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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. Yes, its closed since very long time. BUT look up Vespresso (same area, opposite Tara Pattana school), the Ticino owner's son has started this after the closure of Ticino and is running it with equal quality. I switched from Ticino to there, never a single complaint. 

  2. You are wrong, @roobaa01, the only "fixed" thing about your account is the interest rate you get, if you don't touch the money before the end of the term. 

    You could however withdraw anytime (loosing interest) and therefore going under the required 400K.

    Your fixed deposit account will therefore be treated by immigration as a standard deposit account, so you need an updated bank book (best with an additional deposit of 1K at the day of getting the update), and the letter from your bank stating that the money was always there.

  3. Thais change their surnames for lots of reasons, including hope for better luck, so the Thai system is well capable of handling it.

    Immigration can handle passport changes in-country (I.e. renewals), but I doubt they can do it at the point of entry, even if the name is the same.

    I strongly suggest to do the change while in Thailand, get a letter / entry in the old passport, that refer the old and new passports, and of course an official document confirming your name change.

    Than go to immigration and move your stamps.

    • Like 1
  4. Taking out a loan and pay interest on it does ONLY make sense if either you can't afford to pay cash OR if your money gives you more interest than you'll have to pay.


    Given the high interest rates in Thailand (15% or more) and the current investment climate, that seems highly unlikely, therefore your idea of getting motorbike on loan is either a desperate act or outright stupid 

    • Like 1
  5. Rutnin Eye Hospital on Bangkok is what I use for a serious general examination by doctors, including new prescriptions. 

    Staff in those optical shops, well, they can operate the two machines to make prescriptions, but that is it.

  6. 2 minutes ago, transam said:

    The Chanote method used by a sensible money man man is as follows.

    You and the money man go to Land office, your loan amount and the money mans  name etc are written on the back of the Chanote, so if you fail to pay the money back, or pay late you deal with both the lender and the land office to get the money back. In other words, you lose. When you complete paying for the loan, you and the money man go back to the land office to remove the transaction.

    This method has a fee at the land office which must be paid by the borrower. 

    Transam is absoluty correct, the loan contact must be registered against the change in the land office.

    Whether the borrower or the lender can use the land during the payback time is to be decided in the contract and will likely influence the interest rate to be paid.

  7. Did you get checked for HPV yourself? As men can also get it, if they "tinder boom boom" too much, the jury would still be out, whether you gave it to her or vice versa, if you get tested positive...


    Other than that... the only right thing to do is help her treat what ever symptoms she has, so that she can take care of you and your kid. After all, you most probably knew about her profession and still decided to go "all in" with unprotected sex and having a child with her... 

  8. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Same same, even if I didn't work for some fancy Swiss bank.

    It's called common sense. 

    Ah, so now you agree with me that installing anti malware solutions on the mobile phone - first point on my list - is a good thing, because it is common sense... glad I convince you ????

    • Confused 1
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  9. 14 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Sure, you can have one scanner brand for multiple OS. But what for? When was the last time your phone was infected by a virus?

    If you think you are so smart then maybe you shouldn't write a BS reply.

    It really must be a bliss to be so ignorant... I was head IT Security for a Swiss financial institute and we had to follow hundreds of pages of security requirements for mobile app development in order to keep them secure and certified... and we did not do it for fun.

    Here are the Top Mobile Security threats according to Kapersky Lab (I could have taken any other provider): 

    1. Data Leakage
    2. Unsecured Wi-Fi
    3. Network Spoofing
    4. Phishing Attacks
    5. Spyware
    6. Broken Cryptography
    7. Improper Session handling.

    And for you question: My phone was infected as many times as my Windows laptop: Never, because I follow the basic security precautions on all devices, mainly:

    • using Malware detection on every device with regular scans
    • no downloads and installations from untrusted sources
    • using VPN for any interaction involving sensitive PII
    • no clicking on links, unless from people I trust
    • using secure passwords and where possible multi-factor authentication
    • keeping my devices and apps up-to-date
    • no jailbreaking or rooting of the mobile phone

    But hey, it's not my money or information that get stolen, if others are ignorant as you...

  10. 3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Forget about any virus scanner for mobile phones.

    Viruses for Windows work different then viruses for phones. You could try to execute a Windows virus on your phone and nothing would happen.

    What a BS answer... you really think that mobile security providers didn't realise that? Scanners for phones are of course specialised for that purpose and therefore different from the PC product, no matter the brand. 

    My subscription from McAfee provides versions for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS, and so will Kapersky.


    @Speedo1968: can I ask, why you want to install from CD?

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