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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. If you ask me, I would have said that Buriram is a one horse town, except someone has stolen the horse.

    Not a lot around there except the Beer Chang International Race Circuit. On June 24/25 there is the International GT Series Motorcycle Races. I fly to Buriram several times a year as I have  a house half way between Buriram and Prasart Surin.

  2. You need to understand that there are anti money laundering regulations which require reporting for to the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) B800,000 or equivalent requires special reporting, mainly for "America World Police" benefit. You could have brought the money into your account in smaller amounts to avoid this problem. If you must have a foreign currency account, then you have to go to your Bank's international Branch.

  3. I have had a Thai Citibank Card for the last 23 years. I do not have a bank account with them and I did not have to give them a security deposit. There is a small advance annual fee which includes insurance to cover them. Their standard credit limit is 5 times monthly earnings. They gave me Visa and MasterCard and have increased the credit limits to B270,000. I am retired now but they will increase the limit if I pay an increased annual fee to cover their insurance. I always pay the balance on time to avoid interest so they consider me to be a good risk. I suggest you try Citibank if your own bank will not give you a credit card without you giving them a security deposit of B300,000 so they can loan you back your own money and charge you interest on it.

  4. 3 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

    Why do posters want to get technical. Is it to show their superiorority ? To me it shows ther inferiority.

    Especially when they are superior after all, due to not being proficient in English: Garroted = "kill (someone) by strangulation, typically with an iron collar or a length of wire or cord".

  5. Have you never seen the Safety Sign on work sites here? "Safety First - Death Second".


    There is more to this than meets the eye. The tank was not a huge tank. I have been inside many concrete water tanks without breathing apparatus which were already clean. The point here is that the tank needed cleaning and I assume from the photo that there may have been a lot of putrefying detritus and organics from the source water which could give rise to toxic gases and deplete oxygen. Also they may have been using concrete cleaning chemicals such as Phosphoric acid, Muriatic Acid or Hydrochloric Acid. In that case they should have been using breathing apparatus with an external air supply.

  6. You are lucky you got them back. In Thailand, borrow usually means "give me to keep". I have the same problem with my tools, the wife lends them to neighbors and they won't give them back unless, as in your case, they are damaged. It's the same when they ask to borrow some money, "borrow" translates as "donate".

  7. 10 minutes ago, tomwct said:

    It's a Tourist Scam, but it's also the way the police get spending money. I watched them one time on SUK and sure enough they got a European. I told the tourist offer 200 baht and you wanted a receipt or take me to the police station. The police shrugged them off and told him to go while staring at me. There were no receipts to be had.They wouldn't pull it on a Thai because that's part of Thai Culture to throw trash. Just get behind an un-airconditioned bus or train and the trash comes flying out the windows.

    These guys are not Thai Police, they are BMA employees.

  8. 1 hour ago, bubba said:


    The captain didn't misread anything. This was clear air turbulence and there was no convective weather nearby, so there was no way they could have seen this coming.

    Flown this route 100s of times. There is always a high risk of clear air turbulence when crossing the Indian coast on the way to Bangkok and the Thai coast. Usually the seat belt signs go on at these times. Usually it is only moderate but occasionally quite bumpy like going down in a lift with no brakes.

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  9. 2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Really? I wasn't aware that the US had effectively got rid of ISIS. I thought there was still a hell of a lot of work to be done on them.

    There were only small groups of ISIS fighters in Libya, mainly in Sirte and Derna. These have been virtually wiped out by the Libyan Army/militias 0f the Tripoli Government backed mainly by the Europeans and the US. ISIS in around Benghazi has been virtually wiped out by the Benghazi Government's Army/Militias led by General Haftar backed by the Russians.  General Haftar is a US Citizen and was based near CIA head quarters in the US for some years. He was part of the CIA plot to get rid of Colonel Gadhafi and prevent Gadhafi forming the United States of Africa with himself as President. The problem was that he went rogue and started fighting against the Tripoli based legally elected Government that the US thought (wrongly) was too Islamic. He said goodbye to the CIA and is now backed by the Russians. Both the US and Russian oil companies are after control of the oil industry in Libya.

  10. 2 hours ago, Geordie59 said:

    About 18 months ago I had a friend who had millions in a Thai Bhat deposit account and was refused. He had to transfer out of the deposit account and into a current account to get his Non Imm Visa and then his retirement extension.

    I do not believe his story. They prefer the money to be in a time deposit account as it is easy for them to see that the B800K has remained there for 3 months+. with a current account they have a problem seeing that the balance does not dip below B800K at any one time especially if your pass book is consolidated. You also have  a problem to make sure that your balance does not dip below B800K  as they will reject the application if the balance falls below B800K even on one day. Perhaps this was his problem, he had millions but the balance fell below B800K on a number of days during the 3 month period. Never had a problem in 23 years with the requirement myself. I have witnessed applicants trying to use money in overseas accounts and they cannot understand why their application is rejected. The point is that the B800K in country is supposed to prove that you have sufficient funds to live and pay living expenses and emergency medical treatment without posing a possible burden on the Thai Government.

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  11. 14 minutes ago, FracturedRabbit said:

    Spending millions to drop a bomb on a complex upon which millions were spent on construction. .....


    Great post, I have been reminding Americans that Obama, nor Hilary created Al Qaeda or ISIS. It goes back to the fight against Communism in Afghanistan. Bin Laden was trained as a Terrorist by the Pakistani Army, financed by the USA, which led to Al Qaeda and later to the creation of ISIS/ISIL. I remember Tora Bora was financed by the CIA and also that they conveniently failed to capture Bin Laden there after 9/11.

  12. 17 minutes ago, edwardflory said:

    The US Congress ran the war in Nam, with so many "" restrictions "" the war was lost.


    Let the Generals run a war, not a bunch of politically connected idiots ( Congress ), with ( in the case of the US ) the President having the last word - sorry to say that Mr Obama empowered ISIS - et al, with his running the military the way he and his advisors telling the military what to do, and, almost destroyed the US military with the monetary cuts.


    War is mans greatest crime, except when used against evil

    The problem goes back to the United States war against Communism. The CIA backed Saddam Hussein to take over Iraq and oust a Communist leader. This gave them access to the oil fields. They then removed Saddam Hussein by invading Iraq illegally under the false pretext of WMDs, but really because Saddam was about to let the Russians get the lucrative oil contracts. The US Vietnam war was against Communism also. The CIA financed the training of Osama Bin Laden and his terrorists in Pakistan and sent them as terrorists to fight the Russians. US Catholics financed the IRA terrorists who were killing, maiming and blowing buildings up in the UK for 30 years or more. Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda went on to carry out 9/11 then later gave rise to ISIS. ISIS was not empowered by Obama, but by the American people who voted for all the US politicians who helped create these Islamic extremist terrorists to fight the Russians in Afghanistan a longtime before Obama. Dropping bombs is never going to defeat the Islamic extremist terrorists that the United States created. The only solution is a diplomatic one as was the case between the Irish Catholic and Protestant extremists.

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