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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. I live in Surin and Great Wall are building a showroom here so it is nice to have more options for my next Electric Car.
  2. Apparently I drive less than the average American but more that the average Brit - so does that mean I drive a lot? About 5 years power for my house and my car would pay for my solar system
  3. I built my house in Rural Thailand a few years ago and installed a solar well pump on the first day of the build - nobody locally had seen one before and many people came to the house to ask about it, the cost and where to buy - they are now everywhere here. On visit to my local Primary school, I noticed the students watering a dry patch of dirt. I was told that they were trying to grow some vegetables. I saw that there was a pond nearby, so asked why they didn’t pump the water onto the land. (stupid question) – no money for pump and no money for electricity even if they had a pump. So I set about a little project that would help the school and hopefully be educational. I purchased a 320 watt solar panel; Pump; DC motor and control box.
  4. Did read the whole topic? I don't think so. He said: "EV's are the most unsustainable and unrealistic approach to transport" - see pic of my EV being charged from home solar - I save 5,000 Baht/Month on gasohol "EV need fossil fuel to charge" - He didn't see the solar panels in the picture of my house! "Using a domestic rooftop solar system, it will take about 2 weeks to make one full charge" - see my graph of my solar production. An 11kWh 3 phase wall charger can charge a 60kWh battery in 5 hours not 2 weeks "solar panels have a life span of 10 years" - https://www.cnet.com/home/energy-and-utilities/how-long-do-solar-panels-last/ - 30 Years He claims he has a solar system - I have asked to see his a pic of his 6kW inverter - nothing He talks about 250watt panels which haven't been on sale in Thailand for over 10 years
  5. You really are an idiot! You can't even read a graph - did you you finish elementary school ???? You are still claiming it takes 10 days to charge an EV. My house is off-grid and my EV is charged everyday from my solar - I have shown you the evidence and you are still talking rubbish. You claim you have solar but clearly know nothing about it - you are a joke ????
  6. Ive done all the mathematics this is why I wont go down the path of getting an EV they are unreliable and unrealistic. As previously stated - not too good at sums are we, to which we can add not too good at geography either. Still waiting to see a picture of your 6kW inverter ???? Here is a production report from one of my inverters:
  7. You have solar ???? What inverter do you have? post a pic - I am keen to see your 6kW inverter An EV 2 hour fast charge would require a DC charger - they are not fitted to homes! ???? "250watt panels" - who in Thailand has 250 Watt panels? - Maybe they are 10 year old second-hand ones you bought But as you said "solar panels and batteries only last 10 years and then cannot be recycled" ???? "To fully charge an EV with a standard roof top system which is 6kw it will take 2 weeks" - not good at sums at school were we? ???? A standard 7kW home wall box would fill a Tesla Model S 60 in 8 hours. Your 6kW inverter would take 10 hours - so your guess of 2 weeks was .......wrong! ????
  8. You don't know anything about EVs or Solar - everything you have said so far has proved you don't know what you are talking about. You don't have an EV or Solar yet you think you are an expert! All you are doing is humiliating yourself with your ignorance. Piece of advice - when in a hole stop digging
  9. You do realize that you don't need fossil fuel to charge an EV - I have only ever used my home solar So now you proved that you know nothing about solar! My solar system has an output of 15kW. There are other EVs in the world not just Tesla! My car has replaceable individual battery modules
  10. Do try to keep up - the world has changed while you were sleeping
  11. Subsidies for EVs/Green tech is often criticized yet let's not forget that it is completely dwarfed by: Fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of $11m a minute, IMF finds and that these subsidies have been going on for decades. Big business has been profiting by using the air that we breath as a public sewer and rather than spending money trying to fix the problem they spend their money trying persuade us that the problem doesn't exist. Fossil fuel firms among biggest spenders on Google ads that look like search results Those of us trying to do what we can to fix these problem ourselves by our own live choices are criticized and mocked by the idiots who believe the spin of big business. Now wait for the duped fools to chime up "Gas Cars are cleaner than EVs"
  12. Often see EV haters posting "Don't get your EV wet ????"
  13. Tried to read the Guardian article quoted above and was warned that it was over 2 years old. Any reports quoting studies done in Germany are probably quoting a debunked Institute for Economic Research study. https://www.transportenvironment.org/discover/electric-car-hatchet-job-debunked/ Here is something more recent from Bloomberg https://about.bnef.com/blog/the-lifecycle-emissions-of-electric-vehicles/
  14. I make my own electricity and save ฿5,000 a month I would have spent on gasohol
  15. Already charging my EV from excess solar in the middle of the day.
  16. The reason I chose 7am, 21st Dec, the winter solstice for my video was to demonstrate the tremendous advantage we have here in Thailand for solar production. Sure we suffer a little loss of efficiency due to heat, but that is far less of a factor compared to the fact the sun didn't rise in Oslo until 09:18 on 21 December 2021. As the temperature at the time was -8 degrees C, you probably had to clear the snow off the panels first.
  17. The reality is that at ฿3,000,000 not many on this forum are likely to be buying a Tesla. I think it might be more productive to discuss EVs that expats living in Thailand are more likely to buy.
  18. As this a Thailand Motor Discussion of EVs it would be nice if we could focus on the situation in Thailand.
  19. I seem to remember that you are getting batteries as well, so you want maximum power production to charge the batteries. I would put you panels south facing. Regarding watering, one or two panels could power a solar pump. Did you see my video on solar irrigation?
  20. I made this video to answer all the questions I was getting online about my solar system. I was getting lots of friendly advice telling me that I was a complete idiot by not putting all my solar on the south side of my house. Maybe it might be of interest to anyone considering going off-grid in Thailand.
  21. 1/2 mill baht buys you a 1.2 Suzuki swift. You clearly haven't see the Good Cat in person as you think that this is a valid comparison. The Good Cat is a much bigger car with far better performance (0-50 km/h takes 3.8 seconds) Far better spec'd (see the pics I posted above) It will also will be far cheaper to run: the 47.8 kWh battery gives a 401 km of range and using the overnight TOU rate will cost 126 baht for 401km Suzuki swift 20.0km/L @ 31.58/L would cost 633 Baht for 401km
  22. I agree with @macahoom this bogan is unwatchable, so I'm not fact checking any more of his videos - bias assumed and move on
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