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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. The remaining 20% involved dealing with certain venue owners who Passakorn said may have encroached on the walkways, which thereby moved the completion date to the end of September 2022. I wonder what the odds are for the true date of completion ........................LOL
  2. Nah they are both in cahoots & hedging their bets, probably got one of those funny handshakes ...............LOL
  3. Outstanding, well done to this determined lady ????
  4. Alternatively, these people can respect the law and not drive like a total idiot ......................LOL
  5. In his defense, Krabi is not in Bangkok, so therefore not interested .........................LOL
  6. They planned to return the plants once they had flowered .................LOL
  7. Talk about the lowest hanging fruit first, What about the certifying authority? - Probably paid off, surely who ever certifies that the structure is sound, and all services including water, electrics, emergency exits, fire fighting equipment etc. have been checked, prior to issuance of said certificate - Just for a change start at the top & work downwards.
  8. By the look of things he was already in an Inactive Post ..................LOL
  9. WOW that is a big investment gone down the tubes, although I suppose Mr Big has a very good excuse as to why it wasn't him - That is of course if they have a clue of who he is ........LOL
  10. There is no doubt that the corruption with the promotion system of the police and the military will continue until there is a real reform of the Thai police and the military. I think the above statement covers it all - No surprises unfortunately. If I remembered correctly, the promise to get rid of corruption at all levels was one of General Prayut Chan-o-cha’s excuses for the 2014 coup and the fact of the matter is, he was in charge of the police and the military while all of this was happening. Once again I think I can safely say No surprises .......????????
  11. Plug the drains and make it a seaplane destination, think of the tourists that would attract .....
  12. Will this new law apply to the RTP also ......................LOL
  13. And there is the problem, this face business is absolutely stupid. I have lived and worked around this area for a considerable time so understand it's an Asian thing but does not detract from the truth
  14. So better to be ill informed than Safe .........??
  15. Does she think for one minute that we are as stupid as her ............LOL
  16. Wrong, it is a sign that alcohol was purchased
  17. Who said it would be their first drink? who knows when they purchased the beers, who knows what they had been doing earlier in the evening. - My point was why mention the beers located under the seat, were they tested for alcohol consumption?
  18. I think this is definitely a scam .................LOL
  19. Why not name these places in an unusable state, in addition, ensure they do not re-open until a safety certificate has been issued, when will Soi LK get inspected as I am sure places in a similar condition will be found within the night clubs there.
  20. NO once again, rain and driving too fast should be attributed to the accident, does anyone else see a pattern here ...............!!!
  21. NO, rain and driving too fast should be attributed to the accident .........!!!
  22. If the beers were under the seat they were not drinking them, maybe they had been shopping and intended to drink the beers once at their destination, why even mention the beers ........!!!
  23. So nothing to do with making wrong choices with regard to vaccines by the head of medical services
  24. Goes without saying in this neck of the woods ...................
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