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Posts posted by phuturatica

    1. Different culture.
    2. Cheaper than the UK.
    3. The challenge of actually doing it at a young age.

    ... 3 good non-perverted non-piss-take answers!

    True, but number 3 is ridiculous and unbelievable.

    You want a challenge? Climb Everest/learn to fly a 'plane etc. etc.

    There are many challenges out there - moving to a foreign country as 'a challenge' is not one of them.

    It was for me seeing as I was not financially secure, I never came from a high class rich background therefore had to save myself, needed to make a living and have had health problems holding me back all my life. I worked hard and every hour God sent in order for me to move to Thailand. It was definitely a challenge.

    But every person is different I guess. We can't all just dip into our money and go jetting off and living in a new country! It takes a lot more for some people!

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  1. I know that there is already a pinned thread on this, however it does seem a little out of date.

    My Thai is pretty basic. I speak more than the average tourist, however I want to learn to speak Thai more. Maybe even learn to read and write it when it comes down to it.

    I currently work here in Thailand so I would be looking at a part-time course (say a few hours every week over a course of a few months etc.)

    Does anyone have any up to date recommendations or advice on where to avoid?

  2. Coming sooner will be better for you as you can settle down, find your feet and work out the connections and the opportunities that are available for you. I spent 2 months in Bangkok before I even started looking for a job so I could just weigh up whether I was making the right decision or not.

    Working in an international school usually requires previous teaching experience as the salary is quite high and the teaching is taken quite seriously. (Please note, I said usually - but anything is possible in Thailand it seems) the same would probably be said for those teaching in university, however don't quote me on that as I am not too sure.

    There are some decent government schools and private language schools which can offer you a salary of 35,000 baht and upwards per month and from there on you can gain experience and learn more about the world of teaching English in Thailand. Then like you said, after some experience you may be given the opportunity to move on to bigger and better things.

    I never had any teaching experience when I first moved to Thailand however I am now working for a private language school on 50,000 baht per month. It was lower at first (started at 40,000 baht) but then my wage went up after a few months. This is working 70 hours per month so all in all it's not too crazy and I actually enjoy it. As for moving onto bigger and better things? Well it depends what you enjoy? I have colleagues who I work with that said working in a government public school was the best experience even if it was on less pay!

    Good luck anyways and I hope you succeed in your goals.

  3. I wouldn't even bother if I was you.

    The salary is not high enough. If it was a high salary and they asked you to pay for your own visa, then fair enough.

    Some companies only have so many working permits allowed due to the costs of the work permits and whatnot, however if you keep looking I'm sure you will be offered another job with a working visa supplied.

  4. Sounds like fluid retention, if your kidney function is OK then may have to consider a cardiac or circulatory cause, suggest you see a doctor.

    Arthritis is unlikely unless the joints are also painful. Also I have the impression that this is symmetrical i.e. both knees, both ankles and more or less equally so. that indicates a more systemic cause.

    Well my kidney function is lower than the average person (17% roughly after having a right nephrectomy) however my kidney function is stable and hasn't decreased recently. Also I haven't had many kidney infections. Only the odd UTI which I get on a regular basis anyway.

    Both knees and ankles look symmetrical in swelling. If it is fluid retention caused through my kidneys (I'm thinking it most probably is) is there anything I can do to stop it? I'm starting to become really conscious of it now that it's been pointed out to me several times by strangers. :(

  5. Charcoal isn't going to fix this problem. The tablets are very expensive. If you are going that route, better to eat burnt toast.

    I always wait five days before I do myself with meds. I HOPE my body will heal itself. After five days - there is no hope. I have general rule which I use to separate if I should take Noro/Ciprofloxin or Flagyl. This incident surely is not related to Giardia.

    If you do have food poisoning, charcoal tablets absorb all the bad stuff (i.e. the poison) also where on earth are you getting the information that charcoal tablets are expensive? It's less than 30 baht for 10 tablets from most pharmacies!

    I would avoid taking any antibiotics unless you've had a stool test by a doctor and they have determined which antibiotic will respond to the bacteria in the stomach/gut.

  6. Regular occurance on Khao San Road to be fair so I'm not in the least bit surprised.

    In all honesty though... The ratio of retarded drunken farangs on Khao San Road that are kicking off left, right and centre due to, too much intoxication is ALOT higher than the Thai's kicking off with someone.

    I'm not implying that this wasn't brutal or necessary however it is very common. Usually when I see fights kicking off in that area I'm actually leaning more towards the Thai's rather than the farangs as it's usually the farangs who are kicking off and being stupid.

    That depends of course on what is happening, in this case (if it was as described) it was totally uncalled for. If some drunk farang is bothering people and starting a fight i have no sympathy for that.

    Of course, I completely agree. There are good and bad people on both sides. (Thais and farangs) However it is pretty rare for a Thai person to start on a farang for no reason whatever. Please note, I said rare, not impossible. Maybe it was a case of mistaken identity or maybe there was more to it than what seemed from an outsiders point of view? No one will ever really know to be fair.

    • Like 1
  7. Since moving to Thailand I have had swollen ankles and swollen knees - pretty badly to the point that Thai people have pointed at it and frowned asking me what's happened. What causes swollen ankles and swollen knees? Is it diet related? Water intake related or something else?

    I always used to get checked for water retention in my ankles when I was younger cause of my chronic kidney failure but my kidney is actually doing alright as of late so it shouldn't be kidney related. I also take ramipril for my blood pressure so I can't imagine my blood pressure is abnormal

    Any ideas?

  8. Just wondering if anyone knew the time table for the Chao Praya Express boat which is going from Phra Athit Pier to Sathorn Thaksin (orange flag) I tried their website but it appears to be infected with a trojan so my antivirus has blocked it and I can't access the site.

    I need to use the boat to get to work in the mornings, however I'm not sure what time it comes and what time I need to leave mine in order to get to work on time. (Also I'm relatively lazy and last minute kind of person so I like to make it just in time - I'm learning the ways of Thai Time right?)

  9. Regular occurance on Khao San Road to be fair so I'm not in the least bit surprised.

    In all honesty though... The ratio of retarded drunken farangs on Khao San Road that are kicking off left, right and centre due to, too much intoxication is ALOT higher than the Thai's kicking off with someone.

    I'm not implying that this wasn't brutal or necessary however it is very common. Usually when I see fights kicking off in that area I'm actually leaning more towards the Thai's rather than the farangs as it's usually the farangs who are kicking off and being stupid.

  10. Not trying to sound obnoxious, but a big factor will be whether you have light or dark skin.

    That's actually bullshit. It all depends on what they're casting for. :P I have worked with all different races and nationalities who all look different. Hell sometimes I've been turned down because I am too white! :P

  11. I think a long overdue trip to the dentist is due as one of my teeth has started hurting and it looks like I need my first filling! (Oh no!)

    Any recommendations in Bangkok where to go? I'm based in the Banglamphu area of Bangkok but I am willing to travel to a decent dentist. Also what is the price range I am looking at?

    Also, what do I need to look out for and avoid?! Apologies if this sounds like a stupid post but I don't attend the dentist regularly at all. :D

    (Mods; if this needs moving to the Health and Medicine forum then my apologies.)

  12. Amway skin products are terrible. I know some people who used it in the villages of Phatthalung and they all had a terrible reaction to it. It all started off by some guy marketing the products on commission to make money. It's quite clearly not safe! :/

  13. Donate to an orphanage or ask around if anyone has had a baby recently. I'm sure they would be glad of your donation. If not, leave them in a bag outside and they'll be gone before you can say boo. I dropped off a bag of clothes near the bins on my way to 7Eleven and when I came back the whole bag was gone. A week later I saw about 3 people on my road wearing my old clothes. Definitely made me smile! :)

  14. I live and work in Bangkok and the way I see it is... It may not be the nicest part of Thailand, however for me, if I lived in paradise every day I would soon take it for granted. At least with Bangkok I know I am only a train or a bus journey away to some lovely beach or other world as you put it. Bangkok keeps me down to earth and makes me appreciate other parts of Thailand more. I love going on mini breaks and holidays to other parts of Thailand as they're all different and have something new to offer.

    Also, it really does all depend on where you go in Bangkok. Places like Soi Cowboy are awful in my opinion. But then again I'm female and I don't really get anything out of watching naked girls dance and trying to get business. In fact, it actually makes me feel a little bit sick. sick.gif There are a few little gems in Bangkok that I have and whats more is, I have friends here which makes me feel more at home.

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