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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. 1 hour ago, St George said:



    I think you are mistaken.


    I think you know you are mistaken.



    The EU know you are mistaken

    The referendums are advisory, it is up to the Government to decide what is best for the economy of the Country. Secondly the law on referendums state that a majority of 55% of the electorate is necessary for the government to take any action. The majority was only 52% so the Government was wrong to start the process  to leave the EU. Both Switzerland and Holland had similar referendums without a 55% majority and did not leave as they follow the democratic procedure.

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  2. On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 11:25 AM, Don Mega said:

    You'd have to have mental health issues to NOT already have medical insurance.

    You have to be mental to pay for medical insurance if you have enough money to put aside in investments to cover medical expenses. I have plenty of money put aside to cover any of my medical expenses. Went into ICU in Australia and paid B975,000 cash for medical expenses.  I checked what BUPA would have paid out and they would have covered just B95,000 due to the limits on each day in ICU etc. The annual BUPA premium was B89,000. Insurance companies are not here to lose money.

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  3. Any poll carried purely by the readers of either a Pro-Leave or Pro-Remain newspaper don't count. Only independent polls with a representative sample size can be taken into account. Independent polls still say that we should remain and the recent results of the European and UK by-elections indicate that the majority now want to remain.



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  4. "The heavens have been ordered not to exceed 60 milliliters of rain at a time...or else"


    Almost every article that gets published on the flooding over the years, show complete lack of intelligence when it comes to figures. Bearing in mind the published scientific study on rainfall in Thailand, the correct figure should be 6 Millimetres of rain per day. Although they have got 8mm/day during the 2011 floods. Of course, this is not the peak rainfall which may only be 1 hour or 6mm/hour out of 24hours and causes the flooding which the BMA say is not flooding, but "Water that needs  to be drained".

  5. 6 hours ago, Prairieboy said:

    That is only 5 mm or 0.2 inches.  3 fat people jumping in the ocean would create a wave big enough to cause flooding!  Knowing the Thai proclivity to screw up numbers I'm quite sure she meant 0.5 metres or ~20 inches.  Perhaps the cloud seedingoperation is taking place over Bangkok instead of in the areas where it may be of some use.

    I have done a few studies over the years, and this figure is correct, I have all the figures, levels and the height of the protective wall. This is also only the mean level and not the highest which occurs when the highest tides occur when the river if in full flood. And of course floods occur everytime there is heavy rain in the low lying areas of Greater Bangkok. Bigger pumps, drainage tunnels up to 6metres in diameter are being completed, but all drain into the Chaophraya instead of the sea.

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  6. Old News. The BMA introduced a Fine of B5000 for motocycles riding on the pavement 2 years ago with large signs along the route. The police have not been enforcing that  fine and now they are only charging B2,000. Do they think that they will stop riding on the pavement if the reduce the fine from B5,000 to B2,000. A policemen watches the motorcyclists riding down Srinakarin road opposite Talad Rot Fai, but never bother to catch them despite the danger to pedestrians.

  7. On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 10:39 AM, Emmess said:

    There is NO limit on the amount of download you can do per month on any fibre in Thailand, True included.

    It's not TRUE! Mine is unlimited but actually they trottle your downloads to a crawl after you exceed a certain amount especially during school and national holidays. The reason is that they have to pay if they exceed their quota through international gateways. For instance, I was downloading a large 3GB file during the evening and it was throttled down to 75kb/s (with an estimated download time of 14weeks) instead of 5 - 10MB/s. At 2A.M to 2.30A.M. they normally reset the counter so at 2.30A.M.. the download speed was 10MB/s and the 3GB file was completely downloaded with 20 minutes. This has always been the case.


  8. Everything about the reporting is amateurish. $6 = B180 at the time! They are talking about AUS$6 = B150 at the time two years ago not US$. Possibly one large plate of Pad Thai to share amongst the family. Wrong diagnosis by Aussie Doctors, this is most likely caused by Giardia not the organsim that they were diagnosed with. I had quite a few Aussie mates I was working here with in Thailand that got the same systems of chronic stomach problems especially in the morning and it turned out to be Giardia Lamblia from drinking contaminated water and/or ice.

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  9. 1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

    Frankly I'm surprised that the uncertainty caused by our inability to leave has not caused even more problems.


    Can you imagine if the UK had a general election and 3 years later the losing side were still trying to stop the new, democratically elected government taking power with schemes such as withholding funds for education and housing, asking for another vote on the basis that the winning side didn't know which "version" of the party they were voting for, completely revoking the result for no good reason other than their side lost?


    The UK would be a laughing stock and investment would be put on hold. Just as it does when certain Remain politicians sabotage the process due to their lack of maturity, integrity and democratic principles.  

    The UK would be a laughing stock and investment would be put on hold. Just as it does when certain leave politicians sabotage the UK economy instead of doing their duty to protect the economy from a huge mistake, due to their lack of maturity, integrity and democratic principles. 

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  10. If they say they have been infected with Dientamoeba Fragilis for the last two years, then it is a fake story. Dientamoeba Fragilis Is common in the intestines of humans but does not survive well outside the body, hence it is called "Fragilis". Most people need no treatment, just good hygiene amongst those they are in contact with for a few days otherwise they will reinfect each other if they don't take care to wash their hands. Over the counter drugs are available that clears the infection within days. Two years and a TV appearance for an infection that normally lasts 48hours indicates a wrong diagnosis or some kind of scam. I believe they are more likely infected with Giardia from drinking contaminated water or food. Giardia can take 1 to 2 weeks to cause a problem and can take months to treat. 

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