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Posts posted by alanferdi

  1. "The gunman, now in police custody, is said to have told authorities that he drew the gun only as a last resort as it became obvious that he and his pals were about to lose the fight"

    Poor guy. Got into a fight and couldn't win it so he had to shoot. Let him go.

    Yes... Thailand let him Go... last resort in Thailand is always a shoot!

    • Like 1
  2. Of course, it would be too hard or practical to set up a way that people can call the bloody government offices without having to physically go there at all right?

    You are talking abou people with disabiligties?

    Computer age....but paper still rules....so forget about Thailand going to digitalise anything for disable people...let alone as a service... There is too much Tea money to loose. Keep the tread mill....it looks healthier for the ignorant mind.

  3. That handy and about time. Of course this is all born from Yinglucks personal philosophy of social inclusiveness and the promotion of Thailand as a free, equitable and safe society, not from the mandate of ASEAN.


    Talking the talk does not mean walking it! ASEAN is not Thailand!!! Thailand is only a part of ASEAN and if they do not get their standards up on anything they are not in ASEAN - English...lacking behind, Protection..... questionable to investors, stability....questionable.... Long way to go...best meet with those who are ahead in this - Singapore, Malayasia for egs!!!!

    • Like 1
  4. Thailand is going to be under siege as the wealth of the west goes to the east. People from all distinctions will flock here for many reasons and will call this place their home! The locals are going to do what ever is possible to stop the invasion and not just exploit it as is now happening. Having kids with Thai blood will help and having a Thai wife even more, but the more farangs that arrive, the tougher on the early arrivals it will be. Maybe a plastic surgeon specializing in making farangs look asian.?

    Why go to that length.....let the chinese trod over Thailand, followed by the Indian, then the Koreans and the Japanese....... Perhaps Thais will then meet their match...

  5. Nice article. ...To be translated into Thai and published in a Thai newspaper, as many articles 'made by and for foreigners should be read by the locals !

    Yes I agree with Rubber Duck...its no point listening to your echo. It needs to be addressed subjectively in a Thai Newspaper and with the Thai Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Tourism.

    Thais do not treat their visitors well.... arrive at the airport and you get this cold defense..... Greet them the office at passport control and you get a stare and your passport back.

    They might be good in smiling out of nervousness....but in service, they are miles from what it takes to initiate it. Hence, Foreigners are comfortable with people who speak their language, treat them as guests and are willing to pay for good service. Instead of having to hassle with people, Taxis or tuk tuk who cheat, Once I was in a shopping mall.... A Foreigner asks do you have this T-Shirt in my size....the Thai ladies replies in Thai....no we do not have elephant size!, Everyone around who understood did not reprimand the woman they simply looked the other way. If that happened in the UK or in Germany... the public would have responded to her and said "thats not nice or thats impolite or would have reported her to management" Does not exist in Thailand. Reporting is a farce!!!! whether it be to the police or to any authority..... A BIG FARCE - So in the light of this Foreigners will go where they are welcomed.... Thailand does not need foreigners.....they got their own sort to serve...without loosing face! Phuket will be history in the light of whats going to take place in Burma and cambodia.... Bye bye Thailand.

    • Like 2
  6. How exactly do workers upgrade their own skills?

    Surely there either needs to be government training or incentives for businesses to provide it.

    As for the breast feeding corners - that does sort of imply mothers taking infants to work with them. Nurseries at work might work for larger companies IF an incentive is provided but kids should really not be going to work IMO.

    Well... the present curriculum;

    Learn to lie professionally

    Learn to concede defeat or blame it on someone else

    Learn to avoid taking responsibility for wrong actions

    Perfect in quietly following rules....

    The advanced Curriculum in the benefit of the country;

    -Learning to speak the truth

    -Learning to seek advice from those who know better

    -Learning to take up responsibility and declining from those that are a person is not qualified from

    -Learning to question and discuss honestly

    -Learning to put the poor man first rather than using him as a pawn in all the rallies and then starving him of his rights!

    I hope she is not suggesting to follow Thaksin, her brother to learn Criminology and perfect in it!

    Good luck Thailand

  7. Thai Loves Thai will never apply when there's money involved.

    I'd go as far as saying it doesn't really apply at all

    The whole issue and the idea of pre-authorisation is a scam.....If thais worked efficiently as Japanese and Germans, I would trust somewhat of the venture...But they sit on their butts and talk, ignore and wait for some grease in their hands.... Just let the hospitals continue treatments and let their administration sort it "Thai style" ....have a problem trusting that! well then put your efforts into educating the next 2 generations to work honestly without taking bribes or short cuts!

  8. To be chastised by your skyping master and following failing to get hold of him where others succeeded. Our Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm seems to have lost his magic touch.

    PS "Thaksin's mobile phone could not be contacted". Probably a classic case of "bat mot" :-)

    Chalerm did not meet Thaksin in Hongkong...but in all this red shirt legality...did Thaksin meet Chalerm?

  9. Here is a link from the press conferense. In english, I think:giggle:



    Thank you for the link.

    Always revealing to hear her prattle on in the unscripted portion of a press conference doing Q & A. Too bad this time it was so brief, but, still it was interesting that hear Yingluck is seemingly unaware that her election was NOT the first time they won the majority of the seats in Parliament. blink.png

    Also revealing was that the questions put to her in English had to be translated to her in Thai.


    Why is it so strange that questions put to her in English had to be translated to her in Thai? Do you think that if questions put to Barack Obama, David Cameron etc in Thai would not be translated into English? I have come to the conclusion that the Thai news agencies probably have an editorial meeting every day when they discuss which headline they can come up with which will have the Thaivisa experts competing with each other to see who can make the biggest fool of themselves commenting on things they know nothing about and have no control over. Oh how they must laugh! I know i do!
    I think we have a winner.

    Some words lost in Translation in most Thai conversations.... I am sorry, I do not know, or I made a mistake!!!!

    I am still to hear this in Thailand.....its always a big joke!!!!

  10. .

    If Barack or David had obtained Master degrees at a Thai university in Thailand utilizing the Thai language then I would be equally surprised if they needed a question put to them in Thai to be translated to English.

    For someone that has obtained a Master degree at an American university utilizing the English language I'm surprised at the level of her English.

    It is my understanding that it is not 'translation' as such since she is able to understand the words being used. Her helpers are simplifying what has been said in order for her to grasp it. Elocution lessons can only go so far y'know. The western world and to a large extent the Thai people see her as being somewhat dim and 'Sarah Palin' like.

    Misunderstanding on a such a level of responsibility, needs no definition for excuse... Get on the job do it properly and in keeping with International standards of communication and good healthy logic.... Graduate? for paper or for pride!

  11. Thai PM says she 'sometimes' thinks like her brother

    So obvious and more scarey for Thai people.

    Yeah.... this story reminds me of the Wizard of Oz..... the little lad learnt some tricks..but ran out of controll till the Master came back. or.... is she also planning on doing the run when all fingers point at her.......China will give her a passport or perhaps Laos

  12. This certainly explains the poor state of the Thai education system.

    Chreating on police exams ... cheating on teacher exams ...

    What a country ... rampant corruption where money talks and screw the rest

    Cheaters Diploma - PCD - Police Cheaters Diploma.... now assistant teachers cheating - ATCD - Assistant Teachers Cheaters Diploma. CORRUPTION!!!!! - Giving a blind eye to wrong doing further in the line of succession leads to graduation in Shame!

    A Tree is known by its fruit....not just by its foilage.

  13. I thought Thailand was going to be an education hub. We were gonna teach those Singaporeans a thing or two....I guess notwhistling.gif

    Both education (decent curriculum, teach kids to THINK) and health (healthy infant diet) would be good places to start...Thais would be better to look at their woeful performance on International exams rather than some culturally biased IQ tests anyway.

    Thailand is the weakest in ASEAN in English. A hub has - logistics, communication and security. All these are riddled with moth holes and excuses.... The biggest lesson any child must learn is there is nothing called loosing face. You make a mistake it can be rectified! you repeat it only means you did not learn! People cannot be bought and prestige is knowledge of ones rights and fighting for ones fellowman...not cowing down and bribing to maintain "face".... just doing it means you lost your brain...not your face!

    • Like 1
  14. Mission impossible.

    man get your departments in order:- Health is to look after the physical development of a child till the grave. Education department is to make available to this individual sufficient resources to help him interact and make up his mind. We are talking about creating rational intellectuals who can think for themselves...sounds dangerous for those without this development view in power!! A child that questions shows development... Intellect can only be developed when a child is given that space in education to question and debate. All other effort ...... useless Look at the fall of communism and those who stand to produce clones.....!!!

  15. " many foreigners injured in traffic accidents thought all Thai motorists must stop at a red light, but when they did that they had a collision."

    Who would have thought itsad.png .

    Red Light.... It does not mean anything in Traffic laws....... in the sex trade yes.....Police are only at these traffic lights to collect money. New signs in Pigeon English says "Turn Left waiting light" what that is supposed to mean is a question only a Thai can explain to himself. Does it mean Turn left on Green? or does it mean Turn left after a brief halt at the lights`? Well you occassionally have a policemen who is there to tell you nothing more than what the board says - nothing! If Thailand, Amazing Thailand is going to be a tourist destination then it also has to make things clear in what ever language they wish to communicate..... Thai is not a help to the tourist! and a ticket by a policemen is an insult on their intelligence as well....since the sign simply does not communicate! It means nothing to those who speak English and to those who try it is only a guessing point. Even the police mutters nothing.... he only knows to give a ticket to the Farang who wants to know and for those who are long enough here to know they want money....save your breath.

    Check these places out on your trip of Amazing Thailand

    Intersection at MBK, There is a sign in Thai..... not clear that says you cannot turn right onto sukhumvit.... waiting like hawks police, stopping those, mostly farangs, to do their collection. Cameras Ready!!!! Eight officers standing around.... it would be worth putting an officer in the lane preventing it or a sign that clearly says no right turn for Private cars or busses.

    The Highway exit that comes down near Nana, The police wait there and stop to collect - Cameras ready!!!

    Corruption in the police force, no need for correction measures...simply send them back to planting rice and taking the buffalo for a walk.Thailand does not need these dozzers corrupting a system. How can they instill law and order....there is no order in them.

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