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Posts posted by backtonormal

  1. Whatever the enquiry turns up I must believe that somewhere someone gave orders that where not acceptable or somebody disobeyed orders. In whatever case whoever is found guilty will be use as a bargaining chip - we will wipe the slate clean in return for no protests about Thaksin returning. Suthep indicated that he would be stepping down from politics to concentrate on charges, he may know whats coming.

    Discussing Thaksins possible return, with a friend, we both agreed that Thaksin has acquire many vice like grips on some opponents 'nuts' that he will have no problem returning soon. An example of a 'vice like grip' is possible LM charges, against some prominent members of Thai society, arising from diplomatic cables. It does not bear thinking about, Thaksin tried to have one of these prominent people arrested on coup night. The intrigue intrigues me.


  2. Another allegation in respect to senior military officials discussing issues with the former PM. I don't believe that the General met or spoke with former PM Thaksin. However, I do believe that armed forces members, emissaries if you will, have been in dialogue with former PM Thaksin. The hints of such meetings have been in the public domain for quite some time, ever since some other "people" reached out to former Thaksin to urge his assistance in bringing a peaceful end to the confrontations of last year. Slowly, but surely, the whispers are becoing roundabout suggestions. And soon they shall become soft whispers.

    On the other hand, it should reassure those members of TVF that have insisted that the former PM is selecting cabinet ministers. After all, when the top military commander states, he will discuss the nomination for the post only with the people who can make a decision about it. then he has to be telling the truth, right? Mr. Thaksin is therefore not involved in the selection process. :lol:

    It would appear that thaksin has defused and nullified every threat to his expected election victory. Even the honest hard bitten Dem supporters may be doffing their caps to a brilliant politician. Long may he be with us

  3. This is brilliant - Now with immunity while parliament is in session Japtuporn and co can as MPs make the laws for us mere mortals to follow, yet these laws don't apply to them. Now there is a classic double standard.

    The old adage, 'do as I say, not as I do', springs to mind.

    The first motion of Parliament should be to revoke the immunity part of being an MP - otherwise how can we, the people be expected to respect the law if our MPs don't and have a free hand to do what they want with impunity.

    No wonder so many alleged criminals are turning up as MPs . Maybe it's possible to convince one of them to ahem, remove, Jatuporn permanently. After all they have immunity and needn't fear jail time.

    If I anot mistaken he was arrested for an LM charge. So have many others under the exiting government. Abuse of the law to me. I for one am happy he has been released, he reminds me of those great politicians ranting from the hustings, like Tony Benn and Michael Heseltine. When you had the dems complaining about being heckled whilst campaigning the real politicitions would have taken them on in there own den. To do that you have to believe in whatyour saying, unfortunately most politicans here dont have belief. Jatuporn could take on many if not all other politicians in a debate and beat them hands down. Good luck mate they love you on Thaivisa

  4. Prime minister-designate Yingluck Shinawatra said her government would of course support plans that would benefit the country's national security.

    "But budget allocation must take into account other needs too. We also have to budget for people's well-being," she said.

    Is this a veiled threat to reduce military budget in the coming years. Thoughts please

  5. Yes - who WERE the men in black? I would love to hear the answer - Jayboy? Geriatrickid? Anyone? Who were they? And why were they carrying automatic weapons, and grenades...

    I wonder...

    You might also like to wonder why they chose to initiate the violence. The killing of the army commander on the scene was obviously a well-planned operation.

    According to the amsterdam report the chances of any red shirt hurling that kind of munition the distance shown on the video was not possible. More truth in another soldier rolling it in from the side and standing behind the APC. It had the desired effect, it made the soldiers fire more bullets.

    "According to the amsterdam report........." You consider that a reliable source? The man is a spin doctor and obfuscator, and anybody that believes anything he puts out is an idiot.

    It certainly would be impossible to hurl a HAND grenade the required distance, but as he was killed with an M-79 which is fired from a launcher, max. range nearly 400m. The projectiles from the two types are quite different/distinctive, the M-79 uses buckshot, hand grenades flattened wire nicked to break apart into ~1/2" lengths. As there were also reports of him being targetted with a laser pointer, it makes Amsterdam's report sound like the smoke and mirrors crap that he normally issues.

    "It had the desired effect, it made the soldiers fire more bullets." Absolutely correct. Now ask yourself WHY was that the desired effect.

    I managed to stop the video at the point of explosion and had a full screen of what looked like molten metal. Is that an M79, sorry no arms expert. It may not be a reliable source but its more reliable than anything else that has been published to this date. The report was made by a military expert, not Amsterdam himself and are we to doubt his credentials or his he also selling his reputation for a few thaksin dollars.

    As for the desired effect, only my opinion, to justify some of the actions of those present. Justification comes from which side of the fence you are.

  6. Yes - who WERE the men in black? I would love to hear the answer - Jayboy? Geriatrickid? Anyone? Who were they? And why were they carrying automatic weapons, and grenades...

    I wonder...

    Just my tuppence. They may have had automatic weapons and grenades because they were issued them from the army stores. Just a thought

  7. Yes - who WERE the men in black? I would love to hear the answer - Jayboy? Geriatrickid? Anyone? Who were they? And why were they carrying automatic weapons, and grenades...

    I wonder...

    You might also like to wonder why they chose to initiate the violence. The killing of the army commander on the scene was obviously a well-planned operation.

    According to the amsterdam report the chances of any red shirt hurling that kind of munition the distance shown on the video was not possible. More truth in another soldier rolling it in from the side and standing behind the APC. It had the desired effect, it made the soldiers fire more bullets.

  8. personally can't stand all this Yingluk-bashing - she won the election get over it :)

    I agree with that and it isnt as though the last cabinet was put together in a smooth manner. It is was full of unqualified people pushed in by overly powerful small parties who couldnt work together and the Dems managed to dagger each other in the back with leaks of corruption in early days to get factional advantage. It was all done in a truly horrible manner. Will the PTP cabinet formation be any worse or will it go smoother and involve less laughable unqualified choices?

    I don't think people have a problem with Yingluck, its her brother that they have the problem with. A criminal dictating who should get the seats of power in government. Or do you agree with the principle that Taksin should have a hand in the direction of the country, It's no good saying 'get over it' because it's hard to get over something that is morally and ethically wrong and many people simply won't jump on the band wagon or buy into this just because PTP won the election.

    (But, you are correct, the Dems were just as shoddy in their cabinet formation, but copying their pathetic performance is hardly praiseworthy is it? )

    All the Yingluck bashing will stop when she puts dear brother in prison and shows he does not influence her decisions and she upholds the law as one of the cornerstones of her administration.

    A criminal. Found guilty whilst Thailand was under a military government. Not saying he was not guilty but only a fool can believe that he is the most corrupt man in this country. If your going to jail one jail them all. Thaksins arch enemy the 'invsible one' controls the courts (work out how that happens yourself) and if the courts dont get you the mighty 'invisible' will just coup you. I think Americas two statements about the outcome of the elections (one about down grading relations with Thailand, presumably if the amart intefered with the election result) is one reason why they have not taken control again. Cant wait till Thaksin reduces the military budget next year and reduces the size of the army by fazing out conscription. Its so funny thinking of the possibilities.

  9. Notice how she said "wait and see" A common PTP tactic deflect, deffer and avoid the issue until all the pieces are in place.

    isnt that just normal plain commonsense?? Imagine any business or for that matter military stratergy firing off before all preparation is completed. Yingluck so far is proving she is on track...albeit with a long rough road ahead.

    Totally agree - except 3 weeks down the road we all know what will have happened. The cabinet will have been put in place, with Taksins mark all over it and PTP will deny any knowledge of ever having said Taksin would not be "advising" his younger sister. And all those phone calls between him and PTP MPs were personal calls.

    I guess maybe "wait and see" = Taksin hasn't decided yet.

    Why should you and others worry if Thaksin picks the whole cabinet. It was him that people were voting for. Ask those who voted for PT I dont think they mind whatever he does, he cannot do wrong, Just get used to it for the next 8 yrs minimum. Stock market is on the up, foreign investors like him back in control. If, as others have mentioned, that some of the worlds leadng players have been to meet or sent envoys to meet him you should get the message that Thailand now as a steady hand at the tiller.

  10. ".........the report was based only on a preliminary factfinding process and had not been reviewed by an NHRC subcommittee........."

    Don't give too much credence to the facts because the spin doctors haven't had a go at them yet. With red-shirt leaders sitting, or aspiring to sit, on the government team , it might be a wee tad dangerous to cast to bright a light on their previous actions. Gives a whole new meaning to "politically correct."

    The Dems had 1 full year to bring all parties to give evidence to the table but it was not in their interest (or that of their backers) to have the truth known. To now suggest the findings will be doctored by Peua Thai. Trying to point this in the direction of a 'spin' excercise of the incoming government is nonsense. There has been negligible progress under the Dems. The PT know whos most to blame for 91 deaths and we will see this enquiry come to a conclusion quicker than under the Dems.

    Some posters on here need to accept that those their opinions are valid they are totally out of touch with the vast majority of Thai people. Please sit quietly like the Dems are being made to do for the next four years

    The Dems did not need any parties to give evidence.

    The news media with there cameras did a fine job.

    PT will now set out to find the evidence that the Democrats forced them to illegally seize a part of down town Bangkok. And the people urge them on to burn Bangkok down were secretly in the hire of the Democrats as were the armed men and the one hiding behind his child and the ones who invaded a hospital.

    That is the only evidence the PT will accept.

    What a Joke.

    If they truly want to unite Thailand the very first thing they should do is denounce the actions of the red shirts. They can condone there original motives but they can not continue to condone their actions and look for scape goats.

    Would you continue to be a red shirt if they moved into your neighborhood refused to move made it imposable for you to go to work and make a living for your family and when they are done leave it looking like a garbage dump. And remember many of them were paid to do that. And many of them were told they would receive money but never did.

    I think not.

    The news media did do a fine job but not the government controlled Thai Press, the foreigtn media who also became targets. I suggest you buy cable. Anyway accept the fact Thaksins coming home to his people and there is not a jot you can do about it. You have your opinion, which we all do, trouble is mine will always be closer to the majority of Thais.

    While I am banging a way on the keys, I dont know if this has been covered on here, so dont scream if it has, The word in the jungle is why were the polls so accurate all over the country yet totally wrong in Bangkok where a PT victory was expected by all poll firms. Even the most accurate polls, over recent past ,had it totally wrong. Did all the Dems lie on exit or were some of those extra ballot papers filled in on somebodys behalf. If the rumour is true expect it to be kept in the locker for later discrediting of the Dems and their followers. Finished now over to you

  11. Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

    Yeah red shirts are no problem at all. And they are quite useful if you need to burn down a building or terrorise hospital patients. Or if you need a bit of bomb-throwing done.

    I would like you to ponder this. Thai people will be closer to the truth than you are, they will know more about who did what than you do. So presuming you are correct in your comments how bad can can Abhisit and the Dems be if they cant beat a bunch of corrupt terrorists. The Thai people are awakening from a decades long slumber into a political awareness. Part of that awareness is we are ok with a little corruption but we will not tolerate a PM who retains the status quo at our expense whilst be party to murder of many of our fellow citizens.

    Dems did the same during their campaign for re election, started blaming thaksin for everything and do you know what happened. Yingluck popped round the back and headed in the winner. Dems are dead as a political force for at least the next 8 yrs, if they want power they will need to muster a coup from their backers. Thaksin is without doubt the only man capable of leading this country. And most of the Thai people believe he is.

  12. Yellow shirts + Multi-colored shirts = PAD....these people are the biggest problems facing Thailand today. If they are not eliminated Thailand can never move forward.

    Very true, but many on here will disagree and blame everything on Thaksin and the reds

    Please dont shoot the messenger cos I am only repeating what was told to me last week. At least for the time being the PAD is dead because the backers see no relevance in its continued existence. It will not be too long now that we see the demise of the ASTV channel for lack of funds. Come to think of it the ASTV channel now resembles a shopping channel.

  13. ".........the report was based only on a preliminary factfinding process and had not been reviewed by an NHRC subcommittee........."

    Don't give too much credence to the facts because the spin doctors haven't had a go at them yet. With red-shirt leaders sitting, or aspiring to sit, on the government team , it might be a wee tad dangerous to cast to bright a light on their previous actions. Gives a whole new meaning to "politically correct."

    The Dems had 1 full year to bring all parties to give evidence to the table but it was not in their interest (or that of their backers) to have the truth known. To now suggest the findings will be doctored by Peua Thai. Trying to point this in the direction of a 'spin' excercise of the incoming government is nonsense. There has been negligible progress under the Dems. The PT know whos most to blame for 91 deaths and we will see this enquiry come to a conclusion quicker than under the Dems.

    Some posters on here need to accept that those their opinions are valid they are totally out of touch with the vast majority of Thai people. Please sit quietly like the Dems are being made to do for the next four years

  14. Apart from the fact that Thailand is ultra labour-intensive in just about every industry - hence exacerbating the effect of the B300 wage - has the government factored-in the excessive sick days, disguised as holidays; the sleeping on the job; the likelihood that any number of employers will now reconsider how many Thais they REALLY need to change a lightbulb?

    But it's good to see the Pheu Thai has allowed for their promises, in reallocating public funds. From where else WOULD the money come? And from which areas are they going to reallocate?

    And the tablet computer plan has now been watered down, to first year primary pupils, only. And at a cost of B5,000 each. Is each individual retail purchaser of a tablet being screwed? Or is the Thai taxpayer? And has Pheu Thai allowed for 'tea money' in their published calculations?

    Well I for one can save 100 billion in the next ten years. Scrap the ridiculous plan to have a 3rd Army division located South of Khon Kaen. Add that to reducing the armys budget which has nearly doubled under the democrats. About 150 billion baht all together. There is billions slushing around in certain public funds which has traditionally been used to pay back handers. Thaksins done is homework and realises his promises to the electorate will be easy to achieve

    Also Thaksin will be making about $20 million off the computer deal. Thats what I call a business man

  15. "Meanwhile, outgoing Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajija on Thursday urged Ms Yingluck to tell the Red Shirt movement to stop pressuring the EC, stating that no "invisible power" has interfered in the matter."

    Why without prompting does Abhisit make reference to the invisible man. At least Thaksin wont allow the invisible man to pull his strings, unlike Abhisit. If cables are to be believed Thaksin tried to have the invisible hand arrested on the night of the coup. Lot of bad blood between these two. I think many are worried Thaksin is after this role

  16. I see it unfolding this way. The new government will have a name and shame excercise with regard to who gave the orders (or who disobeyed the orders) on May 19th last year. The main players of that slaughter are already known, they just have to be publicly named after an investigation. In return for the culprits freedom Mr Thaksin will get a 1st class one way ticket to Bangkok.

    I would not be suprised if there was millions there to greet him or even a public holiday..... Amnesty is great mate

  17. There is no nightmare, there never was a nightmare, till a handful of yellow shirts supported by the Thai equivalent of the Murdoch press "the Nation" who needed a subject to divert attention from democracy raping generals. A new government will resolve the problem in months.

    Agree never was a problem. This was squared away on 3rd July. Two mates dont squabble over a pile of rubble.

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