to pay and start rummaging around for the Dosh/Card. which is somewhere about. How about an embedded Chip in your Wrist that is Auto scanned Debit/Credit.
  15. Well I am off the net for a few days, off to the Issan farang farmers meeting, but just a passing comment. Seen some good done here by individuals, brother brought the play ground for the local village kindergarten. Friends bring clothes, and school stuff when they come, I supplied a TV and video and some DVDs of sesame street to the kindergarten. Does it really make a difference, don't think so. Makes me feel good and the kids have a party. Wife money allowing feeds and buys ice cream for the primary school on her birthday, a little party. There are people through out Thailand doing little bits here and there, who are making a bigger difference combined, than an NGO with millions of dollars do. Jim

    Dear James. I was upset by your OP Header to start with, bagging good hearted people that try and help the poor. you then made a comparison that as I have no shoes I guess that makes me poor(FW). You also said no one stops them building bigger houses, what with. Poverty doen,t pay. Free Health and Milk was mentioned. As we pay for what we get I know the 30baht Scheme doesn,t help if you need Cancer Treatment and the free Milk I,m sure will benifit Kids, but they don,t give it out Willy Nilly to the Poor. Maybe the Thais you wrote of won,t work , but nearly all I know work 6days a week and still can,t make ends meet. Ever tried cutting Cane, maybe they need some rest after doing it for 5 months at a time. You said you live near/in Forest, well most of Issan isn.t Forest and one cannot go out and shoot for food.
  16. Hoping to feel better tomorrow and will possibly pretend it never happened but unfortunately that was never my style rolleyes.gif

    Hope you are feeling better today. My Neighbour ran an underground pipe, into our Property to drain the rain from his. When I was told, the wife said the Neighbour is Crazy. I dug up pipe which went under a small soi. Should have seen the mess made when it rained again,but our land was drier of course. the Neighbours didn,t say Boo,and we all get on like it never happened.
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