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Posts posted by keith101

  1. 29 minutes ago, Marcus Atwood said:

    Porn has nothing to do with women needing money. Bud, this is 2020. Not 1960. Pornstars are often high IQ business savvy women that don't care about arbitrary societal norms pushed upon them as a means of oppressing women. They see a business opportunity and they go after it because why not? Two of the most famous porn stars, Asia Carrera and Jenna Jameson, both have IQs over 140. Asia Carrera graduated from Rutgers and is a member of Mensa with a verified IQ of 156. Look it up. Jenna Jameson is quite literally a billionaire. 


    Pornography is a highly lucrative industry, as is being a high-end escort. The high-end escorts in Thailand that do Phuket girlfriend experience do 1 million baht / week minimum. I see Vlad Doronin ( owner of Aman Resorts and Amanpuri Phuket, networth over 1 billion USD ) running around with dozens of half Thai/ half white escorts all the time. He randomly buys them Lamborghinis and Ferraris. Yeah, these women have it so rough. What a terrible life. They're really struggling to feed the family. 


    This is just reality. I have a good friend in Beverly Hills that dropped out of Harvard Medical school to become an escort in Los Angeles. She was pulling $100k USD / day at peak. She's now retired in a giant mansion in the Hollywood Hills and has every sports car you could dream of. You can think what you want of people like this but she's definitely very "happy" with her choice.


    Personally, I don't like reading stories like this and think the police should crack down on this sort of activity. But your assumption that women get into porn or become prostitutes because they are desperate is just flat out wrong. Had to call it out. But whatever helps you sleep better at night mate. 

    This story is about Thailand not the US 

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