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Posts posted by OlRedEyes

  1. TBH, I find most expats in Thailand to be very narrow minded and 'innocent'. Sounds a bit weird maybe, but true.

    You appear to have no idea of their relationship dynamics, didn't try to find out - if that is any of your business, yet judged it immediately based upon your idea of how you want your relationship to be.

    It could be any thing from an outright abusive relationship through just having you on because you are known for your up-tightness or narrow views (no idea if that's the case, but does sound like it) to a consensual M/S or BDSM relationship that gets both their rocks off.

    None of your business, but have a chat if you're curious. Simply judging by what you see as 'good' and 'right' is a bit sad.

    I'm probably one of the most liberal and laid back people you'll ever meet.You don't know me and you don't know my mate.You're in no position to judge people by what you read on a forum,but like everybody else in the world,you're entitled to form your own opinion.

    I didn't start this thread to get an earbashing from people.All I wanted was some sort of advice/explanation for what I saw.Pretty straightforward really.coffee1.gif

    I don't worry about what others say, Vinny. They weren't there so they have no idea what the circumstances are. All they are doing is making a blind judgement call. Nobody wants to be taken for granted, and none of us know what goes on in private. I've met couples who I thought were wonderful together and found out later that they were always fighting. And, the reverse is true. I just try to stay out of other people's business and arrangement that they have with a spouse or live-in partner. I've often wondered what brough certain people together because from what I can see there is no compatibility at all, and yet it seems to work for them. Sometimes I just think it's a case of misery likes company. People are not happy unless they are bitching and complaining.

    Yea, poor Vinny. He didn't go make judgement calls without any info, based on his 'morals'. To the point of leaving.

    Which is the opposite of what I posted. No judgements there. Highlighted 'I have no idea....' Just one possibility.

    Ahh well. Let's Keep it simple. TiT.

  2. TBH, I find most expats in Thailand to be very narrow minded and 'innocent'. Sounds a bit weird maybe, but true.

    You appear to have no idea of their relationship dynamics, didn't try to find out - if that is any of your business, yet judged it immediately based upon your idea of how you want your relationship to be.

    It could be any thing from an outright abusive relationship through just having you on because you are known for your up-tightness or narrow views (no idea if that's the case, but does sound like it) to a consensual M/S or BDSM relationship that gets both their rocks off.

    None of your business, but have a chat if you're curious. Simply judging by what you see as 'good' and 'right' is a bit sad.

  3. Just an observation. If you're the kinda guy who's lived a fairly boring life, and coming to Thailand, doing the scene, is considered adventurous and a bit out of the norm, then a lot may sound like lies to you. Sometimes the perspective is the problem.

    A bit out of the norm is sitting outside family mart with 6 bags of ice shrink wrapped to your legs?

    Did you ask why?

  4. Just an observation. If you're the kinda guy who's lived a fairly boring life, and coming to Thailand, doing the scene, is considered adventurous and a bit out of the norm, then a lot may sound like lies to you. Sometimes the perspective is the problem.

  5. Wasn't really looking for expert short-term forecasting, such an animal is a myth. What I am looking for is insight into possible sinkholes in the short-term for the 3, as I haven't been watching the road.

    Not looking for profit, looking for least risk in the short term. Seems to me, even from what is said here, that that is probably the USD. Just thought that as things settle around the Greek crisis, the Euro may rise, as it's seems to have fallen heavily. There does seem to be opinion though that it is still sitting on a ledge that may see it fall again? Or not, as the PIGS are well discounted I'd have thought. Main concern in the market is a bust-up of the Euro totally?

    Doesn't seem to be much short-term hope around for the GBP upside-wise generally, on the other hand, is there much downside? Possibly.

    Medium-longer term, is easier. I disagree they are all about to be flushed. Against what. If those economies don't recover, what market will rise against them as there'd be no customers. China? I don't think so, I think China is close to an almighty implosion itself. Brazil and India are better bets, yet still don't have the buying power to rise without exporting to the US/EU. Poor old Ozzie is so closely tied to China now that when China stops buying it's mining output, which I'd guess is not far away, it's gonna hurt more than anyone else. Japan has been struggling for a long time, and seems to be trapped as well, no way up.

  6. I voted Euro

    Why? Arguably the most overpriced of the three.

    I'd hold dollars. I woudn't hold GBP at all as it is not a reserve currency.

    Why would you say the Euro is overvalued? Surely the market has already discounted Greece's problems as well as the other potential problems like Spain?

    Wouldn't it then be at low already? Or do you expect further bad news.

    Again, I'm not clued up on the markets at the moment, just using logic from old experience to try and assess.

    IMF intervention instead of an EU bailout = crisis for Euro?

    This is not for playing forex markets, though few will say no to a handy profit. I have to buy and hold something for the next couple of months. Maybe the $ is the least risk?

  7. Unless you change who you associate with, and the places you go to, you'll simply have to deal with it. And that means process it as 'normal' behavior.

    People generally judge situations and other people by their own experiences, sadly. It leads them to misjudge situations constantly but, well, live with it, it aint gonna change, ever.

    Thailand has a reputation, like it or not. Most men in Thailand have a pretty set view of what happens here, and that includes those that visit here once in a while to monger.

    So inside Thailand you'll have to deal with these shallow views from both foreigners as well as Thai. Outside of Thailand, you'll get the same response from those that come here for the 'bars', and probably from the barflies who don't as well, coz they've probably heard of it.

    It is a reflection of the size and intelligence of the mind of the person acting boorishly. Take it as such. Live with it or change who you associate with. You'll change nothing by getting into a fight with an idiot.

    My mother used to burn this into my head: meng jou met die semels, dan vreet die varke jou - mix with hogfeed and the hogs will eat you, or somesuch. (he who sleeps with dogs gets up with fleas)

  8. I don't think that necessarily everything made in China is bad. Over the past few months I've bought some quality products that I expected where made in Japan or Europe only to see they were made in China. I think China is getting better and better in this respect

    Every once in a while I hear this said. Maybe China is managing quality products in some isolated instances, I don't know. Quality is a relative concept. In my short :) life, I must say I have never seen a quality Chinese product, not once.

    The party surely would like to follow Japan's model, starting with crap to kick-start the economy, then switching to quality. Maybe that's why people are being executed for instance in the milk scandal. If this model isn't followed, the whole house will come crashing down as the economy grows, as the population will increasingly expect a better standard of living and therefore higher wages, causing a lack of competitiveness in the low-end market. But Japan is another kettle of fish altogether. It has had a culture of striving for quality for centuries, China has not. Culture is crucial in producing quality. I do not see China managing this. My personal opinion is all this is a pipe-dream, China is heading for big troubles. India may be different.

  9. The core problem is the consumers, not the manufacturers. Quality dies in a market where consumers overwhelmingly demand the cheapest price, be it products or service. In the end those manufacturers who produced quality have no option but to join the trend or die, if they are serving the mass market. Small niche high-end markets are all that is left to serve with quality.

    Then those self-same consumers whinge about the quality they receive. I have watched quality drop worldwide over decades in everything from matches to specialist services because of this. It's the era of the snake-oil salesman that has returned, thanks to ourselves. Hey, didn't we just love it when China started churning out all this cheap junk....

    Try and find a quality web site designer in Thailand. They've abandoned the idea, because the first question is 'how much'. So he has to compete with Joe and Somchai who doesn't know how to produce quality and doesn't care.

  10. Contact Rich at:


    Can do it all. Very knowledgeable and professional, as well as a nice guy.

    Professional? Don't you think it may help to have a professional site to sell your services? Apart from looking like it's a decade old, the code is a mess, and tables? Who uses tables still?

    I can do 10 times better, and I wouldn't dream of passing myself of as a 'webdesigner'. Maybe I should. The competition looks non-existent.

    Sorry, I know it's an old thread, but it just irks me terribly the quality of web design everybody tries to pass off here in Thailand as 'professional'.

    The design is the easy part, if that can not be done properly, how on earth will these guys incorporate all the other important factors that go into creating an even mildly successful website.

  11. I got married to a girl in the UK, and years later got divorced in Australia, so it can be done. It included advertising in UK papers, statutory declarations, etc.

    Usually a Thai lawyer here will advise you, fiercely overcharge and demand money for bribes. But I'll bet it can be done......

    I used to think one must get divorced in the country the marriage took place, till I read something about a case like yours today, so it must be possible.

    Thai lawyer, or any lawyer here in Thailand, sorta gives me cold shivers up my spine.... That's why I'm mining for some info first. I'll try and have a talk to the Thai authorities, though I suppose a lot may depend on who I talk to......

  12. Maxnet has become progressively worse as well over the past couple of weeks. Then over the past couple of days a white page with a block message from RTP pops up randomly while accessing various sites like hotmail, google, sunbelt whatever. This has been reported by people on other ISP's as well...

    Any fundi's wanna check this out? Seems to me we're playing around with govt filtering

  13. Computer fans are not a good idea, have already tried it.

    I wuz in mainframes. Well mini's at that point. Must've been about 20 yrs ago that I tried the biltong thing, so computer fans are a relative ? concept. I think.

    Cannot claim any biltong-making expertise. Also cannot so no to any samples. I love volume when it comes to free samples and good biltong, however :)

  14. Case closed. I had a chat with a friend of mine ( she works for a Thai law firm ) and she showed me the paper work required, the amount was about as thick as a telephone directory. The time frame can be up to 3 months to complete unless of course they change their minds and add another stipulation, so for me that is the end of the story.

    I think this idea has crossed the mind of virtually every SA expat here. Why not run a test. It's quite easy to make a few drying cases, just get some tea cases or something with a couple of computer fans. It's humid here, so you need drying quick. Tried that in Dbn long time ago and it worked fine.

    Hand samples out at the pubs. Try those chilli bites, the thin ones. should go down well.

  15. So this might be the right area to get into then, doing "1 stop service" websites for farangs :)

    Finally, the bottom line. I'll start lining up customers for you (behind me).

    IMHO, there is a real need here. Most 'farang' 'web designers' I have seen touting there services here seem to have just started learning the trade. I had to teach myself some design, coding, SEO and SEM skills a few years ago, just enough to do my own sites. It really is not hard, but there's a lot to know. And it moves quickly.

    There is an opportunity for decent quality here, but the line of customers is not really prepared to pay for quality, sad to say. You'll have to bargain against the Thai, who haven't got a clue, and the farang who's trying to make beer money off little skill. I'm not sure it'll work, in Thailand price is everything, and most of the 'farang' that live here have fallen into the same culture.

  16. Guys.. I am not looking for a webdesigner.. I am looking for a company that also has webdesigners, a 1 stop service. A company that can do it all.

    They should have a good reference list of clients, able to show that sites they make come high in listings.. etc etc. A company with opening hours and not an office location down in Nana Plaza a couple of days a week.

    Regarding this issue and internet, this is one of the biggest mistakes about websites and you see a lot of them in Thailand. You have a web designer make a site for you and the client is happy.. “ yeah of course we`re online, we got a nice website!”

    This is then exactly what you ve got and nothing more. People can only see this website if you send them a mail or hand out your business card. Pretty useless from a point of global business view

    The truth is that to make a good working website from start to finish involves a lot of other things. It might also never be finished.

    Even though my best friend for 20 years and who is an extremly skilled Art Director and could do the design for free, I want a 1 stop service involving one company.

    There must be more people out there that has made good working websites in Thailand?

    Sorry to say, but I have never seen a 'good' website designed by Thai. I find the Thai are good with graphics etc, but when it comes to functionality, understanding layout that converts and a million other small but important factors it sucks.

    Especially if your target is US/EU better you find someone who understands the market it is targeted to.

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