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Posts posted by Buckwheat

  1. There is such a thing as TOO MUCH planning.

    Agreed. And as said before, just name the venue and be done with it. What's the big deal ??

    The "big deal" is that those who are sponsoring the party have never been to Chiang Mai and are depending on the locals to find a venue suitable for between 50 - 100 people.

    The local members who have undertaken this task (and done a superb job so far) also have jobs and homelives to attend to, and they cannot be expected to drop everything to attend recons everynight.

    After the final 3 or 4 venues have been selected by the local members, representatives from Thai Visa will meet with the owners in order that they may seal a deal that is good for the sponsors as well as good for the members.

    Then the sign up thread will be posted so we can get a good head count for catering purposes.

    Then we'll have the party on the date that was selected by the local members...18 August.

    Hope this explains everything again.

  2. Pissheads... :D



    Have to agree.....out of the top 50 topics in the Chiang Mai Forum, look at the top 2 viewed threads!


    Unfortunately we don't have the cultural sophistication of Pattaya to keep us amused with Symphony music, ball room dancing, and the up scale restaurants. Around here it is "will sir require a glass for his beer while he eats dinner?".

    We have several threads going on who makes the best pizza, for God's sake!! Just don't start anyone on Ribs or Burgers though or it will be flamethrowers at 15 paces within the first five posts.

    I am impressed that we have generated 260 posts on 18 pages and the venue hasn't even been anounced yet. When that happens we will get another 53 pages on why it is or isn't the best choice and how the reccie team are biased :D

    After that will start the we want/don't want music and eventually 12 people will actually attend, 8 of whom are from out of town. Post party will have a flood of posts on why so and so didn't attend because the plumbing blew up, the wife and girlfriend found out about the other, or there was something good on the television about stamp collecting so they couldn't attend.

    CB - who will be there come hel_l or high water, unless I can think of something better to do that night :D

    Actually CB,

    We are delighted at the response generated so far and firmly believe this will be the biggest Thai Visa party to date.

    As far as plans for when we are there, it will be great to meet some of you, but please don't disrupt your homelife/work schedule. Baz is like a bloodhound...if there is a cold beer within 300 km, he'll find it!!!

  3. Thats true, but does banning from the Ed Sullivan Show make him the Father of Rock and Roll?.....I don't think so.

    No, but developing the style that Bill Haley adopted did.

    I'm not disputing the influence of Blackboard Jungle.

    Did Bo Diddley record before 1953 to provide an influence on Bill Haley?


    Crazy, Man, Crazy Bill Haley & His Comets


    Shake Rattle and Roll Bill Haley & His Comets

  4. Bill Hailey and the Comets

    Agreed 100%

    It's really not a matter of who you like now, it's who made the biggest impact at the time. In my opinion, the "rock and roll era" began in 1955 with the release of "Blackboard Jungle" featuring a song by Bill Haley and His Comets "Rock Around The Clock".

    Of course, I wasn't there :o but my understanding is that it caused quite a stir in the "over 30" crowd at the time.

    By that time Diddley had already been banned from The Ed Sullivan Show for playing "that coloured music" :D

    Thats true, but does banning from the Ed Sullivan Show make him the Father of Rock and Roll?.....I don't think so.

    In my opinion, there were "genre" movies that made an impact on the youth scene, Blackboard Jungle, Rebel Without A Cause, On The Waterfront and Easy Rider just to name a few. But since the topic is The Father of Rock and Roll, between the movie and the music, I still have to vote for "other" which would represent Bill Haley and His Comets in this poll.

  5. Bill Hailey and the Comets

    Agreed 100%

    It's really not a matter of who you like now, it's who made the biggest impact at the time. In my opinion, the "rock and roll era" began in 1955 with the release of "Blackboard Jungle" featuring a song by Bill Haley and His Comets "Rock Around The Clock".

    Of course, I wasn't there :o but my understanding is that it caused quite a stir in the "over 30" crowd at the time.

  6. I might have to import another Kiwi,so we can show you bedweters how to drink..... ;)

    More like how to puke in the porcelain queen. We have Kiwis in Pattaya but we don't see much of them as they are out playing with their sheep. :o

    On a less serious note when we find out where the party will be on Thursday the 12th you must stop by and I will buy you a drink or 3. :bah:

    Oh boy, Rocco's buying!!!!!

    The last time he bought we didn't even have to bring our own brown paper bags!!!



  7. Get out the Bug Spray!!!!

    Baz, RdRokit and myself will be arriving in Chiang Mai on Monday night, 12 July.

    We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and checking out the local watering holes.

    Any suggestions for lodging close to the prospective venues would be greatly appreciated.


    That should read Monday, July 9th as the 12th would be Thursday. I know this because the 12th is MY birthday!!!! :o


    1000 pardons......our arrival date will be 9 July. whacky086.gif whacky086.gif

    Rocco and I will be available all week for sampling beers and Baz will entertain questions from the more cerebral members of the Chiang Mai community in matters relating to quantum physics.

  8. Get out the Bug Spray!!!!

    Baz, RdRokit and myself will be arriving in Chiang Mai on Monday night, 12 July.

    We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and checking out the local watering holes.

    Any suggestions for lodging close to the prospective venues would be greatly appreciated.


  9. Several offensive posts have been deleted.

    As the Youtube issue is still a sensitive matter in Thailand, any discussions of how to bypass the block decreed by the Thai Government will not be allowed, nor will flaming of fellow members.

    Thank you for your understanding and anticipated cooperation.

  10. Gotta a project to cook a pie soon and want to do well with the crust. Past attempts have always just been passable if that. I am really looking for a flaky style English pie crust recipe, Sure I can search Google, but thought a person knowledgeable abut making it best in Thailand. Thanks.


    Heres an easy one with ingredients readily available in Thailand...


    1/2 cup butter

    2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

    1 egg

    1/4 cup cold water

  11. She will appeal to the Election Commission after the Chiang Mai election committee ruled she failed to properly file her candidacy registration, which rendered her ineligible to seek the mayor's post in the election scheduled for June 24. "

    I will check with my other sources to verify the date.

    I've asked around and the Chiangmai mayoral elections are at the end of this month and not in August so we can continue with the August 18th date. The National elections for PM, etc. are not due before October.

    Excellent news. So the 18th of August is party time..punk.gif



    Now would be a good time to ensure there are ample quantities beer in the Chiang Mai area.

  12. Since I just got back in town: is there a date for this event?

    August 18th, and good to see you back PB.

    I got a message from KanWin who was saying that the 18th may not be possible - I am not fully sure of the problem but it involves the governement election process which means that after 6:30pm there cannot be any alcohol sold. I am trying to get this confirmed and sent a PM to Buckwheat and George to verify if this is correct.

    That said at this stage you are correct - the projected date for the party will be Saturday 18th August and we will be having it at ...........................

    ya gonna have to wait a little bit longer


    P.I.S.S Head member


    If there is an election issue it is probably exclusive to the Chiang Mai area and we wouldn't know about it here. Can a member in your area call their local government office or police station and verify if this is in fact the case?

    If so, we can't move it up a week because of HRH The Queen's Birthday, so either the 4th or the 25th of August would be alternative dates if you are locked in to having it in August. Just so you are aware, we have 2 other BBQ parties scheduled.....Surin in September and Khon Kaen in November.

  13. So is this the Bar-B-Q thread or the Bar-Girl thread? :o

    Forum Rule No 1:

    1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys) ....


    This is a party thread and keeping the banter light hearted is fine but as close to the topic (party) as possible. It's starting to "cross the line" so to speak and we dont want to have to start deleting posts.


  14. I wonder if Buonissimo has been considered as a venue. Superb location on the Ping River, massive areas in and outside. Plenty of car parking..

    Sounds like a good reason to get a recon together and check it out!!!!

    One of the recon leaders is coming over to my place tonight so i will run it by him.

    Love to help, but work calls and i will be away until August.

    This is our Chiang Mai Special forces Re-con Elite Taskforce for Pissheads Brigade. (Or Dads Army for short)

    Before or after the recon?

  15. Are you taking the piss ? :o

    As representative artist in the Partying Is Serious Stuff committee, he is taking the Partying Is Serious Stuff committee members on regular ravages of local watering holes in a vain attempt to discover where last he left his memory. When he has discovered that errant piece of his mind he will be in a position to conclude these escapades.

    Single word answer: ... Yes!

    I would rather have T.A.O.P on my shirt than P.I.S.S. on it

  16. I see what you are saying Buckwheat, however a few of the regular TV night outers have yet to post anything...there are some that have posted that I know for sure will not come, people up here seem to prefer annonimity ,which is of course is their right.

    I understand that and we'll just have to go with the ones who do post and evaluate venues. The party thread will state the time and place and everyone will have to opportunity to sign up or abstain. That's their choice.

    I personally think that instead of asking memebers to do recon's on your behalf one of the members that has said he could handle it should be selected. Which is why I suggested Tusker's...who has the time or inclination to go from place to place to see if it is suitable for us TV members?

    It's not on "our behalf"...it's YOUR party and we will be there. Yes, one member has said he could handle it as many proprietors will say if they are approached. The consensus may very well be Tuskers and that would be fine. But when you go out to eat you are given a menu in order that you may make a choice. That's exactly what recons provide....a choice. I personally don't have a clue about the venues in Chiang Mai and we are relying on the local members to make a valued judgement in selecting the best for the members...not for us.

    You are looking for volunteers...I hope someone does ths for you.....unless you are prepared to accept Tusker's offer to host it.?

    "A point man" in Chaing Mai would be greatly appreciated and very helpful, but if no one will assist, we'll try to find a way to make a party for you. Again.....YOU are selecting the venue.....not us. All we are trying to do is organize a BBQ party in Chiang Mai for the Thai Visa members and we are using (or attempting to use) techniques that have proven successful, or in some cases techniques that we wished we had used at past BBQ parties.

    Do you do this professionally? ie do you make a living out of it or is it just for fun? I ask because you call yourself a "Hickory smoked memeber"

    No I do not. My Dad taught me to BBQ a long time ago and I have been doing it on every occasion that requests it for many years, and yes...it is for fun. I don't make 1 baht out of BBQ parties. That being said, I have been known to accept a Heineken or two.



    Once again, I hope this answers your questions.

  17. Bukwheat,

    I am sure you have done this before.

    Yes I have....quite a few times

    I imagine the person who owns the venue will have to accept that they are not gonna make any money from food ,but would from drink.

    Is that correct?

    That is not correct...all the side orders, drinks and orders from people who do not care to eat what is provided will come from the venue. If you know someone in the business, ask him what he would rather do...sell food to 50 people or sell drinks to 50 people?

    Are you also saying that you wold need to be at the venue 3 days in advance to prepare everything?

    No....the only reason we would be at the venue 3 days in advance is to ensure the beer is cold enough...and that will be done by ramdom sampling 10 or 20 of them per day!

    There has to be an upside from their point of view as they could well be turning away business as they would need all their staff to cope with us TV'ers. For example our restauant could not cope with something on this scale on a Saturday night as it is our busiest night of the week...but we could on a Sunday aternoon. I hope you see my point..I dare say any venue could cope with it on a Sunday afternoon, but a Saturday would be difficult for hem.

    The pits are self contained and the smoking can be done on the side of the road if need be. The venue selected DOES NOT need to provide their kitchen for 3 days. The ribs will be brought into the venue a few hours before the party kicks off. 50+ people coming into a place of business to drink, meet, greet and eat sounds like an upside to me.

    We Just need to know this as some venues may not be keen on handing their restaurant over on their busiest night.....maybee it would be better if someone offered up their house instead.?Or maybe a guesthouse with a large garden..its low season so may might be happy to be considered.

    Handing over their restaurant? Do you mean that serving 50+ customers that they wouldn't have if the party was held elsewhere is handing over their restaurant? And as you state, it's low season so I would assume there are quite a few places that would covet the business as well as the publicity. We won't know until you recon and discuss it with the owner/operators.

    A TV party this size has never occured in CM before.

    That's what they said in Pattaya too (62)....and Phuket (55) and Surin (55). Seems to me with the interest already generated that this may be the biggest yet.

    Thanks in advance for your reply..I am sure there will be a big turnout for this one.

    I hope so too....the benchmark is 62.....Can you top that?


    This thread has been running now for 6 days with many good ideas and suggested venues. But unless each and every one of you know every venue suggested, it would benefit all concerned if you, as a group, would select one or two per week to meet at and evaluate. Even if you can't make it on say, a Friday or Saturday at 7pm, maybe you could drop in to the designated recon site during the week and score it using the spreadsheet that Baz was kind enough to generate and post here

    I hope this answers your questions, and maybe Baz, Rocco and I will meet a few of you for a recon in a couple of weeks! Never too soon to check the temp of the beer!!!!

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