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Posts posted by sfbandung

  1. He's Russian - never passive or jai yen yen. If he mixed it up with drugs, booze - enough said. And Robblok - are you on roids or sumfink? Why are you so defensive of this <deleted>? He smashed up his condo - again, enough said.

    how is he a <deleted>? cos he isn't old and fat?

    besides, if the guy decides to smash up his condo, that's his right, isn't it?

    Sure it's his right if it's his gear. But it still makes him a <deleted>.

  2. Why the complaint about it not being broke down by race? Muslim is not a race. The percentage of women in Thailand who are not Thai or Thai/Chinese is so low it wouldn't have any statistical bearing.

    But forgetting all that, it is a complete BS Online Survey by a freaking condom company looking to sell condoms.

    Yep. And not to mention that 4.6% of Thais are Muslim, so half of that is Thai Muslim women. Hardly representative.

    So it's three fifths of nothing talking about nothing.

  3. Well let me add this to the list of reasons I cancelled my FarceBook account, sad story that happened over Silly facebook

    How did you cancel it, I would like to but found I can not, tried but the <deleted> emails, and pages keep coming up on my computer. Seems like once signed up on Facebook you in forever.

    If you can enlighten me, and maybe others on how to totally delete your account in it please explain here.


    Facebook itself has detailed instructions on how to opt out. They are also very cooperative if you are being harrassed.

  4. Thailand: Transit hub for illegal products and human smuggling to Australia.

    How Australia restrains itself with Thailand is laudable. Other countries would have reacted with trade sanctions,and additional self defense measures when faced with years of such activities.

    If the US, UK, Australia or any EU country is not able to stop the import, export or transit of illegal drugs, why do you expect Thailand to be the exception?

    A good point. In America we even have the Government supplying weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, who have used them to kill American agents! See'Operation fast and furious' It always makes me chuckle when i see posters on here slagging off Thailand for this sort of thing, some of them probably American nationals, who cannot see the irony. But then Americans don't get irony!

    If Australian drug addicts didn't want the drugs they wouldn't be sending them. There's no chicken and egg dilemma here.

    Demand leads to supply.

    • Like 1
  5. most plausible is...

    she was buried somewhere, then taken out...

    the few remaining body parts where washed a few times and then put into some sort of "acid", to remove insects and dirt...

    finally, the box was placed at doskets house... how convenient...

    and - as the victims gun and 58 bullets were found next to that box in doksets basement bathroom - we can assume, that she was shot to death with her own weapon...

    and - as the victims family found blood stains in her car (and these were so much and many, that they assumed from then, she had been murdered), lets assume, the victim was transported in her own car to her initial burial/hiding place...

    And that's your most plausible likelyhood?

    Your least likelyhood must be a real flight of fancy.

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