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Posts posted by sfbandung

  1. Can't see the problem. There is all sorts of cultural stuff the missus does and none of it is in any way harmful or expensive. The head of any bed cannot face west. It is not a hardship at our place. That's where the dead spirits go apparently.

    I dunno, maybe I'm just a soft cock but most of my wife's idiosynchrasies are actually quite morally correct and certainly don't worry me too much.

    But I am rather the rarity here on Thai Visa, I love my wife and find the Thais in general to quite a pleasant lot. Everyone else seems to be married to her brother (who is really her husband) who is in cahoots with her whole family to steal all of his money.

  2. A dog around a farming area that has a penchant for killing livestock gets finished off. Easy. Bye bye. Not, "Oh the poor puppy just needs some educating ...".

    Like just about everywhere else there are chickens and dogs all over the place at our village. I asked the missus what happens to dogs who kill chickens. "If the owner doesn't kill it someone else will".

    There was a recent debate about dogs that are not kept in and bite people who happen to be walking past. I don't know about urban areas, but in the village, same thing.

  3. Firstly how is someone properly married and then only see their wife two or three times a year? I have a niece who behaves herself but I wonder why. She has a French partner who only comes to Thailand once a year.

    My wife lives with me in Papua New Guinea because that's where my business is and a wife's place is with her husband. She wouldn't dream of leaving me here by myself and I have no desire to be on my own. That's what I call a regular marriage. We have a house at home and spend two or three months a year in Thailand. As time goes by this will increase but she'll always be with me. We love each other and want to be together.

    I personally doubt the 80 to 90% stat. But the fact is that having a "wife" who you see a few times a year is bizarre. More bizarre than the fact that she then has a partner who is actually with her full time. Yeah, she's poor and they take the money and once or twice a year it's a bit silly. But who's the fool?

    Many of the cheating spouses in question wouldn't get a visa to the husbands home country, it's unlikely they'd be able to stay together while he works in his home country anyway.

    For others who work on ships, in the oil industry etc.... They need to be choosing their spouses carefully...

    Why? I have had no problem getting visas for my wife and know plenty of men married to Thais who have done the same. The PR (for Australia anyway) is pretty onerous but if your relationship is genuine you'll get through. For a work permit dependent visa (which is her status in PNG) they just wanted to see a marriage certificate. Shengen visa for Europe was no problem and NZ too.

    Would it be cynical of me to suggest that some of these guys who are "married" to Thai ladies and leave them there actually have another family in their home country?

  4. Firstly how is someone properly married and then only see their wife two or three times a year? I have a niece who behaves herself but I wonder why. She has a French partner who only comes to Thailand once a year.

    My wife lives with me in Papua New Guinea because that's where my business is and a wife's place is with her husband. She wouldn't dream of leaving me here by myself and I have no desire to be on my own. That's what I call a regular marriage. We have a house at home and spend two or three months a year in Thailand. As time goes by this will increase but she'll always be with me. We love each other and want to be together.

    I personally doubt the 80 to 90% stat. But the fact is that having a "wife" who you see a few times a year is bizarre. More bizarre than the fact that she then has a partner who is actually with her full time. Yeah, she's poor and they take the money and once or twice a year it's a bit silly. But who's the fool?

    Tell that to our military guys, if you dare. coffee1.gif

    Hardly a fair comparison.

    Unless a you are talking about a military man who has ducked off to a foreign country, married a lady and then headed home to only visit her a couple of times a year. Not married a lady from his own country who lives in his home and he goes away to work.

    Sadly you miss my point regarding your post. A navy guy can be away most of a year, soldiers go for six month tours, and guess what, many are married. rolleyes.gif My dad was away for three years. coffee1.gif

    I have to make it clear that my post was in no way intended to cast aspersions on the military. I have enormous respect for members of the armed forces who (apart from enforced separations form their families) put themselves in harm's way for the rest of us.

    I do see your point that they are away from their wives (and kids) for extended periods of time. I don't see it as being the equivalent of the point in hand however. The vast majority of your cases would be Americans (sorry if I assume incorrectly but your ndp seems to indicate US) married to Americans who are going away to leave their spouse in the country that is home for them both ...

  5. It would be much better if they were all Catholic priests molesting children or Muslis blowing people up.

    Buddhism has its problems but as far as religions go it is the best of a bad bunch.

  6. Firstly how is someone properly married and then only see their wife two or three times a year? I have a niece who behaves herself but I wonder why. She has a French partner who only comes to Thailand once a year.

    My wife lives with me in Papua New Guinea because that's where my business is and a wife's place is with her husband. She wouldn't dream of leaving me here by myself and I have no desire to be on my own. That's what I call a regular marriage. We have a house at home and spend two or three months a year in Thailand. As time goes by this will increase but she'll always be with me. We love each other and want to be together.

    I personally doubt the 80 to 90% stat. But the fact is that having a "wife" who you see a few times a year is bizarre. More bizarre than the fact that she then has a partner who is actually with her full time. Yeah, she's poor and they take the money and once or twice a year it's a bit silly. But who's the fool?

    Tell that to our military guys, if you dare. coffee1.gif

    Hardly a fair comparison.

    Unless a you are talking about a military man who has ducked off to a foreign country, married a lady and then headed home to only visit her a couple of times a year. Not married a lady from his own country who lives in his home and he goes away to work.

  7. Firstly how is someone properly married and then only see their wife two or three times a year? I have a niece who behaves herself but I wonder why. She has a French partner who only comes to Thailand once a year.

    My wife lives with me in Papua New Guinea because that's where my business is and a wife's place is with her husband. She wouldn't dream of leaving me here by myself and I have no desire to be on my own. That's what I call a regular marriage. We have a house at home and spend two or three months a year in Thailand. As time goes by this will increase but she'll always be with me. We love each other and want to be together.

    I personally doubt the 80 to 90% stat. But the fact is that having a "wife" who you see a few times a year is bizarre. More bizarre than the fact that she then has a partner who is actually with her full time. Yeah, she's poor and they take the money and once or twice a year it's a bit silly. But who's the fool?

    • Like 2
  8. "The owner of house told police that Mr Yoann had rented this house for a year. He had no job, instead living on family money and spending his time “hanging out”."

    And this turn of phrase wasn't deliberate?

    Why are people constantly shocked by stuff that happens in Phuket and Pattaya? Hardly your typical suburban locales with regular Mums and Dads going about their business.

  9. He gives his entire net worth (apart from the car and bike) to a chick he hasn't even shagged? 18M baht house? It would have to be Bangers unless it was on a 1000 rai block. Then does it again. What was the compo claim for? A brain injury?

    I am sure you have better things to do than make up stuff and post it here, but you must admit it defies belief.

    People referring to Private Dancer as if it shows how bad Thai ladies can be must have read a different version to the one I read. Idiot farang meets pretty prostitute, leaves her working in the bar and can't understand why she keeps shagging for money. Keeps crapping on about how happy he is when she wais him. Belts her one and gets taken out by the chick's sister. And he had the advantage of wealth and a good education. Not to mention the high quality individuals running the bars, particularly the one where "Joy" works. What a poor excuse for a human being. It is much more anti stupid-and-morally-bereft-Farangs than Thais doing what they have to do to survive.

    I wonder what Stephen Leather's intention was?

    • Like 2
  10. "However, losses will be less severe should the gold price stop its downward spiral and start to increase."

    Good to see the article was penned by a financial genius.

    Thai national news is not worded for the benefit of geniuses, it's worded for mostly rural people who are quite the opposite and who don't have the benefit of a western education, you're a bright lad so you could have figured that one out, or perhaps not!

    Never claimed to be a bright lad.

    My father in law is a member of the "rural people" you speak of and if they are savvy about nothing else, they are very au fait with commodity prices. Perhaps I was being unjustly harsh but it did seem to be stating the obvious.

  11. The Thai soaps have universal appeal. And language is no barrier as the story is always the same. Boy meets girl, boy (or girl) screws around, gets caught (usually at some private place like a shopping centre), lots of crying, unhappy mothers yelling at unrepentant offspring, some music, more crying, lots more crying, and everything works out in the end.

    The end.

    I haven't seen the movie and the worm eating scene sounds quite unique, but I bet the plot is basically the same. The poster even has the chick crying for Buddha's sake.

  12. I believe those high numbers of casualties during a holiday season are unique in the world.

    Indeed they are! Most countries with good highway infrastructure, strong driving laws enforcement, and skilled, capable ( I say that with some reluctance) drivers see holiday death tolls at a fraction of Thailand's during this and other holiday seasons. Most in this forum know why they're so high.

    NOW...., ban all motor bike traffic (without exception!) during this time and the number would be cut by 65%+. Unfortunate that this is the single most common form of transportation here.

    Why stop there?

    Ban alcohol as well.


    Ban everything. Sex. How dangerous is that? People dying of AIDS all the time. Ban Songkran, and Loy Kratong. Think of the fire risk. And drinking. And motorbikes. Pushbikes too. Ban walking. Some people walk around without looking where they are going and bump into innocent people. Swimming. Lots of people drown whilst swimming. Eating. The food poisoning numbers are horrific. Waking up. If everybody slept all the time then nobody would ever die.

    • Like 1
  13. This sounds like one of those rules where if everyone complied they would drown in paperwork. Our house is in my wife's name (please don't bombard me with how silly I am, our place in Oz is in my name) so technically every time we are in Thailand we should report that I am staying there. Which we don't do of course. This must be happening thousands of times every day.

    Even the article says they are looking at hotels and guest houses, where it makes sense. If a (farang) mate comes round, has a drink and decides to stay in the spare room we are techincally required to report that? Madness.

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