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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. Chukiet Subpaisan, Project Manager of the Water Development Co., Ltd was formerly heading the Strategic Committee for Water Resources Management as commissioner. They put a stop to the urgent contract for flood prevention signed with K-Water worth 350Billion. Result on going floods and no Super Floodway to prevent flooding of greater Bangkok and Ayutthaya. Much of the design work has been carried out many times for various projects in Thailand that hardly ever go ahead as  they prefer to call for new studies and Master Plans, which are a nice little earner for local consultants. I  have been involved in various Master Plans such as for the Kra Isthmus Canal (3 times), Bangkok Solid Waste Master Plan, the Pattaya first Waste Water Treatment Plant, Hopewell Henge (rail road scheme) and various flood prevention schemes over the last 30 years I do not hold much hope for any major steps to alleviate the problem.

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  2. In Bangkok 20 years ago we had many power failures but has been no problem for some years. However, in the last year we have had quite a few power cuts because the MEA are upgrading the distribution systems to prevent future outages. There are going to be more because the cables have to be placed underground to remove all the unsightly spaghetti.

  3. The Government have already completed 6 "Giant" drainage tunnels in Bangkok and another 5 are under construction, mostly varying between 5 and 5.7Metres in diameter. However, they all discharge into the Chaophraya River via lift stations, whereas they should discharge into the sea. Details of routes for those of us in Bangkok, can be found on Google maps. The map below shows the Giant drainage tunnel from behind Seacon Square where I live. The TBM shaft can be seen half way down Sukhumvit 101/1.


  4. 19 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    So, big, "We're the greatest country on earth" Thailand, has to buy electricity from a country no bigger than metro Bangkok?

    I'll be back when I stop laughing. 

    Had to laugh at you. The power plants you are talking about are built, owned and operated by Thai Companies including Ch Karnchang. EGAT owned generators supply cheap power to the Thai grid. Thailand is also constructing power plants in Vietnam, Myanmar and Japan

  5. Hua Lampong Station will become a Museum with plenty of Steam trains.  For the Nay sayers:  There are many railway enthusiasts that will visit the museum. We have successfully operated the Great Central Railway in the UK for many years and will soon have the railway running steam trains from Leicester to Nottingham. The fare is B750 for the same distance as the SRT charge 2 Baht. Currently Thailand runs one of the cheapest museum pieces as a mainline railway.

    Old Photo Hua Lampong Stn.jpg

    Hua Lampong Stn Museum.jpg

  6. Expensive here. so not a part of the cuisine of the poor classes, which are what you describe as traditional Thai dishes. However, some are grown here. You can buy them in Tops, Tesco, Villa etc at B45/can (Italian). They are popular here for vegetarian dishes, Thai Indian Cuisine and Vegan. My Thai family like them in curries and chilli con carne dishes. Also you will find many Thai recipes online using chick peas that are available in the more expensive Thai dishes served in higher class restaurants.

    • Haha 1
  7. Lays tomato flavoured crisps (chips) are no longer manufactured in Thailand, as you will see if you check all online grocery stores: Tesco, Villa, Big C, etc. Only old stock is available. Secondly, Lays had a campaign for customers to suggest new flavours such as Wasabi. I liked the Wasabi flavour but this also was discontinued. Lays have introduced several new flavours and due to the fact that they have to pay Tesco etc. for shelf space, they have no choice but to replace their slow selling items with potentially more profitable flavours.

  8. I am retired here. I do not get taxed on my UK pension, nor do I get taxed by the Thai Inland Revenue. I have a Thai tax I.D. as I have worked here 20 years ago. I reported to the Thai Inland Revenue office and they told me that they are not interested in collecting tax from me unless I want to claim back Thai tax on  bank interest and dividend withholding tax. In that case I would have to make a tax return.

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  9. 14 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Well thanks for that Bristol Boy. Time has passed so fast; where did all those (hundreds) years go? All the people I've met did not want ANY Catholic presence in the royal family. I don't like the Catholic religion any more than I like the royal family.

    Ill informed hate monger: She saw the light and changed her religion to Protestant

  10. 12 hours ago, lamecn said:

    A couple of weeks ago we were told that there would be no more Power Purchase Agreements for Renewable Energy???

    We were told that there would be no NEW Power Purchase Agreements. This does not apply to projects already under procurement. It also does not apply to any proposed renewable power plants especially waste to energy plants that can supply power at the same price as conventional power plants. They quoted no more need for 5 years, but I remember the original Power requirements estimated in the late 90s were considered hugely over estimated and the Government cancelled a huge percentage of the private power plants. Just a few years later they experienced power shortages. The same is likely to happen now with the many new factory estates, mass transit railways, high speed trains and complete electrification of Thai Railways so that that the can get rid of the diesel EMUs.

  11. 1 hour ago, Nickymaster said:

    This can only be taken care of at government level. Prohibit 7/11, Big C , Tesco etc etc from giving out plastic bags and things will at least improve. BUT the big rich bosses from those supermarket chains DON'T care what happens to the environment because they only care about PROFIT. And the government seems to be controlled by the elite and the consumer doesn't care. Soooo, what are we worrying about?!



    It is not that the rich bosses do not care, it is the general public. Tesco have pushed customers to use reusable bags which they sold at low cost, but the majority of customers don't want them. Villa Supermarkets use shopping bags which oxidise rapidly so they are environmentally friendly. Macro (same owner as 7/11) do not give out bags so that you have to bring your own bags. 20 years ago, I started a bring your bag project at Printemps Supermarket at Seri Centre and again, few customers would cooperate.

  12. Fact 1: Plastics have been around since 1856, not 50 years as stated in this article. Secondly all plastics can be recycled. Greenpeace focuses on shopping bags and straws, whilst the real problem is mainly with product packaging such as for food, washing powder, shampoos, takeaway foods. The worst offenders are those plastic cold drinks containers which are disposed of without thought, still containing polluting liquids. Another problem is that under storm conditions, uncollected waste and waste bins get knocked over and all the waste ends up in the drains, khlongs and eventually the sea. I helped write the Bangkok Solid Waste Master Plan 20 years ago which contains all the necessary methods to deal with solid waste including recycling, composting, incineration, waste encapsulation, waste to energy even turning plastic waste into plastic cable ducts, paving slabs and so on. The problem here and even in Australia where there are fines if you do not place your waste into the proper bins, is that most of the population refuse to cooperate. I am the only one in our housing estate of 126 families, who separates my waste using those plastic shopping bags to separate into wet waste, cans and plastics, food packing, and hazardous waste. I do not have any plastic shopping bags left over afterwards, due to the sheer volume of packaging waste and I do not have to buy bin bags. If I did not use the shopping bags to protect the waste, the neighbours would just be dumping all their food waste on top and making it difficult to separate at the waste transfer station. After 20 years the BMA has just got around to installing waste incinerators, not sure if they are going to fix the composting systems first because the incinerators cannot burn wet waste.

  13. From my experience of working in large companies with hundreds of laptops on the go, I would never by an HP again. The smaller ones used to overheat and burnout. I have bought two HP desktop all-in ones here and both developed a problem with shutting down and losing the operating system (possibly a cracked board). With the ASUS laptop, problems were overheating requiring an external fan and the battery packed in twice. With Vaio laptops, one had a cracked board the second had a continuous problems with the RAM which entailed removing them and cleaning the contacts so that it can be used. In the end the large power supply overheated and burnt out because it was not up to the job and I was unable to get a replacement in Libya where I was working. Sony eventually replaced all the power packs with an uprated model. Switched to ACER Ferrari with no problems and then to a $3,000 ACER Aspire 8942G 17" i7 1.28TB HDD which I have had since DEC 2009 and it is still going strong even though I have used it almost every day for work and pleasure. The original had two 640GB HDs and I replaced on with a 1TB HD giving me 1.68TB internal HD. Two years ago I bought the ACER Predator 17" i7 1TB HDD Gaming Laptop ($3,000) with the aim of replacing my old ACER with it. Unfortunately my children who are at University, prefer to use my Predator for work (photograph and video editing etc) even though they have HP and ASUS laptops of their own. The battery has packed in and to replace it you have to take the laptops apart which really means taking it to the service centre, however we never use it on battery anyway. Certainly, my ACER Aspire at $3,000 has worked out a lot cheaper in the long run. I would advise buying an ACER laptop based on my experience especially as there is an excellent service centre here. With regard to Lazada, you are actually buying online from shops such as IT City and Banana IT.

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