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Posts posted by phuturatica

  1. You can just say "mai ow!" and they don't get you. :P

    I believe it ends on Sunday 15th but some people just can't get enough so if you're planning on avoiding water tomorrow I would be cautious.

    I have not been dry at all for 3 days! However I came home early today as I got robbed at knife point near Khao San and Soi Rambuttri right in front of loads of people at about 11pm last night so I wanted to be home safe tonight. :(

  2. I hope everyone had a nice Songkran, even though I know some people don't enjoy it so much. I ended up getting robbed by knife point on Saturday night right by Khao San and Soi Rambuttri. :(

    Not really fussed about the money but it did scare me a lot. BiB obviously did nothing and couldn't help me.

    Totally rubbish. :(

  3. I saw this man on Khao San and he wasn't the only guy they had stood up throughout the days.

    Whilst Khao San is a very lively atmosphere and during Songkran there are more Thai people there than Farang people, there are way too many people and there is no controlling of the number of people going onto the road.

    A lot of my friends dislike Khao San for its impoliteness and I did get groped and manhandled a little (and no I didn't ask for it or enjoy it) howevere because you are crammed in there's no way of avoiding it. I just slapped them and said "mai dee".

  4. Yeah, loads of people I know have had a nasty cough type illness. Three of my friends had pneumonia with it. Nasty stuff. I went to the night market the other night and I noticed quite a few Thai people having coughing fits and not looking or sounding too healthy.

  5. You bunch of old farts! Lighten up and live a little! tongue.png

    You are going to Pattaya I take it? Tell us your plans.

    No, I'm not going to Pattaya. I have been there twice in my life and I hate it. Way too seedy for my liking. I am staying in Bangkok with my boyfriend and friends. We're going to the Temple in the morning and then have a nice meal planned for tomorrow and then afterwards the party commences! I'm actually going to head round the Khao San Road and Soi Rambuttri area for partying.

    Majority of my friends in Thailand are actually Thai or decent farangs, so I won't be one of those crazy drunken farangs getting up to no good and causing trouble. Neither will any of my friends. smile.png

    I can understand why a person would not enjoy Songkran as it might not be there thing but I think its all just a good bit of fun and I always sense a real feel of community where ever I am. I am aware of the dangers and stupidity of some people and whatnot but how many grumpy posts need to be made on TV moaning about it? tongue.png

    "Bah! Humbug! I'm staying indoors!" bah.gif *chuckles*

  6. I would have turned the bike round and drove at them at full speed. Either that or get off the motorbike and square up to them face to face. I am (sort of) looking forward to Songkran this year with my friends but I seriously won't have any patience or tolerance for idiot farang tourists being stupid and putting other people in danger. If I see it happening, I'll be sure to speak my mind about it.

    I think my angry ginger side is shining through. *punches people*

  7. I live in a studio apartment with no kitchen and yet I still have ants in my apartment. They appear to be trailing up to my aircon switch so I can only assume they're nesting there. They're just EVERYWHERE and driving me crazy! Most of them are really small but I have also seen some bigger black ones with bigger bodies.

    They're even crawling on my bed and on me when I'm sleeping and it wakes me up! *shudders*

    I take my trash out everyday to minimise food being in the apartment but they still won't bugger off! I've even cleaned my apartment top to bottom, using bleach and all sorts but they came back within 24 hours!

    Whats a good way to get rid of them for good?!

  8. coffee1.gif

    I'm female and I hear about these stories all the time and I'm not the one being shafted and scammed by Thai women. If I somehow know about this sort of thing which happens, then why don't farang men in Thailand learn and use their common sense?

    This kind of things is so common here I seriously wonder why guys fall for it every time. I probably hear the same sob story off a different guy at least once a month. violin.gif

    They fall for it because they've got willies.

    Ah yes, only being able to think through one head at a time. ;)

  9. coffee1.gif

    I'm female and I hear about these stories all the time and I'm not the one being shafted and scammed by Thai women. If I somehow know about this sort of thing which happens, then why don't farang men in Thailand learn and use their common sense?

    This kind of things is so common here I seriously wonder why guys fall for it every time. I probably hear the same sob story off a different guy at least once a month. violin.gif

    • Like 1
  10. Thought you might be interested to see some pictures of Happy Bar after the fire.


    I took these myself today on my phone when I went to go and have a look with my boyfriend.

    I basically took pictures of the small soi it is down so you get an idea as to why it was hard for the fire engine and firefighters to access the fire. Obviously some pictures of the devastating remains and the only thing which did remain was the Happy Bar sign.

    • Like 1
  11. at illegal Thai hotel

    The type that you can check-in using just a first name. RIP sad.png

    The authorities have his surname now as all the of bar staff at Happy Bar knew him quite well. He wasn't really a tourist... He's been in Thailand for over a year. Also the books with all the guests details which include first name, last name, passport number etc. got burnt in the fire. The owner of the hotel just couldn't remember off the top of his head the surname of his tenants. However the staff at Happy Bar have alerted the authorities of Charlie's surname and also contacted some of his family. I had to help with a little translation with it all last night.

  12. Quite eerie as I was drinking in Happy Bar on Saturday night till about 2am on Sunday... sad.png

    Not familiar with the bar but do you (or anybody know) if they cook or have open flames? Just curious what could have started, what I assume was a fast moving fire in what I am also assuming would be a bar with numerous patrons.

    I have just back home after being with the owners and staff of Happy Bar as they are good friends with my boyfriend. There is no cooking or open flames within the bar. The fire started due to an electrical fault. In other words, faulty wiring. They had a small fire due to faulty wiring there last year but because the bar was open and staff were there, they were able to contain the fire and no damage was done or anyone was hurt. They paid to have the wiring all fixed after the fire however it looks like electricians here don't care much for the safety of others as the wiring was faulty again. One of the staff who lives above the bar happened to be awake and playing computer games when the fire started. He banged on everyone's door including the French guy who died. (they all knew him as he was a regular customer) however he got no answer when he banged on the door. The French guy lived on the top floor of the building and by this point the fire was getting serious and engulfing all of downstairs so he had to run down and save those who did wake up and answer their doors when he banged. If it wasn't for the guy banging on the doors there probably would have been more than one fatality.

    It is a sad day for them all because he did try banging on his door and he feels terribly guilty but he did the best he could. He suffered minor burns and injuries from saving other people in the fire.

    And before people start flaming about the staff not taking care with the electrics in the building. I must repeat... They got the whole place re-wired less than 12 months ago after the first minor fire so it wouldn't happen again... The electricians who obviously did the job didn't do it properly.

    The owner of the bar has been told by the police that he has to pay for all damages of the building and the buildings surrounding where the fire started. However he lost everything in the fire himself, including a lot of his money so he is now facing more despair over this.

    I never knew Charlie personally but I saw him in the bar quite a few times. May he RIP. sad.png

    Wow, thanks for sharing. Very tragic and really puts a visual of the events in your mind. sad.png

    Yeah its been a surreal evening hearing the events of how everything happened from those involved. Another thing as well... There were no smoke detectors in the hotel above the bar.

    Which brings me to ask...

    Can you even buy smoke detectors in Bangkok?! If so, where can you purchase them from? I have just come home to realise that I don't have a smoke detector or alarm in my room or in the corridors near my room of my condo. The whole thing has frightened me slightly and I want to take measures and have one fitted inside my room and in the corridor near my room. Hell I'll even pay for them myself and get them fitted myself.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  13. Quite eerie as I was drinking in Happy Bar on Saturday night till about 2am on Sunday... sad.png

    Not familiar with the bar but do you (or anybody know) if they cook or have open flames? Just curious what could have started, what I assume was a fast moving fire in what I am also assuming would be a bar with numerous patrons.

    I have just back home after being with the owners and staff of Happy Bar as they are good friends with my boyfriend. There is no cooking or open flames within the bar. The fire started due to an electrical fault. In other words, faulty wiring. They had a small fire due to faulty wiring there last year but because the bar was open and staff were there, they were able to contain the fire and no damage was done or anyone was hurt. They paid to have the wiring all fixed after the fire however it looks like electricians here don't care much for the safety of others as the wiring was faulty again. One of the staff who lives above the bar happened to be awake and playing computer games when the fire started. He banged on everyone's door including the French guy who died. (they all knew him as he was a regular customer) however he got no answer when he banged on the door. The French guy lived on the top floor of the building and by this point the fire was getting serious and engulfing all of downstairs so he had to run down and save those who did wake up and answer their doors when he banged. If it wasn't for the guy banging on the doors there probably would have been more than one fatality.

    It is a sad day for them all because he did try banging on his door and he feels terribly guilty but he did the best he could. He suffered minor burns and injuries from saving other people in the fire.

    And before people start flaming about the staff not taking care with the electrics in the building. I must repeat... They got the whole place re-wired less than 12 months ago after the first minor fire so it wouldn't happen again... The electricians who obviously did the job didn't do it properly.

    The owner of the bar has been told by the police that he has to pay for all damages of the building and the buildings surrounding where the fire started. However he lost everything in the fire himself, including a lot of his money so he is now facing more despair over this.

    I never knew Charlie personally but I saw him in the bar quite a few times. May he RIP. :(

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