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Posts posted by phuturatica

  1. Shame she has such an attitude like this....as per her interview...

    'Being rich is better. The rich are always right—they have money and friends. Even when girls are discussing boys who are flirting with them, they ask, "What car does he drive?"'

    I have found majority of Thai people to be very money orientated. She does state that she comes from a poor family, so I guess she longs to have money in her life for security.

    I showed this to a few Thai friends of mine, both male and female and most of them were disgusted. They said she looks like she should belong in a hooker bar, not on stage! It is quite tarnishing to Thai culture but I guess the influence of Western media has not helped this.

  2. I have been told that I need to have B12 injections injected into me once every 3 months. I have been given a big supply of them to last me for a few years, however what is the best way to go about this? Do I just walk into a hospital and ask them to inject me? Or am I better off finding a regular doctor, like a GP? Forgive me for being slightly ignorant, but can you even get GP's in Bangkok?

    Also I need to have a regular blood test done, where do I get this done? Can I get it done at the same place I get my b12 injections done?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I can help with a few Thai rock bands I guess...

    Bodyslam - The most famous and popular rock band in Thailand at the moment.

    Youtube search results for Bodyslam

    Hangman - Really cool chilled out rock.

    Youtube search results for Hangman

    Silly Fools - Another rock band.

    Youtube search results for Silly Fools

    Sleeping Sheep - Recommended by my Thai friend, not actually that popular but I like them nontheless.

    Youtube search results for Sleeping Sheep

    I hope that helps. :)

  4. I'd say it depends on whether you are willing to let your partner see what is being said/done online. MrBoo spends alot of time online, he chats to various friends online, many I don't know & a few he has never met in person but via websites or forums but it's there for me to see, he isn't hidden away in a private room & he doesn't hide what he is doing or who he is talking to. If he were being secretive or sneaky then I would be suspicious & get upset about it.

    I think the intent would be the main issue for me. flirting but being open about it, even letting your partner know, not to make them jealous but for a laugh, no problem. sneaky flirting, secret cyber sex, then I would have major issues.

    I agree with this comment. I think most people flirt even when they're in relationships but it can be considered harmless. It's only harmful when there is an intention to take it further.

  5. I usually never take my passport out with me, however if I did I would have it in my money belt which is under my clothes. Same with majority of my money. I have a bag with a little money purse with some money, but not much.

    When I was last in Bangkok I nearly got my bag pick pocketed when I was walking round the market in On Nut. I have pretty quick reflexes though and I grabbed the guys hand so fast and tight that I think he nearly wet himself with fright. My male friend who was Thai proceeded to shout at him angrily and hold him down and other people grabbed hold him also whilst I went and got a Police Officer.

    Really lovely lady near by gave me some free Thai tea whilst I waited for my Thai friend to tell the Police Officer what happened. :)

  6. This was a really tragic story, however a road accident could have happened anywhere in the world. Thailand is quite lenient on it's health and safety laws so maybe this needs to be addressed. However I don't think blaming Thailand entirely is the answer and will solve anything in this case.

    Also I was shocked to see that the insurers tried to pay off the families of the victims. Only £4,000 for each body! That's how much someone's life is worth these days? sad.gif


  7. Probably best to research the country first. Go there and check it our and travel about and see if there is anywhere in particular you want to live.

    As for teaching, you can't teach in Thailand unless you have a CELTA/TESOL/TEFL qualification and you need a BA Degree in order to get a job and a work permit.

    I'm not going to even bother commenting about the "nice lady" part. rolleyes.gif

  8. There is a little book shop on Soi Rambuttri near Khao an Road right next to Sitdhi Guesthouse and Gypsy's Lips Travel and Bar. It's family owned and the lady is lovely. They have books of all languages and not too pricey either! :)

    Latindancer is talking about the same bookshop as me.

  9. Why would they have to know about the battle of Britain. Totally unimportant for them. They need to know their own history first.

    How many of you have been taught anything about Thai history ? I know i havent.

    I agree with this comment. Also I have lots of well educated Thai friends who probably know more than me. They know their own country's geography and history AND some western geography and history. :P

    I am constantly teaching myself about the history and geography of Thailand as I feel ignorant not knowing! However I was just never taught, I'm not ignorant.

  10. It's a shame that when people ask for information and help that everyone must jump up and flame them just because they don't know something. :(

    Carrying currency varies from each country and he might have never ventured to a place like South East Asia before. To be fair when I first went to Thailand, I wasn't too sure what the best option was until I asked someone who had been before.

    In my opinion the best option is to use travellers cheques as they're safer. If you lose them or get them stolen you can get the money replaced no problem. You can use visa debit but you will get charged every time you want to withdraw money. I never had any problems using travellers cheques or my visa debit card but I only used ATM's that part of a bank rather than little machine on its own on the street.

  11. How did the Yank know that the Tuk Tuk driver had some marijuana?

    Why did the police appear on the scene? Were they given a tip off, was the Tuk Tuk driver an undercover policeman or what?

    Was the Tuk Tuk driver also arrested?

    What do you mean by he/we? Is this actually about the newbie, or was the newbie and his so called friend together at the time?

    And why should the American Embassy become involved?

    Without being in view of the full picture, it is impossible to answer the newbie.

    This whole story doesn't make sense and if the newbie cannot elaborate further, then this is a troll thread.

    I think my friend learned that TukTuk drivers sell dope while he was in Laos or Cambodia. It is common knowledge that motorcycle taxis do. I dont know why the police appeared on the scene. As far as I know, the Tuktuk driver was not arrested. This happened to my friend, not me. I got a phone call at 1am last night from him. He'd been released earlier in the day. I dont understand why think think this is BS. My friend was probably drunk at the time. He had taken a bus from northern Thailand down to Bangkok and it happened pretty much right after he got off the bus.

    So how did the guy know that the Tuk Tuk driver sold dope?

    Do Tuk Tuks ring a bell or something like an ice cream float? Or was he going around all day asking which Tuk Tuk drivers are supplying drugs?

    And I can`t understand how the said Tuk Tuk driver avoided arrest, as surely he committed the most serious offence of dealing.

    For the police to have any sort of criminal case against your friend, then he would have to explain from where or who he obtained the dope.

    Sorry, but this setup seems totally weird and either someone is pulling the wool over the OPs eyes or there is a lot more to this.

    how long have you lived in thailand ? have you ever spent any amount of time in kao san rd area or nana , and youve never been approached by a tuk tuk driver asking you do you want some ganga or coke? come off it !! rolleyes.gif does it not enter your head that the this is a classic set up in thailand, its been been happening for years.

    Agreed. I have been approached many times by tuk tuk drivers asking if I want to buy ganja or coke! :P However I'm not as stupid as the OP's friend.

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