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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. "Neither the 21st century nor climate change has anything to do with it" - what a stupid thing to say! "Population exposure to heat is increasing due to climate change. Globally, extreme temperature events are observed to be increasing in their frequency, duration, and magnitude." https://www.who.int/health-topics/heatwaves Let's just blame grid blackouts on EVs charging instead!
  2. I watched the installer fit the wall box and yes @Sophon it was pretty straightforward. I discussed the need to upgrade my grid connection with PEA and they agreed with you sophon it was not necessary for a 7kW load. I asked PEA if my existing cables (buried underground) were ok for 30/100A meter, I was told no and I was unable to the source the required cable anywhere in the Province - had to be ordered from Bangkok! I have shared my story a few times about trying to persuade MG to allow me to charge my EV from Solar, I was only successful once I reached out to the President of MG Thailand to intervene. I suggested to my MG dealer here in Surin that I was prepared to buy my own charger and install it myself. They said it would invalidate the warrantee. I didn't push the issue but it probably wasn't true. I am a member of the MG EVs Community and was a panel member on a video podcast when this was discussed - if true Thailand is the only country where this applies.
  3. I agree "the electric grid was never designed with charging cars in mind" It was also never designed with the 21st Century or Climate Change in mind. In Thailand air-conditioning is no longer considered a luxury. Domestic chargers are all AC not fast DC. They are restricted to 7kW in the vast majority of cases. A few EVs now come with on-board 3-phase 11 and 22kW chargers but they require to be connected to a 3-Phase grid connection. Plugging an 11kW 3-phase charger into a single phase grid connection would give you only 3.6kW if even worked at all. As domestic three-phase is quite rare in Thailand it is unlikely that 3-phase on-board chargers will be sold here as is the case in the UK. TOU rate electricity will mean that most EV drivers will charge at night when rates are cheap and demand is low. Variable tariffs which are common in most developed countries will come eventually where EVs will intelligently charge when rates are cheap and via V2G sell back to the grid when rates are high helping to stabilise the grid.
  4. @steve187 My house is off-grid and I charge my EV from my solar system, although I had a big fight with the company that MG had selected to to install the wall boxes as they said 1) Solar would not produce enough power 2) The fluctuating voltage produced by solar system would damage the wall box. After nearly a year of charging the car both these assertions have proved to be wrong. The maximum power output of your inverter needs to be more than power draw of the onboard charger. So a 7kW charger would could not be supported by a standard 5kW inverter, bearing in mind that your house will be drawing power as well. I have 3x5kW inverters so I always have more power that the car and house can use. What I don't know is if the car will reduce it's power draw to match what is available or simply refuse to charge. I usually charge my car in the middle of the day when my solar production is at it's maximum. I sometimes charge the car batteries from my house batteries if I am going out for the day.
  5. @zoolander I have an MG with the free MG wall box installed free by MG - I won't call it a charger at the onboard charger is actually part of the car. I will call it a wall box because it is a box and it is fitted to a wall. The speed of the onboard charger determines how quickly the car will charge. Plugging a car with a 3.6kW onboard charger into a 7kW wall box will result in 3.6kW being delivered to the car. The technical name for the box is Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). It is really just a controlled access point or fancy switch. Here is a picture of the inside of the MG 7kW wall box fitted to my house. The company that MG has selected to to install the wall boxes insists on a 30/100 meter connection - most people like me only have 15/45. So many people simply install a second dedicated 15/45 meter for the wall box. You can then opt for time of use rate for charging an EV overnight. The off peak rate drops from about ฿4/kwh to ฿2.63, but the peak rate rises to ฿5.79.
  6. My chest freezer is outside under cover by the kitchen door. I don't want it blowing hot air into the kitchen. We run it from solar PV but it is switched off at night so it doesn't drain the batteries.
  7. I am sure my solar panel efficiency goes down as my panels heat up, but I just fitted more panels to compensate. I also have a separate solar thermal hot water system - yes I know I'm a wimp! This new system cools the panels and produces hot water for the house - how cool is that!
  8. Have had an MG PHEV for about 9 months. I run it as a full EV nearly all the time charged from my solar system. Love the car. I have uploaded a few videos about it on my channel
  9. @KhunLA - the video wasn't meant to be a joke. I would be interested to know why you thought it was funny.
  10. Most solar inverters are pure sine wave and produce a much more stable voltage than the grid. having battery backup means I have no extra ups in the house but a smaller battery will mean that you will be back on the grid when they run out of power, but you might be sleeping by then. some people use a small solar battery just as a UPS so it powers only a few circuits in the house during a power cut.
  11. Don’t drink alcohol, happy drinking soda. Can drink as many as you like when it’s hot ????
  12. My house is in Surin if that's where you're based. Had quite a few visitors over the years to look at my setup - you are welcome if you give us a bit of notice EcoHouseThailand.com
  13. The introduction to the video was recorded with the same lapel mic in my office and the fans from PC made more noise. Yes the Growatts do have fans they are pretty quiet most of the time, remember that they react to heat so if you had them in an airconditioned room they probably wouldn't ramp up at all.
  14. I just uploaded a video with the inverters underload in the background - my lapel mic has no noise canceling, you can decide for yourself:
  15. I actually made this video in response to some comments I got on another forum for EV owners, but I thought it might be of interest here.
  16. Here is there website: https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/en/
  17. Here is a YouTube reviewer test riding one of the bikes above.
  18. Can't comment on this brand of Electric Bikes but here in Surin they have an assembled in Thailand Taiwan Electric bike shop that we visited. They had one bike registered that could be test driven.
  19. It’s beyond understanding that some people on this forum have no shame demonstrating their bigotry and stupidity for all to see.
  20. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a39194213/delorean-electric-vehicle-new/
  21. I am currently charging my EV at home from my solar panels - can't make Hydrogen at home
  22. V2L vehicle-to-load V2H vehicle-to-home V2G vehicle-to-grid Coming to an EV near you soon. I have solar and home batteries but this month has been very wet and I have used 2 kWh (units) from PEA. If I had a 70kWh wheeled battery with V2L I could trickle charge my home batteries on a particularly wet day. I don't have V2L currently but it will definitely be on my next EV
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