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Laughing Gravy

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Everything posted by Laughing Gravy

  1. A typical Thailand s it show of poor organisation and even poorer planning..
  2. Thanks for that. Here was me thinking that this was a forum for putting your point of view forward. I don't and will not debate this. I have given my point of view. If you don't like it you can always...... not read it or even comment.
  3. I agree with you. That is also a big issue. Plus capital punishment doesn't prevent deaths and isn't a deterrent. Yes it maybe justice for some but I always felt it is an easy way out. Hard Labour, with the proceeds going to the families victims until the day they die would have more value than a quick way out by death. Just an opinion.
  4. Agree. Totally agree. Again, I agree. I totally disagree. Without getting into the debate of the death penalty, it does not, has never done and never will deter people from killing.
  5. Will you be using your Thai passport or UK passport coming into Thailand, to save for your Burger.
  6. Putting your shoes on correctly from the boys scouts. I got one when I was seven years old.
  7. Well I have ordered two pink Gins and a Drambuie from him????.
  8. Whats to consider! Oh yes how he can get round the constitution and work his way into another term. So transparent.
  9. I find this quite funny. Its just a poll. The OP is just asking a question to try and find out some anecdotal evidence (can't call it real statistics). I don't think everyone who goes to Pattaya is old. I was there at 35 but I did live in Bangkok at the time and loved the atmosphere. I find Pattaya interesting to say the least but prefer Jomtien, as I have got older. Just from my observations that many westerners now are bald or have shaven heads in their late 20s and onward. Suppose it saves on hair cuts I also think that Pfizer need to add some chill medicine to those famous blue pills.????
  10. Yes i did and even the nonsense on Google couldn't come up with such ridiculous statements off 500 million people dying. So again please provide the links to this astounding claim or are you just making this up.
  11. I am no fan of the Chinese and criticise them continually, especially as I am stuck here. Talk about dramatisation or simple scare mongering. 500 million in the first few months! Jeez. Please share those links to what you read. I cant wait.
  12. Why would they need it as 10 million visitors are coming this year alone.
  13. If I was after an answer I would have put a question mark. As for likes, please. You need to get over yourself. I guess you are a TAT apologist. I criticise them quite often on here and you can check through my posts if you like . Oops shouldn't use that word
  14. So how can the TAT predict the tourist numbers that they do. Plus the flights have less seats on them. I know how.
  15. Of course they did. Is anyone really surprised!
  16. Let me know when it gets to 55 or even 60 to the pound. Otherwise it is hardly worth doing cartwheels for.
  17. Not condoning this at all but this is also the business model of banks. Luckily they can't break your legs yet but they like the pharmaceutical industry are happy for you to be paying/buying for the rest of your life.
  18. Really! If this is true I have learned something new. Maybe a resident train spotter on the forum can confirm this very bold statement. I was under the impression from the few times I used the trains in Thailand that they often broke down, were late and substandard.
  19. Thanks TAT for another baseless and ridiculous forecast.
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