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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. Last time I tried to get an upgrade to Business by Thai from Brisbane, they said it was full, I explained that I had a leg injury that required me to fly in a business class seat and after pulling a few strings, I got one. When I boarded I found that half the seats were taken up by crew members from the previous flight trip to Brisbane. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Irishrogue said:

    The majority in the country voted to leave now all the moaners want to circumvent the democratic process. 6 million is less than 10% of the population. It is a sad fact that "Those who shout loudest are heard first" and one might assume that the 6 million are made up in large part by people from other countries or Corben and his communist friends.


    A Democracy is not a Democracy if you cannot change your mind. 5 days to reach 6 million and the petition can reach 17.4 Million in 3 weeks. Leave petition has been running much longer and only has 400,000 votes. 


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  3. I tried this tack a few years ago. A senior immigration officer at CW Bangkok told me that they were not interested in evidence of money or dividend payments from the Thai Stock Exchange, only that I had B800K in a Thai Bank Account. He told me that the reason was that I could lose all the money on the stock exchange tomorrow. He also told me they prefer the money is in a Time Deposit account so that they can be sure that the account has not dipped below that amount in the 2 month aging period as savings accounts if used frequently can have a consolidated print out on update that does not show all the withdrawals in between. I did not have to show money coming in from overseas as they have my records which show that I have been based here since 1994 even though I spent 11 years mainly working overseas.

  4. I read this confirmation of the new rules, as meaning that they will give you a 3 month extension of stay "Under Consideration", when you apply for your retirement extension. Then after 90 days you have to go back to immigration and they check that you still have no less than the B800K in your bank and then they will give you the balance of 9 months, making 1 year. This is what still needs clarifying. (They were applying this rule for first applications 9 years ago).

  5. I have a Bangkok Bank Account, savings and deposit. I have two Citibank Credit Cards, Visa and Master Card. I don't have a work permit as I am retired. No security required and I have been here 25 years so I have an excellent record. There is an annual fee for the Citibank Cards. If I wanted to increase my B270,000 credit limit then I have to pay an additional insurance premium with my annual fee.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    Just seen an email dated today pm from a key Pattaya agent that says the the new requirements apply to new applicants only.


    Have not seen an official announcement yet.


    Just saying what I have seen.

    This sounds more like my experience when applying the first time 9 years ago... B800,000 for 2months before applying, followed by 90 days at B800,000 to check that I wasn't cheating. I returned after 90 days and then they check that the B800K was still there and then gave me a 9 month extension to give my the full year. The following years no problem with B800K in Time deposit 3months prior to application for second year.


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