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Posts posted by aarn

  1. Mmmm, looks like the hornets' nest has been stirred.

    I think it is wise to assume that even encrypted files in the cloud will be accessed by...

    Most of these free services, you just have to log on once a month, not access all files monthly.

    I am reminded of John Steinbeck's 'Tortilla Flat'.

    Two brothers run into some cash, and decide to seriously stock up on cheap wine.

    They drink/get drunk, their house burns down.

    Their only regret is that they didn't drink all the wine.

    I can't send my sato to the cloud, but I can put my digital resources up there.

    If/when the house burns down, all will not be lost.

    Cheers, AA

  2. Assuming you want to totally wipe clean your PC's hard drive,

    such that any subsequent investigations are unable to retrieve anything,

    these are the steps a professional service (or a knowing friend) would undertake:

    Remove your hard drive, place it in an enclosure (ie. box for external hard drive).

    If your friend is using windows, format the external drive.

    Then use ccleaner program and tick 'wipe free space' (or somesuch) option.

    If your friend is using linux, format the external drive as NTFS.

    Then run bleachbit with 'wipe free space' option.

    Cheers, AA

  3. I booked/paid for a ticket three days ago (using chromium in Thailand) so AirA working.

    You could try a few things (google is your friend) including:

    cleaning out the cache in your bowsers

    signing up to be a member of AirA

    installing a further browser

    disguising your electronic location (in case AirA blocks traffic from your IP address etc).

    Cheers, AA

  4. Bottom line is only make a KBank ATM withdrawal outside a bank branch, during bank opening hours.

    That way if anything stoofs up (and it won't be you - the customer - getting free BBB),

    you can go inside, hopefully it will be sorted.

    I reported on TV last year how I did 2kB at a KBank ATM,

    then a friend said he got dudded of 5kB outside a Pattaya branch,

    so went inside to report to a teller.

    The teller said that she had a similar experience - and she worked for KBank. AA

  5. This is all tremendously confusing. The past two years I have gone to the Australian Embassy (37 South Sathorn Rd, BKK) and taken documents evidencing my income in Australia. Then I have written and signed a statutory declaration form in the presence of one counter staff (who perused my documents, and insisted I hand-write a stat dec form as provided). Charge was 630B.

    Last year I took the stat dec the next day to Ranong Immigration, with other documents, and applied for the one-year extension.

    This year I took the stat dec 27 days after signing, to another office functioning for Ranong Immi, and applied for the extension as previously.

    I don't know if any of this helps old mate up in CM, good luck anyway gazh, AA

  6. <The only way is to use a sharp razor blade and cut away the dirty silicone.

    Once all is removed thoroughly dry the area and reapply with new silicone.>

    Yeah I agree. I think you (/r better half) used the silicone sealant that aquaria are held together with, strong as Charles Atlas.

    Razor blade/sharp knife the way to go. The stuff is virtually insoluble, inflammable, U/V undamagable.

    Even hydrofluoric acid will chew up glass and metal before silicone. Good luck, AA

  7. Possibly an air inlet was sealed prior to packing for shipment, on the assumption a tech-o would set it up for you.

    Check if there is anything obviously temporary (say, foam secured with zip-ties) visible on the unit.

    Also check the 'flame-heads' (the round things from which the flame emanates), they are usually held in place by gravity only.

    Please don't send your relations to sue me if your house explodes, this is bush-mechanic advice.

    Good luck, AA

  8. Poor old mate jambco,

    having a lot of bike problems - but hope your motor is running well! You really need a pal to give you a coupla hours hands-on mech. session.

    The rewards from such - that warm/fuzzy feeling - make up for all the frustrating hours expressing expletives and getting dirty.

    The chains for 6/7/8 rear clusters/cogs are (used to be) the same width. 9-speed comes in two widths. 10-speed different again.

    After 600km, your drivetrain should be just wearing in, not stoofing up. I recently replaced my chain + 9speed cluster in Chumphon - not from the cheapest source. Shimano chain 1200B, cluster (11-34 tooth) 600B, magic link 90B. I reckon the old set-up had done 5000km.

    I use some derailleur I pulled of a dead bike. I have never had a prob with rear derailleurs, apart from the usual crap flying up from the road and trying to stuff the springs everytime you ride through puddles. I think you have to use a name gear shifter with a name derailleur, but Shim chain compatible with SRAM cluster and v/v.

    All the advice concerning regular drivetrain cleaning is top stuff. I get slack, riding in the rain most days... keep on cycling, AA

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  9. The problem one faces with a one-way ticket is that the airline, at point of departure, may refuse to let you on the flight.

    I (potentially) had this problem flying SYD-KUL with AAsia last year.

    But I flashed a photocopy of a Malaysia rail booking, Buttterworth - HadYai, that I had made the day before the flight.

    OK I was flying into Malaysia not LOS but read on...

    If anyone is flying to LOS on a one-way, worth getting a friend here to buy you a rail ticket Hadyai - Padang Besar,

    then scan and email copy of ticket. AA

  10. I had a 640Gb non-name (thus no guarantee) HD that died recently, after plenty of warning.

    I exerted the digit and copied all, then tried to format as F32, NTFS, and some linux options (ext12/3/4). But rigor had set in.

    If you can format as whatever, run chkdsk see what the report is.

    Someone on TV may be able to post a link to a disk repair/exile bad sector tool for windows,

    years ago there was 'disk doctor' or somesuch.

    I think windows has a built-in disk repair function (navigate to the exHD, Rclick, might be an option under 'Tools' in dialogue box).

    Good luck, AA

  11. Copy everything asap. Then attempt to format. Be prepared to fork out for more storage.

    However, all is not lost. Check to see if there is a guarantee - usually a small, circular sticker with the month/year punched out.

    You probably will have to open the enclosure (google is your friend here, if unfamiliar).

    If within guarantee period, take it back to the shop where it was purchased, should replace within a week.

    If cannot go to shop where purchased, any larger IT store should organise the replacement for you, charging you 100-200B.

    In Trat, I bought a 320Gb that karaked it with 6 months. Replacement organised in Uttaradit, charged me 100B. Good luck, AA

  12. Any TVers that can proffer advice, please be upstanding! I normally just overnight at Yuttichai Hotel, two blocks from the rail station.

    Now looking at spending 1-2 months in town. The place has really been revamped since the seawall was finished (~ 4 years ago???). Me a cheapo charlie, thinking one-to-two star accom, pref with wifi...

    Anyone know if Chabakeaw Guesthouse is functioning? Thanks in advance, AA

  13. Toshiba laptops come with a lot of bloatware that is really annoying, and an ideal target for malware + viruses. But they have a reasonable fail-safe mechanism if things go pear-shape.

    As Iboldnewguy says <your relative should take it to a reliable shop to be tuned up and cleaned> unless your relative is up to the task.

    There should be a restoration partition present. Google the model number (eg. mine is a Tosh. NB 305) to verify that.

    You can do a full reinstall by holding down the 0 (zero) key before powering on, you may have to hold this down for 5+ minutes until you get into the dialogue box to start reinstall/restoration.

    It takes some hours, and will require an active www. connection to get security updates. Then you can go through and cleanout all the bloatware. Then google 'how to make windows run faster' and stop all those silly services that turns your machine into a 'dozer. Cheers, AA

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