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Posts posted by Buckwheat

  1. Chat Room Tip of the Day


    You can mute the sounds of the chat room simply by…

    1) Clicking on "options" at the top of the page

    2) Under "Sounds" unclick the second box from the top.

    3) Click on "submit" at the bottom of the page after making your changes

    Please stop by and say hello.

  2. The chat room has been upgraded and the new furniture has finally arrived.

    One of the new updates is the "Chat Stat" counter at the bottom of your main screen directly below the birthday listings.

    You may now enter the chat room simply by clicking on the "coffee cup" located in the chat stat box. (see below)

    Also, now you can check instantly how many people are using the chat rooms, how many rooms are operational and also the names of the users in chat.

    More to come...please stop by and see us.


  3. Ok R4199246, let's try this....

    As of the 9th of February, 6 possible pissup venues have been scoped out by TV members…(in the order they were visited)

    1) Tropical Berts

    2) Jamesons

    3) Drunk and Dare A Licks

    4) Caddyshack

    5) Drunken Duck

    6) Elephant Bar

    Of the six reviewed, it seems as if 3 of them were well received by all participants.

    Tropical Berts



    As there seems to be a shortage of suggested venues that meet the basic criteria for a social gathering that includes spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends etc., the suggestion was made last night that the next 3 pissup recons should be carried out at the 3 most favored establishments in order for all who missed the first go to have a look and evaluate the venues.

    All inputs are welcome, what do you think?

  4. my eyes along with my head weren't too good this morning, are we going to arrange a piss-up for next friday? As you know i am not in the PC brigade so anywhere is fine for me. As well as me promising not to suggest anymore venues in all honesty i can't think of anymore suitable places apart from the ones you've visited already.

    I agree and I believe we discussed re-reconning at length last night.

    Perhaps we need guidance from the Chairman of The PRT..........Raro?

  5. The recon at the Elephant Bar last night was average at best.

    There is ample parking on the street as well as in the parking lot at the end of the road.

    I didn't eat, so I'll have to defer comments on the food to Raro.

    The service was not too good…especially for the number of staff present.

    Heinekens were 55 baht….I don't know the cost of a mixed drink, but I looked at their selection on hand and it seemed very limited.

    Seating was limited and the area of the bar was approximately the same as the Drunken Duck. In my opinion not capable of sustaining a full blown pissup.

    But all was not lost for the evening. We were so saddened at the failure of the recon that we took refuge at The Rolling Stone Bar #2 on Walking Street. The music was good, the beer was cold and we were afforded the opportunity to revert to our normal selves…..for better of worse. :o

    Elephant bar overall.....good company.....so-so venue.....and in my opinion, not pissup capable.

    Ali….stick to bearded blokes :D:D:D

  6. The next pissup recon is scheduled

    Tonight at the Elephant Bar

    7pm Friday night.....9, February

    All TV members are cordially invited to meet and greet fellow members, to evaluate the facilities and to post their observations to the TV management for future pissup consideration. See attached map for location.


  7. Ladies and Gents - please list suggestions to favourite spots in Patters that would be ideal for a TV pissup...

    Blues Factory



    hanover inn

    Thanks for the input....our potential venue list is blank at the moment.

    If you have any further details about The Hanover Inn, please post them and the approximate location.

    I'm sure there will be a stream of "volunteers" eager to recon the venue :o

    Anyone else with any insight for this site?

  8. As many of you know, Thai Visa has installed a state of the art Flash Client Server for the "new look" chat room. This particular version has not only video options, but also audio for more "real time" interaction. Anyone with a webcam can be on TV (literally!) chat.thaivisa.com

    We are now testing the old chat client and we will be launching a new BETA CHAT this weekend.

    We are open for all suggestions from Thai Visa members….you're the ones that make the chat room go. Special Events, Special Speakers, Designated Special Topic chat rooms….give us your inputs. The best ideas with regards to chat will be rewarded with t-shirts.

    All users should simply log in using their Thai Visa username and password.

    Due to upgrades, the chatroom may be inaccessible at times over the next few days and we will attempt to notify all members by notifications in Forum Support. Keep trying and bear with us…..it's like going to the dentist.

    If there are any queries regarding login, please send to [email protected]

  9. Always enjoyed a bus trip in my younger day.

    Beers and a good sing song there and back no need to worry about drink driving, bliss.

    Perhaps one day a bus load of lads etal could venture a bit further out and have at it ?

    That's a great idea and a good point for discussion this Friday.

    Thanks for the input...hope to see you at the pissup recon.

  10. The next pissup recon is scheduled

    Tomorrow Night at the Elephant Bar

    7pm Friday night.....9, February

    All TV members are cordially invited to meet and greet fellow members, to evaluate the facilities and to post their observations to the TV management for future pissup consideration. See attached map for location.


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