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Posts posted by OlRedEyes

  1. I need to do a border run in the next couple of weeks for the first time in years. Can anyone comment on the operators offering a one day trip return Samui? Last time I did it a few years ago, there was a German/Austrian (yea I know it's not the same) guy doing the run, but the van broke down twice, with much drama etc. He seemed to try his best to keep on (sort-of) schedule, but the transport seemed to be falling to bits everywhere.

    Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

  2. My multientry O-A retirement visa expires in about 3 weeks (enter-before date) and I need to exit and return in order to get a new stamp for a year before that happens. It's a visa acquired in my home country, not retirement extension.

    Unfortunately i am unable to get away for any period of time right now, so would like to do a border run to Sadao (the turn around via Malaysia border control kind) to get a new stamp if possible. Haven't done anything like a border run for years, so not sure what's the latest. Anyone know if this is OK, or do I have to be out for a few days at least? Can't see why it should be a problem, but I'd like to make sure?

    Also, it's a multi entry, so I don't need to get an exit permit first?

  3. Same here in Chiang Mai - We called the helpline and they told us they will need 2 days to fix this !

    To fix a bit of javascript that has been deliberately put on for the weekend...nice little earner for someone.

    I don't even think this will backfire on them.

    Really? Maxnet's reputation was pretty good. Do you thing people see Maxnet as a reliable ISP now?

    No, they probably see them as they are - a Thai ISP.

    Those that think that it will help to contact Google about the IP hijack for popup ads may want to inform Microsoft as well as the same amateurish hijack is done with Hotmail.

    Thailand IT/computer/information services can be a world leader, if this wuz the 18th century. I sometimes wonder whether more than just snot has been scraped from the average Thai head through the years. DON"T DIG IN YOUR NOSE, IT CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR IQ.

  4. Would like to see what the general feeling is from those who are reasonably informed on world economics, and old enough not to believe we are invincible.

    My fear right now is that I get the feeling we are teetering on the edge of the real crash. After everything has been thrown at the financial crisis, the realization that the financial crisis will result in an economic crisis set in belatedly, and markets discounted what they optimistically hoped would be the following contraction. Now it seems, as I feared, that their optimistic view of most economies just slowing down is way off base. Even Japan has recorded a 3% contraction, and the Chinese and Indian economic predictions are being shown up as what they obviously were, pure hope.

    When the markets realize it is all going south much further than hoped, the bottom may fall out completely. Time to stock up on baked beans and bully beef? :o

    Then of course there's the problem of climate change. Now eventually it is starting to be recognized that the previous predictions are way too conservative. The economic impact, forgetting the social impact, of a rapidly changing climate, will wreak havoc on world economies.

    What about the domino effect of all the above. Protectionism, social unrest, resource competition...

    Methinks the next few weeks are critical.

  5. As a long time member I welcome this.

    At times l read the bull*** the moans the groans.

    This will give Thai visa members access to a much wider audience where there is scope for editorial comment and a place where your majority views are heard and maybe finally listened to.

    Well we are always complaining no one listens.

    If you think that farang views will be listened to you live in fantasy, I'm afraid. More likely those views will raise hackles, and will be 'edited'.

  6. Guantanamo, Al Queda, bleeding heart liberals. Haven't bothered to read the whole long thread, just the last page showed enough of the sad little apologists-at-all-costs for Thailand to make me nauseous.

    Seems no low is low enough in this part of the world. Gives the concept of standards a whole new sickening meaning.

  7. "A shocking story is unfolding in Thailand. Migrants and refugees who turn up on its shores have testified that they are being sent back to sea in boats without engines, their hands tied, left to their fate.

    Hundreds are thought to have suffered this treatment - among them many Rohingya people of western Burma - and many have died. The BBC's Jonathan Head in Bangkok has been investigating what has been happening."


    BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- Thailand's military has denied abusing refugee boat-people from Myanmar after claims some were whipped on a tourist beach and hundreds more left dead or missing after being towed at to sea without food and water.


  8. PM Abhisit: Weekly TV talk show may begin mid-January

    BANGKOK: -- Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva may start his Sunday television talk beginning January 18 to inform the people regarding the performance of his government, Minister to the Prime Minister's Office Satit Wonghnongtaey said on Thursday.

    Mr. Satit said the television talk show will be telecast from 9am every Sunday on the state-owned TV Channel NBT.

    The weekly programme will focus on the government's performance and will not attack anti-government groups, he said.

    Reiterating the coalition government's policy on allowing opposition parties to present their views on political affairs on television, Mr. Satit said approval would be given if the opposition leader in the House of Representatives wishes to speak but he or she must be "responsible for the content."

    So far His Majesty the King has not royally appointed the leader of the opposition bloc in the House and, thus it is better to wait for the appointment, Mr. Satit added.

    -- TNA 2009-01-08

    The quaint little quirks of democracy in the land of the free

  9. South Africa – where sterling is actually slightly stronger than a year ago – is the second cheapest long-haul destination for spending money.

    Researchers compared the price of popular holiday items, including a three-course evening meal with a bottle of wine, sun cream, mineral water, cigarettes, cup of coffee and can of Coke – in both long- and short-haul destinations.


    I'll guarantee you something. The quality of the dinner, wine, cigarettes will be a lot higher in SA.

  10. Thailand is only 'cheap' if you ignore quality difference. In fact, it is a lot more expensive for a far lesser quality than for instance South Africa. Comparing Thailand prices to US, UK and European prices is ridiculous. Compare apples to apples.

    Even SA, where the food, housing etc. are of a much higher quality than here, is cheaper than Thailand in virtually everything. And the salaries for comparable positions is about 3 times it is here, or more.

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