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Posts posted by phuturatica

  1. I would suggest practicing with someone. Maybe if you have a farang friend who drives, they can help... Hell you could even put an ad up in classifieds or craigslist as I'm sure someone would be willing to help you learn.

    A lot of Thai people have had no real training or driving tests, that's why the roads are crazy in Thailand.

    I'm like you, I lived in big cities like Manchester and London and there was no need for me to learn how to drive. Hell I can't even ride a motorbike or a scooter... I would like to learn but its other people on the roads that I definitely don't trust.

    Good luck anyways!

  2. In Bangkok I think it is fairly obvious who is tourist and who is not when it comes to Farang ladies. I always smile when I see someone who looks like a professional lady living and working in Thailand.

    Since living here I have adapted myself accordingly. Not completely changing who I am but definitely adjusting to the culture. I meet many tourist girls who look like they're dressed for the beach in the city of Bangkok and I've actually had a few ask me why Thai people give them dirty looks. Cue the conversation of "Well, you're in a city... Not by the beach and you're dressed like a sl*t in their eyes" Sometimes they've been offended but I think it's best to tell them and be honest.

    But I completely agree with appreciating yourself and having pride in your appearance. It makes me feel good about myself. I was and still am quite a young lady who has moved over here and I don't want people to think that I'm just some backpacker tourist who extended their stay and never went home. It was actually a very deep thought out process and big decision for me and I am aiming to make something of myself career wise out here. I make a conscious effort to dress nice and professional and not look like a typical farang tourist female, also I am making a huge effort to speak Thai and get to know the locals in my area. At first they all thought I was some tourist but now they're starting to realise I am working here and a professional person so they respect me for it.

    Also, the same does indeed go for men. I always cringe a little when I see a blatant tourist male being rude and offensive to Thai people and their culture. I have actually pulled a few of them up about it when I've been on nights out in touristy areas.

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  3. Looking at the poll results it's nice to see that the forum is mostly full of grumpy party poopers staying at home. ;) (must be the age!)

    I really enjoy Songkran and I love the community spirit and fun you can have with strangers in the streets. However I do realise that it does get a little too much at times and then you obviously get the odd one who try and ruin it for everyone else with the lack of common sense. However if you're with a good group of friends, you can have a real good laugh. It's a nice holiday! :)

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  4. I've had one since I was really young and my brain just ignores it now unless I focus really hard and try to look for it! Mine is quite big as well, you just need to learn to adapt and not focus on it.

  5. My apologies for being clearly dumb... Plus it is quite early and I haven't fully woken up yet... But when you have ants in your apartment and you use talc powder, what exactly do you do? Put it down where the trail is? I have a trail of ants which I see every day, they live in my aircon switch on the wall?! (no idea why!) I'm worried I'm going to come home and find my aircon switch overtaken by an ants nest. D:

    Also, what is ars and where can you buy it?

  6. I have seen this specific baby at Phrom Phong station and I alerted the authorities. Then a woman came and picked up the baby and walked off away from the police officer and the police officer told me to go away. I'm assuming that he told her not to leave her baby there and she just said a few words and walked off. The mother looked like a drunken tramp on drugs. I have passed a few times after this incident though and not seen the baby there. Kinda sad that she has gone back to dumping her baby there though. :(

    The mother needs punching in the face and her children need putting into better care.

  7. I have found my health has deteriorated slightly here but I had a pre-existing condition anyways. My main problem here is my diet which I am trying to alter. However sometimes the language barrier (which I am trying to overcome by learning Thai) can be a problem when you want to question what's in the food or request the order to be altered how it is on the menu. That's not me being fussy, I am just trying to avoid certain foods due to my health etc.

    However I am sucker for the sweet and salty foods here which doesn't help and a lot of the food is fried which isn't the healthiest of options.

    As for cleanliness, my apartment is spotless and there are rats and roaches on the streets of Bangkok but they are everywhere. If you choose to live in a slum dirty area of Bangkok then that's going to happen, simple as.

    As for air pollution - Every major city in the world has this problem.

    I love living in the city as I've always been a city type of girl - however the countryside or the beach is not too far away if I want to get away. Simple as. :)

    Also Bangkok is much more cheaper than living in the UK (where I was previously) and my salary whilst it is lower out here than it was in the UK, the cost of living is much cheaper than the UK so I am saving more money here than I was in the UK.

    Probably best you stay where you are seeing as you have already judged it so negatively.

  8. After speakig with my renal specialist in the UK, I have now doubled my dosage of allopurinol and spent the last few days off my face on tramadol and using tiger balm ointment on my foot. The gout attack is now going away but very slowly. My doctor told me to eat as many cherries as possible and she said the baking soda thing won't work. Thanks for the advice people, it is most appreciated.

  9. As someone who has also suffered with gout recently I certainly feel for you,it does start to really get you down after a while,I had it in my left knee for nearly 3 weeks,the worst attack I have ever suffered,could not sleep,its a fact it really comes on at night.

    But unlike you I don't have any other medical conditions,all I will say is that obviously the 100 mg a day is not enough,I've always had blood samples taken in the past to determine the dose and I've taken 200 mg since,my recent attack has come about due to laziness on my part,not taking the pills for 3 weeks,so given the right dose they should keep it at bay

    Have you done this the blood tests to determine Uric acid level ?

    Fortunately Allopurinol is readily available,it was for me up in Phetchabun I managed to get 2 months supply for 225 bht and the indomethacin also.

    I hope you are free of your pain soon,I wouldn't wish gout on my worst enemy.

    My uric acid was last checked in January and was 11.7 which is quite higher than what it should be. I've been taking allopurinol but it's obviously too low a dosage. I've doubled my dose now to 200mg to see if that helps.

    As for pain relief and seeing as I can't take indomethacin or any anti-inflammatory drugs I'm on tramadol, valium, tiger balm muscle rub, even smoked some green earlier but I'm still in a lot of pain. My whole right foot is throbbing intensely and I've been lying with my foot in the air to reduce blood flow and hel with the throbbing but I'm pretty much in tears and gritting my teeth with the pain.

    My dad used to get gout when I was younger and he looked like he was physically in a lot of pain but I never realized the true extent of how painful it is. I don't wish it on anyone and this is literally ruining my life right now. I shouldn't be getting gout being a 24 year old woman. :( People don't even believe me when I say I have gout as its so rare for my age group!

  10. Allopurinol can only reduce the uric acid production - it will not stop the pain/attack if levels get too high. But I suspect 100mg is just too low. Are you limited to 100mg because of other factors? I was started on 300mg 20 years ago and have continue at that level and no attack since. I get levels and liver functions tests regularly and have been normal. I obvious do not eat too much of the bad things but in general can eat anything in moderation (and even above).

    I was prescribed it by a renal specialist here and he did not say anything about being restricted to a 100 mg dose. Am I better off going to a small doctors/clinic and explaining the situation? I'm just worried that they will not understand my renal failure and try and prescribe me NSAIDS or colchicine. I've been told that both of these things are bad for people with renal failure. :(

  11. Since being diagnosed with gout in January I have suffered 6 attacks and this one has to be the worse one yet. I was literally woken up with the intense pain and was in tears just trying to get to my bathroom. I've barely slept and I'm now just preparing to find some kind of clinic of hospital to help me as this pain is not easing up and I have been awake since 4am.

    I'm already on Allopurinol 100mg every day which I take and I have altered my diet substantially so that the attacks should stop and I have quit drinking all together. I have been eating cherries and drinking baking soda...

    Why am I still getting these attacks? :(

    I have Chronic Kidney Disease so my uric acid is higher anyway but this is ridiculous! I thought allopurinol STOPPED the attacks?

    The main problem I have is that I cannot take NSAIDS (anti-inflammatories) because of my renal failure and no painkiller appears to be working.

    I read something about a cortisone injection which is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory injection into the joint site where the gout is and apparently this is much safer than taking NSAIDS for someone with kidney failure. Is this the best course of action for me to take and can I get this at a local doctors/clinic rather than paying stupid amounts in a hospital?

    This gout is actually ruining my life, I'm unable to go to work today as I can't physically walk and I've had no sleep. I am desperate need of something to sort this out.

  12. So a few friends (farang) and I have been underwear shopping and we have found that the bras made here are a nightmare and are not made for our breasts at all.

    One of my friends is pretty tiny and doesn't have big breasts yet even she has a problem as majority of the shapes are weird and she's left with some weird gap at the top of the cup. I'm averaged size however most cups are too small for me and bras look weird on me unless I've bought them from the UK.

    Where does a woman have to go in Bangkok to get a decent fitted bra around here?

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