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Posts posted by phuturatica

  1. Tramadol is indeed stronger that cocodamol.

    But very addictive. I have overcome an addiction from it after I was prescribed it in the UK after having my kidney removed. Coming off it was horrendous and horrible process. I still have tramadol in my medicine box but I only take it when I'm in severe pain and only 50 mg at a time once a day.

    I find cocodamol to be ineffective with my pain but obviously it depends what your pain is.

  2. Not to mention that the pay is very good if you are a foreign model in Thailand. Some jobs pay 10,000 - 50,000 baht per day. wink.png

    It must vary great deal. Those youngsters in my old apartment building even did very little work or the pay was not that good. Room cost 5k a month and lots of Sangsom coke in the rooms instead of Q bar.

    Not necessarily. Maybe they're happy just paying 5K a month for their apartment and don't want to splash out loads or maybe they're saving. ;) It does indeed vary though I guess. I have been paid anything from 10,000 for one day's work to 42,000 (the biggest paycheck to date for one day of modelling)

    Also, my apartment only costs 5K ;) However I am actually saving up for something.

  3. I am with a modelling and film casting agency here in Bangkok and there is ALOT of work for foreign models. I used to model freelance back home in the UK but here in Bangkok I found it to be more successful having an agent. Clients using the agencies are always looking for different kinds of models, some Asian and some Caucasian - it depends what they are being used for. For mainstream high street stores they mainly want Caucasian but I have worked on a few things where the have mixed races there.

    Most of the mainstream shops and stores who have farang models are actually models that have been cast over here in South East Asia not in Europe/America. There is a huge industry in Thailand, especially Bangkok where foreign models network and work together. Some models are flown over here by their agents in their home country and then hired to agencies here in Thailand so they can get more work.

    Also most models that are part of an agency get special treatment such as a model comp card - entitling them free entry and free drinks in some bars and free food around Thailand, mainly Bangkok. It's like some kind of celebrity status almost.

  4. Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

    The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

    You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

    Shingles is cause by the chicken pox virus; it stays dormant in the spinal nerves and flares up when your system immunity or resistance is low; common to develop in diabetes.

    The pain is due to the fact that the virus is in the nerve system and pain can continue long after the rash is gone. (postherpetic neuralgia).

    You may need to consider having the vaccine (Zostavax)..

    Yes Like I say I already know I have it and have Googles everything about it. I know all about the chicken pox etc. etc. But what I am asking is like I said before. every doctor and Google search says "pain" I was asking if the pain I mentioned is normal. Again right side of body ribs pain like I have been punched or kicked and that empty starving feeling in my belly.

    I am diabetic too, and also suffer from shingles, it affects the left side of my head and face, headaches worse than the most fierce migraine, also burning sensation under the skin, as soonas I feel the first bumps and blisters, I increase my level of zydol ,which dulls the pain down to a light roar,I usually get 3 or 4 shingles attacks a year,an important fact that many forget is that shingles are highly contagious to persons over the age of 50 as my mrs found out !!

    My Mother gets shingles every now and then in the side of her face and head leading down her neck and she experiences the same sort of pain. Its very painful from what I gather.

    I hope the OP is feeling better soon. :(

  5. For me personally, I have had to make quite a few changes but not huge significant ones.

    I want to learn Thai and I am currently learning. If you live in a country where English is not the native language then you might as well make an effort to learn the native language to some degree so you can get by. I don't really do this to be accepted by Thais, more or less for my own benefit of getting by.

    The way I dress... I noticed a few of the replies, mostly from men living here in Thailand to be quite shocked and surprised. "Wait. what? Why does how I dress have to come into it?" If you are a woman in Thailand... You have to make changes, it's as simple as that. Maybe not the men but definitely the women. In the UK I was quite an extravagant alternative dresser and whilst I would love to do that here, it just wouldn't be ideal for this climate and also this society. Also if you are in a relationship with a Thai guy they might not say anything but they have an idea of how they would want you to dress. In other words, no mid- drift showing, no see through tops, no low cleavage type tops, wear skirts which are not too short and if you are wearing a skirt - wear shorts underneath. Your Thai boyfriend wants to show you off with pride and not like you're some hooker on his arm. Thai men consider Thai hookers a lower class and no one wants their girlfriend to look like that if they're in a respectable relationship. The more well dressed and reserved you look makes you look more educated and like a nice girl. I have made these changes for my relationship to some degree but I still have my own individuality entwined with this. I still get called the crazy rock chick on the street and I am well respected by all the locals around me.

    I will wear a bikini on the beach and this isn't an issue but I wear a T-shirt over the top - Not to be accepted by Thais though. I'm ginger and ridiculously pale. I'm like a milk bottle in a bikini so I wear the T-shirt to stop me getting sun burnt. ;)

    Culture changes - I obviously respect the culture of the country I'm in and I would expect anyone to do the same. I wai when I'm supposed to, act respectfully and cover up in religious establishments,

    I acknowledge that I am still farang and I know I still get treated differently because I am farang but I only get treated differently by those who don't know me personally. I am accepted as equal amongst my Thai friends.

    • Like 1
  6. I think for most people in Thailand it's about not losing face. Speaking out and causing an uproar would just have them lose face or have the boss lose face. Also most Thai people working in companies are corrupt, no matter how high up or low in the company they are and everyone knows this yet many are unable to do anything about it so they just act like they have no idea.

    I think the corruption scale in Thailand is what leads to greed, lack of honesty and integrity.

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  7. I would say that if you wanted to find yourself a nice girl who wasn't a hooker, then stop associating yourself with hookers as you'll end up with the same type of women at your feet wanting your money. Stop paying hookers and hanging out where hookers work. :P

    Also, good things come to those who wait. Don't go actively seeking, it will come to you eventually.

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  8. There have been times when I'm sat up bolt straight, holding onto the seat, sweating with fear as I am watching my bus or silver minibus van go at ridiculous speed and overtake everything that gets in its way. There have been times when I have got off the bus at the service station and tried to tell them to slow down but they just laugh at me and ignore me.

    I hate the roads in Thailand. I hate the way some of them drive. I wouldn't even get my own car or motorcycle here because its other people on the roads that I don't trust, not myself.

    My condolences to the families who lost their loved ones. It's good that they're trying to do something about road safety in Thailand or at least raise awareness in it.

  9. My budget is 1,000 baht per week. That covers everything from food, alcohol, travel, laundry etc.

    My rent is then 5,000 baht per month.

    I sometimes go over budget when I splash out or buy things for my apartment but its not a regular occurance.

  10. Anyone know of any reasonably priced gyms in the Samsen, Banglamphu area of Bangkok? Also I want one that is women friendly and not just full of beefcakes.

    I'm not looking at signing up to a contract, I'd rather just pay one off fees as I'm not the best when it comes to going regularly.

  11. There is another alternative, though it's not pretty. Could always go down to Kao San and pick up them "Thai fisherman pants". Those fit everybody. The only hitch is you have to wear a tie die T-shirt and put your hair in dreadlocks.

    Yeah that's not quite the look I'm going for. ;) Guess I will have to starve myself, lose some weight and squeeze into the Thai sizes...

  12. All should have the brand name Zyloric (which when I used years ago was quite expensive for what should be cheap medication). Only larger places will have non branded version as is sold in very large bottles so most would not be able to turn over in time so do not stock.

    I've asked for Zyloric and Allopurinol but they always say "mai mee" and try to give me Colcichine (spelling?) I've been to over 10 pharmacists now. I may just have to take a trip to Bangkok hospital and use the pharmacy there.

    You've been unable to find allopurinol in pharmacies in Bangkok? I find that very hard tio believe.

    Have you shown them the name written down (often they don't understand the way foreigners pronounce things)? And were this large pharmacies?

    Shouldn't be a problem to get it at Fascino's or the other large pharmacies near it, nor at the pharmacies across from the hospital near Victory Minument, nor at the large pharmacy on Suk near Soi 2.

    As for the pharmacies that tried to sell you colchicine, never go back to them.

    I found it in the end but it was not Zyloric brand, some other brand. It was 30baht for 10 tablets which is not too bad. The pharmacists who tried to give me colchicine only offered me this when I was asking for the tablet and mentioned the word 'gout' to them. I sometimes think that half the pharmacists around here don't actually know what they're doing!

    I'm currently having another attack of gout but I can't take anti-inflammatories due to my renal failure. Anyone have any good painkiller recommendations or ways to eliminate the pain? Also can I take Allopurinol whilst I'm having a gout attack? Sorry for all the questions!

  13. JJ Mall (not the market), at least 3 coffee machine shops in there sell cream dispensers.

    JJ Mall has them on the bottom floor. They also sell the NOS cannisters (bullets) as well. Are you planning on having a laughing party? :P Or are you actually wanting whipped cream?

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  14. I personall think the BTS is a much better system than those in European countries. Take the London Underground for example... If you think the BTS is bad for queuing? Try travelling across London during rush hour on the tube. It's enough to make you lose your temper!

    Just get a smartcard, works for me.

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