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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. 4 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

    If the license plate is black on white, then it's classed as a passenger vehicle, and with seat belts it should be allright to sit in the back. 

    If the plate is green on white, then it's classed as a two door pick up and no passengers are allowed in the back. That's also why these cars are much cheaper than double cab or sedans and SUVs, because they have a much lower tax on it. 

    Think you are rather confused re licence plates Black on White is a private vehicle and green is a commercial registered vehicle, nothing to do with doors etc. 

  2. I originally brought out, from UK that is, a small container and although most of the items could have been purchase here in Thailand at a cheaper price the quality here is seriously lacking. The especially applies to locally manufacture electrical goods, so if you want quality bring out the items otherwise except what you can buy here may not last as it would in the USA.

  3. As there is no obvious signs of fire it is possible that the refrigerant cylinder was of a poor quality, maybe never hydraulically retested, and exploded.

    This would be very unusual but is possible and has happened before. As there is no sign of any fire damage the likelihood of it being caused by a leakage of LPG from a cylinder is very unlikely. Mind you one has to wonder if the fitters were trying to use LPG somehow instead of refrigerant.

  4. 7 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

    I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

    Agree. The taxi driver has to accept some blame as he was at fault as well. Thai law 'give way to the right'


  5. 4 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

    I wonder why the hell they must publicized everyone in trouble here, outlaws, victims of outlaws, people who drop dead and many more. Is it part of stupid third world country  doing their job propaganda?:post-4641-1156693976:

    Obviously not well worldly traveled. Go to the Channel Isles, every night the local news goes out listing everyone who was convicted in court that day, from minor offences  to serious ones. Everyone knows how much you were fined etc. Are they a third world country? don't think so.

  6. Actually it is not as easy as that, if you return to the UK then they will increase your pension to the correct amount, if you then leave within three months your pension will return to what it was before you arrived and they also can ask for the amount of increase to be paid back. Does not depend upon tax year etc. only on your date of arrival back to the UK. The UK pension Webb site has more information.

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