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Posts posted by phuturatica

  1. This may seem like a very random post, however I need to buy some High Ball glasses and Rock glasses and different coloured lightbulbs. I've been assigned this as my mission for today but I have no idea where the best and cheapest place would be to get them. Can anyone shed some light?

    Muchly appreciated

  2. If you are qualified, then I don't think you need to sell yourself short. Check at one of the language schools and pick up some part time work. They don't pay a lot to begin with.

    As your grasp of teaching grows, so will your confidence. The big issue is to not get overwhelmed with too many hours, too many classes and too many students.

    Best of luck.

    Cheers for this advice, I guess you're right - I just need to not sell myself short!

  3. Some of these men's answers make it very clear they do not understand the seriousness of these boys bad behavior or how things really work for women in Thailand. Do not ignore it and do not make light or fun of it, some of the most off advice you can take.

    Trust me as a woman who has lived in Thailand and intimately with Thais for a very long time, this is NOT acceptable behavior and you should make it very clear that you will not tolerate it.


  4. Hi there, I live in Bangkok and I'm a newly qualified TEFL teacher with no experience in teaching. I'm not actually planning on looking for a job straight away however I was wondering what are the best tips for gaining confidence in teaching? Am I better off offering free lessons to my Thai boyfriend and other Thai friends or should I start off with some one-to-one tutoring for a rather cheap price and gain confidence that way? Or are there any sort of volunteering vacancies in the BKK area where I could do it unpaid? I'm quite confident with all the knowledge I have gained from doing my TEFL, however I definitely need to build up my confidence in the actual teaching part! Anyone got any tips or advice?

    Thanks in advance!

  5. I don't hate Thai people and I don't hate Thailand. It's sad to see so many people on the this forum do though. Makes me wonder why they're here in the first place and they don't go back to their own country if they're so bitter about it.

  6. Call your airline and inquire about cancelations due to a crisis... which it truly is. You should be able to cancel. I would advise not to fly into Thailand right now. Many, many things have the potential of getting a lot worse here. Electricity, Telecommunications, internet, food and water supply chain. etc. etc. This crisis is not getting enough international attention. Stay tuned to Thai Visa www.bangkokpost.com, nationmulimedia.com We will all know a lot more in a few days. Right now we're just all braced and very nervous. It's not good for any of our health right now. Really tough times. Total flux!

    I've already spoken to my airline and right now there are no reported cancellations due to a crisis and no re-direction of flights to other airports within Thailand. They said everything seems to be running smoothly despite the floods and the airport is not flooded.

    I think what I will do is land in BKK and weigh up the situation and if I feel the need to evacuate, I'll head north to Chiang Mai as they have good hospital links there if anything should happen regarding my health.

    BKKJames - I am not going to be working until after the New Year so work doesn't concern me right now. If it gets worse in the next couple of days I will consider re-scheduling my flight for when it's safer but I guess only time will tell.

    I'm aware that you can't all make the decision for me, however I was hoping someone would shed some light on what their opinion is on the crisis right now and you have all done so quite clearly. Thank you!

    I guess I can only pray for those out there who bracing themselves and hoping the worse is over.

    Thanks a lot for all your guidance guys! I hope you all stay safe and be careful during this difficult time!

  7. Kao san will likely get flooded as its pretty close to the river.

    We will know more about the actual flooding in inner-bangkok before you come.

    Suffice to say the airport is in a prime position to get flooded although they are working hard to prevent it.

    If it does become flooded, flights will be cancelled/diverted to chiang mai, phuket and u-tapao.

    You have people you can contact or meet you when you arrive?

    Well I am being picked up from airport by a friend and he doesn't seem to be too bothered. He just said "It's just water hun!" But I think he fails to realise the implications it could all have on my health!

    This all sounds like a total nightmare! I take it the floods have worsened in BKK then? I have been trying my hardest to follow them from the UK but I'm not really getting the full story of how much is being affected. However after all these replies it seems quite clear that BKK is not the place to be right now. :(

  8. I'm meant to be moving to BKK on November 2nd and I land at approximate 12:30pm however I am very worried about the current flooding situation. Several of my friends who are from BKK have told me to land there and evacuate from there ASAP and get somewhere safe. Is it really that bad? Is there no sign of it improving or is it only going to get worse?

    I am supposed to be living in a house in Bang Yai in the Nonthaburi district which I have heard is inaccessible right and now and is submerged in over a metre of water. I have another option of staying in a guesthouse in the backpackers area until the situation gets sorted however I'm worried about food shortages and whatnot due to the whole crisis. Also my health is quite tempermental and I'm dreading to think what kind of diseases and illnesses are going to be lurking in the flood waters.

    I don't really have the option of changing my flight so am I better off landing in BKK and waiting it out in the backpackers Khao San Road area or am I better off relocating somewhere like Chiang Mai where the floods have subsided?

    What do you think I should do?

  9. Hi,

    My local chemist sells 10mg diazepam for 10B each. I always take two on long haul flights and on overnight bus trips too.

    I don't think that this is illegal, just normally a prescription drug in most places. That said, if you are on a stopover in any middle east country, notably Dubai, then do not have anything on your person whatsoever. I entered Dubai with a 10 pack of these little blue pills only to realize later the stupidity of my actions.



    Diazepam (ie. Valium) is illegal for over-the-counter sale in Thailand without a prescription.

    Is it really? I was able to buy it quite freely over the counter in a few places. whistling.gif

  10. Ack! This sounds like an absolute nightmare of a situation to be in. :(

    Unless you can sit down and arrange to speak to someone with regards to why your lesson plans are wrong then I have no idea what else to suggest. However most of the time a person's instincts are usually correct and if you think they are trying to get rid of you then they probably are. I would make an ultimatum with them. Demand to know why your lesson plans are wrong and ask what they're expecting of you otherwise you'll have to seek employment from elsewhere.

  11. Who did you go to, a VET ?

    B12 injections - poison into the body

    Vitamins - from the SUN and fruits

    Regular blood tests...for what ?

    Wow what a really immature response! I almost feel like I should respond to you with why I need these but why should I when I don't have to justify myself to a troll.

  12. Can you still get a 2-3 month tourist visa for Thailand from Vientiane, Laos? My friend mentioned that she used to do this earlier on this year, was just wondering if it was still available and if so, how much does it all cost roughly?

    I arrive in Bangkok on November 2nd and I will have to get a tourist visa for the time being until I get a job (Yes I am another one of those EFL teachers.)

    I have been given the options to get a 60 day visa from the Thai Embassy in London, UK for £28 or I can get a 6 month visa with 3 entires (meaning I have to leave the country every 60 days and come back in.) for £94 from Hull (far away from where I am!)

    I'm trying to work out what the best and cheapest option is. Also if I have to leave in 60 days, it means I will have to leave the country in between Christmas and New Year and ideally I don't want to be worrying about visa's during this special time of the year. So Can I get it extended in Bangkok and if so, how much for a month or so?

    Sorry for all the questions!

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