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Posts posted by OlRedEyes

  1. What is unreasonable is that a self appointed vigilante group is able to make these demands....

    The "demands" are most basic, most of them are right there in the constution and related laws.

    What is sad, as I said already, is that they need to be spelled out publicly and officially.

    Actually it's any citizen's right to demand the government to perform it's duties. Call them vigilantes or not.

    What exactly do you find unreasonable there?

    It's not the citizens demanding it. It is obvious who is in charge. Anybody who cannot see that must be totally blind.

  2. Yes see some places are going UNDER than on the other hand some are still booming, Massage(Foot) some eatery that have extra good food and well manage. Some are the ladies of the night/evening are willing to share their farang catch with a friend in return for a payback when they are not so lucky as one told me just recently at a local night spot. :D:o:D

    Teamwork can only be good when things are hard.

  3. Forget recession, this whole issue is now heading to depression worldwide.

    Starting to look worse by the day. Anybody walking around thinking that they will not be, or only be minimally affected is in for a rude awakening soon.

    My feeling is we are in for some very destructive shocks to the financial system, and of course the real economies, much worse than is evident already. And this would in turn create massive social strains.

  4. We dont need a WAR ON TERRORISM ..................look how many young people

    have died in vain since 9/11...............

    We need a sophisticated and well funded marketing campaign to educate the West

    as to what is really going on in the world...................

    I hope Obama represents the beginning of such re-education but somehow

    I worry he will still be a slave to the Masters at the Fed

    Have a look at the BBC documentary "The power of nightmares". 3hrs., 3 parts, but worth it.

  5. For the last 15 years I have been running restaurants in Thailand, always in combination with a hotel. I always made it a point to have the menu in the restaurant also written in Thai, besides English and German.

    It makes it easier for the staff, but also it makes it a lot easier and more pleasant for Thai customers, who are more often than not Thai ladies coming together with a farang.

    It always pisses me off when I go and eat somewhere else with my Thai wife, and I have to help her out ordering because the menu is only written in English. (Of course she graduated from a top university like most Thai ladies who are together with a member of this board, but something like " suckling pig stuffed with bay leave-blueberry scented rocqueford cheese" can be a bit difficult.)

    I would feel quite exotic and wouldn't mind as long as I'm with someone who can translate. But I don't mind anyway because my girlfriend speaks almost better English than I do :o (she is half Chinese of course)

    My wife is half Chinese, graduated from a top uni in Bkk, speaks and writes excellent English. She's wondering if the suckling pig comes on a very big plate. How big is a suckling pig anyway?

    And is the Roquefort cheese only blueberry-scented or does it have a blueberryish taste as well?

    In your native country, how would you feel if in a restaurant they didn't bother to write the menu also in the national language?

    As an aside, in my native country we have 11 official national languages......

  6. Government House returned to official control

    The security officials found two handmade bombs in front of the press room as well as ammunition, golf clubs, sharply pointed wood stakes and iron bars, all of which can be used as weapons.

    Bombs, ammunition etc. And some say these guys are not terrorists?

    Betcha nobody gets charged with even criminal charges. :o If anybody ever gets charged, it will be some plebs.

    Yeah .... a group so organized left bombs and ammo behind .... not bloody likely! (and found in front of the press room? again, not bloody likely)

    Didn't say they had brains.

  7. Government House returned to official control

    The security officials found two handmade bombs in front of the press room as well as ammunition, golf clubs, sharply pointed wood stakes and iron bars, all of which can be used as weapons.

    Bombs, ammunition etc. And some say these guys are not terrorists?

    Betcha nobody gets charged with even criminal charges. :o If anybody ever gets charged, it will be some plebs.

  8. Here's my problem. When I say that I see females as equals, I really mean it. So I normally have a problem with passing comment or giving answers that pander to their quirks. To my mind that is something you do to people who who run on flat batteries.

    And the flip side. "Hey, Honey, I'm bloody horny". What response do I get? Does she handle it sensitively? Not too many women do...... :o

  9. Gotta admit, laughing is not a good response.

    And if she is asking for approval that probably means that you haven't given any in quite some time.

    Thanks sbk. You've prolly hit the nail on the head. Didn't think of it that way.

    "Me fat Honey, you look luverly tonight"

    Just joking. I've been too preoccupied for months now, and a few true compliments are overdue.

  10. Seriously what the hel_l more do they want? The PPP has been disbanded and Somchai Wongsawat has been removed as PM, wasn't that their goal the whole time? Just leave the airport already!!!

    They want an end to corruption in government.

    "They want an end to corruption in government" and everyone knows that hel_l will freeze over first.

    It's in the genes of the people "corruption is all that they know" and the eradication of corruption in Thailand will not occur in anyone on TV's lifetime,

    Anybody who thinks they want an end to corrupt govt. is only listening to half the statement they make every time they speak. The unimportant half at that.

  11. Though I may be longish in the tooth, some things about females (one of very few - I've sorted most female quirks out thru the years in me warped mind) still get me.

    My dear wife appears in front of me this not so sunny morn, like a vision from heaven, lifting up her top to reveal an enticingly flat stomach, and states, with a face and voice that reflects the anguish in her tortured mind, "I'm fat. Am I fat?"

    Now I know this is a common thing. But my guffaws of laughter didn't seem to impress, and I have never been able to find the right answer to this no-win question that females use to trap men into feeling that they have to do something to make up for the pain they've caused their loved one with whatever answer they may try.

    I've discussed this with mates, but though they, like me, are sensitive human beings, their suggestions never seem to work. So I ask the ladies. Seriously, what answer can a man give that would border on satisfactory? Or is the question simply designed by females to extract guilt and some form of ransom from the guys?

  12. :o This has just been on Sky News http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20081201/twl-br...ts-3fd0ae9.html

    I'm not suprised that our German friends are getting first dibs on flights out of Thailand as our goverment is useless at looking after us when we are at home so what do you expect when your away in a different country.

    Good Luck to all stuck out there but I would swap with you any day believe me as you are missing nothing back here in Blighty


    Shakeyd :D

    Well, I'm not a Brit, but considering how the Brits are always trashing their govt., it's not surprising they are ignoring you :D

  13. I taught folks how to do sit-ins. We told them not to bring kids, unless we had every informed reason to believe the children would be out of harm's way.

    Exactly. This is why I believe it is a deliberate strategy by the organizers. The term 'human shield' has also been used by them.

  14. Get your fact right guys, four planes to Utapao yesterday from samui, more today. My beef is why have they put the price up 30% when fuel has dropped by 70%.

    But anyway news just in Bangkok Airways are talking about 5500b all in return from BKK-SAM...that will help tourism on the island for sure!!

    Because it is "A" Boutique airline... flying to... "A" Boutique Island...

    With massive boutique stains on their uncleaned boutique carpets and seats in their boutique waiting room at Savannasomething airport......

    Classy stuff.

  15. It's not just the Brits, it's a whole generation of wimps we've bred worldwide that believes comfort is a human right and that the world owes them everything they may demand. The me generation. I suppose, collectively, we are responsible, we taught them they are special.

    Yes, I personally witnessed the transition to the 'me generation.' On leaving school and starting to workk it was common for my generation to pay 60% of our meagure wages to our parents. The next generation paid on average O - and infact looked for parental handouts. No wonder we have raised a bunch of useless pathetic individuals. Ofcourse there are many exceptions

    Maybe this was before is before social secrity or NHS? Consider the newer generation pay high taxes which is distributed through these programs. how many sick beggars in London compared to Bangkok?

    At least the "nanny state" in UK is about safety, Thailand - it's about thought and genital control.

    Yea, they pay taxes so that is the end of their responsibility towards themselves and society. Paying taxes gives them the right to whinge and whine at everyone and everything that displeases them. Someone, it's time to change my nappy........

    The attitude that spells the demise of the west.

  16. Bangkok Britons appeal for help

    Thai police confront anti-government protesters in Bangkok

    British travellers left stranded by anti-government airport protests in Bangkok say they feel abandoned and isolated with little prospect of getting home soon.

    Members of one group of Britons caught up in events have been talking to the BBC about their plight and the knock-on effect on their lives back home.


    The specialist paediatric anaesthetist was due to fly home from her holiday on Friday but has been told to expect delays of up to three weeks.

    She now fears operations for some of her child patients may have to be cancelled.

    The 41-year-old, who has worked in London at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children for seven years, has a list of operations to get through and says she has no idea how she will get home.

    "We feel quite stranded... it's very frustrating," she said.

    "The specialist neurosurgery list is difficult to cover at very short notice... if I'm not there someone else will have to come in at short notice and you put extra pressure on your work colleagues.

    "It will be very tight for everyone else and there is a possibility the operating lists may be cancelled."

    Dr Herod was due to administer general anaesthetic to children with leukaemia who are due to have chemotherapy on Tuesday and treat babies with cleft lips and palates on Thursday.

    If we have to switch flights that could be thousands of pounds. I have no idea if our tickets are still valid

    Dr Jane Herod

    Thai police confront protesters

    "It's a great inconvenience. The hospital has a very large catchment area and families put their lives on hold to bring their children to hospital," she said.

    "If it [an operation] gets cancelled at short notice, it's very difficult for them."

    Dr Herod, from Highgate in north London, is living in a hotel in Siem Reap in Cambodia with 15 others.

    She was in Cambodia, having travelled through Laos from north Thailand, when she first found out via the BBC World Service about the demonstrations .

    The Foreign Office has advised her group not to go to Bangkok airport and she said there is a two-week waiting list to fly to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

    She also said their travel insurance is likely to be invalid because policies do not usually cover civil unrest.

    "Our travel company has not been the most forthcoming... we're funding everything, we're out of pocket," she said.

    "If we have to switch flights that could be thousands of pounds. I have no idea if our tickets are still valid."


    The 43-year-old doctor, who helps runs the intensive care unit at London's Charing Cross Hospital, is part of the same group stranded in Cambodia.

    She said her job at the busy 24-hour unit will be covered by her colleagues and patients will be looked after, but it will put intense pressure on them.

    "You can't expect your colleagues to cover indefinitely, it could be weeks," she said.

    "No shifts will be uncovered, but my colleagues will have to work in blocks and be on call constantly.

    The terrible events in Mumbai have pushed Bangkok down the agenda

    Dr Roseanne Meacher

    "They will get exhausted and things will become more stressful and the possibility of errors will go up."

    Dr Meacher, from Shepherd's Bush in west London, said the hardest thing is the uncertainty and lack of information.

    "The terrible events in Mumbai have pushed Bangkok down the agenda. Getting through to the airlines is virtually impossible and we've just been told to hang on and wait by the travel company," she said.

    "We have no idea when we will get out of here and there is a possibility we could be chucked out of the hotel.

    "Every morning they let us know if there are rooms or not."

    Dr Meacher first found out about the protests on Wednesday through the BBC World Service and says she is getting most of her information from the internet.

    She has managed to speak to her mother back home but says there is a virtual information black-out.


    The 29-year-old from central London said he is on unpaid leave from Monday.

    "There are a number of people who have become very upset. This has caused a lot of stress to themselves and family members back home," he said.

    "It's the lack of knowing and the financial fear... you look on the internet and see the cost of a flight in the £2,000 bracket."

    We got fed up with the lack of information and decided to look for a way home ourselves

    Tom Hovell

    He said a Foreign Office official told him the next available flight out of Bangkok and the surrounding area will probably not be until 23 December.

    But he and 15 of the group of 16 have made their own arrangements to drive to Bangkok where they have been told they can get on a flight out of a military airport.

    The 16th member of the group has arranged to fly home via Kuala Lumpur.

    "We got fed up with the lack of information and decided to look for a way home ourselves," he said.

    "If we hadn't sorted this out ourselves, we'd still be waiting."

    Mr Hovell says he hopes his backpacker insurance covers the costs of the hotels and extra travel - but he is not sure.

    bbc news

    And in Haiti they are eating mud cookies to try and survive. As I said, wimps, who panic and cry at any slight disruption of their carefully planned and controlled lives.

    "If we hadn't sorted this out ourselves, we'd still be waiting."

    This sentence sums it up. Big <deleted> deal. They had to do something for themselves. My heart bleeds for them.

  17. im with you redeyes! In a former post like this i was vertually called a terrorist myself for citing the same views as you posted.Its true that no foreighner has the right to take the moral highground in someone elses country about issues they know nothing about.These "yellowshirts" whom are being portrayed as terrorists are in fact ordinary bread and butter citizens taking part in a protest,much like other countries would hold a demonstration on wars,industrial relations,gay rights or logging..the only difference is that these people are a bit sick and tired of corruption on such a massive scale as we have never seen.

    Three lanes of traffic were clogged today and it took 2 hours to get to a supermarket normally 20 minutes away.These people were going to "join the cause".Are they all terrorists?

    I say at least the've got the balls to stand up and take on a system that makes a mockery of democracy.

    That may be your opinion, it's not mine.....

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