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Posts posted by wigantojapan

  1. http://www.globalresearch.ca/britain-admits-selling-12-billion-in-weapons-to-israel/5393215

    Britain Admits Selling $12 Billion in Weapons to Israel   Data published in a new report from the House of Commons in London states the value of all British military exports to Israel currently being processed comes to £7.9 billion ($12.1 billion).

    This data was supplied by Vince Cable, Britain’s business secretary, who oversees the weapons trade.



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  2. This leaflet is asking you to think for a moment about what lies behind McDonald's clean, bright image. It's got a lot to hide.

    "At McDonald's we've got time for you" goes the jingle. Why then do they design the service so that you're in and out as soon as possible? Why is it so difficult to relax in a McDonald's? Why do you feel hungry again so soon after eating a Big Mac?

    We're all subject to the pressures of stupid advertising, consumerist hype and the fast pace of big city life - but it doesn't take any special intelligence to start asking questions about McDonald's and to realise that something is seriously wrong.

    The more you find out about McDonald's processed food, the less attractive it becomes, as this leaflet will show. The truth about hamburgers is enough to put you off them for life.


  3. Hello I am wanting to clarify a point.

    Farang(UK) with Thai girlfriend.

    In relation ship for 4 years

    Farang more or less has been living in Thailand most of that time

    Have photographic evidence of this House receipts,Energy bills etc

    The Thai girlfriend is solely dependent on fa-rang for finance of her and her aging father

    Can the farang get a dependent visa

    what evidence or documents are needed

    Thank you

  4. if the house of commons is full of overcharging for expenses,pervs and friends to cover it up ,government and the press in cahoots,perhaps the army should step in and have a crackdownsmile.png

    Nope the UK forces A knows their place and plus serves the people ie civilian rule only B there would be a civil war before the British people would allow it, forces included, trust me. wink.png



  5. The Uk Government of course, set the precedent in modern day history, for the banning of an item of clothing, that was seen by the authorities to be a symbol of in today's world a terrorist.

    The ban led to people being sent into exile as well as murder and imprisonment under UK Law

    The clothing was seen as a symbol of rebelliousness and anti christian.

    Yet still, UK citizens, here still uphold that the French decision is an unjust one ,even though it is more lenient, in the case that no Muslim lady has been deported,raped ,imprisoned or sent into exile by the authorities,unlike their fellow UK citizens men women and children.

  6. Considering that you have never answered any question put to you.........

    Dear kettle, yours pot!

    As I said, I am not going to try and justify the actions of any terrorist group as I abhor those actions.

    and yet you vehemently support the idea of a uk government who are seen in the eyes of many Muslim and non Muslim as being a state sponsored terrorist organisation, and their actions throughout time has proven that point .

  7. the question of sun in Thailad then you have to build the roof high enough so not so much sun is sitting there,

    ,that heats up the whole house,,..also you would have different angles and length of over hang on east .west and south facing walls..

    there is also window sizes and air vents at lower and higher parts of the wall to increase the flow of hot stagnant air

    you could make the walls as thick as you like in more hotter CM climate as opposed to Pai.

    you can build a liveable long term adobe for 100000 baht no problem .

    the guy does know what he is doing and immigration s not a problem for him

  8. not may burmese people have cameras

    and yes he does do brick adobe as well as other forms...

    .I have asked him now to supply some photos as possibly some of the foreigners who were on workshops with him ,or even projects of his they had visited might have photos

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  9. The guy is needing work to finance his sister to go to medical school.

    ..If any of the posters are thinking of starting a natural build or have started and are needed extra hands and expertise ,,let me know.


    ..sorry its good that people have shown an interest but i will only ask him to supply photos of his work if you are genuinely interested in getting an adobe built

    or any other natural material ,,Thank you..Of course please feel free to comment about the subject cheers

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