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Posts posted by alanferdi

  1. One of the multiple-choice questions asks, "If you have a sexual urge, what should you do?" The available alternatives are: a) Ask friends if you can play football together; b ) Consult family members; c) Try to sleep; d) Go out with a friend of the opposite sex; or e) Invite a close friend to watch a movie together.


    I wonder if the police academy has such multiple questions?

    Who should we stop on Safety and charge them?

    a. Under age Teen with no helmet?

    b. Motorbike with no lights?

    c. Motorbike with 3 people?

    d. Farang with Helmet and innocent looking?

  2. Almost anyone can walk around and give orders or should I say they can appear to look like they know what they are talking about. The end results are what matter and so far she has simply proven herself to be no more than a smiling incompetent mouth piece-- who has a tendency to speak first and then try to think later.

    thats true..... The Wizard of Oz, Everyone want to be the boss.... It would be nice she could also deliver! instead of simply making the show. IPads or (Eye Pads) Then the minimum Wage... by stopping the Wage of the aged. It would be nice if Thailand became innovative in its thinking not just copy what exists and blame it when it does not work.

  3. I find some of do and donts of working for Foreigners in Thailand, particularly a bit absurd. If you are here on a pension visa. you cannot work! Thats clear and is understood. However, if a "farang" who is on a pension visa, helps his neighbour using his own power tools to drill or assist in friendly assistance... He could be booked in by immigration for working. Doesnt this stink.... come and retire in this country, make it your home and invest in electronic hobby items, but get done for helping your neighbour! The just expect these farangs to sleep around the whole day get mau in the night and spend their hard earned money.... It is interesting to note the list of 39 jobs that foreigners cannot do in Thailand...

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs Handbook

    Section 5: Starting a business in Thailand

    Page 13

    5.6 The Foreign Business Act and restricted occupations

    There are two sets of regulations that place work restrictions on foreigners in

    Thailand – A

    Royal Decree which list occupations closed to foreigners, and a Law which closes certain activities to foreigners.

    Restricted occupations

    A Royal Decree in 1973 listed 39 occupations that were then closed to aliens. This list has

    been amended on several occasions by subsequent Royal Decrees, the latest one in 1979. Prohibited occupations are:

    • Labour

    • Work in agriculture, animal breeding,

    forestry, fishery or general farm


    • Masonry, carpentry, or other

    construction work

    • Wood carving

    • Driving motor vehicles or nonmotorised

    carriers, except for piloting

    international aircraft

    • Shop attendant

    • Auctioning

    • Supervising, auditing or giving

    services in accounting, except

    occasional international auditing

    • Gem cutting and polishing

    • Hair cutting, hair dressing and

    beautician work

    • Hand weaving

    • Mat weaving or making of wares from

    reed, rattan, kenaf, straw or bamboo


    • Manufacture of manual fibrous paper

    • Manufacture of lacquerware

    • Thai musical instrument production

    • Manufacture of nielloware

    • Goldsmith, silversmith and other

    precious metal work

    • Manufacture of bronzeware

    • Thai doll making

    • Manufacture of mattresses and padded


    • Alms bowl making

    • Manual silk product making

    • Buddha image making

    • Manufacture of knives

    • Paper and cloth umbrella fabrication

    • Shoemaking

    • Hat making

    • Brokerage or agency work, except in

    international business

    • Dressmaking

    • Pottery or ceramics

    • Manual cigarette rolling

    • Legal or litigation service

    • Clerical or secretarial work

    • Manual silk reeling and weaving

    • Thai character type-setting

    • Hawking business

    • Tourist guide or tour organising


    • Architectural work

    • Civil engineering work

    Its hard to define these jobs with chinese, Japanese and Lao people...or perhaps they just let them go scot free because they cannot pay. Immigration has collections, Tax has collections, Police has collections and many agencies riding around on scooters checking out from music to food licences.... This Industry of collections is sickening!!!.

  4. Post election "toys R Us" - promised to school children. Whats the deal? Education?? Free Tablets with monthly insurance payment packages. I really do not see the relevance. Some company is going to have a deal to import these tablets into the country... Is there an article on the purpose of implementing this means in education? I would like if someone could give me a link to read the policy on this.

  5. Is this a Joke! Stamp out the oldest profession in the world! lots of luck..

    Perhaps the Chuwit should promote a program to educate these women with skills other than selling theirn pussy. Skills that would put them on parr with computer repair people, electricians, auto mechancs, air -conditioning mechanics. I doubt very seriously wrhether any woman from any culture

    like selling their favors.

    The bottom line is that the money can be extemely good but the risks are high.

    Perhaps they should also round up all the dead beat Thai fathers who have avoided any and all financial responsibicelty in supporting children they

    has helped to produce and throw them in Jail where they belong.

    Most of these women come from poor familites so elducationg seems to be a key player. Most of their women have no means to support, feed and clothe their chil dren..

    Untill the political situration changes and women gain more power to pass laws against Thai fathers who do not contribute anything but getting off

    their jollies, nothing will be done.


    Perhaps Chuit can help to pass laws on this accord, before he shoots off his mouth. My guess he has perhaps fathered some children he doesen't

    even know about.

    yes chum you hit the nail on the Head! Educate the grandmother not to put pressure on the young girls. Perhaps Chuit should talk with the Tourism Dept, the Police Force and define the word Prostitution. then close down all the go go bars and shabby hotels. Keep it like some countries - produce ID with the room rental. That would slow down somethings but increase the bibery.... this fox is only chasing its tail....

  6. Stamping it out is simply impossible, perhaps better to try to discourage under-age prostitution, and to send a stronger message to the world's pedophiles, to go elsewhere ?

    Guys guys guys,.... thailand does not have prostitution. Prostitution is where you pay a lady in advance and has sex with her. Women practise extortion!. The systems in place to protect its operations;- the ladies consent to sex, (thats NOT prostitution), later they drain you of your funds and pension. Perhaps we should look at the larger picture of what Thailand demands to be on their banks here for business people, People receiving pension and the lot. Is it necessary? As an European you can travel, work and retire n the EU without all these tall demands. But to come here and get sucked of all that we have earned....thats what keeps this industry hard to define. Words Words Words..... ignorant words tickling the masses and perhaps covering his tracks. Tourism thrives with the gogo bars!!!! Do these women have licenses? Do these women have social insurances? Are they registered in any system that defines their work and pay for tax purposes? Common on....put the structure in place, before waving the flag!

  7. Nobody deserves a death sentence. Nobody put a gun to drug users heads and force them to use it. If it was up to me drugs should be freely available OTC from any pharmacy. That way the druggies can drug themselves to pieces without having to kill, maim, plunder or rage anyone to support their habit.

    I can think of many crimes, where those who are 100% gulity without a doubt, deserve the death penalty. Drug dealers wreck countless lives, not just the users, but also their families, loved ones and the victims of drug users violence. Countries that have a well publicised death penatly for drrug smuggling shoud carry out the sentence.

    Interesting to see the opinions of self righteous and dogmatics. One says kill and the other says No. what if - those offenders are left to use the drugs themselves in a prison cell with the world to watch how it kills? would that be an option or would I fall into the catogory - Sadist?

    Perhaps we need to see this in perspective "situational" - your son or daughter is sold or spiked with drugs and is eventually hooked on it. What would be your choice of trial. Death???? What if you are without a job and enough money to make a days means to survive.... and these people sit in prison for a crime of this magnitude. A doctor who has a choice to save the patient of cancer spreading does not tolerate dodging pain or loosing time. His aim is to eradicate it! What is your response to a world of drugs - The countries that grow them are sometimes use them in an indirect political world imbalance - (Afghanistan, Turkey, Laos, Cambodia, South America) get the whole picture fight it at the roots. The courts is way up.

  8. Arent these lie detectors only effective on people who are supressing the truth with a lie or does it work on people who were on drugs who havent a clue what they were doing and when in their senses.... they only can say what they know without trying to lie? How do these work? what about habitual lying? Does it pick up the different tones in Thai that can mean several things I am intrigued. Will work well on Farangs. They made it for their society!

  9. What a load of utter crap!

    The kids can engage in sexual activity at any time of the day, and not just after 10pm!!!

    Interesting development!!! The police should simply get their priorities correct: Save & Protect Lives not be charity fund collectors!!!

    Let see maybe they need a nudge;

    1. Wake up and patrol the streets from 6:00 - 8:00. Stop school children on bikes with no helmets(OH CANNOT PAY?= Well then hold bike for ransom)

    2. Help Motorcyclist to understand that RED LIGHT means red light! Not just a political party view that can be tolerated

    3. Road rage, Racing and road safety is all not their business after 8:00 p.m. - JUSTICE NEVER SLEEPS

    Think on these lines and Thailand will be more than Amazing Thailand.

    What are they going to do .... detain children till parents come and collect them. These are for the under 18yrs roaming the streets. What about those in the gogo bars, Restaurants etc? I wish you all Happy Valentine... for the police force happy Valentine hunting.... Broken heart!

  10. i wonder if the stranded tourists will get a discount on tuk tuk rides during the rest of their stay

    what are you dreaming, anyway, most of them cant afford to go by the tuktuk gangsters anyway...

    I feel really sorry for the tourism industry which are charging the tourists by person while the hotel charge by room.... In Thailand you pay for the ROOM, doesnt matter if there are 1 or 2 people sleeping inside.

    I dont understand it anyway here with the Russians and WHY they work everywhere. You see them driving MiniBusses, doing Tours around the island and I guess to Phang Nga too.... They work as tour guides... They open Restaurants and cook and serve by themselfs... Some of them even dance in Windows in Soi Bangla or walking the streets for......

    Until know I always thought there is a little bit law in Thailand....

    Most of the Russians here I met are poor people, many of them from Siberia, Novosibirsk without much money. They are at all inclusive tours with bed, breakfast and lunch, That explains why you never see them around in Restaurants....ok for most of them even Ketchup is to spicy and they hate all Thaifood except Fish in FIshrestaurants.... They must have made big deals in Russia for making Thailand so popular....There are no Germans, French, Italians, and Scandinavians anymore here in Phuket...for them the island is by far too noisy and to crappy, to overloaded with cars and traffic and by far not cheap anymore..... SO lets bring on the Russians and the Chinese...at least the Hotels and Airlines will make some money then

    Russians are practical people, who do not go bonkers with their money when they see women in Shorts or somone dancing around a pole. They also do not take crap for granted. They are the only ones who come here with a family and enjoy as a family! The gogo scene is not their cup of tea.....hard luck!

  11. In my opinion you do not need a scientist to make such a statement; that flooding will be inevitable and uncontrollable in the near future! An average thinking person can come to the same logical conclusion. First the way Bangkok blocked many canals in the past to reclaim land, secondly urbanisation and poor water management upstream and poor drainage systems. They need to be dredged continually. The build up of silt at the mouth of the river also hinders. There are many elements to be taken into consideration before making a sweeping statement of relocating the capital. Logistics, Infrastructure, Professional manpower, Airports, Trading ports, Banking, Commerce and Diplomats, Royalty and diplomatic to name a few! There are international experts such as the Dutch and Germans who have solutions on larger scales of flooding than Bangkok. - Look and Learn!

  12. Stay in Thailand, the UK does not need any more crazy immigrants. happy Valentines day.

    Hey UK dumps its crazies in the Land of Smiles, why is it so unreasonable for Thai to do the same?


    you got it wrong....UK dumped all its rejects in Australia and they became a great country! The ones who came here on a holiday was mesmerised by the smiles till the realised it was really a odd way of starring! Do you mean to imply that Thailand dumps its crasies into the UK ..... that would be a clever move. The crazies are here!!!

    • Like 1
  13. It's all too messy for me to understand, perhaps she was no saint, perhaps he wanted an easy out and had lots to loose froma UK divorce, it does seem however that the BA ought to let her in in order to fight the matter in the divorce courts.

    Once she's in the UK they'll never be able to get her out again...

    yes its all the humanitarian agencies and do gooders that have made that country like that - Save the dog, save the whale and its very laws interpreted by those who havent a clue of its origins and its purposes. This women if let into the UK will have more luck in Courts that at the roulette table in L.A.

  14. i want to fight my divorce in uk, she means geting big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    she loves thailand, so she can stay here smile.png

    yes oh YESSSS!!!!! - BIG MONEY!

    I am proud of the immigration system of Scotland. Why keep a person to fight one of its citizens on tax payers money, when the person who has been cheated out of love at that age. She is only aiming to empty the koffers and come back. Yes she truly loves Thailand she should trust the system here to defend her - the place where she pays her taxes into.

  15. I am ashamed to be from the UK sometimes. Our immigration rules are a f*****g disgrace, if a UK born citizen chooses to marry a female from any other country his new wife should have automatic rights to live with her new husband in the UK without all this bull s**t red tape and this should be the same world wide. WE DON'T OWN THE WORLD and it's about time those people in government positions change their bloody attitudes!!!

    Did your spouse get refused a visa? In terms of comparison with the Thai system and rights of abode, the UK is far far more liberal than Thailand in terms of rights of foreign spouses. I would like it very much if Thailand would adopt the British stance on immigration for spouses, by now thousands of long staying expats would have permenant right of abode in Thailand and not have to jump through the yearly stupidity of the system here.

    The Brits might not own the world, but they own the UK at least, so the rules are set as they are.

    I am not a Brit. I am a German and I say Amen to that! -

    Just think a Thai wife or husband to an European is not required to have 10.000 Euros sitting on their Account in Europe nor do the have hindernises in the law. Perhaps thats why this lovely bride has lost it here. True marriage in Thailand is an industry that has a partner paying into the system over 15000 Euros a year. Visa runs, Legal fees, Late fees, small friendly tips and all that goes on in living in Thailand. This is all possible as a working person...but as a pensioner..... you are screwed! Love is truly blind.

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